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FRIDAY - JULY 11, 2008 - ISSUE NO. 319

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Dear Friends of Wireless Messaging,

Today marks another milestone in wireless communication history. Apple once again raised the bar with the worldwide introduction of the iPhone 3G. Just hype? No, I don't think so. Lots of last minute news coming in—more on this next week.

In Japan, Friday’s launch marks the first time the iPhone has been available in that country and the chance to be one of the first to own one attracted more than 1,000 people to the store of Japanese carrier Softbank in Tokyo’s trendy Harajuku neighborhood by the time sales began at 7 a.m.

As the countdown clock reached zero those waiting cheered and special-effects smoke enveloped a crowd of more than 100 journalists and photographers who had turned out to see the launch of the handset.

“This is the year that the cell phone becomes an Internet-connecting machine,” said Masayoshi Son, CEO of Softbank, speaking in front of the store just before the launch. “Today is the day that will make it real, and I think it’s a historic day.” [source]

The rest of the story follows below—just past Prism Paging's sharp new ad.

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This just in:

Mike Zafirovski wasn't called the Ironman for nothing. Now, he may scoop up part of Motorola Inc., a company he once sought to lead.

The former Motorola president who participated in Ironman competitions was bypassed as chief executive in favor of Ed Zander about four years ago. He had worked with then-CEO Chris Galvin to lay the foundation for the Razr mobile phone craze and began turning around the company by axing thousands of workers.

Ultimately he paid a non-compete settlement of $11.5 million to Motorola when he opted to became CEO of Nortel Networks Corp. in Brampton, Ontario, near Toronto.

Now the two businesses could become one, the Wall Street Journal reported Monday. The report, using unnamed sources, said Zafirovski could be behind Nortel's talks with Motorola to form a joint venture. Such a venture would make network equipment for wireless phone carriers, with a potential $10 billion in annual sales. [Source: redOrbit]

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I frequently receive inquiries from people and companies wanting to activate pagers in various parts of this country and occasionally, other countries. “Hey Brad, who offers paging service in Smooth Rock Falls, Idaho?” Or, “Brad we need to activate some of our new telemetry units on the West Coast, who should we call?”

So, I have started building a new consolidated database of Paging Service Providers. I will begin publishing an initial draft of this directory on my web site in the next week or so. This will be like Paging Yellow Pages, with free listings for every paging company that I can identify. To keep it simple, I am not going to include a lot of unnecessary information—just the basics. Immediately following is an example of the format that I plan to use. There will be a hot link to each Paging Service Provider's web site where additional details can be made available. Like coverage maps, for example.

The value of this listing to the paging and wireless messaging community should be obvious. Its success ultimately depends on how much help I get from everyone. If you work for a paging company, you can help by sending me the basic information as indicated by the red letters in the following form.

As the list grows, you can help by checking it periodically for accuracy. I will be posting links to the directory here in the newsletter and asking for assistance from time to time. I am compiling this list from a tremendous amount of information that I have collected over the years and have saved on my computer. Since part of this information is now obsolete, I will need a lot of help in refining the list and bringing it up to date.

I have recently noticed a refreshing new attitude of cooperation among paging companies. it's about time we all realized that our real competitors are not other paging companies, but other technologies.

I hope you are making plans to attend our next association meeting, Enterprise Wireless '08, November 5-7, in Scottsdale, Arizona. Come on! Be part of the solution. The Association of Paging Carriers needs you. Details follow.

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This is my weekly newsletter about Wireless Messaging. You are receiving this because you have either communicated with me in the past about a wireless topic, or your address was included in another e-mail that I received on the same subject. This is not a SPAM. If you have received this message in error, or you are not interested in these topics, please click here, then click on "send" and you will be promptly removed from the mailing list.

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A new issue of The Wireless Messaging Newsletter gets posted on the web each week. A notification goes out by e-mail to subscribers on most Fridays around noon central US time. The notification message has a link to the actual newsletter on the Internet. That way it doesn't fill up your incoming e-mail account.

There is no charge for subscription and there are no membership restrictions. Readers are a very select group of wireless industry professionals, and include the senior managers of many of the world's major Paging and Wireless Data companies. There is an even mix of operations managers, marketing people, and engineers — so I try to include items of interest to all three groups. It's all about staying up-to-date with business trends and technology. I regularly get readers' comments, so this newsletter has become a community forum for the Paging, and Wireless Data communities. You are welcome to contribute your ideas and opinions. Unless otherwise requested, all correspondence addressed to me is subject to publication in the newsletter and on my web site. I am very careful to protect the anonymity of those who request it.

