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FRIDAY - OCTOBER 3, 2008 - ISSUE NO. 331
FRIDAY - OCTOBER 10, 2008 - ISSUE NO. 332

Double Issue

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Paging and Wireless Messaging Home Page image Recommended Products and Services image Carrier Directory image Reference Papers
Consulting Newsletter Archive Glossary of Terms Send an e-mail to Brad Dye

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Dear Friends of Wireless Messaging,

Since there was no newsletter last week, I am making this one a double issue. I have been battling some health issues lately and wasn't able to get last week's issue out on time. I am OK now and my doctor told me this morning to come back and see him next year. That was music to my ears.

In the Letters to the Editor section, there are some interesting e-mails from a subscriber in Baghdad, Iraq. Raaed Alkhateeb (YI1RM) is involved in paging and is a ham radio operator. He puts forth a very interesting idea for paging over the Internet and ham radio frequencies. Of course, this would have to be strictly non-commercial but it would offer traveling hams another way to communicate. It this is of interest to any of our readers, please let me know. We would need to check on the legalities of a one-way broadcast mode of transmission — probably POCSAG.

Does anyone have information on the new Peek text-messaging device? Like where it is manufactured, or any other background information?

Articles in preparation:

  • A review of the new Peek text-messaging device
  • A review of the RF Space SDR-IQ Software Defined Radio
  • A basic primer on Radio Frequencies and Radio Spectrum—for non-technical people

I have published a copy of a letter from USA Mobility to their resellers, saying that "The rate increase planned for October 1, 2008 is being postponed until January 1, 2009." The copy is not the greatest but I think you will be able to read it. This letter is genuine and was confirmed by three different resellers.

I certainly hope you are planning to attend Enterprise Wireless '08 — November 5 to 7, in Scottsdale, Arizona. Register before Friday, October 21 and save some money. Check out the program in the AAPC Bulletin section immediately following.


Now on to more news and views. . .

brad dye
Wireless Messaging Newsletter
  • Emergency Radio Communications
  • Wireless Messaging
  • Critical Messaging
  • Telemetry
  • Paging
  • VoIP
  • Wi-Fi
  • WiMAX
  • Location-Based Services
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This is my weekly newsletter about Wireless Messaging. You are receiving this because you have either communicated with me in the past about a wireless topic, or your address was included in another e-mail that I received on the same subject. This is not a SPAM. If you have received this message in error, or you are not interested in these topics, please click here, then click on "send" and you will be promptly removed from the mailing list.

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iland internet sulutions This newsletter is brought to you by the generous support of our advertisers and the courtesy of iland Internet Solutions Corporation. For more information about the web-hosting services available from iland Internet Solutions Corporation, please click on their logo to the left.

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A new issue of The Wireless Messaging Newsletter gets posted on the web each week. A notification goes out by e-mail to subscribers on most Fridays around noon central US time. The notification message has a link to the actual newsletter on the Internet. That way it doesn't fill up your incoming e-mail account.

There is no charge for subscription and there are no membership restrictions. Readers are a very select group of wireless industry professionals, and include the senior managers of many of the world's major Paging and Wireless Data companies. There is an even mix of operations managers, marketing people, and engineers — so I try to include items of interest to all three groups. It's all about staying up-to-date with business trends and technology. I regularly get readers' comments, so this newsletter has become a community forum for the Paging, and Wireless Data communities. You are welcome to contribute your ideas and opinions. Unless otherwise requested, all correspondence addressed to me is subject to publication in the newsletter and on my web site. I am very careful to protect the anonymity of those who request it.

NOTE: This newsletter is best viewed at screen resolutions of 800x600 (good) or 1024x768 (better). Any current revision of web browser should work fine. Please notify me of any problems with viewing. This site is compliant with XHTML 1.0 transitional coding for easy access from wireless devices. (XML 1.0/ISO 8859-1.)

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Anyone wanting to help support The Wireless Messaging Newsletter can do so by clicking on the PayPal Donate button above.

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Brad Dye, Ron Mercer, and Vic Jackson are friends and colleagues who work both together and independently, on wireline and wireless communications projects. Click here  for a summary of their qualifications and experience. They collaborate on consulting assignments, and share the work according to their individual expertise and their schedules.

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The local newspaper here in Springfield, Illinois costs 75¢ a copy and it NEVER mentions paging. If you receive some benefit from this publication maybe you would like to help support it financially? A donation of $25.00 would represent approximately 50¢ a copy for one year. If you are so inclined, please click on the PayPal Donate button above. No trees were chopped down to produce this electronic newsletter.

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 aapc logo AAPC Bulletin • 866-301-2272
The Voice of US Paging Carriers

enterprise wireless 2008

aapcewa logousmss logo

Register before Friday, October 21 to save!

Now is the time to invest in your business by learning how to stay competitive in these difficult times. Join other paging carriers and vendors who share the same hurdles, same successes, and the same optimism for paging. It will have a positive impact on your business.

Hotel reservations must be made before October 13!

Call the four-diamond Doubletree Paradise Valley Resort at 800-222-8733 and be sure to reference the Enterprise Wireless event to receive the discounted rate of $159/night. If you prefer to make your reservations online, you may do so here. left arrow CLICK HERE

Wednesday, November 5
9:00 am-6:00 pm Registration Open
9:00 am-12:00 pm Paging Technical Committee Meeting
9:00 am-2:00 pm EWA Membership/Board of Directors Meeting
12:30 pm-4:30pm Motorola Service Conference
1:15 pm Motorola Service Conference Guest Speaker:
Ron Myers, VP, ServiceSource.
Global View of the Services Market
What are clients telling us to drive success, how to get beyond Break Fix and Lifetime Value of Services and how they can impact your bottom line?
2:00 pm-2:45 pm AAPC General Membership Meeting
3:00 pm-6:00 pm AAPC Board of Directors Meeting
5:30 pm-7:30 pm Motorola Service Conference Reception
6:00 pm-8:00 pm Welcome Reception
Thursday, November 6
8:00 am-5:00 pm Registration Open
8:15 am-8:30 am Welcome Remarks – AAPC, EWA, USMSS
8:30 am-9:30 am Keynote: Dr. Coleman D. Bazelon, Principal,
The Brattle Group
New Technologies, New Competitors and Now
A New President . . . What Should I Know?
9:30 am-10:30 am Spectrum Driving New Business Applications
This roundtable discussion, chaired by Mark Crosby, EWA President, is your window into emerging business applications that you'll either be using in your business or may be selling to your customers in the year ahead.  Our panel will include experts on 3.65 GHz deployment, new developments in 1.4 GHz, issues with T Band/D Block, and opportunities presented by TV White Space.
9:45 am-10:45 am Selling into Healthcare—Who Really Owns
This Industry?

