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Dear friends of Wireless Messaging,

This week's newsletter is in a new format. I have gone back to a single page and have re-arranged the ads and the news clips. I hope everyone likes it this way. Please let me know what you think. My only concern is that it may take too long to download, especially for people with slower connections to the Internet. That is why I divided it up into two or three pages before. I may have to go back to that format.

I have generally avoided political commentaries here, since this is a newsletter about Wireless Messaging, but this week I couldn't resist. Please see the images of Hugo Chávez following. I am very offended at the comments he made at the United Nations this week. My regrets to all of my wonderful friends in Venezuela.

There will be no newsletter next week because I will be attending Enterprise Wireless 2006 in Orlando, Florida. I always look forward to trade shows, conventions, and seminars. I love seeing old friends and making new ones. I expect to be taking lots of photographs and recording several interviews for the upcoming podcast supplement to the newsletter.

Now on to more news and views.

hugo chavez

Hugo Chávez—Sin Vergüenza

hugo chavez and friend

Hugo Chávez and friend

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brad dye
Wireless Messaging Newsletter
  • VoIP
  • Wi-Fi
  • Paging
  • Wi-MAX
  • Telemetry
  • Location Services
  • Wireless Messaging
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This is my weekly newsletter about Wireless Messaging. You are receiving this because you have either communicated with me in the past about a wireless topic, or your address was included in another e-mail that I received on the same subject. This is not a SPAM. If you have received this message in error, or you are not interested in these topics, please click here, then click on "send" and you will be promptly removed from the mailing list.

iland internet sulutions This newsletter is brought to you by the generous support of our advertisers and the courtesy of iland Internet Solutions Corporation. For more information about the web-hosting services available from iland Internet Solutions Corporation, please click on their logo to the left.
A new issue of The Wireless Messaging Newsletter gets posted on the web each week. A notification goes out by e-mail to subscribers on most Fridays around noon central US time. The notification message has a link to the actual newsletter on the Internet. That way it doesn't fill up your incoming e-mail account.

There is no charge for subscription and there are no membership restrictions. Readers are a very select group of wireless industry professionals, and include the senior managers of many of the world's major Paging and Wireless Data companies. There is an even mix of operations managers, marketing people, and engineers—so I try to include items of interest to all three groups. It's all about staying up-to-date with business trends and technology. I regularly get reader's comments, so this newsletter has become a community forum for the Paging, and Wireless Data communities. You are welcome to contribute your ideas and opinions. Unless otherwise requested, all correspondence addressed to me is subject to publication in the newsletter and on my web site. I am very careful to protect the anonymity of those who request it.

NOTE: This newsletter is best viewed at screen resolutions of 800x600 (good) or 1024x768 (better). Any current revision of web browser should work fine. Please notify me of any problems with viewing. This site is compliant with XHTML 1.0 transitional coding for easy access from wireless devices. (XML 1.0/ISO 8859-1.)


aapc logo AAPC Bulletin • 866-301-2272
The Voice of US Paging Carriers


enterprise wireless 2006


September 26–28
The Rosen Centre Hotel
Orlando, Florida


We are looking forward to seeing you.

Enterprise Wireless 2006 Event Schedule

Tuesday, September 26

9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. IP Technology Changes Everything…Are you ready?
Special workshop session, additional cost $295.

Noon – 6:00 p.m. EWA Exhibitor move-in

1 – 4:00 p.m. Paging Technical Committee Meeting

Wednesday, September 27

8:30 a.m. Welcome & Introductions

Mark Crosby, EWA
Bruce Deer, AAPC

9:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. Everything Wireless – the Technologies, the Politics and The Money.
Smart, ROI-driven deployment of wireless for voice, two-way radio, messaging, data, control, paging and security is essential if you’re going to compete. How do you select the technology right for your business today and know it will integrate with what’s next? This is the only session you'll need to attend this year to get essential insights from experts in technology, regulatory issues, finance and security. Session organized by Enterprise Wireless Alliance (EWA), and Enterprise Wireless 2006 co-sponsors, the USMSS, the nationwide association of authorized Motorola Service Stations, and the AAPC, the American Association of Paging Carriers.

10:45 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Keynote Address by Captain Al Haynes
Do you possess leadership skills under stress? The survival of 184 passengers and crew after the crash landing of United 232 due to the catastrophic failure of both engines can be attributed to five main factors: luck, communications, preparation, execution, and cooperation. Captain Al Haynes, our keynote speaker, was the captain of that memorable flight. The story he tells is about an aircraft. However, his story is really about leadership skills you need whether facing a natural disaster or a business emergency. This dramatic and remarkable story has inspired and instructed business leaders and major organizations across the U.S. Don’t miss it!

12:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Exhibits Open

12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. Lunch on show floor

1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. USMSS General Meeting

1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. AAPC Board Meeting

2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. Regional USMSS Meetings: EDMSS, GLMSS, SEMSS, Western Wireless Trade Association

3:15 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. Effective Wireless Integration: Two-Way, Voice and Data
When planning deployment of wireless technology communications, you'll consider public or private network wireless choices to include Wi-MAX, two-way radio, paging, unlicensed Wi-Fi, VoIP and mesh networks. Insights and tips from real-business case studies presented by enterprise users and the latest vendor innovations pack every minute of this wide-ranging exploration.

  • How you deal with interface issues?
  • What is your short term and long term strategy?
  • What are the benefits of unlicensed and licensed technologies?
  • What’s the best way to build an enterprise network?
  • How do you ensure the security of those phones, pagers, radios and mobile computing devices on your wireless communications network?

4:45 p.m. – 5:45 p.m. Wireless for the IT Professional and IT Networking for the Wireless Professional
Increasingly, the responsibility for the wireless network falls to the IT professional and vendors traditionally offering IT solutions are now offering enterprise wireless solutions. If you’re a vendor, how do you approach buyers who have expertise and a background that is different from yours? If you’re in IT, how do you evaluate the benefits and drawbacks of new wireless choices and the RF environment? For the wireless professional, what are the critical requirements of networking and how well do you understand your IT prospect. The real question is this – can you speak their language?

6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Reception on show floor

Thursday, September 28

7:00 a.m. – 8:00 a.m. AAPC Networking/Round Table Discussion Breakfast

8:00 a.m. – 9:30 a.m. A Business Network Disaster Will Happen. Are You Truly Ready?
After Hurricanes Katrina & Rita, many companies focused on the physical readiness of their facilities. Safeguarding your business must expand beyond securing the physical assets, especially when disasters like widespread illness or human-caused events can also effect your company. The future of your business is only as viable as your immediate access to critical data and your ability to maintain communications continuity with employees, vendors and customers. Learn from those who have survived recent disasters how to create the framework of contingency plans to safeguard central functions before the worst happens.

10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Winning at the RFP Game: Successful Design and Strategic Vendor Response
You've made the decision to deploy a wireless system. Now what?  We'll take you through the specific steps to carefully hone your specifications, issue the RFP, evaluate the abilities and accountability of vendors’ responses even when the technology is unfamiliar to you and guarantee your new supplier delivers on their promises. As a vendor responding to an RFP, do you know how to uncover buyer hot buttons, strategically position your responses and achieve successful and profitable deployment?

12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. Lunch on the show floor

12:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. Exhibits open

Thanks to our Gold Vendor!
PRISM Paging
Thanks to our Silver Vendors!
isc technologies
ISC Technologies, Inc.
recurrent software
Recurrent Software Solutions, Inc.

