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FRIDAY - MARCH 9, 2007 - ISSUE NO. 252

Dear friends of Wireless Messaging,

We are starting to have some warmer days here in central Illinois. I hope to get outside and do some work in the yard today as soon as I finish this newsletter.

Many thanks to all those who have taken the time to craft well-thought-out opinions on the use of ReFLEX by Public Safety agencies. The discussion will continue; I have been advised that more comments are being prepared.

I have added a news feed from Europe to my web site that contains the latest Amateur Radio News.

USA Mobility has released their fourth quarter 2006 financial results. Vince Kelly and his management team were very upbeat and optimistic during their conference call with investors yesterday. Both Vince and Peter Barnett made some important points about their network "rationalization." Some of us have feared that "rationalization" was just a euphemistic way of describing the dismantling of their paging network. They explained that as the network size is adjusted for today's reality and the fact that USA Mobility has "inherited" many more frequencies than they need through the acquisition of several (formerly) large paging companies, in many areas more transmitters are added to improve the coverage on the channel that they decide to keep.

Peter calls this their "go to frequency" — the one that they move everyone to in order to increase efficiency and reduce the cost of excess site rentals. This is saving the company millions of dollars and everyone should note that they are trying to make sure that their subscribers have at least as good coverage as they did before the area was rationalized. Often coverage in a given area gets improved in the process.

I think we can continue to be optimistic about the future of paging—at least until someone invents something better—and so far, no one has—in my opinion. We may never see a return to 45 million users of public paging services in the US, unless of course, our government pulls their head out of the sand and decides to hang a public alerting device on the wall in every home, business, and school in the country. I hope it won't take another 9/11 disaster to convince them to do so.

Back to the topic.

I am not the least embarrassed to tell you that I had to look up one of the words that I heard on the USMO conference call:


The accumulation of capital gains on discount bonds with the expectation that the securities will be redeemed at maturity. Excluding municipals, the amount of annual accretion is taxable on an original-issue discount bond even though only a small amount of interest or no interest at all is paid each year.

accretion. Wall Street Words. Houghton Mifflin Company. (accessed: March 09, 2007).

Accretion can also mean: "Growth or increase in size by gradual external addition, fusion, or inclusion."

accretion. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition. Houghton Mifflin Company, 2004. (accessed: March 09, 2007).

Please check out the USA Mobility news release below for more details. Subscriber losses continue to improve, expenses continue to be reduced, and capital is being returned to their shareholders.

Now on to more news and views.

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Wireless Messaging Newsletter
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This is my weekly newsletter about Wireless Messaging. You are receiving this because you have either communicated with me in the past about a wireless topic, or your address was included in another e-mail that I received on the same subject. This is not a SPAM. If you have received this message in error, or you are not interested in these topics, please click here, then click on "send" and you will be promptly removed from the mailing list.

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A new issue of The Wireless Messaging Newsletter gets posted on the web each week. A notification goes out by e-mail to subscribers on most Fridays around noon central US time. The notification message has a link to the actual newsletter on the Internet. That way it doesn't fill up your incoming e-mail account.

There is no charge for subscription and there are no membership restrictions. Readers are a very select group of wireless industry professionals, and include the senior managers of many of the world's major Paging and Wireless Data companies. There is an even mix of operations managers, marketing people, and engineers—so I try to include items of interest to all three groups. It's all about staying up-to-date with business trends and technology. I regularly get reader's comments, so this newsletter has become a community forum for the Paging, and Wireless Data communities. You are welcome to contribute your ideas and opinions. Unless otherwise requested, all correspondence addressed to me is subject to publication in the newsletter and on my web site. I am very careful to protect the anonymity of those who request it.

NOTE: This newsletter is best viewed at screen resolutions of 800x600 (good) or 1024x768 (better). Any current revision of web browser should work fine. Please notify me of any problems with viewing. This site is compliant with XHTML 1.0 transitional coding for easy access from wireless devices. (XML 1.0/ISO 8859-1.)


aapc logo AAPC Bulletin • 866-301-2272
The Voice of US Paging Carriers


Note to AAPC Members:

It is with great excitement that I assume the position as president of AAPC following the recent and unexpected resignation of Bruce Deer. I want to personally thank Bruce for an outstanding two years, where we saw advancements in the credibility of the association and the promotion of paging as a communication tool of the future. Bruce was intimately involved in touting the reliable role that paging played during Katrina and was instrumental in creating a voice for the paging industry in the current remake of our Emergency Alert System. Thank you, Bruce, for a job well done!

As your new president, I promise to represent the common interests of paging carriers, both large and small, and the vendor members that support them. The strength of the association lies in its members, and I expect participation in the form of ideas, attending forums, and sharing experience. One of my immediate goals is to add new members from the western states. AAPC Director Linda Hoover and FCC Counsel Ken Hardman will surely make my job look easy.

For those who don’t know me, I have been in paging since 1970, when my dad started one of the first RCCs in Colorado. This was before touch-tone and paging terminals. I’ve participated in just about every job in paging, as a small-to-medium size carrier, and have survived the good times and bad times in the industry. I have enjoyed competing against the biggest and the best and believe that customer service is the key to a loyal customer base. Previously, I served on the board of Telocator and as president of a state association. Currently, I am part-owner and CTO of SelectPath, d/b/a Contact Wireless, serving New Mexico and Colorado, and live just outside of Denver.

There is a positive future for paging. It’s up to all of us to maximize our efforts to promote the industry and invent new ideas and uses for our networks. I look forward to leading AAPC in this direction. Please plan to join me at the AAPC Conference in Myrtle Beach, SC, at the end of May to share in the discussion! Information and registration information is available at

Scott Forsythe
AAPC President


Register to attend the AAPC Wireless Forum today!
May 30-June 1, 2007
Marriott Resort at Grande Dunes
Myrtle Beach, South Carolina

The Wireless Forum is the best networking opportunity on the east coast for anyone in the wireless industry. In 2007, participants will enjoy perusing the outstanding vendor exhibits and learning about cutting-edge technologies providing ideas to expand your business. In addition, vendors will host dedicated training sessions and the Paging Technical Committee will meet during this event.

Registration Information left arrow

  • AAPC Member Registration (On or before May 4) $180.00
  • Non Member Registration (On or before May 4) $240.00
  • AAPC Member Late Registration (After May 4) $200.00
  • Non Member Late Registration (After May 4) $265.00

Hotel Reservations – This hotel sells out quickly! left arrow

The Marriott Resort at Grande Dunes provides an excellent venue for informal networking opportunities during the conference.  With the numerous hotel amenities, coupled with the golfing, shopping, and other attractions in Myrtle Beach, attendees feel this is more like a “mini-vacation” than work. Do not delay - make your reservations early by calling the Myrtle Beach Marriott Resort at Grande Dunes at 800.644.2881. Please be sure to reference either AAPC or Wireless Forum 2007 to receive the discounted rate of $143/night. Reservations must be made by May 11, 2007.

Exhibit at the largest paging event on the East Coast!

This annual event keeps getting bigger and better. Benefits of exhibiting include:

  • The participant list
  • Company name and description with a link to your website on the AAPC conference web site
  • Dedicated time to talk with participants
  • Your company description, address, phone number, and web address in the conference materials
  • Opportunity to place a one-page company promotional flyer in the conference materials

Complete list of Sponsorship and Exhibitor Opportunities left arrow

Exhibitor Contract left arrow

Don’t miss this chance to expand your opportunities in the wireless messaging world!

Thank you to our Gold Vendor member!

PRISM Paging
Thanks to our Silver Vendors!
isc technologies
ISC Technologies, Inc.
recurrent software
Recurrent Software Solutions, Inc.

Thanks to our Bronze Vendors!
  • Commtech Wireless
  • Critical Response Systems, Inc.
  • DX Radio Systems, Inc.
  • Global Technical Engineering Solutions (GTES)
  • Hark Technologies
  • Minilec Service, Inc.
  • Motorola Inc.
  • Nighthawk Systems, Inc.
  • Unication USA
  • United Communications Corporation
  • Zetron, Inc.

