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FRIDAY - OCTOBER 20, 2006 - ISSUE NO. 233

Dear friends of Wireless Messaging,

An excellent idea was discussed during the EMMA board meeting this week. It was held using Skype conferencing over the Internet. Apparently, Chris Jones, Managing Director of PageOne Communications Limited in Brentford, Middlesex, UK has been using the term “Critical Communications Messaging” [correction] for some time. This is certainly a “catchy” phrase and one that gets across what we do in just two words. I intend to start using it — although I hope Chris doesn't charge me royalties for doing so.

Actually, I used to like Chris a lot until this week. As the managing director at PageOne in the UK, he is one of the leading spokesmen for Wireless Messaging in Europe. As for being a Brit — I don't hold that against him — Tony Blair being America's best friend these days and all. . . He is a good looking guy too — his photo has been in the newsletter more than once.

It was just too much when he said he didn't like the music in my Podcasts! You probably all know that my home state is Illinois. You may not know, that my ancestors came to this state 155 years ago — before the civil war. They came down the Ohio River on a raft to Shawneetown, Illinois and went over land to Wayne County where they homesteaded.

My first ancestor, Laurens Duyts, came to America in 1639 aboard the ship “De Brant van Troyen” or “Fire of Troy” from Holstein, Denmark (now in Germany) The ship sailed from The Hoorn sometime after April 1639, and arrived in New Amsterdam (now New York City) sometime before June 16, 1639. After arriving, he paid for his passage by working for a Mr. Jonas Bronck, clearing farm land — that is now called The Bronx, in New York City.

muddy waters Now, it just happens that my favorite music comes from Chicago, Illinois. It is a unique form of blues called “Chicago Blues” made famous by the great singer “Muddy Waters” (McKinley Morganfield) who moved there from Mississippi in 1943. So I selected some “canned” background music for my Podcast called: “Windy City.” It has that Chicago-Blues beat! Unfortunately, Chris didn't like it. I can't understand why. I guess being an English gentleman and all, this heavy beat from the colonies is just too much for him. Oh well. . .

So I am going to dedicate a famous American song to Chris Jones: The Battle of New Orleans, a tune to commemorate a battle in the war of 1812 when our American General Andrew Jackson defeated the British.

battle of new orleans

The Battle of New Orleans

by Johnny Horton
© 1991 Sony Music Entertainment Inc.

In 1814 we took a little trip
Along with Colonel Jackson down the mighty Mississip.
We took a little bacon an' we took a little beans
And we caught the bloody British at the town of New Orleans.

We fired our guns an' the British kept a'comin'.
There wasn't nigh as many as there was awhile ago.
We fired once more an' they begin to runnin'
Down the Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico.

We looked down the river an' we seed the British comin',
There must a'been a hundred of 'em beatin' on the drum.
They stepped so high an' they made their bugles ring,
We stood beside our cotton bales an' didn't say a thing.

Ole Hickory said we could take 'em by surprise,
If we didn't fire our muskets 'til we looked 'em in the eyes.
We held our fire 'til we seed their faces well,
Then we opened up our squirrel guns an' really gave 'em ...well!

Yeah, they ran through the briars an' they ran through the brambles
An' they ran through the bushes where the rabbits couldn't go.
They ran so fast that the hounds couldn't catch 'em
Down the Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico.

We fired our cannon 'til the barrel melted down,
So we grabbed an alligator an' we fought another round.
We filled his head with cannon balls an' powdered his behind,
An' when they touched the powder off, the 'gator lost his mind.

Chris has been invited to respond and to defend his poor taste in music. Let's see if he sends in something for next weeks' newsletter. If he has a good sense of humor, maybe his company will renew their advertising.

emma logo
European Mobile Messaging Association

Please notice the EMMA section of the newsletter this week. We are reminding everyone about the conference in Budapest, Hungary next month.

We would like to ask wireless messaging companies throughout the world to consider joining EMMA. You may contact Derek Banner for more information at:

Now on to more news and views.

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brad dye
Wireless Messaging Newsletter
  • VoIP
  • Wi-Fi
  • Paging
  • Wi-MAX
  • Telemetry
  • Location Services
  • Wireless Messaging
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This is my weekly newsletter about Wireless Messaging. You are receiving this because you have either communicated with me in the past about a wireless topic, or your address was included in another e-mail that I received on the same subject. This is not a SPAM. If you have received this message in error, or you are not interested in these topics, please click here, then click on "send" and you will be promptly removed from the mailing list.

iland internet sulutions This newsletter is brought to you by the generous support of our advertisers and the courtesy of iland Internet Solutions Corporation. For more information about the web-hosting services available from iland Internet Solutions Corporation, please click on their logo to the left.
A new issue of The Wireless Messaging Newsletter gets posted on the web each week. A notification goes out by e-mail to subscribers on most Fridays around noon central US time. The notification message has a link to the actual newsletter on the Internet. That way it doesn't fill up your incoming e-mail account.

There is no charge for subscription and there are no membership restrictions. Readers are a very select group of wireless industry professionals, and include the senior managers of many of the world's major Paging and Wireless Data companies. There is an even mix of operations managers, marketing people, and engineers—so I try to include items of interest to all three groups. It's all about staying up-to-date with business trends and technology. I regularly get reader's comments, so this newsletter has become a community forum for the Paging, and Wireless Data communities. You are welcome to contribute your ideas and opinions. Unless otherwise requested, all correspondence addressed to me is subject to publication in the newsletter and on my web site. I am very careful to protect the anonymity of those who request it.

NOTE: This newsletter is best viewed at screen resolutions of 800x600 (good) or 1024x768 (better). Any current revision of web browser should work fine. Please notify me of any problems with viewing. This site is compliant with XHTML 1.0 transitional coding for easy access from wireless devices. (XML 1.0/ISO 8859-1.)


aapc logo AAPC Bulletin • 866-301-2272
The Voice of US Paging Carriers

AAPC is advocating for you—the paging industry!

Join AAPC today

Note to AAPC members:

Since the attacks on 9/11, federal, state, and local governments have been focused on improving communications during a crisis situation. Communication problems before, during, and after hurricane Katrina underscored the need to make changes sooner rather than later. As a result, the FCC established the Hurricane Katrina Independent Panel to find out what worked, what did not, and what could be done to improve communications in a crisis situation.  AAPC President Bruce Deer’s testimony about the reliability of paging got the attention of the panel. The panel made several comments in its recommendations that included paging as a solution.

After testifying, President Deer established a task force to keep the momentum moving in our industry’s direction. One of the key duties of the task force was to create materials that AAPC members could use to make presentations about the merits of paging during a crisis situation to federal, state, and/or local emergency management agencies.   

By echoing the message delivered to the Katrina Panel at the state and local levels, we hope to raise the overall awareness about the reliability and successful history of paging in a crisis situation.  By doing this, we expect that paging will be recognized as a “must have” component of our Emergency Alerting System and as an adjunct to other communication systems in times of crisis. While we are certain that the widespread adoption of paging as a communication solution in a crisis situation will benefit our membership, we are just as certain it will benefit our first responders and the victims of a disaster.