Thanks to our Bronze Vendors!
  • ACI
  • BLP Components, Ltd.
  • Canyon Ridge Communications, Inc.
  • Commtech Wireless
  • Critical Response Systems, Inc.
  • DX Radio Systems, Inc.
  • Global Technical Engineering Solutions (GTES)
  • Hark Technologies
  • Minilec Service, Inc.
  • Motorola Inc.
  • Nighthawk Systems, Inc.
  • Trace Technologies, LLC
  • Unication USA
  • United Communications Corporation
  • Zetron, Inc.
AAPC Headquarters
441 N. Crestwood Drive
Wilmington, NC 28405
Tel: 866-301-2272
AAPC Regulatory Affairs Office
Suite 250
2154 Wisconsin Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20007-2280
Tel: 202-223-3772
Fax: 202-315-3587


Advertiser Index

AAPC—American Association of Paging Carriers   Minilec Service, Inc.
Advanced RF Communications   Nighthawk Systems, Inc.
Advantra—INILEX   Northeast Paging
Aquis Communications, Inc.   NotePage Inc.
Ayrewave Corporation
CONTEL Costa Rica   ParkMagic
CVC Paging   Preferred Wireless
Daniels Electronics   Prism Paging
Daviscomms USA   Product Support Services
EMMA—European Mobile Messaging Association   Ron Mercer
Global Fax Network Services   Texas Association of Paging Services
GTES LLC   TH Communications
Hark Systems   UCOM Paging
Heartland Communications   Unication USA
HMCE, Inc.   USA Mobility, Systems Application Division
InfoRad, Inc.   WiPath Communications
Ira Wiesenfeld   Zetron Inc.


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Engineering Services

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Special Projects

  • Interconnection Agreements
  • Aquis Message Manager (AMM)
    • Web access
    • Number portability
    • PBX integration
    • Comprehensive message archive
    • Ubiquitous device notification
    • IRM-like functionality

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  • Expense Reduction Analysis
  • Lease Negotiation
  • Network Analysis
  • Telecom Auditing

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This Month's Feature:
Emergin Communication Gateway

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Harness the power of the Emergin Communication Gateway for real-time event notification of critical information across your entire enterprise
emergin logo Managing on-premise and wide area communications systems is challenging for any telecommunications department. For fast, easy and accurate notification, enhance your performance with the Emergin Communication Gateway (ECG). Integrating this suite of wireless messaging software to automate alarm notification, monitoring and dispatch allows decision makers to receive more timely information so they can respond quicker with better results. The ECG serves as a communications hub for the entire organization to dispatch, escalate and acknowledge critical alarms.


  • Reduce costs associated with downtime by enabling your IS and facilities management tools to automatically and accurately communicate status or out-of-tolerance conditions around the clock.
  • Provide optimal control and faster response times in emergency environmental/safety situations, such as network or power outages, severe weather conditions, and general disaster recovery.
  • Respond immediately to changing conditions by streamlining business processes and automating information flow between departments

Incorporate automated alarm notification with leading IT and Facilities systems such as:

  • Information Systems
  • Facilities Systems
  • Network Management
  • HVAC, Fire Alarms
  • Help Desk
  • Energy Management
  • E-mail
  • Security Systems


  • Integration of all wireless communications systems
  • Interoperability among multiple wireless device types
  • In-house paging systems
  • Wireless extension of existing PBX systems
  • Hands-free voice communications (Wi-Fi)
Communications solutions that meet the critical messaging needs of:
  • Healthcare
  • Manufacturing
  • Hospitality
  • Government
  • Financial Services
  • Retail Services

... to learn more about our full suite of wireless integration products. Together, we can help your customers improve their productivity while maximizing oversight and control.

Mike Mordan, VP Systems Applications Division. 610-831-0329

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Emergency alert bill could stall wireless warnings

By Jeffrey Silva
Sep 20, 2006

WASHINGTON—Two proponents of cell broadcast technology said a Senate-passed bill to modernize the nation’s emergency alert system could further delay widespread deployment of wireless warnings to the nation’s 219 million mobile phone subscribers.

The Warnings, Alerts and Response Network Act, sponsored by Sen. Jim DeMint (R-S.C.) and approved last week as a rider to port-security legislation, authorizes $106 million to develop technical protocols for wireless and other new emergency warning distribution channels during the next year or so.

"The nation's technological infrastructure for cell broadcast is already in place," said Paul Klein, chief operating officer of CellCast Technologies, a Houston-based firm that markets cell broadcast EAS gear. "No new development is necessary for immediate activation."

Klein noted that other countries are using cell broadcast technology. “Congress' reluctance to consider immediate and proven technology delays America's urgent need to overhaul our half-century old public warning program," said Klein.

The mobile phone industry supports short message service as a near-term EAS solution and favors studying future technologies for delivering next-generation wireless emergency alerts.

"We are buoyed by the Senate's recognition that an improved Emergency Broadcast System is needed for our nation and that a critical tool rests-literally-in our hands today. The ubiquity of cell phones provides the opportunity to dramatically enhance public safety. However, we must caution Congress and the administration that an extensive, multi-year 'study' is not needed and is a barrier to deploying an enhanced warning system in a timely manner,” said John Richter, honorary secretary of the Cellular Emergency Alert Systems Association-United States. “Countries in Asia and Europe are now using the 'control channels' on existing phones to create improved warning systems that will not overload networks and provide highly localized alerts. A Wisconsin cell phone carrier will even deploy the same type of system in the very near future—a development that is being closely monitored by the Department of Homeland Security. We strongly urge the federal government not to reinvent a wheel, but look to existing, available, and proven technologies to improve public safety."

Einstein PCS plans to launch cell broadcast EAS in two weeks in Appleton, Wis.

Source: RCR Wireless News

INFORAD Wireless Office

Wireless Messaging Software

InfoRad® Wireless Office (Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000, XP) is designed for the professional who needs full-featured wireless messaging capabilities. Features include enhanced user interface,  message log with search function, scheduled Paging,  group and individual message addresses, TAPI Smart™, multiple protocol SMS communication compatibility. AlphaCare™ support services available. With a 32-bit architecture, InfoRad Wireless Office is designed for compatibility with Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP. For more information on InfoRad Wireless Messaging software, and a free demo, please click on the logo.

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InfoRad Wireless Office

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Newsletter repair prices—starting at:

  • $6.50 labor for numeric or alphanumeric pagers
  • $12.00 labor for 2-way pagers
  • $19.50 labor for cellular phones

**Special pricing on cellular and pager refurbishment**

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Ask for Special Newsletter Pricing.

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Minilec Service, Inc.
Suite A
9207 Deering Ave.
Chatsworth, CA 91311
Minilec Service

FBI Proposes New Wiretapping Rules

Sep 15, 2006

Foreign Internet service and applications providers would be required to base inside the country the servers they use for U.S. customers, under a proposal from the U.S. Department of Justice (DoJ).

The DoJ and its U.S. FBI division are taking that message to Congress and asking lawmakers for a broad rewrite of U.S. wiretapping rules.

However, some members of Congress have ripped into the Chinese government for a similar law requiring Internet providers to locate their servers inside its borders.

U.S. lawmakers have criticized the Chinese law because it allows the government to censor and monitor Internet traffic. The DoJ proposal, which would amend a 1994 telephone wiretapping law called the Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act (CALEA), aims to allow the U.S. government easier access to servers so it, too, can monitor communications.

The proposed law, not yet introduced in Congress, would likely set off an arms race in which other countries that want to conduct online surveillance require U.S. companies such as Google and Microsoft to locate servers inside their borders, said John Morris, director of the Internet Standards, Technology and Policy Project at the Center for Democracy and Technology (CDT), a civil liberties group.

"There are countries around the world that would like nothing more than have the United States set the example, to say, ‘You have to have a point of presence in my country,’ " Morris said.

The CDT included the DoJ proposal, pitched to lawmakers during the past couple of months, on its list of "dangerous" tech proposals in Congress. The CDT list, released Thursday, is available here.

The CDT is concerned that Congress could take up the proposal yet this year as lawmakers look for ways to attract voters before the November general election, CDT officials said.

The DoJ press office did not return a phone call seeking comment on the proposal.

In February, members of the U.S. House of Representatives International Relations Committee scolded Google, Microsoft and Yahoo officials for allegedly cooperating with the Chinese government’s censorship efforts. A day after that hearing, Rep. Christopher Smith, a New Jersey Republican, introduced a bill that would bar U.S. Internet companies from locating Web servers inside "Internet-restricting" countries such as China and Vietnam, with penalties of up to five years in prison and a US$2 million fine for officers of companies that willfully violate the restrictions.

Smith’s Global Online Freedom Act is awaiting action in the committee.

Morris called the DoJ proposal "embarrassing" after lawmakers objected strongly to the Chinese law earlier this year. "The proposal has some horrendous provisions," he said. "The point-of-presence proposal itself would be devastating to the American economy."

The DoJ proposal would force vendors of any Internet communications applications to redesign their products to allow wiretapping, Morris said. "The harm to innovation that would follow ... is hard to underestimate," he said.