AAPC Executive Director
441 N. Crestwood Drive
Wilmington, NC 28405
Tel: 866-301-2272
AAPC Regulatory Affairs Office
Suite 250
2154 Wisconsin Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20007-2280
Tel: 202-223-3772
Fax: 202-315-3587


Advertiser Index

AAPC—American Association of Paging Carriers   Nighthawk Systems, Inc.
Advanced RF Communications   Northeast Paging
Aquis Communications, Inc.   NotePage Inc.
ATCOM Wireless   
Ayrewave Corporation
CONTEL Costa Rica   ParkMagic
CVC Paging   Preferred Wireless
Daniels Electronics   Prism Paging
Daviscomms USA   Product Support Services
EMMA—European Mobile Messaging Association   Ron Mercer
Global Fax Network Services   Swissphone
GTES LLC   Texas Association of Paging Services
Hark Systems   TH Communications
Heartland Communications   UCOM Paging
HMCE, Inc.   Unication USA
InfoRad, Inc.     
Ira Wiesenfeld   WiPath Communications
Minilec Service, Inc.   Zetron Inc.

Europe’s most popular Fire-Pager now available in the USA!
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  • 32 addresses with 50 user profiles
  • 2-tone format (also available 5- or 5/6-tone)
  • Narrow-band (12.5 KHz) or wide-band capability
  • Large display for clarity at a glance
  • Four minutes voice memory (RE629 Stored Voice)
  • Water resistant case
  • Synthesized, multi channel option

RE629 Voice — the comfort model
Ideal for use in all alarm and emergency turn-out networks. Can be adapted at any time to fit changing assignments.

RE629 Stored Voice — the premium model
Offers a voice memory with a four-minutes recording capacity. All alarms are archived and can be replayed as often as is required.

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North-American Office
Paul Kaiser
1460 Main Street, Suite #9
Sarasota, FL 34236
Phone: 800-596-1914 • Fax: 941-955-8432

A resilient and effective future in paging

Published February 2007, The BAPCO Journal

Paging - is there still a requirement in public safety?

With the growing usage of SMS messaging, are paging systems likely to become obsolete in the face of mobile phone technology or will they remain a reliable and cost effective means of communication within the mission critical arena? Outlining this very point, The BAPCO Journal takes a closer look at the importance that both wide and local area paging systems play and examines how the systems are likely to develop in the future...

The unfortunate events in London on 7th July 2005 demonstrated the importance of effective communications in responding to and managing major incidents and the increasing role that mobile messaging plays in emergency and business continuity plans.

Whilst events demonstrated the growing role and acceptance of text messaging for critical messaging, it also reinforced the role paging still has to play in communicating vital information quickly. Paging's inherent broadcast capability and protection from public peak traffic loads during such emergencies, ensures that even though the paging network experienced record traffic levels on 7/7, messaging was well within capacity, and the delivery of critical messages in a timely manner was unaffected. This mirrors the findings of several reports into communications during the 9/11 disaster in New York, which highlighted the critical role paging played.

Michael Cassidy, president of the London Chamber of Commerce, reinforced this point in an article in the Times soon after the July 7th attacks in London, Cassidy commented "...firms needed to be able to communicate through a secure paging system in the event of further attacks...”

Furthermore, the frequencies used by pagers and their infrastructure are governed and have less tendencies to interfere with sensitive electronic equipment, hence the reliance of hospitals on pagers. In addition to which, since pagers can also be made intrinsically safe, for use in hazardous environments such as petrol refineries there will remain a need for such a reliable and resilient form of communication.

Discussing how pagers can remain effective with the growing usage of SMS messaging, Paul Williams, Lynxpro pointed out, “Ownership is a fundamental reason why paging will remain a major requirement within the mission critical arena, which ensures system reliability and performance.

“In the case of local area paging the entire system is owned by the user, therefore there is no dependency on a third party to provide the service. We also know from experience that in the case of emergency either the third-party network fails to operate because of lack of capacity of in severe situations is closed down as happens when there is a risk of a third party network being used to create the emergency, such as remote detonation of bombs etc. Whilst these instances are thankfully rare, the possibility does remove the ultimate reliability of such systems to operate when they are needed most.”

Pagers were cited in the London Regional Resilience Forum Multi-Agency Debrief report, (as published on 23rd September 2006). Key elements such as: Lessons (page 7) “Responders must not rely on mobile phones for critical functions in a crisis. Emergency responders need to have a dedicated communications that will work in an emergency.”

''Pagers: so long as they are sufficiently independent of other networks, consider using pagers for alerting and mobilisation, including preset pager groups, where this function is critical''

Progress since 7 July - London Ambulance Service (page 27) “LAS managers have all been given radio pagers which are resilient in a major incident”

What happened to the networks? (page 42) “Pagers: They can enable messages to get through when mobile phone networks are congested. COLP (City of London Police) successfully used its pager alert scheme on 7 July to provide key business personnel with incident progress information.”

Recommendations (page 44) “Pagers: So long as they are sufficiently independent of other networks consider using pagers for alerting and mobilisation”

Commenting on the report, Chris Jones, managing director, PageOne said, “PageOne welcomes the findings of the report and reiterates that paging still plays a very important role in providing real time information to many organisations today.”

Is SMS technology impacting on paging?

Discussing the growth of SMS technology and the impact it has had on paging, Jones stated, “SMS text messaging is playing an increasing role within business. Businesses have realised that a resilient communication strategy, uses a combination of technologies such as paging and SMS. As a disaster will inevitably exploit weaknesses in any communications strategy, which is over reliant on a single network or technology - landlines can be damaged, mobile networks can be overloaded.

“It is thus crucial that businesses ensure that they have effective plans for managing and responding to emergency, disaster or even system failure. Many organisations are indeed currently reviewing their communication plans.”

Williams added, “The technology used by SMS follows the same technology as radio paging. The advances in the use of mobile telephony has greatly benefited radio paging systems, which have developed at the same pace as mobile phones. In the case of ‘On-site’ radio paging, such systems offer a number of advantages compared to SMS messages. For example, ‘On-Site’ paging systems are owned and controlled by the user who has complete control over the system. Messages are transmitted and received almost instantly. Unlike SMS?systems where the volume of transmissions at any one time may delay up to several hours the receipt of the transmitted message. Further more the on-going cost of on-site paging is very little as the cost per message is zero!”

Also commenting, Peter Moss, product manager, Stanley Security Solutions’ staff protection systems said, “The growth in SMS technology has clearly had an impact on paging, offering significant advantages not least by enabling people to reply to a message using the same device. The one potential downside to SMS is that network coverage may not always be as good but then the extent of wide area pager coverage was often unpredictable.

“I would argue that whilst wide area paging faces a difficult future, there are still major opportunities and benefits for on-site paging, even in the mobile phone era, for example in hospitals, prisons and secure units as well as in shopping malls, factories or any application where deaf people need to be alerted to fire alarms.

“In the hospital environment for example where both emergency and routine calls are made using pagers, one major benefit over SMS is that you have guaranteed control over the radio link frequency. Radio frequency at these sites is controlled by OFCOM and it is able to grant or refuse licence applications to ensure that pager messages are not subject to interference.

“In contrast, GSM communication is often compromised at the very time when it's needed most, because in an emergency everyone automatically reaches for their mobile phone and networks struggle to cope. The aftermath of the London tube bombs was a classic example of this,” he concluded.

Key drivers for paging systems

Discussing what the key drivers for paging systems are, Jones explained, “Using VHF frequencies and based on narrow band broadcast technology, paging is based on a worldwide standard, and with little to go wrong has consistently paid its way. Pagers were never subject to the WAP or MMS phenomena of being a technology before its time, or a solution looking for a problem. Paging did what it said on the box, delivered one way alphanumeric messages with an extremely high degree of coverage and probability that the message would arrive.

“Pagers are simple, use little energy, and need very few transmitters; the technology is low cost and reliable. What's more, coverage far exceeds that of mobile technology and most importantly, if your application involves receiving alphanumeric content that is critical to the task, there is no better way than paging.”