The only way this strategy will succeed is with your participation.  To access these materials, click here.  We have also included a list of the emergency management agencies throughout the country.

Please keep us informed on your progress and any need for additional material.


Vic Jensen
AAPC Committee Chair

Thank you to everyone who attended the Enterprise Wireless 2006 event!

Wireless Forum 2007
May 30 – June 1, 2007
Marriott Resort at Grande Dunes
Myrtle Beach, South Carolina

Thanks to our Gold Vendor!
PRISM Paging
Thanks to our Silver Vendors!
isc technologies
ISC Technologies, Inc.
recurrent software
Recurrent Software Solutions, Inc.

Thanks to our Bronze Vendors!
  • ACI
  • BLP Components, Ltd.
  • Canyon Ridge Communications, Inc.
  • Commtech Wireless
  • Critical Response Systems, Inc.
  • DX Radio Systems, Inc.
  • Global Technical Engineering Solutions (GTES)
  • Hark Technologies
  • Minilec Service, Inc.
  • Motorola Inc.
  • Nighthawk Systems, Inc.
  • Trace Technologies, LLC
  • Unication USA
  • United Communications Corporation
  • Zetron, Inc.
AAPC Headquarters
441 N. Crestwood Drive
Wilmington, NC 28405
Tel: 866-301-2272
AAPC Regulatory Affairs Office
Suite 250
2154 Wisconsin Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20007-2280
Tel: 202-223-3772
Fax: 202-315-3587


Advertiser Index

AAPC—American Association of Paging Carriers   Nighthawk Systems, Inc.
Advanced RF Communications   Northeast Paging
Aquis Communications, Inc.   NotePage Inc.
Ayrewave Corporation
CONTEL Costa Rica   ParkMagic
CVC Paging   Preferred Wireless
Daniels Electronics   Prism Paging
Daviscomms USA   Product Support Services
EMMA—European Mobile Messaging Association   Ron Mercer
Global Fax Network Services   Swissphone
GTES LLC   Texas Association of Paging Services
Hark Systems   TH Communications
Heartland Communications   UCOM Paging
HMCE, Inc.   Unication USA
InfoRad, Inc.    InfoRad (special)   USA Mobility, Systems Application Division
Ira Wiesenfeld   WiPath Communications
Minilec Service, Inc.   Zetron Inc.

Europe’s most popular Fire-Pager now available in the USA!
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  • 32 addresses with 50 user profiles
  • 2-tone format (also available 5- or 5/6-tone)
  • Narrow-band (12.5 KHz) or wide-band capability
  • Large display for clarity at a glance
  • Four minutes voice memory (RE629 Stored Voice)
  • Water resistant case
  • Synthesized, multi channel option

RE629 Voice — the comfort model
Ideal for use in all alarm and emergency turn-out networks. Can be adapted at any time to fit changing assignments.

RE629 Stored Voice — the premium model
Offers a voice memory with a four-minutes recording capacity. All alarms are archived and can be replayed as often as is required.

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Once an alarm has been received, the stopwatch starts running in the display until acknowledged. You can thus tell the urgency of the current alarm at a glance.

North-American Office
Paul Kaiser
1460 Main Street, Suite #9
Sarasota, FL 34236
Phone: 800-596-1914 • Fax: 941-955-8432

Measure Makes Amateur Radio Part of Emergency Communications Community

NEWINGTON, CT, Oct 4, 2006 — A section of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) 2007 Appropriations Act, HR 5441, formally includes Amateur Radio operators as a part of the emergency communications community. Congress approved the measure before adjourning for its pre-election break. President George W. Bush signed the bill into law today.

Amateur Radio is included within the legislation's Subtitle D, Section 671, known as the "21st Century Emergency Communications Act." Radio amateurs are among the entities with which a Regional Emergency Communications Coordination Working Group (RECC Working Group) must coordinate its activities. Included within the DHS's Office of Emergency Communications -- which the measure also creates — RECC Working Groups attached to each regional DHS office will advise federal and state homeland security officials. House Subcommittee on Homeland Security Chairman Rep Harold Rogers (R-KY) sponsored HR 5441. The final version of the legislation incorporates language from both House and Senate bills and was hammered out in a conference committee.

An earlier version of the 21st Century Emergency Communications Act, HR 5852, sponsored by Rep David G. Reichert (R-WA), included Amateur Radio operators among the members of the RECC Working Groups.

In addition to Amateur Radio operators, RECC Working Groups also will coordinate with communications equipment manufacturers and vendors — including broadband data service providers, local exchange carriers, local broadcast media, wireless carriers, satellite communications services, cable operators, hospitals, public utility services, emergency evacuation transit services, ambulance services, and representatives from other private sector entities and nongovernmental organizations.

According to the bill, the RECC Working Groups will assess the survivability, sustainability and interoperability of local emergency communication systems to meet the goals of the National Emergency Communications Report. That report would recommend how the US could "accelerate the deployment of interoperable emergency communications nationwide."

RECC Working Groups also will be tasked with ensuring a process to coordinate the establishment of "effective multi-jurisdictional, multi-agency emergency communications networks" that could be brought into play following acts of terrorism, natural disasters and other emergencies.

At the state and local level, RECC Working Groups will include state officials; local government officials; law enforcement; local fire departments; 911 centers; state emergency managers, homeland security directors or representatives of state administrative agencies; local emergency managers or homeland security directors, and other emergency response providers.

At the federal level, RECC Working Group members will include representatives of the DHS, the FCC and other federal departments and agencies responsible for coordinating interoperable emergency communication with or providing emergency support services to state, local and tribal governments.

In the wake of the bill's passage, the ARRL plans to follow up to determine how it can interact with the DHS and its Office of Emergency Communications.

Source: ARRL


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Network Planning & Optimization: With over 15 years in the telecommunications business and an experienced staff, Aquis Communications will provide you with solutions to improve your organization’s efficiency, reduce operating expenses and increase network integrity.

Engineering Services

  • Propagation Analysis & Mapping
  • Site Selection
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  • Aquis Message Manager (AMM)
    • Web access
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    • Comprehensive message archive
    • Ubiquitous device notification
    • IRM-like functionality

Expense Reduction Services

  • Expense Reduction Analysis
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  • Network Analysis
  • Telecom Auditing

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This Month's Feature:
Emergin Communication Gateway

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Harness the power of the Emergin Communication Gateway for real-time event notification of critical information across your entire enterprise
emergin logo Managing on-premise and wide area communications systems is challenging for any telecommunications department. For fast, easy and accurate notification, enhance your performance with the Emergin Communication Gateway (ECG). Integrating this suite of wireless messaging software to automate alarm notification, monitoring and dispatch allows decision makers to receive more timely information so they can respond quicker with better results. The ECG serves as a communications hub for the entire organization to dispatch, escalate and acknowledge critical alarms.