By Grant Gross, IDG News Service (Washington Bureau)

Source: CSO Magazine The Resource for Security Executives

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  • Contract Design, Engineering, & Manufacturing
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  • Receiver Boards-FLEX-POCSAG
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  • January 14, 2005—Intelsat 804 suffers electrical power system anomaly—TOTAL LOSS


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teletouch logo

September 19, 2006 06:51 PM Eastern Time
Teletouch Reports Financial Results for Fiscal 2006

FORT WORTH, Texas—BUSINESS WIRE—Sept. 19, 2006—Teletouch Communications, Inc. (AMEX:TLL), a leading U.S. wireless communications services company today announced its financial results for the fiscal year ended May 31, 2006.

NOTE to INVESTORS and ANALYSTS: The Teletouch financial results as reported for fiscal year 2006 are primarily related to the Company's paging business that was sold on August 14, 2006. On August 11, 2006, Teletouch acquired Progressive Concepts, Inc. (PCI), a Cingular(R) Wireless Master Distributor, Reseller and Mobile Virtual Network Operator (MVNO), commonly controlled by Teletouch Chairman, Robert M. McMurrey, with unaudited gross revenues of approximately $88.1 million for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2005. As a result of this acquisition and the subsequent sale of the paging business, the historical financial results as reported are not indicative of future operating results. The first fiscal quarter of 2007 consolidated operations and complete prior year financial information will be available in October through the Company's currently scheduled 10-Q and acquisition related amended 8-K public filings.

In addition, Teletouch's results for the first quarter ended August 31, 2006, will include PCI's operations and prior periods will be restated to include PCI's historical financial statements and financial information due to accounting for the business combination in a manner similar to a pooling of interests, i.e., meaning that the historical basis of the net assets of PCI are combined from the beginning of the period as if the transactions had occurred at that date.

Teletouch CEO, T. A. "Kip" Hyde, Jr. stated, "PCI has been a privately-held company for over thirty years and we are in the process of migrating core systems and processes under Teletouch to improve overall profitability, keeping in mind that this acquisition will have the impact of increasing Teletouch's annual revenues some 400% when compared year-over-year. In addition, we plan to use PCI as a solid foundation for growth, both internally and through acquisition activities in similar services markets and distribution spaces."

Teletouch total revenues for fiscal 2006 were $20.9 million compared with $24.7 million in fiscal 2005. Total paging revenues totaled $15.2 million in fiscal 2006, or 72.5% of total revenues. Two-way radio service and product sales accounted for $5.2 million, or approximately 24.7% of fiscal 2006 revenues.

The Company recorded an operating loss of $0.57 million for fiscal 2006 compared with $3.7 million in fiscal 2005. The decline in operating income was primarily due to the decline in service revenues from fewer pagers in service. The Company recorded a net loss applicable to common stockholders of $1.2 million, or $0.04 per share in fiscal 2006 compared with a net loss applicable to common stockholders of $3.5 million, or $0.75 per share in fiscal 2005.

More detailed information relating to the acquisition of PCI, the sale of the paging assets and the related contractual arrangements executed in connection therewith may be found in the Current Reports on Form 8-K, as well as the current 10-K recently filed by Teletouch.

About Teletouch Communications

For over 40 years, Teletouch has offered a comprehensive suite of telecommunications products and services, including cellular, two-way radio communications, GPS-telemetry and wireless messaging services throughout the United States. Teletouch's wholly-owned subsidiary, Progressive Concepts, Inc., is a leading U.S. provider of wireless cellular voice, data, and entertainment products and branded wireless services to individuals, businesses, and government agencies. PCI provides these products and services through its chain of retail stores (under the "Hawk Electronics" brand), Hawk-branded agents, a direct sales force in Texas and Arkansas, and through the Internet ( PCI also operates a significant national wholesale distribution business serving smaller cellular and automotive retailers, car dealers and cellular service providers throughout the country. Teletouch's common stock is traded on the American Stock Exchange under stock symbol: TLL. Additional information about Teletouch can be found at:

All statements in this news release that are not based on historical fact are "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and the provisions of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (which Sections were adopted as part of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995). While management has based any forward-looking statements contained herein on its current expectations, the information on which such expectations were based may change. These forward-looking statements rely on a number of assumptions concerning future events and are subject to a number of risks, uncertainties, and other factors, many of which are outside of our control, that could cause actual results to materially differ from such statements. Such risks, uncertainties, and other factors include, but are not necessarily limited to, those set forth under the caption "Additional Factors That May Affect Our Business" in the Company's most recent Form 10-K and 10-Q filings, and amendments thereto. In addition, we operate in a highly competitive and rapidly changing environment, and new risks may arise. Accordingly, investors should not place any reliance on forward-looking statements as a prediction of actual results. We disclaim any intention to, and undertake no obligation to, update or revise any forward-looking statement.

Source: Home Business (with financial tables)

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We do the clever stuff in Paging & Wireless Data

PDT2000 Paging Data Terminal

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LED Moving Message—LED Displays

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  • Variety of sizes
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  • Highly programmable, intelligent PDRs
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Specialized Paging Solutions
  • Remote switching and control (4-256 relays)
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  • Alarm interfaces, satellite linking, IP transmitters
  • Paging software

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  • Fleet tracking, messaging, job processing and field service management.
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  • ReFLEX, CDMA, GPRS, Conventional and trunked radio interfaces.

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Phone: +1-805-532-9964
WiPath Communications

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Preferred Wireless
preferred logo
Equipment For Sale
13 Motorola/Glenayre Cabinets
3 Motorola SSC, Paging Controllers
2 Glenayre Power Monitor Panels
11 Skydata 8411B Satellite Receivers
15 Battery Backup for C2000
1 Generac 48 VDC Propane Generator, (NEW)
10 Motorola ACB V3.69 & Delay Enabled
  Link Transmitters:
1 Glenayre QT6994, 150W, 900 MHz Link TX
3 Glenayre QT4201, 25W Midband Link TX
2 Motorola Micor Link, 30W Midband Link TX
  UHF Transmitters:
10 Glenayre GLT5340, 125W, DSP Exciter
35 Motorola PURC 5000, 110W, ACB
3 Motorola PURC 5000, 225W, ACB
  900 MHz Transmitters:
1 Glenayre GLT 8600, 500W
10 Motorola PURC 5000, 300W
6 Glenayre QT-7995, 250W
6 Motorola Nucleus II 350W,  NAC
  GL3000 Cards:
1 Complete GL3000L w/ T1’s, 2.2G HD.

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Too Much To List • Call or E-Mail
Preferred Wireless
Rick McMichael
888-429-4171 left arrow
Preferred Wireless



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nighthawk logoamsi logo

American Messaging and Nighthawk Systems
Strengthen Joint Marketing Agreement

American Messaging ( and Nighthawk Systems, Inc today announced that they have agreed to join forces to provide telemetry solutions to enterprise customers utilizing American Messaging’s wireless network. American Messaging is now the second largest paging company in the United States with approximately 1.5 million customers, providing network coverage in 98 of the top 100 markets and in all 50 states. Nighthawk Systems is a leading provider of intelligent wireless power control and emergency notification products.

Together Nighthawk and American Messaging are better able to take advantage of each company’s core competencies to provide the best wireless remote control solutions for customers. This agreement provides a mutually beneficial framework under which both Nighthawk and American Messaging can bundle each other’s services and products into their own product offerings.

H. Douglas Saathoff, Nighthawk’s CEO, commented, “I’m extremely pleased that we've reached this agreement with American Messaging. They have formed a company with a sole and absolute focus on paging, allowing our respective customers to benefit from utilizing their extensive network.  Nighthawk has gained access to a larger, more focused network of sales and marketing personnel that is committed to providing time and money-saving solutions to both new and existing customers.

“American Messaging remains focused on providing our customers with the most reliable one-way nationwide paging coverage in the United States,” said J. Roy Pottle, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of American Messaging. “We believe this agreement is a perfect fit, as we provide a dependable wireless network for Nighthawk devices that allow customers to control equipment in remote locations.”

About Nighthawk Systems, Inc.