NOTE: This newsletter is best viewed at screen resolutions of 800x600 (good) or 1024x768 (better). Any current revision of web browser should work fine. Please notify me of any problems with viewing. This site is compliant with XHTML 1.0 transitional coding for easy access from wireless devices. (XML 1.0/ISO 8859-1.)

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Anyone wanting to help support The Wireless Messaging Newsletter can do so by clicking on the PayPal Donate button above.

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Brad Dye, Ron Mercer, and Vic Jackson are friends and colleagues who work both together and independently, on wireline and wireless communications projects. Click here  for a summary of their qualifications and experience. They collaborate on consulting assignments, and share the work according to their individual expertise and their schedules.

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The local newspaper here in Springfield, Illinois costs 75¢ a copy and it NEVER mentions paging. If you receive some benefit from this publication maybe you would like to help support it financially? A donation of $25.00 would represent approximately 50¢ a copy for one year. If you are so inclined, please click on the PayPal Donate button above. No trees were chopped down to produce this electronic newsletter.

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(example) Paging Carrier Directory (in development)

COMPANY NAME: ABC Beeper Company, Inc.
MANAGEMENT: Wellington B. Huffacker 217-555-1234
SALES: Nancy Nice 217-555-2345
TECHNICAL: Joe Gizmo 217-555-4567
COVERAGE AREA: Primary coverage area: Springfield, IL, plus nationwide roaming.
WEB SITE:  left arrow CLICK HERE

Carriers that want to be listed, need only submit the information in red letters.

To submit your company's information, just click here, and send me the information in red letters.

Now on to more news and views. . .

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 aapc logo AAPC Bulletin • 866-301-2272
The Voice of US Paging Carriers

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Register Today left arrow click here

“Association meetings are the ideal place to showcase new products, meet with new and existing customers, see and hear what the rest of the industry is doing, and have a little fun.”
—Jim Nelson, Prism Paging

Make your hotel reservations now to stay at the Doubletree Paradise Valley Resort. The Resort is situated on 22 acres of towering palms, majestic desert mountain views, and yet is conveniently located in the heart of Scottsdale, easily accessible from the Sky Harbor airport and minutes from the attractions of Old Town Scottsdale. Call 800-222-8733 and be sure to reference the Enterprise Wireless event to receive the discounted rate of $159/night. If you prefer to make your reservations online, you may do so by entering EWA as the group code here. left arrow

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Showcase your technology at the 2008 Innovator’s Showcase on Thursday, November 6.

Click here for a presentation application. Deadline for applications is July 30.

Secure your exhibit space now to showcase your products and services at the largest paging-related technology and enterprise wireless conference!

Benefits of exhibiting include:

  • The post-conference participant list
  • Company name link to your website on both the Enterprise Wireless 2008 web site and the AAPC conference web site
  • Dedicated time to talk with participants during the reception and networking lunches
  • Your company name listed in the conference materials
  • Opportunity to place a one-page company promotional flyer in the conference materials

Thank you to the following companies for committing early to participate.

Complete list of Sponsorship and Exhibitor Opportunities left arrow click here

Exhibitor Contract left arrow click here


Thanks to our Gold Vendor member!

PRISM Paging

Thanks to our Silver Vendor Members!
isc technologies
ISC Technologies, Inc.
recurrent software
Recurrent Software Solutions, Inc.
Unication USA

Thanks to our Bronze Member Vendors!

AAPC Executive Director
441 N. Crestwood Drive
Wilmington, NC 28405
Tel: 866-301-2272
AAPC Regulatory Affairs Office
Suite 250
2154 Wisconsin Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20007-2280
Tel: 202-223-3772
Fax: 202-315-3587

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Court in holding pattern on challenge to FCC’s backup power rule

By Jeffrey Silva
Story posted: July 8, 2008 - 2:12 pm EDT
Story modified: July 8, 2008 - 6:44 pm EDT

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit today said it will not rule on wireless providers’ challenge to the Federal Communications Commission’s backup power rule until Bush administration budget officials complete their review of controversial guidelines designed to respond to Gulf Coast communications failures from Hurricane Katrina.