Jim Nelson, President, PRISM Paging, Facilitator
Entrench yourself by becoming your customers’ communication consultant. This session will showcase new products and services that are currently being sold to the healthcare industry.
10:30 am Exhibit Hall Opens
12 pm Lunch in the Exhibit Hall
1:30 pm-2:00 pm Immediate and Reliable Mass Notification Using Digital Paging and IP Technology
Myron Anduri, President of Raven Systems, Inc., will present the new Raven System for Mass and Emergency Notification. Highlighted will be the new Raven product line of end-user devices, activation software, and device activation confirmation using the Internet. Recent projects will be highlighted, along with examples of the large market opportunity.
2:15 pm-3:00 pm M2M Doesn't Mean Migraine to Migraine
Scott Ferguson, Inilex
Everyone wants wireless, nobody wants the headache. This session will show how to take advantage of the coming surge in M2M opportunities by providing solutions instead of problems.
2:15 pm-3:15 pm Seizing the Sizzle
Following up on the morning session, Eric Hill, EWA’s Vice President-Business Technology, will be joined by business enterprise veteran Tim Totten of UPS and top management from Spectrum Bridge, for a lively discussion on the latest opportunities in the marketplace for spectrum access and how you'll be able to “seize the sizzle” in your business and meet new competitive challenges.
3:15 pm-4:00 pm AWS-3 Revolutionizing Wireless Broadband Through Innovative Business Relationships
John Muleta, M2Z Networks
3:30 pm-4:30 pm USMSS General Membership Session
4:15 pm - 5:00 pm Paging in the Global Market
Derek Banner, European Mobile Messaging Association
Learn the current state of the paging industry in Europe including how the supply chain to operators has changed in the last decade and what the paging industry must do to expand business for everyone’s benefit.
4:30 pm-5:30 pm MSS Regional Meetings: GLMSS, EDMSSA, and SEMSS
6:00 pm-8:00 pm Reception in the Exhibit Hall
Friday, November 7
8:00 am-11:00 am Registration Open
8:15 am-8:30 am Introduction of Table Top Discussion Session
8:30 am-10:00 am Table Top Discussions:
“Owning Your Customer” – David McLawhorn,
Teletouch Paging
“FCC Forms 101” – Ken Hardman, Esq., Counsel to AAPC
“FCC Regulatory Updates” – Andre Cote, EWA
“IT Experts on Your Sales Team” – David Thiess
“Technician Certification” – ETA
10:00 am-12:00 pm Exhibit Hall Open
10:15 am-11:00 am Commercial Mobile Alert System (CMAS)– What Impacts Your Business?
Ken Hardman, Esq., Counsel to AAPC
CMAS is targeted for operation within the next 18 months, imposing obligations on all paging carriers whether or not they elect to participate in the service. Stephen Oshinsky, AAPC’s representative on the FCC’s CMAS Advisory Committee, and Ken Hardman, Esq., Counsel to AAPC, will give a primer on the new service and its impact on the industry.
11:00 am Lunch in the Exhibit Hall
12:30 pm Golf Tournament at Camelback Indian Bend Golf Course (pre-registration required)

Thanks to our Gold Vendor member!

PRISM Paging

Thanks to our Silver Vendor Members!
isc technologies
ISC Technologies, Inc.
recurrent software
Recurrent Software Solutions, Inc.
Unication USA

Thanks to our Bronze Member Vendors!

AAPC Executive Director
441 N. Crestwood Drive
Wilmington, NC 28405
Tel: 866-301-2272
AAPC Regulatory Affairs Office
Suite 250
2154 Wisconsin Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20007-2280
Tel: 202-223-3772
Fax: 202-315-3587

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usa mobility letter to resellers

Source: Three different resellers confirmed receipt of this letter.

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Advertiser Index

AAPC—American Association of Paging Carriers Paging & Wireless Network Planners LLC
CRS—Critical Response Systems Preferred Wireless
CVC Paging Prism Paging
Daviscomms USA Raven Systems
GTES—Global Technical Engineering Solutions Ron Mercer
Hark Systems Sun Telecom
HMCE, Inc. Swissphone
InfoRad, Inc.    TAPS—Texas Association of Paging Services
Ira Wiesenfeld UCOM Paging
Minilec Service, Inc. Unication USA
Nighthawk Systems, Inc. United Communications Corp.
Northeast Paging WiPath Communications
NOTIFYall Zetron Inc.  

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unication pagerunimaxunication voip

10 Selectable Alerting Tones
3 Alerting Duration Settings
No Physical Connections
Powered by 3 - AA or AC Adapter

Unication USA 817-303-9320

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amcom header

September 30, 2008

Dear CommtechWireless Alliance Partner,

I am extremely happy to announce that Amcom Software has purchased CommtechWireless, adding a capability to our portfolio that has been in increasing demand from our broad customer base. This is great news for our alliance partners, both existing and those new to Amcom, as well as for all of our customers. Along with our previous acquisitions of XTEND Communications and the Telident E911 product line, this again shows Amcom's commitment to continued growth as the leader in mission-critical communications solutions.

We're also committed to maintaining and enhancing our relationships with our channel partners. I am writing to give you some details about our most recent acquisition and to provide you a first look at what this means to you.

First though, I want to assure the alliance partners of both companies that we plan no changes in ongoing business agreements or relationships. To that end, the entire operations and staff of CommtechWireless - including its leaders Nathan Buzza and Zane Lewis - will join Amcom Software, remaining in their current offices and forming a new CommtechWireless Division.

At Amcom Software, we promise our customers and alliance partners the best: innovation, quality, a broad set of mission-critical communications products and services, an understanding of market needs, and stellar training and support. For the past 40 years, Amcom customers have viewed us as their mission-critical communication backbone. Today, with the purchase of CommtechWireless, we have extended this backbone because CommtechWireless specializes in leading technology that acquires data from devices, such as patient alert or critical equipment monitoring devices, and instantly connects islands of crucial information to the people that need it.

This is a perfect fit with Amcom Software's business. As a trusted alliance partner, it can be a great expansion of your business as well. As we continue to grow, one thing that won't change is our commitment to strong, market-driven products and excellent support for you and your customers. Your customers can continue to select Amcom Software and CommtechWireless-branded products and know that we will deliver on our commitments - the same ones we've delivered on for decades.

You may have some questions, and I encourage you to contact us. Sean Collins, Amcom's Vice President of Sales and I, are available to speak with you about this news and to answer your questions. You can reach us at the numbers listed below.

We're enthusiastic about our future together — and about building an even stronger company that understands and addresses our customers' and alliance partners' challenges. We value our relationship and are dedicated to being the most partner-friendly software vendor in the industry. We look forward to demonstrating why Amcom Software, the new home of CommtechWireless solutions, should continue to be your partner of choice.


chris heimsean collins sig

Chris Heim
Amcom Software
Direct: 952-230-5336


Sean Collins
Vice President, Sales
Amcom Software
Direct: 952-230-5339


This e-mail was sent to:

This e-mail was sent by: Amcom Software
10400 Yellow Circle Drive Eden Prairie, MN 55343 USA

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shooting alert

The new RAVENAlert answers the need for a fast, intelligent, and dependable indoor alerting device. Features include:

  • High volume audible alert.
  • Large backlit screen.
  • Clear voice via new text to speech technology.
  • Compact Size. 5.5 X 5 inches
  • Easy wall mount or sits upright on any flat surface
  • Battery or line powered
  • Vast grouping capability
  • FLEX or POCSAG in all frequency bands
  • UL Listed


Public Schools
Industrial Facilities
Military Bases
Fire Departments

The new RAVEN-500 series of high decibel alerting products allows for dynamic alerting and voice messaging for indoor and outdoor areas. Perfect for athletic fields, indoor gymnasiums, large retail stores and outdoor common areas.


raven logo Phone: 303-980-2490

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Celltick's Solution Supports US Commercial Mobile Alerting System (CMAS) Launch

Celltick's Cell Broadcast Centre Key to Implement New FCC Regulations for Nationwide Public Warning Service (PWS) Rollout

Last update: 10:57 a.m. EDT Oct. 7, 2008

LONDON, October 7, 2008 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ — Celltick today confirmed that its proven Cell Broadcast Centre (CBC) solution is ideally positioned to support operators looking to implement the new commercial mobile alerting services recommended by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC).

The Commercial Mobile Alerting System (CMAS) is a new nationwide warning system that utilizes cell phone messaging to alert the public of emergencies. The system is recommended by the FCC due to the increased reliance on mobile communications in times of emergency. The FCC has been working with the carriers as part of the Commercial Service Alert Advisory Committee (CMSAAC) for coming up with the technical requirements for CMAS. By use of open standards-based cell broadcast technology, operators can relay emergency alerts to their subscribers.