Nighthawk is a leading provider of intelligent wireless power control products that enable simultaneous activation or de-activation of multiple assets or systems on demand. Nighthawk's installed customer base includes major electric utilities, internet service providers and fire departments in over 40 states. Nighthawk's products also enable custom message display, making them ideal for use in traffic control and emergency notification situations.

Individuals interested in Nighthawk Systems can sign up to receive email alerts by visiting the Company’s website at

About American Messaging

American Messaging Services is a leader in business-to-business paging solutions, providing high quality customer support infrastructure and network reliability with cost efficiency in order to ensure superior customer satisfaction. American Messaging is the second largest paging company in the United States with 1.5 million customers, providing nationwide frequencies in addition to numerous local frequencies with coverage in 98 of the top 100 major metropolitan areas and in all 50 states. American Messaging offers a variety of services to meet the paging needs of business, emergency response, healthcare, and government organizations of all sizes. Services range from traditional numeric paging to two-way paging allowing the user to send and receive e-mail messages. Additional information about American Messaging and its services is available at

Forward-looking statements

Statements contained in this release, which are not historical facts, including statements about plans and expectations regarding business areas and opportunities, acceptance of new or existing businesses, capital resources and future business or financial results are "forward-looking" statements. You should not place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements. Such forward-looking statements are subject to risks and uncertainties, including, but not limited to, customer acceptance of our products, our ability to raise capital to fund our operations, our ability to develop and protect proprietary technology, government regulation, competition in our industry, general economic conditions and other risk factors which could cause actual results to differ materially from those projected or implied in the forward-looking statements. Although we believe the expectations reflected in the forward-looking statements are reasonable, they relate only to events as of the date on which the statements are made, and our future results, levels of activity, performance or achievements may not meet these expectations. We do not intend to update any of the forward-looking statements after the date of this press release to conform these statements to actual results or to changes in our expectations, except as required by law.

Nighthawk Systems, Inc.
10715 Gulfdale, Suite 200
San Antonio, TX 78216
Sales: (877) 467-4844
American Messaging
1720 Lakepointe Dr, Suite 100
Lewisville, TX 75057
Sales: (888) 699-8977

Source: Press Release

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Skydata BUC Model 2205

  • Creatalink, 1 Way, 900 MHz
  • Creatalink, 2 Way, 25 KHz, 900 MHz
  • Glenayre C2100 Transmitter Controller
  • Timeport P935 / Pagewriter 2000X

Questions or comments please contact Karen Ham at e-mail: or by phone at: (504) 239-2424 (It's in Honduras. . . Not in the US)

Please note: To call this number from the USA dial: 011-504-239-2424


gtes logo

GTES Corporate
Russ Allen
2736 Stein Hill Lane
Custer, WA 98240
Tel: 360-366-3888
Cell: 360-820-3888
GTES Sales
Brooks Marsden
340 Bethany Bend
Alpharetta, GA 30004
Tel: 770-754-1666
Cell: 404-518-6632


GTES has recently made the strategic decision to expanding its development activities to include wireless location technologies; a market that researchers forecast could reach $3.6 billion by 2010. In support of this new strategic direction, GTES has developed SHERLOC™ a complete one-stop wireless location service, providing the flexibility of being protocol neutral and network agnostic. Targeted at business customers who need to track their high-value shipments or better manage their service or delivery fleets, SHERLOC™ is a hosted application that combines configuration flexibility with ease of use.

GTES is offering SHERLOC™ services both directly and through authorized resellers. If your company has an interest in finding out how location services can enhance your revenue stream, and has the contacts and expertise to make you successful in the location marketplace, please contact us for further information at and select “Reseller Opportunities,” or call us at 770-754-1666 for more information.
Your Professional Services Partner

GTES is the only Glenayre authorized software support provider in the Paging industry. With over 200 years of combined experience in Glenayre hardware and software support, GTES offers the industry the most professional support and engineering development staff available.

Continued Support Programs
GTES Partner Program
Product Sales
On-Site Services
Software Development
Product Training


Prism Paging

prism logo

Prism Message Gateway Systems
Modular and Configurable

Your Choice of Options

  • Radio Paging Terminals
  • Voicemail Systems
  • E-mail and Network Text Messaging Systems
  • Digital Trunk Switching Systems
  • Digital Trunk and Voicemail Concentrators
  • Remote Network Encoders
  • TNPP Network Routers

Popular Choice for Domestic and International

  • Commercial Paging Carriers
  • Private Paging Systems
  • Hospitals
  • Public Safety
  • Federal, State and Local Government
  • Industrial Paging
  • Energy Companies – Load Management

Logical Choice

  • Replace Outdated, UNLICENSED Paging Terminals
  • Eliminate Outrageously High Support Costs
  • Add New Paging System with ALL THE FEATURES
  • Provide Your Customers With Features They Want
  • Designed and Supported by Industry Experts

Go ahead . . . be choosy . . . choose Prism Systems International

Prism Paging
300 Colonial Center Parkway,
Suite 100
Roswell, Georgia 30076 USA
Telephone: 678-353-3366
Internet: left CLICK HERE
E-mail: left arrow CLICK HERE
Prism Paging

See the Prism Paging video

Streaming Video from the
World Business Review web site

Senate OKs Emergency Alert/Communications Bill

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

The U.S. Senate has approved a bill to establish a new national emergency alert-and-communications system for potential natural disasters, major accidents and terrorist attacks, although its passage was positioned as an amendment to a more controversial port-security measure in the House of Representatives.

The Warning, Alerts and Response Network (WARN) Act of 2006 (S.1753) - sponsored by Sen. Jim DeMint (R-S.C.) - was given the green light by a 95-0 vote, and it was placed in the amending hopper for the SAFE Port Security Act (H.R. 4594). The WARN Act envisions a modern national system for the transmission of public-safety alerts across a broad variety of communications technologies. Besides traditional television and radio broadcasting methods, this most notably would include wireless communication devices (including cellular telephones), messages over the Internet, digital and analog cable, and satellite and other terrestrial radio systems.

The proposed bill would give federal, state and local emergency managers the ability to send out geographically targeted alerts to citizens at risk, to establish a grant program to help remote communities install sirens and other devices because of their lack of quality telecom infrastructure, and to provide at least $106 million for the research and development of technologies and equipment to operate these alert systems. It also would create a National Alert Office to work with the Federal Communications Commission and other U.S. agencies to set up the network.

A comparable House bill was introduced by Rep. John Shimkus (R-Ill.); in early August, it was referred to the Energy and Commerce Committee's Subcommittee on Telecommunications and the Internet.

DeMint, chairman of the Disaster Prediction and Prevention Subcommittee, has maintained the inclusion of wireless technologies in a new alert system leverages the fact that more than 200 million U.S. citizens currently subscribe to some form of wireless service. Government agencies, wireless carriers, technology vendors and broadcasters have begun testing pilot installations of new alert systems, but it is uncertain - based on the bill's future and funding - when a full implementation may take place.

Prior to the vote yesterday, DeMint and Stevens continued to point out inherent dangers and threats to the public safety regarding the likes of hurricanes, tornados, tsunamis, earthquakes, chemical spills or attacks. They drew additional support from Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine), chair of the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Government Affairs as well as from the International Association of Fire Chiefs (IAFC).

"No longer is it adequate to depend on television and radios to disseminate absolutely critical public safety information," said Collins. And IAFC maintained the WARN legislation it endorses would create a nationwide communications system making first responders and the public better informed and prepared for all hazards.

As reported (Telecom Policy Report, June 5), the WARN Act, which also authorizes appropriations for fiscal years 2006 through 2012, has been pushed heavily by Sens. Ted Stevens (R-Alaska) and Daniel Inouye (D-Hawaii), chairman and ranking member, respectively, of the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, & Transportation. They also are among several WARN co-sponsors, and they co-authored a Senate version of the port-security-improvement proposal.