  • Reduce costs associated with downtime by enabling your IS and facilities management tools to automatically and accurately communicate status or out-of-tolerance conditions around the clock.
  • Provide optimal control and faster response times in emergency environmental/safety situations, such as network or power outages, severe weather conditions, and general disaster recovery.
  • Respond immediately to changing conditions by streamlining business processes and automating information flow between departments

Incorporate automated alarm notification with leading IT and Facilities systems such as:

  • Information Systems
  • Facilities Systems
  • Network Management
  • HVAC, Fire Alarms
  • Help Desk
  • Energy Management
  • E-mail
  • Security Systems


  • Integration of all wireless communications systems
  • Interoperability among multiple wireless device types
  • In-house paging systems
  • Wireless extension of existing PBX systems
  • Hands-free voice communications (Wi-Fi)
Communications solutions that meet the critical messaging needs of:
  • Healthcare
  • Manufacturing
  • Hospitality
  • Government
  • Financial Services
  • Retail Services

... to learn more about our full suite of wireless integration products. Together, we can help your customers improve their productivity while maximizing oversight and control.

Mike Mordan, VP Systems Applications Division. 610-831-0329

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Sponsors needed for the Podcasts. Let me explain the features and benefits of your products to the listeners, or do it yourself via a recorded telephone interview. A PowerPoint™ slide presentation can be included in the Podcast. Try it once for free. Please call for more info.


Washington County Orders Nighthawk Systems Units for Fire Department

SAN ANTONIO, TX – 10/18/06- Nighthawk Systems, Inc. (OTC BB: NIHK), a leading provider of intelligent wireless power control and emergency notification products, announced today that it has received an order from King County, Washington for its EA1 Emergency Alert units. King County has been upgrading its county-wide firehouse alerting system, and has purchased Nighthawk’s FAS-8 firehouse alerting systems over the past year. This most recent order is the first by King County for the EA1 units, which will be placed in the homes of firefighters.

Utilizing the proprietary Nighthawk board, the EA1 is a perfect complement to the FAS-8. It extends the reach of the 911 system operator past the firehouse into the homes and offices of volunteer firefighters, fire chiefs and other first responders. When activated, the EA1 will emit an audible alarm and activate the power outlet on the unit’s faceplate, so that a firefighter can be awakened to a lighted room. The unit is available with an optional strobe, and can also be utilized to deliver a message to a printer or sign.

H. Douglas Saathoff, Nighthawk’s Chief Executive Officer, stated, “We’re extremely pleased to receive this latest order from King County, and happy that they continue to use Nighthawk products throughout the county. Utilizing our core technology and proprietary firmware, we’re extending our reach in our targeted markets with new products that in turn extend our customers’ reach even further. We look forward to getting more of our emergency alerting units into homes and businesses to help deliver critical information where and when it’s needed at a moment’s notice.”

About Nighthawk Systems, Inc.
Nighthawk is a leading provider of intelligent wireless power control products that enable simultaneous activation or de-activation of multiple assets or systems on demand. Nighthawk's installed customer base includes major electric utilities, internet service providers and fire departments in over 40 states. Nighthawk's products also enable custom message display, making them ideal for use in traffic control and emergency notification situations.

Individuals interested in Nighthawk Systems can sign up to receive email alerts by visiting the Company’s website at

Forward-looking statements
Statements contained in this release, which are not historical facts, including statements about plans and expectations regarding business areas and opportunities, acceptance of new or existing businesses, capital resources and future business or financial results are "forward-looking" statements. You should not place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements. Such forward-looking statements are subject to risks and uncertainties, including, but not limited to, customer acceptance of our products, our ability to raise capital to fund our operations, our ability to develop and protect proprietary technology, government regulation, competition in our industry, general economic conditions and other risk factors which could cause actual results to differ materially from those projected or implied in the forward-looking statements. Although we believe the expectations reflected in the forward-looking statements are reasonable, they relate only to events as of the date on which the statements are made, and our future results, levels of activity, performance or achievements may not meet these expectations. We do not intend to update any of the forward-looking statements after the date of this press release to conform these statements to actual results or to changes in our expectations, except as required by law.


Doug Saathoff
(877) 7-NIGHTHAWK, Ext 701

Source: NightHawk

INFORAD Wireless Office

Wireless Messaging Software

InfoRad® Wireless Office (Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000, XP) is designed for the professional who needs full-featured wireless messaging capabilities. Features include enhanced user interface,  message log with search function, scheduled Paging,  group and individual message addresses, TAPI Smart™, multiple protocol SMS communication compatibility. AlphaCare™ support services available. With a 32-bit architecture, InfoRad Wireless Office is designed for compatibility with Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP. For more information on InfoRad Wireless Messaging software, and a free demo, please click on the logo.

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InfoRad Wireless Office

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Newsletter repair prices—starting at:

  • $6.50 labor for numeric or alphanumeric pagers
  • $12.00 labor for 2-way pagers
  • $19.50 labor for cellular phones

**Special pricing on cellular and pager refurbishment**

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Ask for Special Newsletter Pricing.

Please call: (800) 222-6075 ext. 306 for pricing.

E-mail: left arrow CLICK HERE
Minilec Service, Inc.
Suite A
9207 Deering Ave.
Chatsworth, CA 91311
Minilec Service

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Satellite Uplink
As Low As $500/month

  • Data input speeds up to 38.4 Kbps
  • Dial-in modem access for Admin
  • Extremely reliable & secure
  • Hot standby up link components

Knowledgeable Tech Support 24/7

Contact Alan Carle Now!
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  • Contract Design, Engineering, & Manufacturing
  • Telemetry Devices
  • Bravo Pagers—Numeric/Alphanumeric
  • ISO9001-2000 Certified Facility
  • Low Cost-High Volume solutions
  • Maximize Time-To-Market Objectives
  • Minimize procurement materials management
  • Receiver Boards-FLEX-POCSAG
  • Integrate our RF Technologies into your product

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Traffic Monitoring Device


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PDA Accessories

Daviscomms—Product Examples

For information about our Contract Manufacturing services or our Pager or Telemetry line, please call Bob Popow at 480-515-2344, or visit our web site

Daviscomms USA


  • January 11, 1997—Telstar 401 suffers a short in the satellite circuitry—TOTAL LOSS
  • May 19, 1998—Galaxy 4 control processor causes loss of fixed orbit—TOTAL LOSS
  • September 19, 2003—Telstar 4 suffers loss of its primary power bus—TOTAL LOSS
  • March 17, 2004—PAS-6 suffers loss of power—TOTAL LOSS
  • January 14, 2005—Intelsat 804 suffers electrical power system anomaly—TOTAL LOSS


Allow us to uplink your paging data to two separate satellites for complete redundancy! CVC owns and operates two separate earth stations and specializes in uplink services for paging carriers. Join our list of satisfied uplink customers.