The court said information that would be collected under the FCC’s Katrina decision “is crucial to the operation of the backup power rule. Without it, the commission would have difficulty enforcing the rule, and the exemptions and alternative compliance plan might be unworkable.”

The FCC declined to comment on the court’s action.

“We are pleased with the court’s decision to keep the stay in place while the FCC completes its work on this item,” stated cellular industry association CTIA.

The Office of Management and Budget could not immediately respond to a request for comment. On a government Web site, the agency’s Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs does not list the FCC Katrina decision’s information collection provisions as being under review.

The court held oral arguments May 8 on appeals filed by CTIA, T-Mobile USA Inc. and USA Mobility Inc. A three-judge panel at that time appeared to give weight to the wireless industry’s argument that the FCC lacked legal authority to approve the backup power rule.

“The order has yet to take effect, mitigating its immediate impact, and we believe industry likely will ultimately win,” said analysts at Stifel, Nicolaus & Co Inc. “However, the wireless industry would have preferred the court to simply reverse the FCC decision now rather than prolong uncertainty — while the case is pending, carriers must still make preparations in case the order goes into effect.”

The backup power rule was approved last year, following recommendations in 2006 by the Independent Panel Reviewing the Impact of Hurricane Katrina on Communications Networks. The agency responded to protests by partially modifying the rule and extending auditing and compliance deadlines. The D.C. Circuit put the rule on hold in February.

The FCC Katrina guidelines call for a minimum 24 hours of emergency backup power for telecom assets inside central offices and eight hours for other facilities such as cell sites, remote switches and digital loop carrier system remote terminals. There are about 200,000 cell sites in the United States, with tower companies operating about 115,000 sites and operators controlling 85,000 sites.

The Katrina measure gives wireless providers six months to determine which assets comply with the new guidelines and to ascertain which facilities are exempted for safety reasons or conflicts with federal, state or tribal laws. Carriers with wireless facilities covered by the new rule, but not in compliance, must rectify the situation or file an action plan within 12 months on how they intend to meet new federal requirements.

The FCC has stated it does not regard the reporting requirements as burdensome, but the cellular and tower sectors disagree. Moreover, they claim the rule will cost millions of dollars in compliance.

Source: RCRWirelessNews

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Advertiser Index

AAPC—American Association of Paging Carriers NOTIFYall
CPR Technology, Inc.
CRS—Critical Response Systems Paging & Wireless Network Planners LLC
CVC Paging Preferred Wireless
Daviscomms USA Prism Paging
EMMA—European Mobile Messaging Association Raven Systems
GTES—Global Technical Engineering Solutions Ron Mercer
Hark Systems Swissphone
HMCE, Inc. TAPS—Texas Association of Paging Services
InfoRad, Inc.    UCOM Paging
Ira Wiesenfeld Unication USA
Minilec Service, Inc. United Communications Corp.
Nighthawk Systems, Inc. WiPath Communications
Northeast Paging Zetron Inc.

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Motorola takes last place among the big five phonemakers

By Scott Moritz
JULY 10, 2008, 11:42 AM

Motorola, the flailing No. 3 mobile phone maker, is dropping like a lead handset in industry rankings.

Skipping the No.4 slot, Motorola (MOT) is set to land at the back of the pack at No. 5, according to second quarter shipment numbers. Motorola shipped between an estimated 22 million and 23 million phones in the second quarter, say industry sources cited in a DigiTimes story Thursday. Those numbers compare with projections for 28.1 million phones shipped by LG and 24 million units from Sony Ericsson. Nokia (NOK) and Samsung are No. 1 and No. 2.

The stunning freefall in sales is happening at a faster clip than many observers expected. In March, reported that if Motorola’s weak sales trends continued, the Schaumburg, Ill.-based tech titan could fall to fourth place by year end.

Without any compelling new phones to follow up on the Razr’s success, Motorola has been in free fall the past two years. The once-profitable handset unit, and formerly Motorola’s strongest business, lost half its marketshare since 2006 and plunged into the red. Earlier this year, Motorola announced plans to cut its losses and spin off its phone business. Even a recent headhunting mission to find a new CEO turned somewhat laughable when the targeted Hewlett-Packard executive announced that he was quite happy in his current job.