Source: TelecomWeb The Telecom Intelligence Group

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Turn-key RF System Products, Engineering & Technical Services

  • Conventional Single Site and Wide Area Simulcast System Configurations
  • Analog Tone & Voice and Digital POCSAG/FLEX™ One-Way Paging Systems
  • ReFLEX™ Two-Way Paging and Conventional LMR Mobile Data Systems
  • System Design, Integration/Interface Specials, Pre-install Staging/Configuration
  • On-Site Installation, Documentation and Technical/Administrative Training
  • RF Coverage Prediction, “Drive Test” Verification & Simulcast Delay Optimization
  • Domestic and International Project Support

Call (217) 653-8200 Fred Pakosta or Jim Neves (660) 341-0304 for your Project Requirements!
301 Oak St., Suite 2-46A, Quincy, IL 62301

arrow Paging & Two-Way Radio Service Centre arrow
  • Supplier of Motorola and Unication
    pagers, offering an extensive range of
    UHF and VHF models
  • Repair service on all Motorola pagers
    and two-way radios
  • Motorola's appointed service centre for
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Contact us to find out more:
Tel: +44 (0)2380 666 333

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Unication USA




unication logo

The Paging Industry expects quality, reliable, and high performance paging products.

We at Unication have listened and delivered.


M90™ Messenger™—Our newest ReFLEX 2-Way Advanced Messaging solution. Finally the Industry has a true replacement for the Motorola T900 but with more features and improved RF performance.

  • One-Way Pagers
    • Alpha Elite and Alpha Gold—Our top of the line FLEX™ / POCSAG, 4-line alphanumeric pagers with an identical user interface and comparable RF performance to the Motorola Elite and Gold pagers.
    • NP88—Our newest numeric FLEX / POCSAG pager with the best backlight in the Industry.
  • Telemetry
    • We offer RF and decoding solutions.
alpha elitealpha goldnumeric

About Unication Co., Ltd.

  • A Taiwan company founded in 1992 with extensive experience designing and manufacturing paging and broadband products.
  • An ODM to major telecommunications companies.
  • More than 300 associates worldwide with Engineering Design Centers in Taipei, China and Vancouver, BC.  The engineering team has years of experience in wireless systems, embedded SW, RF design and protocols for infrastructure and pagers.
  • Our Accelerated Life Testing facility ensures the highest quality of products for our customers.
  • ISO 9001 and 14001 Certified
  • Fully licensed by Motorola for product design technology and the FLEX Family of Protocols.
  • Sales and Engineering support office in Arlington, Texas.
unication logo

  Contact Information

  Kirk Alland
  Unication USA
  1901 E. Lamar Blvd.
  Arlington, TX 76006
  (817) 926-6771

Unication USA
Hark Technologies

hark logo
Wireless Communication Solutions

isi image

ISI-LX Internet Serial Interface with Protocol Conversion

  • Converts Serial TAP message to SNPP, SMTP, or WCTP
  • Pass through Serial Data to TCP/IP and TCP/IP back to Serial
  • Supports Ethernet or PPP Connection to Internet w/Dial Backup
  • Includes 4 Serial Ports for Multiplexing Traffic
isi image

IPG Internet Paging Gateway

  • No Moving Parts Such as Hard Drives or Fans to Fail
  • Supports 10Base-T Network Connection to Internet
  • Accepts HTTP, SMTP, SNPP, and WCTP from Internet
  • Sends TAP or TNPP to Your Paging Terminal


  • Inexpensive method of automating your paging monitoring
  • Uses standard paging receiver
  • Available in 152-158 POCSAG or 929 FLEX (call for others)
omega image

Omega Unified Messaging Server

  • Full Featured Internet Messaging Gateway
  • TAP Concentrator and TNPP Routing Functions w/TNPP over Internet
  • Serial Protocols Supported: GCP, SMDI, SMS, TAP, TNPP
  • Internet Protocols Supported: AIM, HTTP, SMPP (out only), SMTP, SNPP, and WCTP
  • Full Featured, Easy-to-use Voice/Fax/Numeric Mail Interface
  • One Number For All Your Messaging
  • Optional Hot-swap Hard Drives and Power Supplies Available

Please see our web site for even more products designed specifically for Personal Messaging carriers. For example, the Omega Messaging Gateway and Email Throttling Gateway (anti-spam).

Hark Technologies
3507 Iron Horse Dr., Bldg. 200
Ladson, SC 29456
Tel: 843-285-7200
Fax: 843-285-7220
E-mail: left arrow CLICK
Web: left arrow CLICK
Hark Technologies


BloostonLaw Telecom Update 4
Vol. 9, No. 33
September 20, 2006

AWS-1 Auction Ends At Just Under $14 Billion

The Advanced Wireless Services (AWS-1) auction or Auction No. 66 concluded Monday afternoon with $13,879,110,200 in gross bids (or $13, 700,267,150 in net bids). The auction, which began August 9 with 168 qualified bidders, offered 1,122 licenses in the 1710-1755 MHz and 2110-2155 MHz bands. The auction closed after 161 rounds. 1,087 licenses were sold.

The top five winning bidders based on the net amount of their winning bids include: T-Mobile License LLC; Cellco Partnership d/b/a Verizon Wireless; SpectrumCo LLC; MetroPCS AWS, LLC; and Cingular AWS, LLC. More than half of the winning bidders in the auction certified their qualifications as small business entities, enabling them to use bidding credits. The unsold licenses remain held by the FCC and will be made available again in a future auction.

All winning bidders must make down payments on their licenses within 10 business days after the release of the FCC’s Public Notice announcing the close of the auction. Winning bidders must also file their long-form applications (FCC Form 601) with the FCC within the same period. The grant of these licenses to the winning bidders is dependent upon the timely submission of their down payments and final payments, and the review of their long-form applications.

As required by the Commercial Spectrum Enhancement Act (CSEA) for this auction, the FCC set a reserve price to cover the estimated relocation costs of Federal stations occupying 1710-1755 MHz, the frequencies covered by half of each AWS license in the auction. Net bids had to total at least $2.06 billion in order to conclude the auction in compliance with CSEA and the reserve.

BloostonLaw contacts: Hal Mordkofsky, John Prendergast, Gerry Duffy, and Cary Mitchell.

BloostonLaw Urges FAA To Drop Plan For Land Mobile Licensing Requirements

BloostonLaw, on behalf of its land mobile radio clients, has filed comments supporting the Federal Aviation Administration’s proposal to maintain safe, navigable airspace and recognize that hazards to navigable airspace can result in serious injury and loss of life and property. However, BloostonLaw believes that the FAA’s Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) in Docket No. 2006-25002, Notice No, 06006 is overly broad and that the FAA can meet its goal of ensuring that there is no Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) between non-governmental radio facilities and FAA facilities through existing procedures that do not place an undue burden on the public or otherwise over extend the resources of the FAA.

Accordingly, BloostonLaw urged the FAA to substantially scale back its proposal (if not eliminate it altogether), and rely on existing regulatory mechanisms that are in place to protect governmental radio installations in order to ensure interference free operation between government and non-government frequency allocations. For those non-governmental radio facilities that are not subject to the FCC’s site-by-site licensing process, BloostonLaw believes that FAA review may be appropriate in certain circumstances; provided such review is limited to those radio facility proposals that do not meet established co-channel/ adjacent channel interference standards published by the FAA and the FCC.

The FAA has proposed certain amendments to Part 77 of the Code of Federal Regulations which, if adopted, would impose significant and in many cases unnecessary regulatory burdens on applicants proposing the construction and or modification radio facilities in significant portions of the radio spectrum bands. In particular, the FAA has proposed to require the filing and approval of an FAA Form 7460-1 Notice of Proposed Construction or Alteration for any construction of a new facility or modification to an existing facility which supports the radiating elements for the purpose of radio frequency transmission operating on the following frequencies: (i) 54-108 MHz, (ii) 150-216 MHz, (iii) 406-420 MHz, (iv) 932-935/941 MHz, (v) 952-960 MHz, (vi) 1390-1400 MHz, (vii) 2500- 2700 MHz, (viii) 3700-4200 MHz, (ix) 5000-5650 MHz, (x) 5925-6525 MHz, (xi) 7450-8550 MHz, (xii) 14.2-14.4 GHz and (xiii) 21.2-23.6 GHz.

Proposed Rule Section 77.9 (e)(2) would likewise require the filing and approval of a Form 7460-1 with respect to the frequency bands identified above, for any changes or modifications under certain additional circumstances, including, but not limited to: (i) change in authorized frequency; (ii) Addition of new frequencies; (iii) Increase in effective radiated power (ERP) greater than 3 decibels (dB); (iv) of radiating elements, including: (A) Antenna mounting location(s) if increased 100 feet or more, irrespective of whether the overall height is increased; (B) Changes in antenna specifications (including gain, beamwidth, polarization, pattern) and (C) Change in antenna azimuth/bearing (e.g., point-to-point microwave systems).