  • Each earth station features hot standby redundancy
  • UPS and Generator back-up
  • Redundant TNPP Gateways
  • On shelf spares for all critical components
  • 24/7 staffing and support

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For inquires please call or e-mail Stephan Suker at 800-696-6474 or left arrow


Posted on Tue, Oct. 17, 2006

Source: The (South Carolina)

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We do the clever stuff in Paging & Wireless Data

PDT2000 Paging Data Terminal

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  • FLEX & POCSAG, (ReFLEX avail Q3) Inbuilt POCSAG encoder
  • Huge capcode capacity
  • Parallel and 2 serial ports, 4 relays
  • Message & System monitoring

LED Moving Message—LED Displays

led display
  • Variety of sizes
  • Integrated paging receiver

paging data receivers

Paging Data Receivers

  • Highly programmable, intelligent PDRs
  • Desktop and OEM versions
  • Multiple I/O combinations and capabilities

Specialized Paging Solutions
  • Remote switching and control (4-256 relays)
  • PC interfacing and message management
  • Message interception, filtering, redirection, printing & logging
  • Cross band repeating, paging coverage infill, store and forward
  • Alarm interfaces, satellite linking, IP transmitters
  • Paging software

Mobile Data Terminals & Solutions

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GPS Controller

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Mobile Data Terminal
  • Fleet tracking, messaging, job processing and field service management.
  • Automatic vehicle location (AVL), GPS.
  • ReFLEX, CDMA, GPRS, Conventional and trunked radio interfaces.

WiPath Communications LLC
4467 Terracemeadow Ct.
Moorpark, CA 93021
4467 Terracemeadow Ct.
Moorpark, CA 93021
Web site: left arrow CLICK
E-mail: left arrow CLICK
Phone: +1-805-532-9964
WiPath Communications

I am an authorized Manufacturer Representative for WiPath Communications. Please contact me directly for any additional information. left arrow CLICK

Preferred Wireless
preferred logo
Equipment For Sale
13 Motorola/Glenayre Cabinets
3 Motorola SSC, Paging Controllers
2 Glenayre Power Monitor Panels
11 Skydata 8411B Satellite Receivers
15 Battery Backup for C2000
1 Generac 48 VDC Propane Generator, (NEW)
10 Motorola ACB V3.69 & Delay Enabled
  Link Transmitters:
1 Glenayre QT6994, 150W, 900 MHz Link TX
3 Glenayre QT4201, 25W Midband Link TX
2 Motorola Micor Link, 30W Midband Link TX
  UHF Transmitters:
10 Glenayre GLT5340, 125W, DSP Exciter
35 Motorola PURC 5000, 110W, ACB
3 Motorola PURC 5000, 225W, ACB
  900 MHz Transmitters:
1 Glenayre GLT 8600, 500W
10 Motorola PURC 5000, 300W
6 Glenayre QT-7995, 250W
6 Motorola Nucleus II 350W,  NAC
  GL3000 Cards:
1 Complete GL3000L w/ T1’s, 2.2G HD.

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Too Much To List • Call or E-Mail
Preferred Wireless
Rick McMichael
888-429-4171 left arrow
Preferred Wireless



  • 75,000+ units repaired annually
  • Alpha & Numeric
  • FLAT RATE PRICING—no hassle
  • Quick Turnaround


815-477-8130 ext. 130
Rick Van Dyne

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Skydata BUC Model 2205

  • Creatalink, 1 Way, 900 MHz
  • Creatalink, 2 Way, 25 KHz, 900 MHz
  • Glenayre C2100 Transmitter Controller
  • Timeport P935 / Pagewriter 2000X

Questions or comments please contact Karen Ham at e-mail: or by phone at: (504) 239-2424 (It's in Honduras. . . Not in the US)

Please note: To call this number from the USA dial: 011-504-239-2424

Rescued man stable at hospital, name released

PUBLISHED: 10-19-06 10:25 AM EST

FRANKFORT — A man was rescued early this morning from the top of a paging tower here.

tower rescue
Photo source: The Indy Channel

Jeff Burnett, of Lebanon, was up 280 feet on the 300-foot-tall tower, according to Chief Greg Miller of the Frankfort Fire Department. The tower is located on the north side of the city.

Burnett, who works for Advanced Computer & Communication Systems, Inc., was doing regular maintenance duties on the tower for ACCS and was unable to make the descent when he finished the work.

According to Miller, Burnett had begun work around 10 a.m. Wednesday when he climbed the tower and was simply too exhausted to climb down around 7 p.m. when he finished working.

Miller said Burnett climbed the tower by himself. Using a safety harness that connects with a cable inside the tower, Burnett climbed a ladder that begins inside the tower and then switches to the outside further up. He was stuck on the outside of the tower.

A work crew on the ground, who had radio communications with Burnett, then phoned for help.

Frankfort Fire Department and Lafayette Fire Department responded, but they felt they did not have the equipment to bring Burnett down safely and securely, Miller said. Miller said Frankfort firefighters train for rescues typically of up to 100 feet high.

Battalion chief Rick Ham of the Frankfort Fire Department said that the Indianapolis Fire Department was called to assist around midnight. Miller said Indianapolis firefighters train for high rescues like this one.

Rescuers were able to get him down by 5:00 a.m. and he was transported to St. Vincent Frankfort Hospital. Ham said the man was conscious and alert throughout the rescue.

A hospital spokeswoman said Burnett was stable this morning.

Source: Journal & Courier, West Lafayette, Indiana


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GTES Corporate
Russ Allen
2736 Stein Hill Lane
Custer, WA 98240
Tel: 360-366-3888
Cell: 360-820-3888
GTES Sales
Brooks Marsden
340 Bethany Bend
Alpharetta, GA 30004
Tel: 770-754-1666
Cell: 404-518-6632


GTES has recently made the strategic decision to expanding its development activities to include wireless location technologies; a market that researchers forecast could reach $3.6 billion by 2010. In support of this new strategic direction, GTES has developed SHERLOC™ a complete one-stop wireless location service, providing the flexibility of being protocol neutral and network agnostic. Targeted at business customers who need to track their high-value shipments or better manage their service or delivery fleets, SHERLOC™ is a hosted application that combines configuration flexibility with ease of use.

GTES is offering SHERLOC™ services both directly and through authorized resellers. If your company has an interest in finding out how location services can enhance your revenue stream, and has the contacts and expertise to make you successful in the location marketplace, please contact us for further information at and select “Reseller Opportunities,” or call us at 770-754-1666 for more information.
Your Professional Services Partner

GTES is the only Glenayre authorized software support provider in the Paging industry. With over 200 years of combined experience in Glenayre hardware and software support, GTES offers the industry the most professional support and engineering development staff available.