Motorola is expected to report second quarter results on July 31.


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Motorola's Market Share Mess

July 10, 2008, 12:40AM EST

The company's lack of compelling new phones continues to depress market share, which threatens plans to spin off the handset division

by Olga Kharif and Roger O. Crockett

Motorola's phones once held so much cachet that mammoth wireless carrier AT&T clamored for the exclusive right to sell the best-selling Razr. This year, AT&T (T) has taken only one new Motorola phone, the Z9 slider.

The company's falling star at AT&T, the largest U.S. mobile-phone carrier, underscores Motorola's persistent failure to release handsets that grab the attention of consumers and the service providers whose marketing is crucial to sales. It only reinforces concern over Motorola's ability to spin off the leaderless, money-losing handset division.

Once having commanded more than one-fifth of the global handset market, Motorola (MOT) likely ended the second quarter with 8.5% share, from 9.3% in the first quarter, according to Avian Securities. In June, Avian analysts surveyed 100 representatives of AT&T, Verizon Wireless, Sprint Nextel (S), and T-Mobile USA (DT) retail locations and found that Motorola phones no longer even make it onto the list of the top 10 best-selling handsets. Motorola's shelf space at the major carriers declined to 15% in June, from 18% in May, according to the survey. "They lost a lot of scale," says Avian's Matt Thornton.

Motorola's ability to gain share is being hampered as rivals including Apple (AAPL) and Research in Motion (RIMM) step up their attack on the market for smartphones, multi-featured handsets that deliver e-mail, productivity applications, and other advanced services. Motorola has yet to deliver AT&T an update to its smartphone, the Q, which debuted in 2007. In roughly the same time frame, Apple has delivered two versions of its popular iPhone.

BlackBerry maker RIM has released two new smartphones with AT&T this year alone. Samsung's recently released Instinct is another device grabbing buyers' attention. Some analysts see Motorola losing further share. Motorola may end up with as little as 6% global market share by yearend, Thornton estimates.

Greg Brown, who succeeded Ed Zander as Motorola CEO last year, has acknowledged that Motorola needs a fresh lineup of phones—and that the company was working diligently on getting new products to market. Still, Motorola lags competitors in doing just that. Motorola's few releases—such as the Z9 slider—have fallen relatively flat. "Motorola is taking aggressive steps to improve the performance of the mobile devices business," company spokeswoman Jennifer Weyrauch says in an e-mailed statement. "We are working more closely than ever with customers to tailor our innovative products to meet their needs. We're also sharpening our focus on product development to deliver the mobile experiences consumers desire."

Aggressive as those steps may be, they're doing little to assuage the concerns of investors such as Eric Jackson, who until recently held the stock in hopes that recent changes that handed a board seat to financier Carl Icahn would catalyze a turnaround. But Jackson dumped his holding a month ago, despite a 30% loss. "As an activist investor, you have to be ready to find out the situation is worse than you thought," says Jackson, founder of Ironfire Capital. "Then, you've got to be able to cut your losses."

Unable to stem its own mobile-phone losses, Motorola is believed to have tried to sell the handset division. When those efforts failed, it opted to spin it off. Now the spin-off plans are faltering as well, in part because the economic slump is eroding demand at Motorola's other businesses and weakening the company's financial standing, analysts say. "Any deterioration in [other divisions] will place additional pressure on profitability and cash flow with implications for the timing and viability of the planned spin-off of the handset business," Avian's Thornton wrote in a July 7 report.

On June 23, Piper Jaffray (PJC) analyst T. Michael Walkley cut Motorola shares to sell in part because he doubts the spin-off is likely any time soon. Motorola stock fell 18¢, or 2.5%, to 7.15 on July 9. The shares have declined 56% since the beginning of the year.

Even if Motorola succeeds in spinning off the money-losing business, public markets may not welcome it with open arms. "We never were confident the separation would generate more shareholder value," says Todd Rosenbluth, an analyst at Standard & Poor's, which, like, is owned by The McGraw-Hill Companies (MHP). "The handset business has been supported by sales to cable customers and government contracts. A struggling business on its own may not be the best thing for investors."

So what's Motorola's Plan C? Weyrauch, the spokeswoman, says the company is "moving forward with our plans to create two independent, publicly traded companies." American Technology Research analyst Mark McKechnie says shuttering the business is now a real possibility.