The FAA’s proposal does not appear to take into account the regulatory processes by which the FCC and the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) already coordinate frequency proposals through the Inter-department Radio Advisory Committee (IRAC), in order to ensure interference-free operation between government and non-governmental facilities.

Essentially, BloostonLaw argued that (1) the FAA’s proposal has not demonstrated adequate need and would create unnecessary burdens; (2) the FAA’s proposal fails to provide a standard for measuring harmful interference to FAA facilities that could result in procedures that are arbitrary and capricious; (3) the FAA’s proposal will add undue delay in the construction of land mobile and microwave facilities; and (4) the FAA should use new technology, and utilize publicly available databases, in order to limit the number of FAA notices.

BloostonLaw contacts: John Prendergast and Richard Rubino.

SEN. BOXER “UNCOVERS” SO-CALLED “HIDDEN” FCC STUDY: U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) recently asked FCC Chairman Kevin Martin why a 2003 Media Bureau draft review of the radio industry was never released to the public. The 2003 “Review of the Radio Industry” found a 35% decrease in the number of radio station owners between 1996 and 2003, which the study attributed largely to mergers. The fact that the study was not released implied that the FCC was trying to suppress it. In a September 18 letter to Boxer, however, Martin said he had never seen the study and was not aware of it. Additionally, he had asked the FCC’s Inspector General to investigate the matter. Further, Martin directed that the document be posted on the Commission’s Web site and the staff update the study with the most recent data. Former FCC Chairman Michael Powell, who headed the agency at the time the draft was prepared, said last Friday that he had never seen the study and did not know about it before the recent controversy. And despite allegations that FCC officials ordered the study destroyed, Powell said he clearly gave no such order.

BloostonLaw contacts: Ben Dickens and Gerry Duffy.

Source: Blooston, Mordkofsky, Dickens, Duffy and Prendergast, LLP

For additional information, contact Hal Mordkofsky at 202-828-5520 or


A Global Wireless Messaging Association

emma logo


Dear EMMA Members and Friends,

Our Second Annual Conference for 2006 will be held on November 15-17 at the Hilton Hotel in Budapest. Attached please find the Program Summary, registration forms and hotel booking information. It is important that you use this hotel booking form to identify yourselves as EMMA delegates in order to obtain the special rate we have negotiated and account for the number of participants we have committed to the hotel. Once completed it should be faxed to the hotel on +36-1-889-6705

The Budapest Conference will include two half-day sessions for team work aiming at the formulation of a strategy for the industry, which will form the basis for the Association's own strategy, future direction and actions. It is therefore essential that as many Members as possible participate in this event and contribute with their individual and collective know-how and vision. Wireless communications are becoming increasingly complex and competitive, but there are also market niches that need simple, proven and solid messaging technologies, such as paging. Several of the presentations selected will be addressing these opportunities and the strategy sessions are bound to identify and prioritize those that can be tapped in the short term throughout the Industry.

As with the Conference in Athens, we would like to see delegates from outside Europe join the sessions and share their success stories, as well as challenges. In fact, we would like to encourage our North American, Latin American, Asian and Australian Members and Friends to attend and circulate this invitation to other interested parties among their contacts, including corporate users of wireless messaging. We have kept the Conference registration fee and hotel room rate to a very affordable level in order to encourage participating companies send more than one delegate.

As with all EMMA Conferences, time is set aside to create an atmosphere favorable to discussing business among participants.

Budapest is a very exciting city and the side activities we are planning should enable everyone return home with a pleasant memory from this trip. As the Conference ends on Friday afternoon, you may want to extend your stay there. We have arranged with the hotel to maintain the EMMA rate for stays before or after the event. We also like to encourage you bring along a spouse or companion.

We look forward to seeing you all in November in Budapest!

Best regards,

Derek Banner and Jacques N. Couvas

On October 19, 2005, in Helsinki, Finland, a new paging association was formed. Successor to WMA (Wireless Messaging Association UK) and EMMA (European Mobile Messaging Association), the new association retained EMMA as its name. Derek Banner, former chairman of WMA was elected chairman of the new EMMA.

You can contact Mr. Banner by calling him on +44 1895 473 551 or e-mailing him at:  left arrow CLICK HERE

Please read the new EMMA whitepaper Radiopaging for Alerting First Responders and Informing the Public during Emergencies.



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outrnet custom apps If you see someone in the field (like salespeople, technicians, and delivery people) using paper forms, their company could probably save a pile of money, and get much better timeliness, accuracy and efficiency, by using converting to Outr.Net's Wireless Forms. Custom applications for as little as $995, delivered in just a few days.Outr.Net has a web page on Wireless Forms for Timeports at: left arrow Their latest newsletter is: "Business Development in Mobile Data" left arrow

Please call me so we can discuss your need or your idea. Or contact me by e-mail for more information left arrow

Zetron Simulcast System

High-speed simulcast Paging with protocols such as POCSAG and FLEX™ requires microsecond accuracy to synchronize the transmission of digital Paging signals.

zetron simulcast

Zetron's Simulcast System uses GPS timing information to ensure that the broadcasted transmissions between the nodes of the Simulcast System and associated transmitters are synchronized to very tight tolerances.

This system is ideal for public or private Paging system operators that use multiple transmitters and wish to create new Paging systems or to build out existing systems into new regions. For more information about Zetron's High Speed Simulcast Paging System, the Model 600 and Model 620, go to: left arrow CLICK HERE

Zetron, Inc.
P.O. Box 97004
Redmond, WA 98073-9704 USA
Tel: 425-820-6363
Fax: 425-820-7031
E-mail:   left arrow CLICK HERE
Zetron Inc.


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Package 3 variable $34.62

* cost per week—six-month minimum—or 26 issues

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Advertise Here

Your company's logo and product promotion can appear right here for six months. It only costs $600.00 for a full-size ad in 26 issues—that's only $23.08 an issue. (6-month minimum run.)

Read more about the advertising plans here. left arrow CLICK HERE



news release


DANIELS Electronics is awarded an $8 Million contract with the canadian federal government

Victoria, B.C. Canada – September 20, 2006 – Daniels Electronics Ltd., a leading Canadian supplier of high reliability Land Mobile Radio (LMR) radio equipment, today announced it has been awarded an $8 Million contract with the Canadian government for the supply of digital public safety radios.  

This contract will be used by the Canadian government over the next 4 years to expand and upgrade the government’s radio networks to provide state of the art digital communications for the first line public safety responders.

“Daniels is very pleased to be awarded this substantial contract with the Canadian government and to be able to provide advanced digital communications in support of public safety in our country.” says Robert Small, Chief Operating Officer of Daniels Electronics. “It demonstrates Daniels’ world class products and shows we are developing the right public safety products to meet the needs of the public safety community here in Canada.”

About Daniels Electronics Ltd.

Daniels Electronics Ltd. is a North American leader in the design and manufacture of customized radio communications systems for specialized applications. For the past 50 years Daniels has provided our customers in North America and internationally with highly reliable base stations, repeaters and paging equipment that is environmentally robust and operates in rugged and extreme temperature conditions where low current consumption is a key requirement. For more information about Daniels Electronics, visit


Gerry Wight
Daniels Electronics Ltd.
(250) 382-8268

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Special Offer on Paging Accessories

Secure your mobile device, Pager, Mobile or PDA with a 23cm Motorola Lanyard Chain, Bungee or Lobster security device.

Lanyard Chains—Black, Gold or Silver Bungee’s—Violet, Blue, Black, or Green Lobster—Leather tan


Special Offer of 1,000 pieces for $873.00

To place your order or for more information contact: or +44 (0) 20 8914 5339 website:

The pricing quoted is a guideline price, pending order quantity. All Prices exclude VAT and carriage charges.