Continued Support Programs
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Prism Paging

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Prism Message Gateway Systems
Modular and Configurable

Your Choice of Options

  • Radio Paging Terminals
  • Voicemail Systems
  • E-mail and Network Text Messaging Systems
  • Digital Trunk Switching Systems
  • Digital Trunk and Voicemail Concentrators
  • Remote Network Encoders
  • TNPP Network Routers

Popular Choice for Domestic and International

  • Commercial Paging Carriers
  • Private Paging Systems
  • Hospitals
  • Public Safety
  • Federal, State and Local Government
  • Industrial Paging
  • Energy Companies – Load Management

Logical Choice

  • Replace Outdated, UNLICENSED Paging Terminals
  • Eliminate Outrageously High Support Costs
  • Add New Paging System with ALL THE FEATURES
  • Provide Your Customers With Features They Want
  • Designed and Supported by Industry Experts

Go ahead . . . be choosy . . . choose Prism Systems International

Prism Paging
300 Colonial Center Parkway,
Suite 100
Roswell, Georgia 30076 USA
Telephone: 678-353-3366
Internet: left CLICK HERE
E-mail: left arrow CLICK HERE
Prism Paging

See the Prism Paging video

Streaming Video from the
World Business Review web site

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Turn-key RF System Products, Engineering & Technical Services

  • Conventional Single Site and Wide Area Simulcast System Configurations
  • Analog Tone & Voice and Digital POCSAG/FLEX™ One-Way Paging Systems
  • ReFLEX™ Two-Way Paging and Conventional LMR Mobile Data Systems
  • System Design, Integration/Interface Specials, Pre-install Staging/Configuration
  • On-Site Installation, Documentation and Technical/Administrative Training
  • RF Coverage Prediction, “Drive Test” Verification & Simulcast Delay Optimization
  • Domestic and International Project Support

Call (217) 653-8200 Fred Pakosta or Jim Neves (660) 341-0304 for your Project Requirements!
301 Oak St., Suite 2-46A, Quincy, IL 62301

arrow Paging & Two-Way Radio Service Centre arrow
  • Supplier of Motorola and Unication
    pagers, offering an extensive range of
    UHF and VHF models
  • Repair service on all Motorola pagers
    and two-way radios
  • Motorola's appointed service centre for
    parts, repairs and accessories

Contact us to find out more:
Tel: +44 (0)2380 666 333

th comms logo

Mobile messaging for UK business to top £1 billion

2006-10-11 12:21:56 - CHELTENHAM, UK - The 2005 market of non person-to-person text-messaging was worth between £450 and £600 million, and is set to accelerate, according to a whitepaper released by leading mobile messaging company, Dynmark International.

According to Less talk, more action - a Dynmark review of the non-voice mobile sector, business use of SMS text-messaging will emerge as a billion pound market sector in the UK.

Turnover figures, substantial investment and numerous analyst projections are serving to confound skeptics. Widespread embracing of mobile messaging technology by the UK's SME community was recently reported by the Mobile Data Association, but the continued use of SMS text-messaging in business communication is set for growth on a much broader scale.

Especially as mobile and SMS becomes a more acceptable form of business communication in America.

The United States' Cellular Telecommunications Industry Association (CTIA) confirms that SMS text messages are growing in popularity, with 48.7 billion SMS messages sent in the second half of 2005 - up 50% on the six months before that. The CTIA claims that around 40% of US cellular customers now use text messaging, still well behind the penetration levels of over 60% found in Europe.

Once US penetration levels match Western European rates, currently fragmented American operator systems have achieved a degree of uniformity and the proportionate population of mobile phones to people is equaled, it is plausible to speculate on an American market size of around $4 billion for business use of text-messages.

Such projections indicate that once established, SMS will remain the business communication medium of choice for the foreseeable future, fending off competition from more cosmetically glamorous mobile messaging media.

To download the full report, visit

Source: PR Inside

Unication USA




unication logo

The Paging Industry expects quality, reliable, and high performance paging products.

We at Unication have listened and delivered.


M90™ Messenger™—Our newest ReFLEX 2-Way Advanced Messaging solution. Finally the Industry has a true replacement for the Motorola T900 but with more features and improved RF performance.

  • One-Way Pagers
    • Alpha Elite and Alpha Gold—Our top of the line FLEX™ / POCSAG, 4-line alphanumeric pagers with an identical user interface and comparable RF performance to the Motorola Elite and Gold pagers.
    • NP88—Our newest numeric FLEX / POCSAG pager with the best backlight in the Industry.
  • Telemetry
    • We offer RF and decoding solutions.
alpha elitealpha goldnumeric

About Unication Co., Ltd.

  • A Taiwan company founded in 1992 with extensive experience designing and manufacturing paging and broadband products.
  • An ODM to major telecommunications companies.
  • More than 300 associates worldwide with Engineering Design Centers in Taipei, China and Vancouver, BC.  The engineering team has years of experience in wireless systems, embedded SW, RF design and protocols for infrastructure and pagers.
  • Our Accelerated Life Testing facility ensures the highest quality of products for our customers.
  • ISO 9001 and 14001 Certified
  • Fully licensed by Motorola for product design technology and the FLEX Family of Protocols.
  • Sales and Engineering support office in Arlington, Texas.
unication logo

  Contact Information

  Kirk Alland
  Unication USA
  1901 E. Lamar Blvd.
  Arlington, TX 76006
  (817) 926-6771

Unication USA
Hark Technologies

hark logo
Wireless Communication Solutions

isi image

ISI-LX Internet Serial Interface with Protocol Conversion

  • Converts Serial TAP message to SNPP, SMTP, or WCTP
  • Pass through Serial Data to TCP/IP and TCP/IP back to Serial
  • Supports Ethernet or PPP Connection to Internet w/Dial Backup
  • Includes 4 Serial Ports for Multiplexing Traffic
isi image

IPG Internet Paging Gateway

  • No Moving Parts Such as Hard Drives or Fans to Fail
  • Supports 10Base-T Network Connection to Internet
  • Accepts HTTP, SMTP, SNPP, and WCTP from Internet
  • Sends TAP or TNPP to Your Paging Terminal


  • Inexpensive method of automating your paging monitoring
  • Uses standard paging receiver
  • Available in 152-158 POCSAG or 929 FLEX (call for others)
omega image

Omega Unified Messaging Server

  • Full Featured Internet Messaging Gateway
  • TAP Concentrator and TNPP Routing Functions w/TNPP over Internet
  • Serial Protocols Supported: GCP, SMDI, SMS, TAP, TNPP
  • Internet Protocols Supported: AIM, HTTP, SMPP (out only), SMTP, SNPP, and WCTP
  • Full Featured, Easy-to-use Voice/Fax/Numeric Mail Interface
  • One Number For All Your Messaging
  • Optional Hot-swap Hard Drives and Power Supplies Available

Please see our web site for even more products designed specifically for Personal Messaging carriers. For example, the Omega Messaging Gateway and Email Throttling Gateway (anti-spam).

Hark Technologies
3507 Iron Horse Dr., Bldg. 200
Ladson, SC 29456
Tel: 843-285-7200
Fax: 843-285-7220
E-mail: left arrow CLICK
Web: left arrow CLICK
Hark Technologies


BloostonLaw Private Users Update
Vol. 6, No. 10
October 2006

Reminder That Ownership Changes May Require FCC Approval

We want to remind our clients that many types of reorganizations and other transactions require prior FCC approval; and given the frequent need to implement such transactions by the end of the year, companies engaging in such transactions should immediately evaluate whether they must file an application for FCC approval, and obtain a grant, before closing on a year-end deal. Transactions requiring prior FCC approval include (but are not limited to):

  • Any sale of a company that holds FCC licenses;
  • Any transfer of stock that results in a shareholder attaining a 50% or greater ownership level, or a shareholder relinquishing a 50% or greater ownership level;
  • The creation of a holding company to hold the stock of an FCC license holder;
  • The creation of a trust to hold stock of an FCC license holder;
  • The distribution of stock to family members, if there are changes the control levels discussed above;
  • The creation of new classes of stockholders that affect the control structure of an FCC license holder.
  • Other ownership changes can require FCC approval.