In fact we are subject to paging technologies every day, but are seldom aware of it. Many modern bus stops with LCD displays showing routes and times before each bus are based on paging. Modern train timetables use paging as does the streaming technology showing stock prices or sports scores. Whilst these are the more obvious examples, there exists a huge market in both commercial and public sector projects. Any application that responds to a trigger to pump out critical information is generally a paging application. Hospitals use pagers to contact medical staff; the railway network uses pagers to inform engineering, maintenance and management about the movement of trains; water authorities use automatic measuring and trigger mechanisms to alert personnel to the changes in river and reservoir levels. Moving away from public infrastructure projects, we find paging used in food storage and retail to alert staff of temperature changes in freezing and chilling boxes, and business continuity and disaster recovery companies rely on paging as the alternative to easily destroyed mobile networks.

Williams adds, “The key drivers behind paging systems are mainly, cost efficiency and reliability. Where a paging system is used in hospitals as a 'bleeper' system to summons attendants or where the system is used as a fire alarm paging, the messages must be transmitted and received almost instantly. Any delay could be life threatening.”

The evolution of paging

Since the events of 7/7 PageOne has worked closely with both public service agencies and corporate businesses to assist them in reviewing and implementing robust business continuity broadcast messaging services. Many organisations have made a conscious decision to diversify their communications service provision such that their paging and messaging provider is independent of their mobile phone provider. And as a consequence PageOne has seen an increase in demand for both paging and SMS services that integrate together, giving enhanced resilience and flexibility for emergency and first responder solutions.

Looking at on-site paging, Moss suggests, “In terms of on-site paging, there has been a greater move over the past 12 months towards two way messaging. Many pagers now automatically send a return message confirming receipt and some also have optional reply facilities so they can indicate whether response has also been actioned.

“Other pagers are also able to transmit signals which pinpoint the precise location of their owner. Within prisons or high security units these can be particularly important enabling prison officers or security guards to alert colleagues to an incident or attack and prompt immediate response to the precise location.

“Because of the extreme accuracy of location, they can even determine whether a guard is inside or outside a cell, an important counter to, for example, prisoner bullying allegations.

“The sophistication of these pagers also provides a useful audit trail post-emergency or incident. The pager data can establish precisely when messages were sent, received and responded to, ensuring much greater accountability.”

In agreement with the continual evolution of paging, Williams added, “Paging systems are continually evolving, the two drivers of this evolution are new technology as it is developed and by the users themselves in their expectancy as to exactly what they want a paging system to do.

“Smaller and more compact pagers for example, The advancement of multi-line messages shown on the pager screen. The integration of paging into existing systems such as the development of automated reminders in an office environment utilising existing infrastructure such computer networking. The instant contact of waiting customers in the hospitality sector.”

And to the future...

PageOne believes that paging has a number of key benefits that ensure it will continue to play a significant role in the UK telecommunications market in years to come. These include:

Cost effectiveness: PageOne's paging services offer considerable savings over other types of messaging services for those customers that send a large number of messages per month. PageOne charges its customers a standard monthly rate for paging that includes messages costs. This represents a significant saving for many clients.

Unique broadcast ability: The unique capability of PageOne's paging network guarantees that, if a message is sent to a number of recipients, then all of those recipients will receive the message at the same time. It also guarantees the timing of the delivery of the message, with no arbitrary delays caused by its network, such as those that can occur when sending SMS messages. This can be vital in industries such as transport where rapid notification across several levels and sites is crucial when problems occur, and for organisations such as the emergency services, for whom immediate and simultaneous message transmission is key.

Independence of network: PageOne's paging network has complete independence from GSM and other public mobile phone networks. This is an extremely valuable asset and can prove crucial in disaster, accident and terrorist situations when mobile phone networks become quickly saturated with non-essential traffic, under which circumstances the paging network continues to provide customers with guaranteed reliability and access to key personnel.

Restricted environment usage: Unlike mobile phones, pagers can be used in restricted environments such as hospitals and computer rooms. This is crucial, not only to customers such as the NHS but also to customers such as the major communications companies.

For companies that select a messaging tool based on one or more of the above criteria, paging is the only option and thus it forms a key element of many companies' and public service organisations' communications strategies.

Integration: PageOne have moved beyond the simple text message and now, through its Oventus architecture, enables a mixture of paging, SMS, and email content to be delivered and managed via connectivity options such as secure VPN, IP and XML. Though the sophistication of such systems is an integration point where organisations with complex communications requirements can mix and match, the USP of paging still resides in its three core tenets: simplicity, stability and cost.

In concluding, Stanley Security Systems suggests that One of the future trends will be towards the use of Wi-Fi technology. Although this requires a certain amount of bandwidth, the type of short messages associated with paging should not require too much space provided the coverage is good enough.

Traditional on-site paging in which organisations maintain control over their own networks, fully licensed and regulated by OFCOM will, however, continue to be viable for many years yet to come.


London Regional Resilience report

''Pagers: so long as they are sufficiently independent of other networks, consider using pagers for alerting and mobilisation, including preset pager groups, where this function is critical''

London Regional Resilience report

“Pagers: They can enable messages to get through when mobile phone networks are congested. COLP (City of London Police) successfully used its pager alert scheme on 7 July to provide key business personnel with incident progress information.”


PageOne operates the only independent 'wide-area' paging network within the UK. Resilient and robust communications are a crucial part of any business continuity plan and when mobile phone networks were overwhelmed on 7/7, PageOne's messaging service proved itself a robust and reliable way for users to keep in touch. Many organisations who in responding to and affected by events of 7/7 successfully used PageOne paging and SMS messaging services to deliver timely instruction and information alerts, including the COLP alert scheme which has in excess of 2,000 members.

Source: The BAPCO Journal
(BAPCO = British Association of Public Safety Communication Officers)

INFORAD Wireless Office

Wireless Messaging Software

AlphaPage® First Responder (Windows 2000, XP, Vista). When the message matters, AlphaPage® First Responder is the fast, reliable, and secure solution Emergency Management Professionals choose. AlphaPage® First Responder is designed for the modern professional who requires full-featured commercial wireless messaging capabilities that include advanced features such as automated Route-on-Failure, custom message templates, and secure messaging with SSL encryption. AlphaCare™ extended premium support plans are also available. For more information on all InfoRad Wireless Messaging software solutions, and fully supported free demos, please click on the InfoRad logo.


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InfoRad Wireless Office

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Newsletter repair prices—starting at:

  • $6.50 labor for numeric or alphanumeric pagers
  • $12.00 labor for 2-way pagers
  • $19.50 labor for cellular phones

**Special pricing on cellular and pager refurbishment**

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Ask for Special Newsletter Pricing.

Please call: (800) 222-6075 ext. 306 for pricing.

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Suite A
9207 Deering Ave.
Chatsworth, CA 91311
Minilec Service

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  Deal Direct with the Manufacturer of the Bravo Pager Line  
Coming Soon in '07
802.11 b/g VoIP
WiFi SIP Phone
  • Virtually free calls anywhere in the world with Internet connection
  • 2-way text messaging and voice call for hassle-free enterprise communication
  • 2.412 – 2.848 GHz
  • 64 Mb (Flash) + 128 Mb (SRAM)
Quad Band
GSM Phone
  • GSM-850 /EGSM-900/
  • DCS-1800/ PCS-1900
  • GPRS: Type-B Class 10
  • 128 Mb (Flash) + 64 Mb (SRAM)
  • Micro SD card (up to 1GB)
  • USB & Bluetooth Connectivity
Mobile Tracking Device
Physical Specs
  • 87 x 57 x 30 mm
  • 100g (including battery)
  • 8-30V Operating Voltage
  • 1 TX and 1 RX RS232 comm. port (interface to PC)
  • 4/3 Digital In/Out Ports
  • Serial Speeds-4800 bps thru 115,200 bps
  • Vehicle Tracking Device
  • Anti-Theft
  • Personal Emergency alert with panic button (option)
GSM/GPRS Receiver Specs
  • Quad band GSM GPRS
  • ESTI GSM Phase 2+ Standard
  • Multi-slot Class 10 GPRS Module
  • GPRS, SMS]
  • Supports 1.8V & 3V SIM Card


* Specifications Subject to change without notice

GPS Receiver Specs
  • 12 Channels with continuous tracking
  • L1 (1575.42 MHz) Frequency
  • Accuracy:
    • Position: 10m (CEP)
    • Velocity: 0.2 m/s (50%)
    • Time: 20 ns RMS (static mode)

For information about these products, Contract Manufacturing services or our Pager or Telemetry line, please call Bob Popow at 480-515-2344, or Susan Lunday at 870-424-0872 or visit our website E-mail addresses are posted there!