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Messaging & Cellular
Repair, Refurbishment, Logistics, and Sales

  • Authorized Service Center Supporting Most Major OEMs
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Call Or E-mail For More Information


September 18, 2006
Contact: Joe Farren

CTIA-The Wireless Association® Congratulates
FCC on Successful AWS Spectrum Auction

WASHINGTON, D.C. - CTIA -The Wireless Association® President and CEO, Steve Largent issued the following statement in response to the conclusion of the FCC's Advanced Wireless Services (AWS) spectrum auction:

"We greatly appreciate the efforts of Chairman Martin and the Commission in running a smooth and successful auction. The industry will put this spectrum to great use in meeting the needs of the American public, and the country will reap the benefits of the almost $14 billion that was raised. We are excited about the future services that will be delivered, and we look forward to working with the Commission on the upcoming 700 MHz auction. This spectrum will be a key in providing cutting-edge wireless services that meet the needs of consumers and the Public Safety community. Both of these auctions will highlight the benefits to the American public of assigning spectrum via auction."

# # #
CTIA is the international association for the wireless telecommunications industry,
representing carriers, manufacturers and wireless Internet providers.

Source: Virtual Press Office

enterprise wireless 2006

Attorneys General Oppose Preemption Provisions Pertaining to Wireless and VOIP Service in Telecommunications Bill

News Release
Sep 18, 2006

Last week, 41 state attorneys general signed a letter to Congress opposing provisions in H.R. 5252 the "Advanced Telecommunications and Opportunity Reform Act," that the group says would "preempt state law and enforcement as they pertain to wireless carriers and voice over internet protocol (VOIP) service providers."

The letter stresses the large number of consumer complaints about wireless telephone service and that state Attorney General offices are best equipped to continue to address these complaints. The letter also highlights the 2004 Attorney General multi-state settlement with three wireless carriers that insures consumers have protections relating to service agreements and coverage areas. The letter also points out that the FCC does not have the resources to address all consumer complaints about wireless and VOIP.

"The marketplace has failed to protect consumers," says the letter, which goes on to say that a voluntary code of conduct is unenforceable and inadequate.

Source: public CIO

nighthawk logo





Nighthawk Systems Inc. manufactures low cost and reliable remote control products for fire house alerting, volunteer alerting, activation of warning signs and sirens, and a number of applications for public safety.  The Company manufactures the EA1 and the FAS-8 which have been designed specifically for these applications.  Both products are paging based and will work with any public or private paging network.  They are available in all VHF, UHF, and 900 MHz paging frequencies.  The products can serve as the primary notification system or an excellent, low-cost backup to existing systems.

Public Emergency Notification & Volunteer Alerting

The EA1 is the solution for remotely activating public warning signage.  Examples include tornado sirens, flash flood warnings, fire danger, Amber Alert, icy roads, etc.  The EA1 can also send text messages to scrolling signs.  This can occur in conjunction with the activation of audible alarms and visual strobes.  This is ideal for public notification in buildings, schools, hotels, factories, etc. The group call feature allows for any number of signs or flashing lights to be activated at the same time over a wide geographic area.  In addition, the EA1 Emergency Alert is the perfect solution for low cost yet highly effective alerting of volunteer fire fighters in their home.  When activated the EA1 will emit an audible alarm and activate the power outlet on the units faceplate.  A common setup is to simply place the EA1 on a table and plug a lamp into the faceplate.  When paged from dispatch or any touch tone phone the EA1 will awaken the fire fighter to a lit room.  As an option the EA1 can be ordered with a serial cable, allowing for attachment of a serial printer.  When paged the alphanumeric message will be printed out at the same time the alarm sounds and the outlet is activated.  The EA1 is an ideal complement to alphanumeric belt pagers common to volunteers.

nighthawk sign

Firehouse Automation

The FAS-8 is designed for activating one or more relays in a firehouse and if desired, printing the alphanumeric message to a serial printer.  For this application the FAS-8 is set to activate upon receiving the proper paging cap code sent from 911 dispatch.  Up to eight different devices can be activated all with individual time functions.  The most common devices to turn on include the PA amplifier, audible wake up alarm, and house lights.  The most common device turned off is the stove.  The FAS-8 can accept up to 8 different cap codes and have separate relay and time functions per cap code.  This allows for different alerting to be accomplished at the same physical location depending upon which cap code is sent.  This can be very helpful when fire crews and medical crews are housed in the same building.



Put the innovative technology of Nighthawk to work for you. For more information on any of our products or services, please contact us.

Nighthawk Systems, Inc.
10715 Gulfdale, Suite 200
San Antonio, TX 78216

Phone: 877-764-4484
Fax: 210-341-2011

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Ira Wiesenfeld, P.E.
Consulting Engineer
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7711 Scotia Dr.
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September 19. 2006

Sports information goes portable.

Las Vegas, NV (PRWEB) September 19, 2006 — "The more things change, the more they stay the same," commented Ed Skowronski, President of, the nation's leader in wireless sports information. 20 years ago™ invented the sports pager as a way to get sports information to on-the-go sports fans who didn't want to be tied down to a TV, radio or score phones. The pager displays scores and betting lines from all the major sports leagues (NFL, NBA, MLB, NHL and College Football and Basketball). 20 years later, people still prefer the convenience of the pager to even cellular phones. During this time, this Las Vegas-based company has relied on the insatiable appetite of the sports fan.

“But the pager can go way beyond that. With today’s infatuation with celebrities and Reality TV our pager could show the line on Emmitt Smith winning Dancing with the Stars or Survivor Series odds or who’s the frontrunner for Jessica Simpson’s next date.”sportspager

This appetite for sports information has weathered the technology explosion. Today, in this age of I-pods, black berries and laptop computers, the reliable sports pager still has a roll. In fact, the sports pager only takes one or two clicks to find a score or line; whereas a phone or computer takes many keystrokes to find the relevant data. Portable affordable sports information will always have a place in the heart of the hard core sports fan and there will always be a demand for sports information that can be carried around in the palm of the hand.

Skowronski explains: "But the pager can go way beyond that. With today’s infatuation with celebrities and Reality TV our pager could show the line on Emmitt Smith winning Dancing with the Stars or Survivor Series odds or who’s the frontrunner for Jessica Simpson’s next date."

From a humble beginning to the top of the wireless sports information industry™ bet big by betting on sports fans who want portable sports information. The sports pager was a great idea 20 years ago and it is still going strong today. The more things change, the more things stay the same indeed.

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Source: PR Web

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In case of emergency: use satellite

By Roger Bray
Published: September 18 2006 03:00 | Last updated: September 18 2006 03:00

Disaster strikes in a foreign city. Rockets have landed, conventional communications are down and mobile phone networks are clogged. For staff on trips there and their corporate travel managers it is a nightmare. How can those travelers keep in touch? How can their companies check that they are safe and get them out quickly?

This is no far-fetched fiction. Hard lessons were learned from the events of September 11 in New York City, which underlined the importance of keeping track of travelling employees and prompted many companies to take action.

Technology can help in two ways: by providing travelers and their headquarters with communication devices which stand the best chance of coping with sudden, overwhelming demand; and by enabling travel management companies to search their databases, locate the travelers they booked as precisely as possible and provide that information rapidly to their corporate clients.

What is the most disaster-proof kit staff can carry with them? Satellite phones and Wifi enabled devices are likely to prove the most resilient, not least because fewer people will be using them in a crisis.

Satellite phones are larger than mobiles but less bulky than they used to be. Travelers do not have to carry miniature dishes but they still have to be used outdoors.

Richard Offenbach, a director of London-based Satphone, which sells and rents them, describes them as "about the size of a large beer can". "They cost around £500-£1000, or £2000 if you want one installed in a building. The Iridium 9505, for example, weighs less than 375 grammes and measures 158 x 62 x 59mm. It offers worldwide coverage, with the exception of North Korea and rebel-controlled parts of Sri Lanka, says Mr Offenbach.

Calls using the Iridium are bounced by one of 66 satellites to a ground station in Arizona and - unless they are made direct to another satellite phone - transmitted from there by conventional telephone links. Some companies reduce reliance on such links by installing satellite phones in their offices and connecting them to a roof antenna.

According to Mr Offenbach, many banks and financial institutions have installed them at contingency sites in case their own premises are attacked. This would enable travelling employees to make contact, even if land lines and mobile networks were unusable.

Wireless internet connections and 3G access to email from mobile phones are less likely to be saturated than voice networks.

But those who feel the need to talk in an emergency could find a Wifi hotspot and use a laptop with a head or handset to make VOIP (voice over internet protocol) calls. Mobile phones are already available that allow you to do the same by switching from the cellular network to Wifi. They include later models in Nokia's E Series.