For example, if a widely-held corporation transfers a minority stock interest, this can still be viewed as a transfer of control if the stock recipient has extraordinary voting rights or powers through, e.g., an officer or board member position.

Fortunately, transactions involving many types of licenses can often be approved on an expedited basis. But this is not always the case, especially if microwave licenses are involved. Also, in some instances Section 214 authority is required, especially in the case of wireless and other telephony services. Clients planning year-end transactions should contact us as soon as possible to determine if FCC approval is needed.

Source: Blooston, Mordkofsky, Dickens, Duffy and Prendergast, LLP

For additional information, contact Hal Mordkofsky at 202-828-5520 or


emma logo

emma 2006 conference

yellow icon budapest  This year’s second Conference of the European Mobile Messaging Association will be held on November 15 - 17 in Budapest, Hungary.

The main themes of the event will be:

  • What players want from the industry
  • Paths to Growth and Profitability
  • Creative Applications in Europe, North America and Asia
  • Disaster and Emergency Communications of Applications and Technology
  • 5-Year Vision and Strategy for the Industry
  • Cross-Regional Joint Initiatives, and additional related topics.

Experienced speakers and seasoned delegates from Europe, North America and Asia will discuss these issues and exchange views and practical approaches to address them. A Networking Event will enable participants to explore opportunities for lasting business relationships.

Download a printable version of the Program, fill out or online contact /registration form. or should you have any questions contact the Secretariat.

We look forward to seeing you on November 15 - 17 in Budapest, Hungary.

You can contact EMMA by calling Mr. Derek Banner on +44 1895 473 551 or e-mailing him at:  left arrow CLICK HERE

Please read the new EMMA whitepaper: Radiopaging for Alerting First Responders and Informing the Public during Emergencies.

Please visit the new EMMA web site.  left arrow CLICK HERE


Morphing Cellphones Into BlackBerrys

Nikhil Hutheesing, Editor Forbes Wireless Stock Watch 10.19.06, 4:00 PM ET

For wireless carriers, business is becoming increasingly complex. In addition to handling voice calls, the carriers are now faced with distributing games, ringtones and multimedia messaging. Even television is on its way. But one problem that the carriers still haven't figured out is how to make sending and receiving e-mails from a cellphone easy. Now, there is a little-known company, Huntington Beach, Calif.-based Voice Genesis, that has come up with a product it calls Vemail. It could be the answer.

Vemail, which is based on Qualcomm's (nasdaq: QCOM ) BREW platform, is currently used by 28 carriers in 50 million mobile phones, and it is remarkably simple. The idea is fast message review. E-mails come in and you read them. To respond quickly, you speak the response instead of trying to type a response using the tiny keys on a mobile phone. The system then records your voice and sends an e-mail to the recipient with a hyperlink. The recipient clicks on the hyperlink and hears the recording of your message.

You may wonder why such a service is necessary. After all, if you don't want to type out an e-mail on your cellphone, you could just make a phone call instead and either reach the recipient or leave your own voicemail. But people don't do that. They tend not to quickly switch from one application to another--when people receive e-mail, they prefer to reply the same way rather than place a voice call back. So this service is an added benefit that carriers are happy to make available to their customers.

For the carriers, Vemail is valuable. Without it, they would have to spend hundreds of millions getting all this together, since most carriers have one kind of server to handle text used for e-mail and another server to handle voice. Voice Genesis built a server that is architecturally different. It provides both Internet protocol and messaging services over one server. The server, known as VUUM, can handle all popular message formats for all message modes (text, audio, still images and moving images). It can send a message to all message addresses (phone number, e-mail address, instant messaging screen name) for all message types (voicemail, e-mail, instant message, SMS, MMS, fax). Doesn't matter what kind of device the message is going to (wireline phones, mobile phones, PDAs or computers) or whether the message has to travel over the Internet or the public switched telephone network, for example.

Today, for the core Vemail product, carriers such as Alltel (nyse: AT - news - people ) and Verizon Wireless (nyse: VZ - news - people ) charge customers $4.99 per month for the service, and Voice Genesis gets a percentage fee.

Of course, companies like Research in Motion (nasdaq: RIMM - news - people ) have broken ground by providing their customers with easy-to-use e-mail systems over handheld PDAs, such as the BlackBerry. But if you don't have a PDA, accessing and sending e-mail using a cellphone is still a major hassle.

To solve this problem, Voice Genesis' Chief Executive Mark Marriott started his company in October 2001 and seeded his startup with capital from the sale of his previous venture--a software e-commerce company called Brave New World that was sold to VA Linux Systems (nasdaq: LNUX - news - people ) in 1997. After the sale, Marriott left the firm and founded Voice Genesis."We figured there had to be an easier way to do mobile e-mail," says Marriott.

Problem was, Voice Genesis came out with the technology in 2002, and carriers weren't in any position to pay for the server. The company focused on building the technology and raised more than $1.5 million from private investors and angel groups including Pasadena Angels and Keiretsu Forum.

Today, Voice Genesis has the product out and is working to increase its business. The company has other services in the works as well. It offers an inbox that can store up to 1,000 messages. It provides a message list, and you can respond to messages and store them to send later if, perhaps, you don't have a signal. Users can also receive podcasts on their phones and speak replies. You can also download an avatar. Then, when you send a voice message to someone, the avatar comes up with its lip movement synched to your voice. Gimmicky, no doubt, but people like it, and it's a way to personalize the messaging experience.

Voice Genesis says it's building a brand. To do that, it's likely that the company will be heading out again to raise more capital for the next stage of its growth.



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outrnet custom apps If you see someone in the field (like salespeople, technicians, and delivery people) using paper forms, their company could probably save a pile of money, and get much better timeliness, accuracy and efficiency, by using converting to Outr.Net's Wireless Forms. Custom applications for as little as $995, delivered in just a few days.Outr.Net has a web page on Wireless Forms for Timeports at: left arrow Their latest newsletter is: "Business Development in Mobile Data" left arrow

Please call me so we can discuss your need or your idea. Or contact me by e-mail for more information left arrow

Zetron Simulcast System

High-speed simulcast Paging with protocols such as POCSAG and FLEX™ requires microsecond accuracy to synchronize the transmission of digital Paging signals.

zetron simulcast

Zetron's Simulcast System uses GPS timing information to ensure that the broadcasted transmissions between the nodes of the Simulcast System and associated transmitters are synchronized to very tight tolerances.

This system is ideal for public or private Paging system operators that use multiple transmitters and wish to create new Paging systems or to build out existing systems into new regions. For more information about Zetron's High Speed Simulcast Paging System, the Model 600 and Model 620, go to: left arrow CLICK HERE

Zetron, Inc.
P.O. Box 97004
Redmond, WA 98073-9704 USA
Tel: 425-820-6363
Fax: 425-820-7031
E-mail:   left arrow CLICK HERE
Zetron Inc.