  • January 11, 1997—Telstar 401 suffers a short in the satellite circuitry—TOTAL LOSS
  • May 19, 1998—Galaxy 4 control processor causes loss of fixed orbit—TOTAL LOSS
  • September 19, 2003—Telstar 4 suffers loss of its primary power bus—TOTAL LOSS
  • March 17, 2004—PAS-6 suffers loss of power—TOTAL LOSS
  • January 14, 2005—Intelsat 804 suffers electrical power system anomaly—TOTAL LOSS


Allow us to uplink your paging data to two separate satellites for complete redundancy! CVC owns and operates two separate earth stations and specializes in uplink services for paging carriers. Join our list of satisfied uplink customers.

  • Each earth station features hot standby redundancy
  • UPS and Generator back-up
  • Redundant TNPP Gateways
  • On shelf spares for all critical components
  • 24/7 staffing and support

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For inquires please call or e-mail Stephan Suker at 800-696-6474 or left arrow

New ReFLEX Telemetry Module

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  • Easy To Use
  • Small
  • Reliable
  • Data Communications

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check RF Protocol:
        ReFLEX™ 2.7.2
check Interface Protocol with host:
    CLP (Motorola FLEXsuite™)
check Parameter Settings:
    PPS Software (PC application)
check Message size — Transmit and Receive:
    Up to 8 Kbytes, depending on carrier)

 Download the complete specification here. left arrow

 Cory Edwards
 Director of Sales & Operations
 ATCOM Wireless
 Telephone: 800-811-8032 extension 106
 Fax: 678-720-0302
 E-mail: left arrow
 Web site:
left arrow


Press Release

WiPath Announces A Major New Release of LogPage

March 5, 2007

WiPath Communications is pleased to announce that it has just released version 3 of its LogPage message logging software.

The latest version of LogPage dramatically extends the functions of this application to include a very flexible pager message filtering capability and extensive reporting capabilities including the ability to resend messages to email, pagers, SMS and other wireless devices.  LogPage is also now available in a networkable version that centralizes the message gathering but enables the message logs to be viewed on multiple workstations.

The new version of LogPage also replaces the RePage application as it incorporates the message rebroadcast functions of that product.  LogPage interfaces with WiPath’s paging data products including the PDT2000, PDR2000 and the new PRR2000 ReFlex receiver.

WiPath’s Interceptor, 4 channel logging system, which is based on LogPage has also been upgraded to incorporate these new functions.

According to George Rishfeld, VP Marketing for North America, “WiPath’s goal is to continue to lead the industry in the provision of innovative paging solutions.”

About WiPath

WiPath is a leader in the provision of intelligent solutions in both paging and mobile data with a wide range of innovative solutions including local and wide-area paging solutions, mobile data terminals, dispatch and field service solutions, vehicle tracking and management. WiPath specializes in providing both off-the-shelf and customized solutions to the paging and mobile communications industries. Website:

Craig Meldrum

Source: WiPath Communications

wipath header

Intelligent Solutions for Paging & Wireless Data

Wipath develops and manufactures a wide range if highly unique and innovative hardware and software solutions in paging and mobile data. Talk to us about your special project. If we haven’t already done it we probably can.

PDT2000 Paging Data Terminal
pdt 2000 image
  • Inbuilt POCSAG encoder
  • Huge capcode capacity
  • Parallel, 2 serial ports, 4 relays
  • Message & system monitoring

Paging Controlled Moving Message LED Displays
welcom wipath
  • Variety of sizes
  • Integrated paging receiver

PDR2000/PSR2000 Paging Data Receivers
paging data receiver
  • Highly programmable, intelligent PDRs
  • Message Logging & remote control
  • Multiple I/O combinations and capabilities

Specialized Paging Solutions
paging data receiver
  • Remote switching and control (4-256 relays)
  • PC interfacing and message management
  • Paging software and customized solutions
  • Message interception, filtering, redirection, printing & logging
  • Cross band repeating, paging coverage infill, store and forward
  • Alarm interfaces, satellite linking, IP transmitters, onsite systems

Mobile Data Terminals & Two Way Wireless  Solutions
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Heartland CONTACT: Lowell Todd
CONTACT: Annie Loi


Altai Uses Smart Antenna Technology for Next Generation Municipal WiFi Product

“WiFi for Everyone”

CRYSTAL LAKE, ILLINOIS, March 1, 2007 – Lowell Todd, President of Heartland Communications, and Chi Hung Lin, CEO and President of Altai Technologies, announced today that Heartland Communications will become an authorized US distributor of Altai Technologies’ WiFi cellular base station-- a new generation of metropolitan wireless broadband product based on smart antenna technology.

Utilizing the knowledge gained from developing the remote sensing capabilities used by NASA to view Mars’ surface, engineers at Altai Technologies have created smart antenna signal processing technologies for a longer range, less expensive alternative for the hot municipal WiFi market. Now being used throughout the world, the Altai Technologies’ A8 base station has been proven effective in both urban and remote applications.

Todd feels this is a major breakthrough for municipal applications. “People who live in small-to-medium sized communities have limited and often expensive choices for broadband access,” he said. “This solution allows municipalities to provide a cost-effective, necessary service to their citizens while providing a solid return on their investment. This is the kind of responsible win-win solution most municipalities are looking for.”

Heartland Communications brings the ease of a turnkey installation of this new technology coupled with the on-going support needed to seamlessly integrate the system into homes and businesses.

The Altai Difference
With Altai, setting up a WiFi cellular base system is easy and much less expensive compared to conventional mesh systems. With today’s standard mesh technology, roughly 15 to 30 units are required to provide a square mile of coverage. Altai’s higher reach technology requires significantly fewer units per square mile of coverage with savings of up to 40% over conventional mesh systems.

Chi Hung Lin, CEO and President of Altai Technologies, was enthusiastic about bringing the Altai products to the US with Heartland Communications. “The US market is perfect for Altai’s cellular WiFi base station,” said Lin, “with large geographic spaces, an educated, technologically ‘tuned-in’ population and municipal managers with the drive to deliver superior service that is reliable and extremely reasonable. We are pleased to be able to partner with a company like Heartland that has the know-how to market, deliver and maintain our system to our new base.”

“We are ready to market and deliver this technology today,” said Todd. “That is one of the great components of this partnership: with their product and our market and service experience, we are set to go now.”


About Heartland Communications
Heartland Communications, headquartered in Crystal Lake, IL., was created in 1995 after its parent company, ComTech Paging was sold to Paging Network, Inc. Since that time the network has grown to include coverage in five midwestern states. Their innovative marketing and competitive pricing have allowed them to maintain solid growth in their midwestern markets. Heartland's management team, headed by CEO Jerry Nelson and President Lowell Todd, has been thoroughly integrated into the mobile communications industry since the inception of cell phones at Motorola.

For more information:

About Altai Technologies
Altai Technologies is a high technology company focused in design, development and marketing of innovative outdoor wireless broadband solutions. The flagship product, the A8 WiFi cellular base station is mainly deployed in outdoor environments to provide city-wide, WiFi coverage for users to enjoy ubiquitous broadband connections. By making use of the smart antenna technologies and advanced signal processing algorithm, the base station can effectively provide much larger coverage than other WiFi base stations available in the market.

The A8 WiFi cellular base station has been proven in the field in various regions and countries, including cities in the US, China, Europe, Middle East and Asian-Pacific countries.

Altai has recently closed its Series A equity financing with a total amount of US $10 million. The Company has a strong management team with in-depth experience from leading communications service providers and equipment vendors, and the R&D expertise spans the whole spectrum of RF and networking systems.

For more information:

Source: Altai Technologies

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Want to buy !

2-Way Paging equipment

Description Model
Part No.