Celltick's robust Cell Broadcast Center (CBC) solution supports the CMAS by ensuring mass distribution of messages with minimal network load, scalable to limitless amounts of subscribers, with an overload-proof system to ensure reliability. It also enables location specific messaging, allowing different messages to be sent to different areas according to the situation's requirements. Celltick's CBC has already been successfully utilised during emergencies in the Asian Tsunamis and in Terrorist events in South Asia.

Uniquely, Celltick provides a return-on-investment advantage for operators implementing emergency systems, through its revenue-generating LiveScreen™ Media service. Celltick's LiveScreen(TM) Media easily integrates with the cell broadcast solution, allowing operators to generate revenue from mobile phone idle screen advertising and marketing, whilst still being able to broadcast public warnings when required. LiveScreen Media is a managed service that broadcasts targeted mobile content and advertising to millions of mobile phones in more than 25 countries. Using patented technology, LiveScreen transforms the idle screen into an interactive, personalized, location-sensitive media channel.

Stephen Dunford, CEO of Celltick, comments: "During emergencies, people are increasingly relying on wireless telecommunications services and devices to receive critical, time-sensitive information. We have an industry leading mechanism to distribute large-scale information, quickly and securely, when people need it most. We are proud that our cell broadcast technology which is already in use worldwide to provide commercial and emergency services can support the FCC's goal of distributing emergency information as quickly as possible to the people who need to receive it."

About Celltick -

Celltick Technologies Ltd., the pioneer of Active Mobile Marketing, has introduced a new medium into the mobile space. Its flagship product, LiveScreen(TM) Media, allows content providers and advertisers to broadcast targeted content and marketing messages to millions of mobile idle screens, turning them into a network of interactive billboards, creating a strong revenue stream for operators.

Celltick cooperates with mobile operators to turn the mobile screen into a powerful revenue driver. The company has close relations with all network infrastructure companies, major SIM vendors, leading handset manufacturers and industry standard organisations, as well as global content providers and media agents.

Founded in 2000 and privately owned, Celltick is headquartered in the UK with offices in Israel, Russia, Singapore and Brazil.

Celltick Press Contact:
Dom Whitehurst and Eleanor Orebi Gann

Source: MarketWatch

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GL3000 Paging Terminals - C2000 Transmitter Controllers
GL3200 Internet Gateways - Transmitter Equipment


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   Sales Support - Debbie Schlipman
  Phone: +1-251-445-6826
   Customer Service
  Phone: +1-800-663-5996 or +1-972-801-0590
   Website -

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sun st800



ST800, Sun Telecom's Best Selling Numeric Pager. Built for today's life style, the ST800 is rugged yet stylish and blends well with all day-to-day activities.

Michelle Choi
Director of Sales & Operations
Sun Telecom International, Inc.
Telephone: 678-541-0441
Fax: 678-541-0442

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flex logo FLEX is a registered trademark of Motorola Inc.

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Motorola Confirms Plans for Android Phones

By Jane McEntegart, published on October 1, 2008 at 1:30 PM

Motorola has confirmed the suspicions of many in the blogosphere who claimed the company was planning devices for the Google-developed, mobile operating system, Android.

Speaking to BetaNews yesterday morning the company confirmed rumors that it was planning products that ran the OS, however the spokesperson refused to comment on rumors that Motorola was putting together an Android team consisting of as many as 350 people. "We’re excited about the innovation possibilities on Android, and [we] look forward to delivering great products in partnership with Google and the Open Handset Alliance (OHA)," Motorola said in a statement to BetaNews.

Speculation surrounding the company and possible Android devices hit the internet Monday when an Android developer told TechCrunch he had been approached by the company. The same source claimed Motorola was in the prosess of expanding its Android team, upping numbers from 50 to 350.

Times have been hard for Motorola as of late so the positive press coverage won’t go amiss. The company saw significant success with the introduction or its Razr line of handsets, which then turned out to be rather short lived. Motorola let go of over 2,500 of its staff in April. This was in addition to cuts of 7,500 made last year. March saw the company make the decision to split into two separate companies, one dealing with Mobile Devices and a separate arm for Broadband & Mobility Solutions. Motorola also made headlines in July when it filed a lawsuit against a former employee who went work for Apple following his departure from Motorola, alleging he had agreed not to join a competitor for a full two years.

Source: Tom's Guide

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Analysis: How will Android compare to the iPhone?

by Tim Haddock
Oct 7, 2008 12:35 pm

Google’s Android is as an open-source operating system meant to give smart phone manufacturers a powerful platform on which to base their phones. It’s even been touted as a challenger to Apple’s iPhone OS.

But iPhone users have grown accustomed to thinking about phone hardware and software as part of a unified whole. So the first Android-running smart phone bears the burden of representing Android to the world. The Google-backed G1’s user experience will be a function of the HTC hardware, the Google Android platform, and service provider (T-Mobile) combined. How will the G1 (introduced last month and scheduled for release later this month) stack up next to the Apple gold standard?

“Apple’s business is to be three steps ahead of everyone else. Apple is still two steps ahead,” said Gene Munster, senior research analyst at investment bank Piper Jaffray, on the launch of the G1.

The hardware
The philosophy of the G1 device is straightforward. Begin with an iPhone-like touch screen-based smart phone, then add all the features that critics wish the iPhone had. And knock $20 off the 8GB iPhone 3G’s $199 price.

A trackball and flip-out QWERTY keyboard may appeal to business people used to typing on their BlackBerries. A memory slot will let you swap microSD memory cards, and a removable battery means you can carry a spare. And the G1’s 3-megapixel camera should be an improvement over the iPhone’s 2-megapixel camera.

g1 android
The G1, the first Android-based smart phone, has a lot to prove.

Of course, all these extra slots, keys, and buttons carry a cost. At .62 inches thick and 5.6 ounces in weight, the G1 is more than 25 percent thicker and nearly 20 percent heavier than the iPhone 3G. If you’re a fan of the iPhone’s sleek, single-button approach, you could find the G1 a tad chunky and inelegant.

And then there are limitations. The G1’s touch screen doesn't support multi-touch, and the unit’s accelerometer won’t recognize that you want to use the screen in landscape mode unless you open the keyboard. Also conspicuously absent from the G1 is a standard headset jack. So if you want to listen to music or watch video, you'll need a special headphone adapter to connect to its proprietary design. (The original iPhone had a recessed headphone jack requiring an adapter for many third-party headphones; Apple ditched that design in the iPhone 3G.) Finally, the G1’s memory slot will only support expansion up to a maximum of 8GB—not very impressive when you consider that the iPhone 3G ships with 8GB standard for $199, or 16GB for $299. (You can, of course, buy multiple expansion cards for a G1.)

The service provider
Thankfully, T-Mobile has already backed off on a planned 1GB monthly data cap for G1 service. This should let users take better advantage of the smart phone’s capabilities. Unfortunately, when the G1 launches on October 22, T-Mobile’s 3G network will only cover 22 markets in the U.S., jumping to 27 in November. In comparison, AT&T’s 3G network covers more than 275 markets, with up to 350 covered by year’s end. (Like the iPhone, G1 users will have the option of using T-Mobile’s slower EDGE network, or existing Wi-Fi networks.)

The software platform
As you would expect from a Google-based smart phone, the G1 appears to do a very solid job integrating Google applications including Gmail, Google Talk, and most impressively, Maps. Google Maps’ Street View, coupled with the G1’s GPS capabilities, will actually pan the first-person perspective screen image as you pivot the phone, helping you orient yourself with photographic landmarks. (It is rumored that the next update to the iPhone software will include Street View as well.)

Buyers may be surprised to discover that the G1 does not ship with an extensive library of pre-installed software or games. It does come with a few neat apps such as ShopSavvy, which allows you to comparison-shop online by scanning product barcodes using the built-in camera. Ecorio will help you track your carbon footprint, and, unlike iPhone apps, it can actually run in the background. The Amazon MP3 store will let you browse millions of songs using the 3G network, but Wi-Fi is required to purchase and download music.