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Read more about the advertising plans here. left arrow CLICK HERE




Text messaging plan for emergency alerts

Cecilia M. Vega
Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Cell phone text messaging isn't just for tech-savvy teenagers. Officials in San Francisco hope it will help save lives in the event of an emergency.

In a new program announced Tuesday, the 17th anniversary of the Loma Prieta earthquake, the city will send text messages to the cell phones of anyone who registers for the service, which will provide post-disaster information, such as where to find emergency shelters, or even tsunami warnings or terror alerts.

People could learn about evacuation routes and approaching severe weather, while teams of emergency workers could receive directions on response needs. Users of the service could indicate ZIP codes and addresses of concern to them and receive alerts targeted to those locations.

Text messaging has proven a reliable way to communicate during emergencies, including Hurricane Katrina, when phone lines are down and there is no electricity.

The service is free. To register visit

Source: San Francisco Chronicle

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Special Offer on Paging Accessories

Secure your mobile device, Pager, Mobile or PDA with a 23cm Motorola Lanyard Chain, Bungee or Lobster security device.

Lanyard Chains—Black, Gold or Silver Bungee’s—Violet, Blue, Black, or Green Lobster—Leather tan


Special Offer of 1,000 pieces for $873.00

To place your order or for more information contact: or +44 (0) 20 8914 5339 website:

The pricing quoted is a guideline price, pending order quantity. All Prices exclude VAT and carriage charges.

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Messaging & Cellular
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  • Authorized Service Center Supporting Most Major OEMs
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Call Or E-mail For More Information

Romancing the phone

Text message mania breaks down relationship
by Amanda Fruzynski
published on Thursday, October 19, 2006

Wandering around campus used to mean passing hundreds of students chatting away on their cell phones. Now, students are more likely to literally run into someone with his or her head down, furiously thumbing away at their phone as they text message a conversation instead.

Text messaging continues to gain popularity as a growing form of communication in relationships and friendships. But reactions vary on whether these abbreviated conversations have positive or negative effects on text messagers.

According to data reported by the Pew Internet & American Life Project in April 2006, 18- to 29-year-olds use their cell phones for text messaging more than any other age group. This data may explain the phenomenon of more and more college students relying on text messaging to make conversation with their significant others and close friends.

Drew Snider, a secondary education sophomore, says he texts his girlfriend more now than when they first met.

Michael Veto, an aerospace engineering freshman, similarly says he texts his girlfriend about three to four times a day, which he admits is "more than we call on an average day."

Text messages also seem to be growing longer. Short texts like "CU l8tr" and "OMG class sux" have been replaced by written-out, long-form communication. "I try to fill up the whole screen," Veto says.

Philip Hoffman, a political science and Chicano studies freshman, says his text messages tend to be full conversations. "My friends say that I send unnecessarily long and redundant messages," he says.

But the explanations for the prevalence of text messaging vary as much as the length of the texts themselves. Hoffman says he uses text messages for both practical and social purposes. "[I use texting] when I have to ask about a homework assignment or schedule an event with somebody," he says. He adds that he also uses texting "more to keep in touch with people."

Snider says texting is popular because it takes away some of the uncertainties when first meeting someone. "Texting is a lot easier when you first meet [someone] because you're not sure how often to call somebody."

Amanda Lenhart, senior research specialist at the Pew Internet and American Life Project, says mediated communication, such as text messaging, can make certain conversations easier. "[Text messaging] allows people to have conversations that would be too difficult to have face to face," Lenhart says.

Brittany Moss, a journalism junior, agrees that she texts to avoid difficult situations. "[I use texting] to get out of things easier," Moss says, adding that she uses it when she needs to communicate with an ex-boyfriend.

Veto also admits to using text messaging in complicated conversations, such as when making up after an argument with his girlfriend.

But Lenhart adds texting can lead to severe miscommunication. "It allows people to say things that they wouldn't otherwise say or encourages misunderstandings because of the lack of contextual information for the conversation."

Chelsea Parsons, a mass communications sophomore, knows how this feels. Parsons' boyfriend refuses to text her because she gets angry too often. "I can't tell his tone in the texts and I take things too seriously," Parsons says.

Veto agrees, saying text messaging "takes away your voice. When you talk to somebody it adds a degree to their meaning with personality and tone."

Majia Nadesan, associate professor of communications studies at the ASU West campus says there are strong possibilities for disagreement arising from texting. "I certainly see how over-reliance on electronic communication can create possibilities for conflict from misunderstandings and lack of relational responsivity," Nadesan says.

Veto agrees. "I think [texting] is making people less responsive to each other, and you tend to just have short, staccato conversations."

Various groups on point to this case as well, including one called, "I have better conversations through text messaging." This global group has 345 members. Other highly populated groups include, "I spend more time on my cell texting than calling," and "HELP! I've sent over 2,000 text messages in a month!"

However, there is the opposition, with a group called, "Real men don't text, they CALL!" The group would be proud of many ASU males like Hoffman and Veto, who say they still prefer using the phone to call their friends and significant others.

Source: Web Devil (Arizona State University)

nighthawk logo





Nighthawk Systems Inc. manufactures low cost and reliable remote control products for fire house alerting, volunteer alerting, activation of warning signs and sirens, and a number of applications for public safety.  The Company manufactures the EA1 and the FAS-8 which have been designed specifically for these applications.  Both products are paging based and will work with any public or private paging network.  They are available in all VHF, UHF, and 900 MHz paging frequencies.  The products can serve as the primary notification system or an excellent, low-cost backup to existing systems.

Public Emergency Notification & Volunteer Alerting

The EA1 is the solution for remotely activating public warning signage.  Examples include tornado sirens, flash flood warnings, fire danger, Amber Alert, icy roads, etc.  The EA1 can also send text messages to scrolling signs.  This can occur in conjunction with the activation of audible alarms and visual strobes.  This is ideal for public notification in buildings, schools, hotels, factories, etc. The group call feature allows for any number of signs or flashing lights to be activated at the same time over a wide geographic area.  In addition, the EA1 Emergency Alert is the perfect solution for low cost yet highly effective alerting of volunteer fire fighters in their home.  When activated the EA1 will emit an audible alarm and activate the power outlet on the units faceplate.  A common setup is to simply place the EA1 on a table and plug a lamp into the faceplate.  When paged from dispatch or any touch tone phone the EA1 will awaken the fire fighter to a lit room.  As an option the EA1 can be ordered with a serial cable, allowing for attachment of a serial printer.  When paged the alphanumeric message will be printed out at the same time the alarm sounds and the outlet is activated.  The EA1 is an ideal complement to alphanumeric belt pagers common to volunteers.

nighthawk sign

Firehouse Automation

The FAS-8 is designed for activating one or more relays in a firehouse and if desired, printing the alphanumeric message to a serial printer.  For this application the FAS-8 is set to activate upon receiving the proper paging cap code sent from 911 dispatch.  Up to eight different devices can be activated all with individual time functions.  The most common devices to turn on include the PA amplifier, audible wake up alarm, and house lights.  The most common device turned off is the stove.  The FAS-8 can accept up to 8 different cap codes and have separate relay and time functions per cap code.  This allows for different alerting to be accomplished at the same physical location depending upon which cap code is sent.  This can be very helpful when fire crews and medical crews are housed in the same building.