SSPA, 5 Watt, C-Band (Nanowave)

NW5864-37-3 2
Skydata, Satellite Receiver L Band 8466B 10
Glenayre, 2 Way receiver, 901-902 MHz R-9000 10
Preamplifier, 901-902 MHz, 20 dB, 15 VDC various 20
Passband Filter, 901-902 MHz, 4 cavities various 10
Antenna, 901-902 MHz, 9 dB gain various 20

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Messaging & Cellular
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USA Mobility Reports Fourth Quarter and 2006 Operating Results

Subscriber Trends Improve, Expenses Reduced and Capital Returned to Shareholders; Key Verticals of Healthcare, Government and Large Enterprise Targeted

ALEXANDRIA, Va., March 7, 2007 /PRNewswire-FirstCall via COMTEX News Network/ — USA Mobility, Inc. (Nasdaq: USMO), a leading provider of wireless messaging and communications services, today announced operating results for the fourth quarter and year ended December 31, 2006.

Reported revenue was $497.7 million for 2006, compared to $618.6 million in 2005. EBITDA (Earnings before interest, tax, depreciation, amortization and accretion) for 2006 was $140.4 million, or 28.2 percent of revenue, while operating income was $67.1 million. Net income for 2006 was $40.2 million, or $1.46 per fully diluted share, compared to $12.9 million, or $0.47 per fully diluted share, for 2005.

For the fourth quarter, reported revenues totaled $116.0 million, compared to $119.6 million in the third quarter of 2006 and $143.4 million in the fourth quarter of 2005. EBITDA for the fourth quarter of 2006 was $30.8 million, or 26.6 percent of revenue, and operating income was $13.6 million. Net income for the fourth quarter was $8.3 million, or $0.30 per fully diluted share, compared to $7.9 million, or $0.29 per fully diluted share, in the year-earlier quarter.

Key results in 2006 included:

"We made significant progress during 2006 toward reducing costs and enhancing operating efficiencies despite continued competitive challenges," said Vincent D. Kelly, president and chief executive officer. "In addition, we continued to see improvement in subscriber trends — including quarterly increases in gross pager placements — and generated a sufficient level of cash flow to return capital to shareholders in the form of cash distributions."

Kelly said USA Mobility redefined its sales and marketing strategy during the year to highlight its capabilities as a provider of multiple wireless services. "We reorganized and began to enhance our sales and marketing organizations while launching a corporate re-branding program to more effectively communicate the scope and depth of our service offerings beyond basic paging and two-way messaging," he noted. "Under our new corporate logo and tagline, 'One Source for Wireless,' we've successfully created greater awareness of the Company's expanded services within our customer base as well as generated considerable visibility among a wider set of potential enterprise customers."

The Company also refocused its sales and marketing strategy around its core business segments of healthcare, government and large enterprises during 2006. "By concentrating on these key vertical markets," Kelly said, "we hope to solidify our existing customer relationships and leverage our accumulated knowledge of these industries to broaden our presence and create new sales and service opportunities."

Thomas L. Schilling, chief financial officer, said: "We continued to strengthen our financial position in 2006, principally through numerous cost reduction initiatives including our network rationalization program. In addition, we paid out $99.8 million in cash distributions during 2006 and ended the year with $66.5 million in cash."

Schilling added: "We are pleased the financial guidance we provided for 2006 was on target. Revenue of $497.7 million was within the guidance range of $495 million to $500 million; operating expenses (excluding depreciation, amortization and accretion) of $357.3 million were slightly above the revised guidance range of $354 million to $356 million but well below the original guidance range of $370 million to $380 million; and capital expenditures of $21.0 million were within the guidance range of $20 million to $22 million. With respect to financial guidance for 2007, the Company expects revenue to be in a range from $400 million to $410 million, operating expenses, excluding depreciation, amortization and accretion, to be in a range from $295 million to $300 million, and capital expenses in a range from $18 million to $20 million."

USA Mobility plans to host a conference call for investors on its fourth quarter and 2006 results at 11:00 a.m. Eastern Time on Thursday, March 8, 2007. The call-in number is 866-409-1555 (toll-free) or 913-312-1235 (toll). The pass code for the call is 2684172. A replay of the call will be available from 3:00 p.m. on March 8 until 11:59 p.m. on Thursday, March 22, 2007. The replay number is 888-203-1112 (toll-free) or 719-457-0820 (toll). The pass code for the replay is 2684172.

About USA Mobility

USA Mobility, Inc., headquartered in Alexandria, Virginia, is a comprehensive provider of reliable and affordable wireless communications solutions to the healthcare, government, large enterprise and emergency response sectors. As a single-source provider, USA Mobility's focus is on the business-to-business marketplace and supplying wireless connectivity solutions to more than 80 percent of the Fortune 1000 companies. The Company operates nationwide networks for both one-way paging and advanced two-way messaging services. In addition, USA Mobility offers mobile voice and data services through Sprint Nextel, including BlackBerry devices and GPS location applications. The Company's product offerings include customized wireless connectivity systems for the healthcare, government and other campus environments. USA Mobility also offers M2M (machine-to-machine) telemetry solutions for numerous applications that include asset tracking, utility meter reading and other remote device monitoring applications on a national scale. For further information visit

Safe Harbor Statement under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act: Statements contained herein or in prior press releases which are not historical fact, such as statements regarding USA Mobility's expectations for future operating and financial performance, are forward-looking statements for purposes of the safe harbor provisions under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties that may cause USA Mobility's actual results to be materially different from the future results expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expectations include, but are not limited to, declining demand for paging products and services, the ability to continue to reduce operating expenses, future capital needs, competitive pricing pressures, competition from both traditional paging services and other wireless communications services, government regulation, reliance upon third-party providers for certain equipment and services, as well as other risks described from time to time in periodic reports and registration statements filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Although USA Mobility believes the expectations reflected in the forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, it can give no assurance that its expectations will be attained. USA Mobility disclaims any intent or obligation to update any forward-looking statements.

Contact: Bob Lougee (703) 721-3080

Source: USA Mobility Press Release (with financial tables)


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GTES Corporate
Russ Allen
2736 Stein Hill Lane
Custer, WA 98240
Tel: 360-366-3888
Cell: 360-820-3888
GTES Sales
Brooks Marsden
340 Bethany Bend
Alpharetta, GA 30004
Tel: 770-754-1666
Cell: 404-518-6632


GTES has recently made the strategic decision to expanding its development activities to include wireless location technologies; a market that researchers forecast could reach $3.6 billion by 2010. In support of this new strategic direction, GTES has developed SHERLOC™ a complete one-stop wireless location service, providing the flexibility of being protocol neutral and network agnostic. Targeted at business customers who need to track their high-value shipments or better manage their service or delivery fleets, SHERLOC™ is a hosted application that combines configuration flexibility with ease of use.

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Prism Paging

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Prism Message Gateway Systems
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Internet: left CLICK HERE
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Prism Paging

See the Prism Paging video

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Status File
Overall Height Above
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1 1050903 Constructed A0382848 CSSI* 32-16-09.0N
Lingleville, TX
2 1050905 Constructed A0446642 CSSI* 32-49-04.8N
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3 1056264 Constructed A0446643 CSSI* 32-58-33.0N
Whitt, TX
4 1057649 Constructed A0382852 CSSI* 32-20-33.0N
Glen Rose, TX
5 1057656 Constructed A0446641 CSSI* 32-18-08.0N
Desmona, TX
6 1057659 Constructed A0382844 CSSI* 32-21-23.0N
Baird, TX
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Unication USA




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The Paging Industry expects quality, reliable, and high performance paging products.

We at Unication have listened and delivered.


M90™ Messenger™—Our newest ReFLEX 2-Way Advanced Messaging solution. Finally the Industry has a true replacement for the Motorola T900 but with more features and improved RF performance.

  • One-Way Pagers
    • Alpha Elite and Alpha Gold—Our top of the line FLEX™ / POCSAG, 4-line alphanumeric pagers with an identical user interface and comparable RF performance to the Motorola Elite and Gold pagers.
    • NP88—Our newest numeric FLEX / POCSAG pager with the best backlight in the Industry.
  • Telemetry
    • We offer RF and decoding solutions.
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About Unication Co., Ltd.