But don’t expect to be able to sync your G1 with iTunes. In fact, don’t expect to sync your G1 with your desktop computer at all. That could make life tough for Outlook users, and may scare away potential business users attracted by the device’s added keyboard.

New software will be available for download using the beta version of the Android Market, Google’s answer to Apple’s App Store. But analyst Gene Munster warns that users could find the process of downloading and installing Android apps significantly less straightforward than they have come to expect based on experience with Apple’s App Store.

Developer perspective
Apple has come under fire by iPhone developers for restrictive nondisclosure requirements (since lifted) and arbitrariness when it comes to selecting which applications to include in its App Store. Will frustrated developers jump eagerly to Google Android’s open-source approach? Carl Howe, enterprise research director for technology research and consulting firm Yankee Group, speculates that the opposite may be the case.

“From a developer’s point of view, [Android’s] openness is trumped by having a consistent platform,” said Howe. “With the iPhone, there’s one screen size. There’s one interface. The SDK is designed to make it really easy to develop software. But most importantly they have a way to monetize that software quickly.”

That said, Google Android’s open-source, free market approach means that canny developers could build in device functionality that service providers might now want—and that Apple may not allow to see the light of day.

So why are handset providers so fond of Google Android? By opting for Google’s open OS, manufacturers save $2 to $10 per unit, said Howe. “Android is for handset makers, and the iPhone is for users.”

The possibilities of Google Android’s open approach may be endless, but whether and when such possibilities are realized remains to be seen. For the foreseeable future, Apple’s seamless user experience gives iPhone the clear edge.

[Tim Haddock is a writer and corporate communications professional living in Vermont. He remains hopeful that someday soon AT&T coverage will come to the Green Mountain State and all the illicit iPhone users can finally come out of hiding.]

[Updated at 11:59AM Pacific time to remove statement that Apple doesn't allow VoIP Wi-Fi apps.]

Source: iPhone Central

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Sprint Nextel CEO "most Overpaid" in Corporate America

An investor advisory firm, Glass Lewis & Company has reported that Sprint Nextel directors are the most "overpaid" in the USA - with total remuneration of US$74 million last year. Based on a study of Standard & Poor's 500 index of large companies, the company was reported as having the worst pay-for-performance rating for 2007. The firm reported losses of US$29 billion as it wrote down the value of the Nextel network.

Glass Lewis is a firm which makes recommendations to investors on how to vote in proxy ballots. Compensation packages for the most highly paid U.S. executives "have been so over-the-top that they have skewed the standards for what's reasonable," Glass Lewis said in the report.

Sprint spokesman James Fisher called the report “highly misleading," adding that "the bottom line is, 2007 was a highly unusual year both from compensation and loss from continuing operations,”

Gary Forsee earned around US$22.4 million before being ousted as CEO in October last year. Unvested options and restricted stock units will be canceled after Dec. 31, 2009.

He was replaced in December with Dan Hesse, who will earn around US$ 28.3 million, of which US$25.6 million was in stock options. Sprint Nextel pointed out though that the options were long term vested shares and shouldn't be counted as a single year salary. The remainder of the amount went to the rest of the board of directors.

Other firms on the overpaid rankings included General Motors and Ford Motor firm as well as the CBS entertainment group.

Posted to the site on 9th October 2008

Source: Cellular News

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prism paging

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VZW Rate Change Sends Chills through SMS Industry

By Monica Alleven
WirelessWeek - October 10, 2008

The cost of sending text messages to Verizon Wireless customers is going up, and some in the industry fear other operators will follow suit.

A Verizon Wireless spokeswoman characterized the move as something the company needs to do as part of business, but content providers and aggregators are concerned the rate increase will cause brands and marketers to ditch mobile in favor of cheaper, more traditional alternatives, like e-mail.

“This recent announcement from Verizon is very significant because a large number of market segments will no longer be able to participate in off-portal SMS services. Although we understand the carrier’s need to monetize, the immediacy, the market timing and level of cost will create a shock to the system,” said Steve Livingston, chief marketing officer at SMS aggregator mBlox, in an e-mail. “The mobile channel will quickly become unattractive to many companies, small and large, that have been investing in new innovative programs and services.”

One industry source who spoke on condition of anonymity said the notification from Verizon this week basically forces some companies to evaluate their business models and possibly change them in a matter of weeks. The rate increase, which involves an additional 3 cents per message termination, goes into effect Nov. 1.

As an example, the source said if a campaign were to pay 1 cent per message now, its cost will go up to 4 cents a message, which could make a current budget of $10,000 go up to $40,000, and many brands or marketers are not going to have that kind of budget to keep their campaigns going. Brands will be impacted the most because they have been paying the same rate for five years and now their budgets are changing dramatically.

The charge applies to a range of content providers, from sports and weather to politics and social networking. Free-to-end-user, mobile giving and non-profit programs are not affected.

Verizon points out the fees have stayed the same since 2003. The fees apply to aggregators, which can choose whether to pass them onto their customers. “We recently notified text messaging aggregators that there will be an increase in the fees they pay for the services they receive from Verizon Wireless,” said spokeswoman Brenda Raney via e-mail. “Just like any business, we reassess our charges to make sure they align with our costs for providing the service and sometimes it becomes necessary to make adjustments. In this instance, this is the first increase the company has implemented since the service began in 2003. This increase does not impact the charges Verizon Wireless customers pay for text messages.”

Other operators have talked about raising their transaction fees, but Verizon is the first to take action, the anonymous source said.

Source: WirelessWeek

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Critical Response Systems

Over 70% of first responders are volunteers
Without an alert, interoperability means nothing.

Get the Alert.

M1501 Acknowledgent Pager

With the M1501 Acknowledgement Pager and a SPARKGAP wireless data system, you know when your volunteers have been alerted, when they’ve read the message, and how they’re going to respond – all in the first minutes of an event. Only the M1501 delivers what agencies need – reliable, rugged, secure alerting with acknowledgement.

Learn More

  • 5-Second Message Delivery
  • Acknowledged Personal Messaging
  • Acknowledged Group Messaging
  • 16 Group Addresses
  • 128-Bit Encryption
  • Network-Synchronized Time Display
  • Simple User Interface
  • Programming/Charging Base
  • Secondary Features Supporting Public Safety and Healthcare

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Motorola shares hit multi-year low

Thursday October 9, 2:41 pm ET

Motorola shares go below $5, hitting a multi-year low

NEW YORK (AP) — Shares of Motorola Inc. hit their lowest level in more than decade Thursday as telecom gear stocks in general were hit by market shakiness, and an analyst reduced his estimates for Motorola in particular.

The stock was down 22 cents, or 4.3 percent, to $4.99 in afternoon trading. Earlier, the shares went as low as $4.80, the lowest level since the early '90s.

Analyst Jim Suva at Citigroup said Motorola should post satisfactory results for the third quarter on Oct. 30. He expects it to report shipping 28.4 million phones, above the average analyst estimate of 27.2 million.

But Suva is concerned about results in the fourth quarter and beyond. The headwinds are increasing for the company, he wrote, as consumers switch to "smart" phones and carriers cut subsidies on phones that don't use their latest data networks.

Citigroup analysts also lowered their projections for next year's global cell phone industry sales from 1.341 billion to 1.309 billion units.

Source: YAHOO! Finance

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The Best in Paging Is Also the Biggest!


Zetron’s Model 2700:
Our largest-capacity paging terminal.