Motorola could also revert to Plan A, some analysts say. "We think they are going to get acquired rather than be spun off successfully," says Richard Doherty, director of consultancy Envisioneering Group. In that case, Motorola would be lucky to fetch $500 million, says McKechnie, who as recently as a half-year ago valued the business at $8 billion. Since then, however, market share slides and continued share price declines have prompted him to revise his estimate. Another analyst, Richard Windsor of Nomura, believes Motorola may actually need to pay someone to take the handset division off its hands.

All of this presupposes Motorola can find a buyer in the first place, however. Private equity firms could be induced to buy the division on the cheap. Firms including Bain Capital are reportedly bidding for rival handset maker Huawei, and on July 1, AIG Investments (AIG) purchased UTStarcom's (UTSI) handset business for $240 million. "There are people who want to buy handset companies, and it might be a good time to sell," says David Chamberlain, an analyst at consultancy In-Stat.

Meantime, someone needs to run the business and Motorola may have a hard time finding that person. Sources who asked to remain anonymous tell that at least two people, including an internal candidate and Todd Bradley, an executive vice-president at Hewlett-Packard (HPQ), have declined the top job. Weyrauch declined to comment on the executive search. Rosenbluth sums up the concerns left on many people's minds: "We thought by now we'd have more details [on the restructuring and the new CEO], and the lack of details is disconcerting."

Kharif is a senior writer for in Portland, Ore. Crockett is deputy manager of BusinessWeek's Chicago bureau.

Source: BusinessWeek

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Lawmaker: Improve emergency systems

By Ben Bain
Published on July 9, 2008

Improving emergency communications should be a top priority for the next administration, the chairman of a House subcommittee that deals with homeland security legislation said today.

In a speech, Rep. Henry Cuellar (D-Texas) emphasized the importance of improving emergency response communications and interoperability, much of which depends on information technology systems. Cuellar chairs the House Homeland Security Committee’s Emergency Communications, Preparedness, and Response Subcommittee.

Cuellar also said the next homeland security secretary should appoint an assistant secretary to manage the Homeland Security Department's Office of Emergency Communications.

“We should elevate the importance of the emergency communications of DHS,” he said. “The Office of Emergency Communications is buried in DHS.”

Cuellar said his subcommittee has been working with that DHS office to complete a national emergency communications plan, which he said was due later this month.

That DHS office incorporates the department's Integrated Wireless Network, the Interoperable Communications Technical Assistance Program and portions of the department’s program to improve emergency communications interoperability.

Cuellar also said he believed the next administration should leave the Federal Emergency Management Agency in DHS because it serves an important role in coordinating response to disasters and working with state, local and private sector officials.

Some critics have argued that FEMA should be separated from the department.

Cuellar made his recommendations before homeland security experts and officials at a conference on the future of homeland security sponsored by the Homeland Defense Journal and Book Hill Partners, a consulting firm.

Cuellar’s recommended that the next administration “resist the urge to eliminate or immediately reorganize the department in the first 100 days.”


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Mobile Internet Not Enough For U.S. Cell Phone Users

The wish list includes longer battery life, larger screen size, more memory, and improved data input, a Nielsen survey found.

By W. David Gardner
July 9, 2008 02:05 PM

U.S. cell phone subscribers are the most active users of the mobile Web, but they yearn for unlimited data packages and longer battery life for their devices, according to a report issued Wednesday from the Nielsen Company.

The market research firm's mobile division survey found 15.6% of U.S. mobile phone subscribers access the Internet on their phones. U.K. subscribers followed with 12.9% and Italian users with an 11.9% penetration rate.

The survey of 16 nations turned up some surprising results and insights. Nokia, the world's mobile phone volume champion supplying 40% of the world's mobile phones, took a back seat in Internet access to Motorola's RAZR family of phones, which account for 10% of U.S. mobile phones used to access the Web. Moreover, that figure was more than twice the percentage chalked up by Apple's iPhone, which recorded 4%.

The RAZR and the RAZR2 represented the heaviest Web access percentage worldwide -- 11%. However, Motorola has been searching in vain in recent months for a worthy successor to the RAZR and so problem-riddled is Motorola's mobile devices unit that the company has been trying to unload the entire operation.