  • A Taiwan company founded in 1992 with extensive experience designing and manufacturing paging and broadband products.
  • An ODM to major telecommunications companies.
  • More than 300 associates worldwide with Engineering Design Centers in Taipei, China and Vancouver, BC.  The engineering team has years of experience in wireless systems, embedded SW, RF design and protocols for infrastructure and pagers.
  • Our Accelerated Life Testing facility ensures the highest quality of products for our customers.
  • ISO 9001 and 14001 Certified
  • Fully licensed by Motorola for product design technology and the FLEX Family of Protocols.
  • Sales and Engineering support office in Arlington, Texas.
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  Contact Information

  Kirk Alland
  Unication USA
  1901 E. Lamar Blvd.
  Arlington, TX 76006
  (817) 926-6771

Unication USA
Hark Technologies

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Wireless Communication Solutions

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ISI-LX Internet Serial Interface with Protocol Conversion

  • Converts Serial TAP message to SNPP, SMTP, or WCTP
  • Pass through Serial Data to TCP/IP and TCP/IP back to Serial
  • Supports Ethernet or PPP Connection to Internet w/Dial Backup
  • Includes 4 Serial Ports for Multiplexing Traffic
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IPG Internet Paging Gateway

  • No Moving Parts Such as Hard Drives or Fans to Fail
  • Supports 10Base-T Network Connection to Internet
  • Accepts HTTP, SMTP, SNPP, and WCTP from Internet
  • Sends TAP or TNPP to Your Paging Terminal


  • Inexpensive method of automating your paging monitoring
  • Uses standard paging receiver
  • Available in 152-158 POCSAG or 929 FLEX (call for others)
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Omega Unified Messaging Server

  • Full Featured Internet Messaging Gateway
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  • Serial Protocols Supported: GCP, SMDI, SMS, TAP, TNPP
  • Internet Protocols Supported: AIM, HTTP, SMPP (out only), SMTP, SNPP, and WCTP
  • Full Featured, Easy-to-use Voice/Fax/Numeric Mail Interface
  • One Number For All Your Messaging
  • Optional Hot-swap Hard Drives and Power Supplies Available

Please see our web site for even more products designed specifically for Personal Messaging carriers. For example, the Omega Messaging Gateway and Email Throttling Gateway (anti-spam).

Hark Technologies
3507 Iron Horse Dr., Bldg. 200
Ladson, SC 29456
Tel: 843-285-7200
Fax: 843-285-7220
E-mail: left arrow CLICK
Hark Technologies


BloostonLaw Telecom Update
Vol. 10, No. 10
March 7, 2007

Plot Thickens As Frontline Wireless Offers 700 MHz Plan That May Trump Cyren Call’s Proposal For Free Commercial Spectrum

McCain Introduces SAVES LIVES Act; FCC Seeks Comments On Cyren Call Plan

In comments on the FCC’s proposal to allocate 12 MHz of the 700 MHz public safety spectrum from wideband to broadband use in PS Docket No. 06-229, Frontline Wireless appears to be attempting to trump the request of Cyren Call that virtually all of the Upper 700 MHz band designated for auction be handed over for public safety use. Additionally, U.S. Senator John McCain (R-Ariz.) who initially backed Cyren Call, has introduced S.744, the Spectrum Availability for Emergency-Response and Law-Enforcement to Improve Vital Emergency Services Act or SAVES LIVES Act, which closely resembles the Frontline proposal.

Generally, Frontline attempts to anticipate the shortcomings in Cyren Call’s proposal in a so-called “Public Safety Broadband Deployment Plan”: Rather than requesting additional spectrum from the Upper 700 MHz band for a nationwide public safety licensee without charge, Frontline wants the FCC to establish a 10 MHz “E -Block” in the Upper 700 MHz commercial spectrum that is dedicated to a public-private partnership.

This “public safety broadband block” would be auctioned to a single company that agrees to the following terms and license conditions:

(1) To fund the construction of a nationwide broadband infrastructure that satisfies public safety’s need for an interoperable, secure, and robust wireless broadband network;
(2) To provide public safety with priority access to its commercial broadband spectrum during emergencies
(3) To deploy its commercial broadband network based on open access principles;
(4) To commit to making its capacity available on a wholesale basis, thereby promoting broadband delivery to rural areas and ensuring that the commercial licensee remains focused on the provision of robust network services to public safety agencies and the commercial customers that will be using the common broadband facilities, and
(5) To enable roaming to help rural and smaller carriers.

In exchange, Frontline’s proposal would give the winning E-Block bidder an exclusive right to use the excess capacity of the public safety broadband spectrum on a secondary, unconditionally preemptible basis. Thus, the E-Block licensee would operate on the commercial spectrum on a wholesale utility operating model while at the same time utilizing excess capacity in the public safety band, on a secondary basis, for its own commercial operations.

However, as BloostonLaw’s recent comments in this docket pointed out, the 4G (e.g., Wi-MAX) technologies that will be used for the network are extremely efficient, and will provide more than enough capacity for Frontline and others to provide commercial broadband service, including VOIP, without much risk that a localized emergency will preempt commercial service.

Frontline is headed up by Hayes Griffin (founding CEO and president of Carolina-based Vanguard Cellular), Janice Obuchowski (former President of NextWave Personal Communications and former chief of the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA), and former FCC Chairman, Reed Hundt.

Frontline’s proposal is very detailed, and it addresses some of the perceived shortcomings in the Cyren Call proposal – e.g., Frontline claims that it won’t delay the 700 MHz auction schedule or require further legislation.

Frontline even cites to Skype’s recent Petition (requesting that the Commission apply Carterfone principles to the wireless industry) and points out how their “open access” network would require the commercial entity leasing its E-Block spectrum to accommodate open devices, open services and content and open network services, at commercially reasonable rates.

Specifically, Frontline says, the Commission should require the E-Block licensee (including any commercial entity leasing E-Block spectrum) to:

  • Open Devices: allow the attachment of any device (or multiple devices) to a network account subject only to minimal “do-not-harm” requirements as set forth in a publicly available interface specification.
  • Open Services and Content: not block users from accessing IP services (including voice services) or content provided by unaffiliated parties, or otherwise engage in unreasonable discrimination against such services or content, except with the consent of the user or as required by law.
  • Open Offerings: make its network services (including Application programming Interfaces and quality of service guarantees) available on a wholesale or roaming basis at commercially reasonable rates.

Frontline says it will be submitting a more detailed explanation of these proposed requirements and how they would substantially promote and enhance the public interest in the Commission’s pending Upper 700 MHz service rules proceeding.

The Frontline proposal raises some of the same concerns for our small business and rural telephone clients that were raised by the Cyren Call proposal: If a significant portion of the Upper 700 MHz band is dedicated to the Frontline plan, it may jeopardize the proposal of the Balanced Consensus Plan to create one or more CMA-sized license blocks in the upcoming 700 MHz auction, thereby depriving small/rural carriers of realistic bidding opportunities. Also, the Frontline plan may create what amounts to a state subsidized competitor to fledgling rural wireless services, depending on how the Frontline operation is structured. Of course, the Frontline plan may also create roaming and other opportunities for small and rural carriers. As always, the devil is in the details. We will advise our clients when a comment cycle is set.


Senator McCain originally had promised to introduce legislation in support of the Cyren Call plan, but did not appear at a Senate Commerce Committee hearing on the proposal last month (BloostonLaw Telecom Update, February 14). In fact, the Committee itself gave the Cyren Call plan a rather cool reception. Then on March 1, McCain introduced S.744, a public-safety broadband bill that veers from the approach advocated by Cyren Call, and more closely resembles the Frontline plan.

McCain’s SAVES LIVES Act calls for the FCC to auction 30 megahertz at 700 MHz under a conditional license whereby the winning bidder would have to meet public safety specifications to operate a national, interoperable public safety broadband system.