  • Supports over 1,000,000 subscribers.
  • Fully redundant design features RAID-1-mirrored, hot-removable disk drives.
  • Supports remote access to Windows®-based user-management software.
  • Supports E1 trunks, T1 trunks, analog trunks, and dial-up modems.
  • Includes extensive voice-messaging features.
  • Provides Ethernet interface for e-mail and paging over the Internet.
  • Provides an ideal replacement for Unipage or Glenayre™ systems.
  • When used with the Model 600/620 Wireless Data Manager, a simulcast network can be connected to the Model 2700 over Ethernet links.

Contact Zetron today to discuss your paging needs.

Zetron, Inc.
P.O. Box 97004
Redmond, WA 98073-9704 USA
Phone: 425-820-6363
Fax: 425-820-7031

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$500.00 FLAT RATE

TAPS—Texas Association of Paging Services is looking for partners on 152.480 MHz. Our association currently uses Echostar, formerly Spacecom, for distribution of our data and a large percentage of our members use the satellite to key their TXs. We have a CommOneSystems Gateway at the uplink in Chicago with a back-up running 24/7. Our paging coverage area on 152.480 MHz currently encompasses Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Louisiana, and Kansas. The TAPS paging coverage is available to members of our Network on 152.480 MHz for $.005 a transmitter (per capcode per month), broken down by state or regions of states and members receive a credit towards their bill for each transmitter which they provide to our coverage. Members are able to use the satellite for their own use If you are on 152.480 MHz or just need a satellite for keying your own TXs on your frequency we have the solution for you.

TAPS will provide the gateways in Chicago, with Internet backbone and bandwidth on our satellite channel for $ 500.00 (for your system) a month.

Contact Ted Gaetjen @ 1-800-460-7243 or left arrow CLICK TO E-MAIL

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Zetron Participates in GSA Disaster Recovery Program


October 8, 2008

Redmond, Washington, U.S.A. – October 8, 2008: Zetron, Inc., a premier provider of mission-critical communications systems, today announced its participation in the GSA Disaster Recovery Purchasing Program.

Given the recent natural disasters that Texas and the neighboring states have endured, replacement equipment might be necessary for damaged facilities. One purchasing option is the GSA Disaster Recovery Purchasing Program used to receive Public Assistance reimbursement from FEMA.

Under GSA Contract “GS-35F-0086S”, Zetron is listed as both a Cooperative Purchasing and a Disaster Recovery Program participating vendor.

Click on the link below to view the guidance on the FEMA website and read the “9580 Job Aids and Fact Sheets” for the General Services Administration Disaster Recovery Purchasing Program:

For information on current Major Disaster Declarations, please visit:

For more information, contact the Zetron Sales Department at 425-820-6363.

About Zetron

For over 25 years, Zetron has been a leading provider of mission-critical communication solutions for public safety, transportation, utilities, manufacturing, healthcare, and business. With offices in Redmond, Washington, U.S.A.; Basingstoke, England, U.K.; Brisbane, Australia; and numerous field locations; Zetron supports a worldwide network of authorized resellers and distributors. Zetron is a wholly owned subsidiary of Kenwood Corporation. For more information, contact the Zetron Sales Department at (425) 820-6363. Or visit:

Source: Zetron

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daviscomms usa

  Deal Direct with the Manufacturer of the Bravo Pager Line  
  Bravo Pagers FLEX & POCSAG  
br502 numeric
Br502 Numeric
br802 front
Br802 Alphanumeric

Intrinsic Certifications:
Class I, Division 1, Groups C and D.
Non-Incendiary Certifications:
Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C and D.

The Br802 Pager is Directive 94/9/DC [Equipment Explosive Atmospheres (ATEX)] compliant.
ex  II 1 G EEx ia IIA T4

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Telemetry Messaging Receivers (TMR) FLEX & POCSAG
tmrp-1 tmr1p-2 tmrp-3 tmr1p-7 With or Without Housing
With or Without BNC Connector

black line

Mobile Tracking Device
Specifications subject to change without notice.
 daviscomms  APPLICATIONS
Physical Specs 
  • Vehicle Tracking Device
  • Anti-Theft
  • Personal Emergency alert with panic button (option)
  • 87 x 57 x 30 mm
  • 100g (including battery)
  • 8-30V Operating Voltage
  • 1 TX and 1 RX RS232 comm. port (interface to PC)
  • 4/3 Digital In/Out Ports
  • Serial Speeds-4800 bps thru 115,200 bps
  • Quad band GSM GPRS
  • ESTI GSM Phase 2+ Standard
  • Multi-slot Class 10 GPRS Module
  • Supports 1.8V & 3V SIM Card
  • 12 Channels with continuous tracking
  • L1 (1575.42 MHz) Frequency
  • Accuracy:
    • Position: 10m (CEP)
    • Velocity: 0.2 m/s (50%)
    • Time: 20 ns RMS (static mode)

For information call 480-515-2344 or visit our website
Email addresses are posted there!

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VinaPhone expands international links

October 8, 2008 10:46 pm by pna

HANOI, Oct. 8 - Vinaphone's deal with Nawras of Oman and Network of Norway to provide two-way roaming service since late September has enabled customers of this mobile phone network to send messages to 200 countries and territories.

With the latest deal, Vinaphone subscribers can now to use the roaming services in 80 countries and territories worldwide, making Vinaphone a network with the most links to foreign countries.

As a result, VinaPhone, expects the number of users of its international roaming and paging services will sharply increase in the near future. Currently, nearly 120,000 foreign subscribers use the roaming service through Vinaphone network every month. The number of paging messages from foreign countries to Vietnam through this network has reached an average of 3 million a month.

Vinaphone has applied a special charge of 0.15 USD for a paging message and provided the language support service in Korean and Japanese.

In addition, Vinaphone is the first mobile phone network to cover all provinces, cities and districts across the country, including mountainous, island and remote districts.

To date, Vinaphone has nearly 6,000 base transmission stations and nearly 20 million subscribers.

Vinaphone plans to continue expanding its coverage and renew technology to improve connection quality and offer more service packages to meet the need of different groups of customers. (PNA/VNA)


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make your minitor II like new again


Finally, Minitor II housings available
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$60.00 for repair and new housing with 90-day warranty

United Communications Corp.
Serving the Emergency Service Market Since 1986
motorola paging 888-763-7550 Fax: 888-763-7549
62 Jason Court, St. Charles, MO 63304
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TECH AND YOU October 8, 2008, 12:01AM EST

RIM's Impressive BlackBerry Storm

The newest BlackBerry handset uses a radically different—and better—touchscreen keyboard in its first true world phone

rim storm
Peter Arkle

by Stephen H. Wildstrom

Back in 1999, an obscure Canadian company called Research In Motion (RIMM) defied conventional wisdom and put a keyboard on a pager-size device, creating the first BlackBerry. Now RIM has struck again, this time by eliminating the physical keyboard from its new BlackBerry Storm smartphone. The Storm will be available later this fall from Verizon Wireless in the U.S. and from Vodafone (VOD) in Europe and parts of Asia.

Apple's (AAPL) iPhone made the world safe for onscreen keyboards, but the Storm is radically different and (based on the hour or so I spent with the handset) considerably better. The Storm uses a touchscreen similar to the iPhone's, where you move your finger lightly on the surface to navigate around the screen. To confirm a selection or menu choice, you press harder. The slight flexing of the display triggers a tiny switch beneath it, generating distinct tactile feedback. This avoids a common problem on touchscreens: It can be difficult to distinguish between just moving around the display and initiating an action.

You really feel the difference when typing on the on-screen keyboard. A firm press creates a sensation uncannily like pressing physical buttons, much more so than the vibration generated by the Samsung Instinct's touch keyboard. My initial reaction was that typing was easier and more accurate than on the iPhone—or any other touchscreen keyboard. The keys show up in two configurations: When you hold the Storm horizontally, you get a full keyboard that fills the width of the screen. When you turn it vertically, you get a SureType keyboard, like the one on the BlackBerry Pearl, with two letters sharing most keys and adept software that usually figures out which letter you meant to hit.