Many big travel management companies (TMCs) provide clients with automated systems to locate travelers. They include HRG, Carlson Wagonlit Travel, American Express and P&O Travel.

Amex's TrackPoint tool sends details of trips to a website which customers can access if they need to see how many staff they have in a country, area or city, which flights they took and where they are staying. The information is refreshed every four to six hours in case those bookings are changed. An Amex spokesperson says: "After 9/11, contacting everybody took several days. That provided the impetus for launching Trackpoint and when the tsunami happened we were in touch with most people in a few hours."

The company concedes that even more detail could be known about a traveler's whereabouts if transactions using Amex's corporate card could be included quickly in information accessible to clients.

Suppose, for example, the fact that a card holder had paid for lunch at a restaurant could be transmitted as soon as the transaction had been authorised. Amex says it is interested in the idea but a system for implementing it has not been developed yet.

Alan Coles, managing director of UK-based P&O Travel, says: "Our system allows us to key in different parameters. If a client wants to know where all its people are or get information on a flight or a destination, the system hunts through our entire database. What we can say is three people were on a flight which arrived in Jeddah at 6pm for example and that they are in these hotels.

"But we don't offer a system which gives details beyond what we book - such as telling clients whether their staff are in meetings and where the meetings are. It would be difficult getting travelers to provide the information. It's hard enough getting them to follow travel policy and it's sometimes difficult to get people's mobile phone numbers and email addresses. They may be a little concerned about Big Brother - but I think we might need that kind of information if they were engineers going to Iraq, for example."

It is not only TMCs that provide automated location services. London- based International SOS provides customers with access to a website where they can track the whereabouts of staff in any particular area or city. Information on their trips is transmitted direct to the company via the GDS (global distribution systems) - or from online booking sites and search engines - through which the trip is booked.

Some travelers play hard to get, however. Those who book direct with airlines and hotels not approved in a company's travel policy will not appear on the radar screen, and if the devices they carry with them fail to function, perhaps because of flat batteries, they may be left isolated.

Source: Financial Times



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$500.00 FLAT RATE

TAPS—Texas Association of Paging Services is looking for partners on 152.480 MHz. Our association currently uses Echostar, formerly Spacecom, for distribution of our data and a large percentage of our members use the satellite to key their TXs. We have a CommOneSystems Gateway at the uplink in Chicago with a back-up running 24/7. Our paging coverage area on 152.480 MHz currently encompasses Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Louisiana, and Kansas. The TAPS paging coverage is available to members of our Network on 152.480 MHz for $.005 a transmitter (per capcode per month), broken down by state or regions of states and members receive a credit towards their bill for each transmitter which they provide to our coverage. Members are able to use the satellite for their own use If you are on 152.480 MHz or just need a satellite for keying your own TXs on your frequency we have the solution for you.

TAPS will provide the gateways in Chicago, with Internet backbone and bandwidth on our satellite channel for $ 500.00 (for your system) a month.

Contact Ted Gaetjen @ 1-800-460-7243 or left arrow CLICK TO E-MAIL


Ann R., Alcoholic

Published: September 16, 2006

Former Gov. Ann Richards of Texas will be remembered for her wit, her one-liners and especially for the keynote speech at the 1988 Democratic Convention, which was, in retrospect, the high point in the party’s dismal campaign for the presidency that year. To intrigued television viewers nationwide, Ms. Richards, with her big hair and big attitude, epitomized the kind of formidable woman that is a hallmark of the Lone Star State. People liked her down-home phrases. When she said, “We’re gonna tell how the cow ate the cabbage,” they believed her. She leavened a plain-spoken manner with wisecracks. Both helped elect her governor two years later.

But her political career eclipsed what Ms. Richards called “one of the great, great stories” of her life: her recovery from alcoholism and her nearly 26 years of sobriety. That triumph deserves to be more than a line in her obituary.

In so many ways, her decision to stop drinking and enter a rehabilitation program in 1980, after a painful intervention by family and friends, was necessary for her continued rise in public life. What made Ms. Richards different was her decision to be forthright about the fact that she was a recovering alcoholic. She didn’t hide it. “I like to tell people that alcoholism is one of my strengths,” she said. She was right. Alcoholics know that seeds of healthy recovery grow from the need to mend their own flaws to stay sober, one day at a time. Ms. Richards faced her imperfections fearlessly, and that enabled others to be fearless, too, if only for a little while.

She never stopped helping people. One well-known author said the first mail she received after enrolling in a rehabilitation program was an encouraging letter from Ms. Richards. A politician who left rehab and wondered how on earth he was going to avoid drinking when he got home well after midnight found Ms. Richards waiting for him when he arrived. As governor, she started treatment programs in Texas prisons. When she visited, she would tell the inmates the simple truth: “My name’s Ann, and I’m an alcoholic.” Her imperfection had become a source of inspiration for others.

Ann Richards was funny, wise and compassionate. At 73, she died too soon. But she died sober.

Source: The New York Times


The Newsletter Works!

From: George Wallace
Subject: my email in your current newsletter
Date: September 20, 2006 11:40:22 AM CDT


You inserted my email to you (looking for recruiters) in the current newsletter. Thank you! I received a call Friday night at 9:30 and set an interview. A second reader sent me the name of a recruiter.

Maybe you should think about a side business in recruiting? :)

All the best,
George Wallace

PTC Members

Attached [following] is the agenda for the next PTC meeting being held NEXT WEEK in Orland, FL. I hope to see you there.

Thanks to our sponsors SunTelecom and Unication for their continued support of our Committee.


Stephen M. Oshinsky
Technical Advisory

PTC Fall Face-to-Face Meeting
Rosen Centre Hotel, Orlando, FL
September 26th, 2006 from 1-5 PM in Salon 5


1. Subcommittee Reports

2. PWG Chair Election

3. James Dabbs - The ReFLEX MVNO

4. Locus Location Systems

5. Paul Fitzgerald – InfoRad

6. New Business

7. PTC Chair Election Discussion

8. Next Face-to-Face Meeting

9. Adjourn

Thanks to our sponsors:

SunTelecom and Unication

MSF 5000 Parts Needed

Subject: Need Msf 5000 parts
Date: September 21, 2006 12:35:30 PM CDT


My self and Ray at Teletouch need some Uhf combiners that go in the High Power MSF 5000 225 watt Pa's Part # TLE5834A. Motorola is out and it looks as there is no plans to replace this item. I don't know if someone built this for Motorola?

I need about 10 of these to fix my Pa's. I don't know if this is something you put in your letter or if I need to buy a small ad?

I'm a small PCP carrier in North West Tn and West Ky. I network my 20 462.800 transmitters with Teletouch's network. I enjoy your new's letter.

Robin Wood
Wood Communication
Ken-Tenn Wireless Internet
Union City Tn
800 489 4792

James Dabbs to Speak At EWA Next Week In Orlando

From: James Dabbs
Subject: EWA
Date: September 22, 2006 12:39:17 PM CDT
To: Brad Dye

Hi Brad,

I'm scheduled to give a presentation called "Paging 2.0" at EWA next week, as part of a panel discussion. Since this may be of interest to AAPC members, I thought I'd give you a heads up.



James Dabbs

Critical Response Systems, Inc.
1670 Oakbrook Drive, Suite 370
Norcross, GA 30093-1849
Tel: 770-441-9559 x126
Fax: 770-449-7740
Cel: 404-543-0022


Well, that's all for this week folks. Please stay in touch. Remember, there will be no newsletter next week because I will be attending Enterprise Wireless 2006 in Orlando, Florida. The following week's newsletter will have a full report on the Orlando show and the first Podcast Supplement.

brad dye 04 photo

With best regards,
brad's signature

Brad Dye
Wireless Messaging Consultant

P.O. Box 266
Fairfield, IL 62837 USA

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Skype: braddye   WIRELESS
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Telephone/Fax: +1-618-842-3892  
Web: Consulting page  left arrow MAY I HELP YOU?

“For all sad words of tongue and pen, the saddest are these, ‘It might have been.’”
—John Greenleaf Whittier

“The tragedy of life is not that it ends so soon, but that we wait so long to begin it.
—W. M. Lewis

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