Put the innovative technology of Nighthawk to work for you. For more information on any of our products or services, please contact us.

Nighthawk Systems, Inc.
10715 Gulfdale, Suite 200
San Antonio, TX 78216

Phone: 877-764-4484
Fax: 210-341-2011

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Quake Emphasizes Value of Text Messages in Emergencies

Verizon Wireless Network Returns to Full Strength for Hawaii Residents Within 19 Hours

HONOLULU, Oct. 16 /PRNewswire/ — RU OK? In the crush to communicate with family and friends after this weekend's 6.7 earthquake on the Richter Scale, sending text messages proved to be a quick, efficient way to communicate, according to Verizon Wireless. In the aftermath of earthquakes, hurricanes and floods, voice call traffic rises exponentially. In fact, call volume on the Verizon Wireless network in Hawaii increased 250% over a normal Sunday during the height of the emergency. Text message volume also soared. Some cell sites were affected during the emergency. The network was operating at full strength within 19 hours.

"Verizon Wireless customers have many options to communicate vital safety information and our early numbers indicate many residents and visitors turned to text messaging following the quake and its aftershocks," said Hal Navarre, head of Verizon Wireless Hawaii network operations. "We encourage the general public to use text messaging during an earthquake or other disaster because it can be a faster and more efficient use of the network, and also saves battery power on your phone, which is especially important when commercial power is out."

Teams of Verizon Wireless network technicians worked around the clock to ensure the vital communications network remained operational during the emergency. "We prepare for emergencies all year long because we know the critical role of communications in public safety. And when disaster strikes we mobilize people and equipment to respond," said Navarre. The company has invested more than $100 million in its Hawaii network during the last five years to expand coverage, add new capabilities and enhance reliability features including backup battery power and generators.

The company offers the following emergency wireless communications tips for consumers:

About Verizon Wireless
Verizon Wireless owns and operates the nation's most reliable wireless network, serving 54.8 million voice and data customers. Headquartered in Bedminster, NJ, Verizon Wireless is a joint venture of Verizon Communications (NYSE: VZ) and Vodafone (NYSE and LSE: VOD).


[Thanks to Michael Candell for sending in this article.]


Reliable Real-Time Messaging Software

Display-IT is Here!

Display-IT, the latest addition to the InfoRad Wireless product line, is a scrolling LED sign with a built-in paging receiver which allows it to wirelessly accept messages to be instantly displayed. Wireless LED signs are very "attention getting" and the perfect solution for emergency notification or any situation where high visibility and readability are a necessity.

code red
  • Display 10 or 20 characters per line.
  • Accepts 2,000 characters per message.
  • Real Time Clock (Optional)
  • 4.75" characters can be read at a distance of up to 300 feet.
  • Use commercial paging carriers, your existing "POCSAG capable" onsite system or optional TX 125 Transmitter to dispatch message to sign.
  • Uses InfoRad Software for message dispatch - no proprietary software needed!

Display-IT comes in two different sizes, either two or four feet in length, both with highly readable 4.75" high LED characters. Your wireless sign can be programmed to use your local paging carrier for message updates, or simply attach InfoRad's TX125-EN transmitter / encoder to your computer via your serial port for onsite messaging to the wireless LED signs.

With the TX125 transmitter you can be dispatching messages to your InfoRad wireless LED signs from your PC running the AlphaPage® First Responder software in a matter of minutes!

Go for the 'Total Solution' by including the InfoRad TX125 paging transmitter:

inforad tx-125
  • Transmits at 2 or 5 watts for coverage up to 5 miles.
  • Supports direct RS232 serial connection for dispatching from any Windows based PC running. the InfoRad First Responder software.
  • TX 125 is both a transmitter & POCSAG encoder which accepts input the via the TAP protocol.
  • One transmitter can dispatch to an unlimited number of signs.
  • Easy to setup and use.

Purchase Today!

GOOD right arrow InfoRad Display-IT 2ft wireless sign for $559

BETTER right arrow InfoRad Display-IT 2ft wireless sign bundled with the TX125 transmitter for $1108

BEST Purchase the Display-IT/TX125 bundle and receive a copy of the AlphaPage® First Responder software at no charge. A savings of $100! Offer valid through Oct 31 2006.

Call us today 800-228-8998 with any questions.

About InfoRad - InfoRad has been providing commercial text messaging solutions since the mid 80's. Our software is used worldwide in mission critical situations. We pride ourselves on providing the total solution with quality software being only one part of the equation. We also provide world class customer service utilizing our decades of experience in the wireless industry.

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Repair and Technical Support Services

  • Glenayre/Quintron Transmitters, Receivers and Controllers
  • Experienced former Glenayre/Quintron Technicians and Engineers

410 ½ S. 10th
Quincy, IL 62301

Please click here to e-mail Ayrewave.


$500.00 FLAT RATE

TAPS—Texas Association of Paging Services is looking for partners on 152.480 MHz. Our association currently uses Echostar, formerly Spacecom, for distribution of our data and a large percentage of our members use the satellite to key their TXs. We have a CommOneSystems Gateway at the uplink in Chicago with a back-up running 24/7. Our paging coverage area on 152.480 MHz currently encompasses Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Louisiana, and Kansas. The TAPS paging coverage is available to members of our Network on 152.480 MHz for $.005 a transmitter (per capcode per month), broken down by state or regions of states and members receive a credit towards their bill for each transmitter which they provide to our coverage. Members are able to use the satellite for their own use If you are on 152.480 MHz or just need a satellite for keying your own TXs on your frequency we have the solution for you.

TAPS will provide the gateways in Chicago, with Internet backbone and bandwidth on our satellite channel for $ 500.00 (for your system) a month.

Contact Ted Gaetjen @ 1-800-460-7243 or left arrow CLICK TO E-MAIL


Subject: Used Paging Equipment
Date: October 18, 2006 4:05:27 PM CDT

Mr Dye

I work for National Semiconductor in Arlington Texas. We have some equipment from a voice paging system that i would like to sell or even donate. Can you help?

1.) Zetron Model 66 transmitter
2.) Zetron Model 640 Dapt xtra paging encoder
3.) Motorola Transmitter MTR 2000

Please let me know if you can help or need more descriptions

Jeff Manfolk
Security Manager


That's all for this week. Please let me hear from you.

brad dye 04 photo

With best regards,
brad's signature

Brad Dye
Wireless Messaging Consultant

P.O. Box 266
Fairfield, IL 62837 USA

mensa member animated gif
Skype: braddye   WIRELESS
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Telephone/Fax: +1-618-599-4356 
Web: Consulting page  left arrow MAY I HELP YOU?

“The walls we build around us to keep out the sadness also keep out the joy.”

—Jim Rohn

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