The Storm's screen, like the iPhone's, treats touch as more than just another way to move a cursor. Unfortunately, it can't do the iPhone trick of enlarging or shrinking screen contents in response to a finger pinch or stretch. But unlike the iPhone, it does let you edit by cutting and pasting—and you can use a two-finger stretch to select text. You can also use a flick of a finger to scroll pages up or down, which is particularly handy for browsing quickly through a list of e-mails.

This new BlackBerry is hiding an important breakthrough. Developed in partnership with Verizon and Vodafone, the Storm is a true world phone. Here's the problem RIM had to solve: Verizon has a high-speed data network that is widely regarded as the best in the U.S., but its technology is incompatible with that used by carriers in the rest of the world. RIM first bridged the gap last year with the globe-trotting BlackBerry 8830, which runs on both Verizon and Vodafone networks, but that model can handle high-speed data only in North America. The Storm is the first phone to work on high-speed, 3G data services on both kinds of networks.

The Storm's browser is an improvement on previous RIM efforts, largely because Web pages are easier to view in the horizontal format and because you can pull hidden portions of the page into view with a finger. Nice—but it's still no match for the iPhone's browsing finesse. The Storm also lacks Wi-Fi, which iPhone users may miss, though access to worldwide 3G data speeds partly makes up for that. Otherwise, the Storm has all the goodies you expect from a contemporary smartphone, including GPS, decent video and music players, stereo Bluetooth, and a 3.2-megapixel camera. Following Google's (GOOG) Android and Apple, RIM is making it easier to get third-party programs for the Storm and other handsets by setting up BlackBerry Application Centers with carriers.

The Storm is not an iPhone killer, nor is it intended to be. RIM's emphasis is on e-mail and business applications, and its products are designed to be managed by corporate technology departments. Like its predecessors, the new BlackBerry is aimed squarely at mobile executives. But the Storm incorporates much of the fresh thinking that characterizes the consumer-oriented iPhone. The key test will be whether business users who spend a lot of time on their keyboards will be willing to migrate to a touchscreen. Based on my brief experience, I think the Storm is an excellent alternative to traditional BlackBerrys.

Source: BusinessWeek

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  • January 11, 1997—Telstar 401 suffers a short in the satellite circuitry—TOTAL LOSS
  • May 19, 1998—Galaxy 4 control processor causes loss of fixed orbit—TOTAL LOSS
  • September 19, 2003—Telstar 4 suffers loss of its primary power bus—TOTAL LOSS
  • March 17, 2004—PAS-6 suffers loss of power—TOTAL LOSS
  • January 14, 2005—Intelsat 804 suffers electrical power system anomaly—TOTAL LOSS


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  • On shelf spares for all critical components
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NOTIFYall Group Text Messaging Service delivers your text message to an unlimited number of cell phones, pagers, PDAs, or e-mail on any service, anywhere, anytime!

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UPS testing new Motorola in-vehicle mobile computer

Telematics information will tell managers about a truck's speed, idle time and more

By Matt Hamblen

October 7, 2008 (Computerworld) A new rugged mobile computer from Motorola Inc. for use inside vehicles is undergoing testing for deployment in 2010 by delivery giant United Parcel Service of America Inc.

The new VC6096 from Motorola, announced yesterday, would give UPS managers automatic access to vehicle information such as fuel economy, and will help drivers log departure and arrival times wirelessly, a spokeswoman said.

UPS is currently testing the VC6096 inside long-haul trailer trucks and large trucks that move packages from one sorting facility to another. A UPS spokeswoman, Donna Barrett, said it would not replace the fourth-generation proprietary handheld computers that more than 100,000 UPS drivers use globally to deliver packages to customers' homes and businesses.

That proprietary computer, known as the Delivery Information Acquisition Device IV (DIAD), was manufactured to UPS's specifications by Motorola and Symbol Corp., which was acquired by Motorola. The fourth generation of the DIAD was announced in 2003.

UPS won't reveal how many VC6096 computers it intends to buy, although it will be a "sizable" number, Barrett said, assuming testing goes well.

One advantage of using the VC6096 is its use of the Windows Mobile 6.1 operating system, which is expected to be widely used in business settings. It gives UPS wide-area network connectivity as well as Wi-Fi connectivity to allow drivers to stay in contact with dispatchers outside of facilities and inside them, where Wi-Fi access points are often deployed, Barrett said.


Motorola's VC6096 is an in-vehicle rugged mobile computer.

"We would prefer to buy off-the-shelf where we can," including devices such as the VC6096, although the proprietary DIAD helped solve specific needs for UPS, she said. Other standard hardware that UPS has purchased includes wireless scanner devices. The new VC6096 devices must be mounted inside a vehicle, using the vehicle's power to operate.

The VC6096, available in the first quarter of 2009, will sell for $4,395, said Sheldon Safir, director of marketing for mobile computing in the enterprise mobility division at Motorola.

Because it runs Windows Mobile 6.1, it gives companies access to the many applications already written for that widespread operating system. In addition, it will run on GSM and High-Speed Downlink Packet Access network speeds over networks operated by AT&T Inc. and T-Mobile USA, Safir said.

Analysts said that in-vehicle computers are sold by Motorola competitors such as Intermec Inc. and Psion, but Motorola believes the VC6096 will be an attractive alternative to a proprietary service from Qualcomm Inc.

The new computer includes a standard QWERTY keyboard, a 6.5-in. touch display and weighs 4.8 lb., according to a Motorola specifications sheet. It is 9.5 by 9.2 by 1.9 inches in size. It includes 128MB of RAM and 256MB of Flash memory, with an SD card slot for an additional 2GB. Rugged specifications include protection from extreme temperature, dust, humidity, vibration and more. Wi-Fi, GPS and Bluetooth are supported.

Tom McNeela, senior product manager at Motorola, said the telemetrics supported by the device will give drivers and dispatchers access to information on the next route they need to find, as well as automatic information on factors such as excessive vehicle idling or excessive speed. Barrett said the applications tested successfully so far included truck speed, RPM, braking data and idle time, although more functions will be tested later.

Kevin Burden, an analyst at ABI Research, said vehicle telemetrics have often been controversial, with objections by drivers unions worried that managers will be tracking a driver and invading his privacy. A year ago, thousands of New York City taxi drivers protested installation of GPS capabilities in cabs. But Burden said managers for delivery operations have learned they can use GPS and vehicle information to "stay on top of the workforce in the trucking business, where time is everything." The technology has proved to be a boon for many businesses, including J.B. Hunt Transport Services Inc.

It is often the mere threat of installing such devices that will improve the productivity of a driver, Burden said.

Even though UPS appears to be adopting the Windows Mobile platform with the VC6096, Burden said the transition to standard and modern operating systems has been surprisingly slow at many companies, partly because of the training involved with large workforces that are familiar with old, but reliable systems.

"There's still a ton of DOS devices out there," Burden said.