More specifically, the bill would establish a national policy for public safety spectrum directing that the 24 MHz allocated by Congress to public safety in 1997 be used for state, local and regional interoperability and that 30 MHz in the 700 MHz band be available as needed for a national, interoperable public safety broadband network by local, state, regional and Federal first responders. These two networks would be interoperable, thereby allowing local, state, regional and Federal first responders to communicate. Congress has deemed spectrum in the 700 MHz band “ideal” for public safety communications because it can travel greater distances and penetrate obstacles better than spectrum higher in the frequency band.

The bill also would establish a “Public Safety Interoperable Working Group” to establish user-driven specifications for public safety’s use of the 30 MHz and then require the FCC to auction the 30 MHz under a conditional license that requires any winning bidder to meet public safety’s specifications to operate a national, interoperable public safety broadband network. If there is no winning bidder, then the 30 MHz license will revert to public safety, which could use the spectrum for a national, interoperable public safety broadband network and work with the FCC to auction excess non-emergency capacity.

To ensure public safety is using the spectrum effectively and efficiently, the bill would require the FCC to review public safety’s use of the 24 MHz to determine whether it could handle a national interoperable broadband network in addition to local, state and regional networks as technology improves. The bill would also require the FCC, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and public safety to review the possibility of moving most public safety communications to the 700 MHz and 800 MHz bands, thereby enhancing interoperability.

“As required by Congress,” Senator McCain said, “the FCC is slated to auction spectrum in the 700 MHz band by January 28, 2008. Except for the 24 MHz allocated to public safety, the remaining spectrum will be auctioned to commercial providers unless Congress dictates otherwise. Therefore any use of the 30 MHz by public safety must be considered quickly by Congress as the FCC would need to begin developing the rules for a conditional license by early fall to ensure that the auction date is not delayed.”

Public safety groups are not pleased with the McCain bill. “We strongly prefer legislation that grants a license for 30 megahertz in the 700 MHz band directly to a public safety broadband trust, thus ensuring that public-safety needs were given first priority in the deployment of the spectrum,” said the Association of Public-Safety Communications Officials, the International Association of Chiefs of Police, National Sheriffs’ Association, and International Association of Fire Chiefs in a joint statement. “We continue to urge Congress to adopt the PSBT model. Nevertheless, we appreciate Senator McCain’s efforts to open the debate, and look forward to working with him and others in Congress as we move forward to shape legislation to meet the critical need for public safety broadband communications capability.”

Cyren Call CEO Morgan O’Brien said: “We applaud Senator McCain for taking this first important step to translate this unanimous agreement into concrete legislative action. However, a subtle and critically important distinction remains in who holds the spectrum license. Cyren Call continues to believe that the Public Safety Broadband Trust must fill that role. The only way to make sure the right network for first responders gets built from the start—and staying true over time to public safety requirements as they inevitably change—is to place control over the network, along with the license to the spectrum, in the hands of public safety.”

O’Brien continued: “Does anybody remember NextWave? That debacle illustrates what happens when commercial entities promise what they need to promise to win an auction, only to renege on that promise, while retaining the spectrum license. In this situation, such an event would be tragic for public safety and the nation.”


In a related proceeding, the FCC has set comment dates for Cyren Call Communications Corp.’s petition for reconsideration that seeks reallocation of 30 MHz of commercial spectrum in the 747-762 MHz and 777-792 MHz bands (i.e., most of TV channels 60-62 and 65-67 in the “Upper 700 MHz band”) and assignment of that spectrum without auction to a single licensee for deployment of a nationwide, broadband network for shared commercial and public safety use (BloostonLaw Telecom Update, February 7). Oppositions to Cyren Call’s petition in this RM-11348 proceeding are due March 16, and replies to oppositions are due 10 days thereafter on March 26.

As noted previously, the FCC 8th Floor has indicated that the Commission may try to hold the Upper 700 MHz band auction (Auction No. 31), as well as an auction of remaining “Lower 700 MHz band” licenses, as early as this August. The significance of a potentially accelerated auction schedule for our clients cannot be determined until it is known whether the FCC will go along with the pending proposal to reallocate one or more of the 700 MHz license blocks for Rural Service Area/Metropolitan Service Area-sized licenses. If these smaller licenses are not available, rural telcos and small businesses are not likely to be able to participate in the auction.

The proposed reallocation of TV channels 60-62 and 65- 67 would essentially gut the upcoming Upper 700 MHz band auction, which Congress has earmarked as a significant revenue source. It would also eliminate the Upper 700 MHz C-Block, which a substantial group of small and mid-sized licensees known as the “Balanced Consensus Plan” (including numerous BloostonLaw rural telephone clients) has identified as one of two spectrum blocks that should be licensed as CMA-sized licenses, so that small businesses and rural telcos will have a realistic opportunity to win these licenses at auction.

The FCC had dismissed Cyren Call’s petition without prejudice last fall, noting that in Section 337(a) of the Communications Act, Congress mandated that the Commission allocate spectrum between 746 MHz and 806 MHz, inclusive by designating 24 MHz of the spectrum “for public safety services” and 36 MHz of the spectrum “for commercial use to be assigned by competitive bidding pursuant to Section 309(j).” Thus, the Commission had concluded that Cyren Call’s petition was inconsistent with Sections 337(a) and 309(j)(15)(C)(v)’s auction requirement. As a result, the FCC said it had no authority to act on the petition because Congressional action was needed before the proposal could be implemented. However, the Commission said it would leave the RM-11348 docket open in order to develop a public record (BloostonLaw Telecom Update, November 8, 2006).

In a petition for reconsideration, and in ex parte comments, Cyren Call modified its proposal to address this issue. While recognizing that Congressional action would be necessary, Cyren Call submitted a draft legislative proposal for a Public Safety Broadband Trust (PSBT) that would be organized as a non-stock, nonprofit, government-chartered corporation authorized to raise money by selling debt instruments to investors in private financial markets. The monies raised would be used, first, to purchase 30 megahertz of 700 MHz spectrum from the FCC at a price to be determined by the Commission, but not to exceed $5 billion, thereby replacing the funds that might be otherwise obtained at auction. The potential loser here would be the American taxpayer, if the market value of the spectrum would exceed the $5 billion cap (as it is expected to do).


The following may be helpful in keeping track of the various proposals regarding the 700 MHz spectrum issue:

1. FCC proposal to allocate 12 megahertz of 700 MHz public safety spectrum from wideband to broadband use (PS Docket No. 06-229, WT Docket No. 96-86). Comments were filed February 26, and replies are due March 12. In its initial comments, BloostonLaw, on behalf of its clients (the Blooston Rural Carriers) stated that the Commission must avoid a situation where a nationwide public safety licensee is permitted to become a subsidized competitor to small businesses and rural telephone companies (BloostonLaw Telecom Update, February 28).

2. Frontline Wireless. The “Public Safety Broadband Deployment Plan” was filed in comments on the FCC’s PS Docket No. 06-229, WT Docket No. 96-86 proposal. However, we would expect to see the plan placed on public notice, especially because of the supporting legislation (S.744) introduced by Senator John McCain.

3. Cyren Call. This proposal for a “Public Safety Broadband Trust,” which essentially is a request for Upper 700 MHz spectrum geared for commercial auction may be the least likely plan to succeed. Nevertheless, the FCC has placed this RM-11348 proposal on Public Notice, with oppositions or supporting comments due by March 16, and replies due by March 26.

Source: Blooston, Mordkofsky, Dickens, Duffy and Prendergast, LLP

For additional information, contact Hal Mordkofsky at 202-828-5520 or


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Report of the 5th National Paging Congress of Germany

The 5th National Paging Congress of Germany took place in Berlin on 26th February 2007.  Hosted by e*Message the one day event was even larger than last years with twelve speakers, a discussion panel of six people and an audience of over 250 members of the German Fire Brigades and other emergency services.

The speakers concentrated on alerting and informing first responders, the emergency services, and the public during times of crisis or emergency including extensive power breakdowns. The speakers and their presentations were all of the highest quality and attracted many questions and clarifications from the audience.

The major technologies discussed were paging, digital radio and cellular radio. The main consensus was that because it is so robust and reliable, paging should always be used, preferably in parallel with other technologies, thus making the possibility of lost calls insignificant. It was also stated that administrations are now taking much more notice of paging for emergency communications and that this is being reflected in new sales.