Source: ComputerWorld

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wipath header

Intelligent Solutions for Paging & Wireless Data

WiPath manufactures a wide range of highly unique and innovative hardware and software solutions in paging and mobile data for:

  • Emergency Mass Alert & Messaging
  • Emergency Services Communications
  • Utilities Job Management
  • Telemetry and Remote Switching
  • Fire House Automation
  • Load Shedding and Electrical Services Control

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PDT3000 Paging Data Terminal

pdt 2000 image

  • Built-in POCSAG encoder
  • Huge capcode capacity
  • Parallel, 2 serial ports, 4 relays
  • Message & system monitoring

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Paging Controlled Moving Message LED Displays

welcom wipath

  • Variety of sizes
  • Indoor/outdoor
  • Integrated paging receiver

black line

PDR3000/PSR3000 Paging Data Receivers

paging data receiver

  • Highly programmable, off-air decoders
  • Message Logging & remote control
  • Multiple I/O combinations and capabilities
  • Network monitoring and alarm reporting

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Specialized Paging Solutions

paging data receiver

  • Emergency Mass Alerting
  • Remote telemetry switching & control
  • Fire station automation
  • PC interfacing and message management
  • Paging software and customized solutions
  • Message interception, filtering, redirection, printing & logging
  • Cross band repeating, paging coverage infill, store and forward
  • Alarm interfaces, satellite linking, IP transmitters, on-site systems

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Mobile Data Terminals & Two Way Wireless  Solutions

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  • Fleet tracking, messaging, job processing, and field service management
  • Automatic vehicle location (AVL), GPS
  • CDMA, GPRS, ReFLEX, conventional, and trunked radio interfaces
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WiPath Communications LLC
4845 Dumbbarton Court
Cumming, GA 30040
4845 Dumbbarton Court
Cumming, GA 30040
Web site: left arrow CLICK
E-mail: left arrow CLICK
Phone: 770-844-6218
Fax: 770-844-6574
WiPath Communications

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Preferred Wireless
preferred logo
Equipment For Sale
2 Aluminum Equipment racks
1 Outdoor Shelter, 60" tall x 40" deep x 35" wide, w/AC Unit
1 GL3000 L Terminal (e-mail for list of cards)
2 GL3000ES Terminals (e-mail for list of cards)
2 GL3100 RF Director (e-mail for list of cards)
Link Transmitters:
1 Glenayre QT6994, 150W, 900 MHz Link TX
1 Glenayre QT4201, 25W Midband Link TX
3 Motorola 10W, 900 MHz Link TX (C35JZB6106)
2 Motorola 30W, Midband Link TX (C42JZB6106AC)
VHF Paging Transmitters
8 QT-100C, 100W VHF, TCC, RL70XC
3 Motorola Nucleus 350W, NAC
1 Motorola PURC 5000 125W, ACB
UHF Paging Transmitters:
10 Glenayre GLT5340, 125W, DSP Exciter
1 Motorola PURC 5000, 110W, ACB or TRC
2 Motorola PURC 5000, 225W, ACB or TRC
3 Motorola Nucleus 125W NAC
900 MHz Paging Transmitters:
1 Glenayre GLT 8600, 500W
40 Glenayre GLT-8500, 250W, C2000, w/ or w/o I 20
10 Motorola PURC 5000, 300W, DRC or ACB
2 NEW Motorola Nucleus, 300W, C-Net

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Too Much To List • Call or E-Mail
Preferred Wireless
Rick McMichael
left arrow CLICK HERE
left arrow OR HERE
Preferred Wireless

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Satellite Uplink
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motorola logo Motorola Authorized Service Center for Paging and Cellular.

Ask for Special Newsletter Pricing.

Please call: 800-222-6075 ext. 312 for pricing.

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E-mail:  left arrow
Minilec Service, Inc.
Suite A
9207 Deering Ave.
Chatsworth, CA 91311
Minilec Service

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Apple's iPhone Has Motorola's Razr Problem.

Posted by: Bruce Nussbaum on October 07

Nearly everyone I know who has an iPhone is beginning to hate it. They love the applications, the music, the movies, the GPS—but the basic cell phone function is terrible. I’ve been on Fifth Avenue in NYC watching a friend fume as her calls were dropped. I’ve been in Santa Fe and Portland recently and watched friends get cut off, call again, and get cut off. They tell me about their friends’ mounting frustration with the iPhones’ inability to connect them to friends, family—and business contacts.

One person changed her phone twice (I hear that many people are getting their iPhones changed) to no avail. She doesn't know when her calls will go through or not. And when you exchange one iPhone for another, you often lose 5% to 10% of your data (music, photos, etc.).

One Apple Store person said “let me try and get one from a good batch,” implying that there are quality control problems.

Then there’s the email thing. Anyone used to a keyboard really hates the way iPhone digital keyboard works. You’re always making mistakes that the software doesn't correct. It’s obvious that shifting the keyboard to a horizontal position would help enormously, but you can’t.

The thing is—lots of people are getting mad at Apple about the failure to provide basic functionality with their iPhones. This is

what happened with the Razr. It was cool-looking, slim, light, so people bought millions of them. But it had old, clunky software so when you actually used it to make cell calls, the Razr worked poorly. People began to hate their Razrs because it didn't deliver basic functionality.

Apple blames AT&T for poor service. Maybe. But people look to Apple for quality. It has to make sure the iPhone works in the most fundamental way--phoning. It needs to be transparent, acknowledge the problem, and show the way to resolving it.

If it doesn't, the iPhone may well go the way of the Razr, with Google's Android winning the hearts and wallets of consumers.

Source: BusinessWeek

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InfoRad Wireless Office

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Wireless Messaging Software

AlphaPage® First Responder (Windows 2000, XP, Vista). When the message matters, AlphaPage® First Responder is the fast, reliable, and secure solution Emergency Management Professionals choose. AlphaPage® First Responder is designed for the modern professional who requires full-featured commercial wireless messaging capabilities that include advanced features such as automated Route-on-Failure, custom message templates, and secure messaging with SSL encryption. AlphaCare™ extended premium support plans are also available. For more information on all InfoRad Wireless Messaging software solutions, and fully supported free demos, please click on the InfoRad logo.

InfoRad logo left arrow CLICK HERE

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InfoRad Wireless Office

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radio mensajes



Miguel Gonzalez


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Hark Technologies

hark logo

Wireless Communication Solutions

isi image

ISI-LX Internet Serial Interface with Protocol Conversion

  • Converts Serial TAP message to SNPP, SMTP, or WCTP
  • Pass through Serial Data to TCP/IP and TCP/IP back to Serial
  • Supports Ethernet or PPP Connection to Internet w/Dial Backup
  • Includes 4 Serial Ports for Multiplexing Traffic
isi image

IPG Internet Paging Gateway

  • No Moving Parts Such as Hard Drives or Fans to Fail
  • Supports 10Base-T Network Connection to Internet
  • Accepts HTTP, SMTP, SNPP, and WCTP from Internet
  • Sends TAP or TNPP to Your Paging Terminal


  • Inexpensive method of automating your paging monitoring
  • Uses standard paging receiver
  • Available in 152-158 POCSAG or 929 FLEX (call for others)
omega image

Omega Unified Messaging Server

  • Full Featured Internet Messaging Gateway
  • TAP Concentrator and TNPP Routing Functions w/TNPP over Internet
  • Serial Protocols Supported: GCP, SMDI, SMS, TAP, TNPP
  • Internet Protocols Supported: AIM, HTTP, SMPP (out only), SMTP, SNPP, and WCTP
  • Full Featured, Easy-to-use Voice/Fax/Numeric Mail Interface
  • One Number For All Your Messaging
  • Optional Hot-swap Hard Drives and Power Supplies Available
Please see our web site for even more products designed specifically for Personal Messaging carriers. For example, the Omega Messaging Gateway and Email Throttling Gateway (anti-spam).
Hark Technologies
3507 Iron Horse Dr., Bldg. 200
Ladson, SC 29456
Tel: 843-285-7200
Fax: 843-285-7220
E-mail: left arrow CLICK HERE
Hark Technologies

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CQ Serenade Song!

Comes in Three Flavors

From Amateur Radio Newsline - Bruce Tennant, K6PZW

Here's the lowdown on this song according to Bruce Tennant, K6PZW, of Amateur Radio Newsline: The name of the song is CQ Serenade and we found it sometime back while trolling the world wide web. After downloading it, our curiosity got the best of us so we decided to find out more. Our search finally lead us to Jean-Guy Renaud, VE2AIK, who supplied us with allot of information. According to VE2AIK, CQ Serenade was composed sometime between 1965 and 1970 by Maurice Durieux, VE2QS. Durieux was orchestra conductor employed by Radio Canada who had emigrated from France. Assisting Duriux in the creation of the song was F9KT. CQ Serenade was first recorded with French lyrics by Raymond Girerd. An English language version written by VE2QS and by Georges Brewer, then VE2BR, of Montreal. It was later covered by songstress Joyce Hahn. Both versions were available on 45 RPM long playing records under the rather apropos QSO Records label. Today, those discs are probably true collectors items and all but impossible to find. But don't despair. Thanks to the magic of MP3 audio and the Word-Wide-Web, CQ Serenade is still around to hear and enjoy.

Here are the Three Renditions, in MP3 format:

English version, sung by Joyce Hahn

Instrumental Version

French version, sung by Raymond Girerd


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BloostonLaw Update

Published by the Law Offices of
Blooston, Mordkofsky, Dickens, Duffy & Prendergast, LLP

For faster downloading the BloostonLaw section has been moved to a separate page. left arrow CLICK HERE

There is a link and the end of the BloostonLaw section that will return you back right here when you finish. Please don't skip this section since it contains lots of important information.


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black line nighthawk logo



Nighthawk Systems Inc. manufactures low cost and reliable remote control products for fire house alerting, volunteer alerting, activation of warning signs and sirens, and a number of applications for public safety. The Company manufactures the EA1 and the FAS-8 which have been designed specifically for these applications. Both products are paging based and will work with any public or private paging network. They are available in all VHF, UHF, and 900 MHz paging frequencies. The products can serve as the primary notification system or an excellent, low-cost backup to existing systems.

Public Emergency Notification & Volunteer Alerting

The EA1 is the solution for remotely activating public warning signage. Examples include tornado sirens, flash flood warnings, fire danger, Amber Alert, icy roads, etc. The EA1 can also send text messages to scrolling signs. This can occur in conjunction with the activation of audible alarms and visual strobes. This is ideal for public notification in buildings, schools, hotels, factories, etc. The group call feature allows for any number of signs or flashing lights to be activated at the same time over a wide geographic area. In addition, the EA1 Emergency Alert is the perfect solution for low cost yet highly effective alerting of volunteer fire fighters in their home. When activated the EA1 will emit an audible alarm and activate the power outlet on the units faceplate. A common setup is to simply place the EA1 on a table and plug a lamp into the faceplate. When paged from dispatch or any touch tone phone the EA1 will awaken the fire fighter to a lit room. As an option the EA1 can be ordered with a serial cable, allowing for attachment of a serial printer. When paged the alphanumeric message will be printed out at the same time the alarm sounds and the outlet is activated. The EA1 is an ideal complement to alphanumeric belt pagers common to volunteers.

nighthawk sign

Firehouse Automation

The FAS-8 is designed for activating one or more relays in a firehouse and if desired, printing the alphanumeric message to a serial printer. For this application the FAS-8 is set to activate upon receiving the proper paging cap code sent from 911 dispatch. Up to eight different devices can be activated all with individual time functions. The most common devices to turn on include the PA amplifier, audible wake up alarm, and house lights. The most common device turned off is the stove. The FAS-8 can accept up to 8 different cap codes and have separate relay and time functions per cap code. This allows for different alerting to be accomplished at the same physical location depending upon which cap code is sent. This can be very helpful when fire crews and medical crews are housed in the same building.



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Paging Chronically Ill Kids

Last Update: 10/07 4:37 am
REPORT #1507

BACKGROUND: Researchers at Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville are currently working to develop an age-appropriate medication management device that allows children to transition more safely to self-care. The device allows children to allow or block alerts based on their needs, and the application can be customized to meet the varying needs of families. The device reminds kids to take medications at specific times and can alert parents or school personnel if the child does not respond to a reminder. Any mistakes the child makes are recorded and passed to caregivers. The concept of the device was originally thought up by parents and school nurses who wanted to better empower ill children to take charge of their medication schedules.

In a pilot study, a group of 20 patients were provided with a pager and bag of stickers to customize it. The pagers use text messages to remind children when to take their medication. According to Kevin B. Johnson, M.D., M.S., an associate professor and vice chair of biomedical informatics at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, in an analysis of the first 17 children, about 85 percent reported being very excited to use this new technology. The children also reported they were able to use the pager effectively. The study did not look at whether the pager improved the children's compliance with medication routines, but it did evaluate whether they would continue to use them for the four-week duration. Results showed they were eager to do so. "Many of the parents actually told us that they would like to continue using this pager approach as a way to involve their children in medication management," Dr. Johnson told Ivanhoe. "That is cause for optimism, to continue this kind of work and pursue the use of these graphical-based text messages in the next round of funding."

PAGER PROJECT: The first part of the pager project involved getting children to view the pager as somewhat of a “friend.” To do so, in the first two weeks, researchers sent messages like, “good morning,” “good evening,” “have a nice day” or “you win a prize.” This, they believe, urged the children to continue to carry their pagers. Medication reminders were then sent in the third and fourth weeks. They found that each child and their family had specific medications and doses they preferred to be reminded about. Other doses were well enough integrated into their daily life that they didn't feel a reminder was necessary. To the researchers, this "just pointed to the importance of empowering a family rather than having providers be responsible for setting up a schedule for their patients," Dr. Johnson explained. As expected, some children failed to use their pagers. "One child essentially went on vacation and forgot to take the pager," Dr. Johnson said.

For More Information, Contact:
Kevin B. Johnson, M.D.
Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Nashville, TN


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Paging and Ham Radio Operator in Baghdad, Iraq

From: Raaed Alkhateeb
Subject: DE YI1RM
Date: September 27, 2008 5:14:27 PM CDT
To: Brad Dye

Dear Sir

Thank you for the news its really help me to keep update with the world.

Sir I have an idea if you wish we can do it together its make ham paging like echo link, IRB,IRL and EQSO.

I wait from you

Best regards,

Raaed Alkhateeb (YI1RM)
CEO of Alfris Telecom
Baghdad, Iraq

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Subject: RE: DE YI1RM
Date: September 28, 2008 3:40:13 PM CDT

Dear Sir

My idea we make a web based paging system this system connecting to paging station around the world in each radio club or personal shack and each radio amateur has his unique pager number all this station work on same frequency so when any one travel to another country his pager still working and we separate paging way for local or global if the user know place of person need to paging him he will using local paging if he don't he will use global.


Raaed Alkhateeb — YI1RM
Skype: alfraistelecom

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From: Shane Scofield
Subject: VHF alpha pagers
Date: October 3, 2008 3:14:17 PM CDT
To: Brad Dye

Hi Brad,

In a mad dash to get customers off of USA Mob I am looking for elite style alpha pagers on 152.480. I have 900 elites to trade / sell as well to the same provider of the VHF units or as a separate sale.

I am looking for about 60 units.



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From: John Kaiser
Subject: From the Paging Information Web Site
Date: September 30, 2008 12:26:08 PM CDT
To: Brad Dye


I have seen several postings on your web site with numerous customers/resellers that are unhappy with USA Mobility price plans and price increases. Please have these customers contact SkyTel, we will be happy to work with these folks to see what can be done to bring new customers to the Skytel family.

John Kaiser

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With best regards,
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Newsletter Editor


Brad Dye, Editor
The Wireless Messaging Newsletter
P.O. Box 13283
Springfield, IL 62791 USA

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Skype: braddye
Telephone: 217-787-2346
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“Life expectancy would grow by leaps and bounds if green vegetables smelled as good as bacon.”
—Doug Larson

“The greatest wealth is health.”

“Eat right, exercise regularly, die anyway.”
—Author Unknown

“Health nuts are going to feel stupid someday, lying in hospitals dying of nothing.”
—Redd Foxx

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