For more than 10 years the federal and state authorities of Germany have been working on the financial and legal bases for a new public safety radio network based on TETRA: so far without success. At the congress the official project leader acknowledged that paging is required as an efficient and reliable complement to TETRA for alerting the emergency services and first responders.

The afternoon session partially dealt with paging interfaces built into smoke detectors for alerting the population. The main supporting presentations came from the Vice President of the Fire Fighters Association and the Head of Department of the Federal Body of Citizen Protection and Disaster Prevention.

There were speakers from five different countries, Germany, Belgium, Poland, Sweden and the UK. There was a great deal said about paging and the other technologies that was extremely interesting but a few statements in particular deserve to be published and repeated by all of us in the paging industry whenever and wherever possible. They are taken from a presentation by Johan Ågren entitled “Example Sweden: Digital Network and Paging”

After the recent storms in Sweden:-

  • “Minicall is the only service still working flawlessly after the storm” – Roger Johansson, Responsible for operation Hoglandets Rescue Service.
  • “The Minicall network seems to still be working without disturbances” – Ola Johannesson, Rescue Chief Ljungby, at a press conference after the storm.
  • “During the storm Minicall was often our only means of communications to our operations personnel” – Stefan Franzen, Sewage Plant Sundet Vaxjo.

(Note that "Minicall" is the brand name of the paging service in Sweden operated by Generic Mobile Systems).

London Regional Resilience Forum:- Lessons identified from the terrorist events on 7 July 2005

  • “Over dependence on mobile phones; Responders must not rely on mobile phones for critical functions in a crisis”.
  • Pagers: so long as they are sufficiently independent of other networks, consider using pagers for alerting and mobilisation, including pre-set pager groups, where this function is critical”.

e*Message CEO Dietmar Gollnick said of the event:

“This was the best Paging Congress so far. Every year it gets bigger and better and this years event was no exception, we had great speakers, great content and a great audience. My thanks go to all involved.

It is very gratifying to see that many of the authorities worldwide who are involved in emergency communications are now taking more and more interest in paging. The whole industry should be involved in adding to the momentum that is building in favour of paging.

Presentations are available via or

Derek Banner

European Mobile Messaging Association

You can contact Derek Banner, EMMA President, by calling him on +44 1895 473 551 or e-mailing him at:  left arrow CLICK HERE



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Zetron Simulcast System

High-speed simulcast Paging with protocols such as POCSAG and FLEX™ requires microsecond accuracy to synchronize the transmission of digital Paging signals.

zetron simulcast

Zetron's Simulcast System uses GPS timing information to ensure that the broadcasted transmissions between the nodes of the Simulcast System and associated transmitters are synchronized to very tight tolerances.

This system is ideal for public or private Paging system operators that use multiple transmitters and wish to create new Paging systems or to build out existing systems into new regions. For more information about Zetron's High Speed Simulcast Paging System, the Model 600 and Model 620, go to: left arrow CLICK HERE

Zetron, Inc.
P.O. Box 97004
Redmond, WA 98073-9704 USA
Tel: 425-820-6363
Fax: 425-820-7031
E-mail:   left arrow CLICK HERE
Zetron Inc.


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China Unicom to stop paging biz


03-06-2007 11:34

China Unicom is set to close its paging business around the country excluding Shanghai. The firm has applied to the telecom authority for withdrawing from the bleeding sector. The Ministry of Information Industry says if it doesn't receive too many complaints, the mobile phone carrier is expected to stop the service on March the 22nd.

China Unicom says it will fully protect users' interests. China Unicom's paging business has reached its peak in 2000. Subscribers to one of its national networks jumped to 45 million. But the rapid growth of mobile telecom business has soon wiped out the paging market. In 2003, the number of China Unicom's subscribers shrank to 8.6 million.

Industry insiders say China Unicom suffers about 100 million yuan annually loss in the paging business, and that's around 13 million US dollars.

Source: (China Central Television)

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Nighthawk Systems Inc. manufactures low cost and reliable remote control products for fire house alerting, volunteer alerting, activation of warning signs and sirens, and a number of applications for public safety.  The Company manufactures the EA1 and the FAS-8 which have been designed specifically for these applications.  Both products are paging based and will work with any public or private paging network.  They are available in all VHF, UHF, and 900 MHz paging frequencies.  The products can serve as the primary notification system or an excellent, low-cost backup to existing systems.

Public Emergency Notification & Volunteer Alerting

The EA1 is the solution for remotely activating public warning signage.  Examples include tornado sirens, flash flood warnings, fire danger, Amber Alert, icy roads, etc.  The EA1 can also send text messages to scrolling signs.  This can occur in conjunction with the activation of audible alarms and visual strobes.  This is ideal for public notification in buildings, schools, hotels, factories, etc. The group call feature allows for any number of signs or flashing lights to be activated at the same time over a wide geographic area.  In addition, the EA1 Emergency Alert is the perfect solution for low cost yet highly effective alerting of volunteer fire fighters in their home.  When activated the EA1 will emit an audible alarm and activate the power outlet on the units faceplate.  A common setup is to simply place the EA1 on a table and plug a lamp into the faceplate.  When paged from dispatch or any touch tone phone the EA1 will awaken the fire fighter to a lit room.  As an option the EA1 can be ordered with a serial cable, allowing for attachment of a serial printer.  When paged the alphanumeric message will be printed out at the same time the alarm sounds and the outlet is activated.  The EA1 is an ideal complement to alphanumeric belt pagers common to volunteers.

nighthawk sign

Firehouse Automation

The FAS-8 is designed for activating one or more relays in a firehouse and if desired, printing the alphanumeric message to a serial printer.  For this application the FAS-8 is set to activate upon receiving the proper paging cap code sent from 911 dispatch.  Up to eight different devices can be activated all with individual time functions.  The most common devices to turn on include the PA amplifier, audible wake up alarm, and house lights.  The most common device turned off is the stove.  The FAS-8 can accept up to 8 different cap codes and have separate relay and time functions per cap code.  This allows for different alerting to be accomplished at the same physical location depending upon which cap code is sent.  This can be very helpful when fire crews and medical crews are housed in the same building.



Put the innovative technology of Nighthawk to work for you. For more information on any of our products or services, please contact us.

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10715 Gulfdale, Suite 200
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$500.00 FLAT RATE

TAPS—Texas Association of Paging Services is looking for partners on 152.480 MHz. Our association currently uses Echostar, formerly Spacecom, for distribution of our data and a large percentage of our members use the satellite to key their TXs. We have a CommOneSystems Gateway at the uplink in Chicago with a back-up running 24/7. Our paging coverage area on 152.480 MHz currently encompasses Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Louisiana, and Kansas. The TAPS paging coverage is available to members of our Network on 152.480 MHz for $.005 a transmitter (per capcode per month), broken down by state or regions of states and members receive a credit towards their bill for each transmitter which they provide to our coverage. Members are able to use the satellite for their own use If you are on 152.480 MHz or just need a satellite for keying your own TXs on your frequency we have the solution for you.

TAPS will provide the gateways in Chicago, with Internet backbone and bandwidth on our satellite channel for $ 500.00 (for your system) a month.

Contact Ted Gaetjen @ 1-800-460-7243 or left arrow CLICK TO E-MAIL


From: "Steve Burling" <>
Date: March 7, 2007 7:06:22 PM CST
To: <>
Subject: cell bill could affect two radio sales



A number of proposed laws have been introduced into the Washington State Legislature that are designed to eliminate the hazard of talking/texting on cell phones while driving. All of these proposals are overly broad and could be interpreted to prohibit two way Radio operation by the driver of a moving motor vehicle. The bill numbers are HB 1214, HB 1868 and SB 5037. Links to all of the bills can be found at;

Steve Burling KJ7YL
GROL PG-GB-065925


That's all for this week.

brad dye 04 photo

With best regards,
brad's signature

Brad Dye
Wireless Messaging Consultant

P.O. Box 13283
Springfield, IL 62791 USA

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Skype: braddye   WIRELESS
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Telephone: +1-217-787-2346  
Web: Consulting page  left arrow MAY I HELP YOU?


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