The iPhone showed up in second place among U.S. users in the Nielsen report and the survey revealed that a whopping 82% of iPhone users access the Web, representing five times the percentage of average mobile subscribers. "We believe the device's impact is amplified by the increased awareness its marketing campaign and buzz has driven," the report said of the iPhone. "As a result, demand for advanced data services and more robust mobile media-focused handsets has increased."

New iPhone models are slated to become available Friday and the early reviews note that the iPhone batteries — which are sealed and can't be easily swapped with replacement batteries — don't supply enough power for extended use on AT&T's new 3G network. In that sense, the iPhone batteries underline the findings of the Nielsen Mobile report, which said 38% of mobile Internet users cited battery life as their most desired enhancement.

Two BlackBerry models, the 8100 series, and the 8800 series, also accounted for a total of 4% of the Internet access devices that were shipped.

"What more do mobile Internet users want from their devices," the Nielsen researchers, led by Nicholas Covey, asked rhetorically? "Mostly longer battery life." After that, the surveyed audience device wish list was: larger screen size (22%), more memory (21%), and improved data input (20%).

The researchers also found that most wireless subscribers — numbering about 95 million in the U.S. — who have been paying for Internet access don't use the feature. While calling the non-use of the Web access feature "alarming," Nielsen said many users may simply be unaware they have Internet access included in their monthly package. Nielsen said year-over-year Web access growth was 28% with average subscribers paying $11 a month for their Web access service — up nearly 20% from the previous year's first quarter of $9.22.

The Web channels used most were led by Internet browsing and searching followed by mobile e-mail. Yahoo Mail was the leading Mobile Web channel use followed by Google searches.

"Mobile Internet is today at a point of sufficient mass to sustain a chain reaction of rapid growth in consumer adoption and, in turn, mobile Internet marketing," according to the report. "Mobile Internet adoption reached critical mass through a confluence of device availability, network speeds, content availability and, most importantly, consumer interest."

Source: InformationWeek

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prism paging

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Apple’s worldwide iPhone 3G rollout is underway

by Martyn Williams
IDG News Service
Jul 10, 2008 11:35 pm

Updated at 10:30 p.m. PT on July 10
Updated at 6:00 a.m. PT on July 11

The iPhone 3G took center stage around the world Friday, with cheers in Tokyo and grumbles in the U.K. over activation delays.

In Japan, Friday’s launch marks the first time the iPhone has been available in that country and the chance to be one of the first to own one attracted more than 1,000 people to the store of Japanese carrier Softbank in Tokyo’s trendy Harajuku neighborhood by the time sales began at 7 a.m.

As the countdown clock reached zero those waiting cheered and special-effects smoke enveloped a crowd of more than 100 journalists and photographers who had turned out to see the launch of the handset.

“This is the year that the cell phone becomes an Internet-connecting machine,” said Masayoshi Son, CEO of Softbank, speaking in front of the store just before the launch. “Today is the day that will make it real, and I think it’s a historic day.”

iphone japan
Masayoshi Son (left), CEO of Softbank, and the first customer of the iPhone in Japan pose outside Softbank’s store in the Harajuku district of Tokyo just after 7 a.m. on July 11, 2008. (Photo by Chiara Castañeda/IDGNS)

It took about 20 minutes for the first customer to emerge from the shop clutching his new iPhone. He was actually third in line but had managed to get his application processed the fastest so at first excused himself for beating out the two people who had queued ahead of him.

“It’s great isn’t it,” he said. “I’ve already used it to call my girlfriend.”

For many prospective buyers the queuing didn’t finish at 7 a.m. Softbank will begin sales at its other stores and through at electronics retailers from noon on Friday.

Australia’s first customer
Some 4,800 miles away, in Sydney, Australia, Brett Howell cut a ceremonial yellow ribbon outside the Optus “Yes” Store in George Street just after midnight local time. And then he proceeded to buy the phone he’d waited 12 hours (and 12 months) to buy.

Howell said that a “friend” told him he’d heard there were 50 or so people already waiting outside the Sydney store at lunchtime Thursday. A short while later the reported crowd had grown to over 80. With supplies of the iPhone rumored to be scarce, if Brett wanted to have any hope of getting one, he’d better get there fast.

He got there at 1:15 p.m. He was the first person there. The second person to show up didn’t arrive until half an hour later. As for those 50 to 80 people, they were in the same place as the rumored scarcity of iPhones — the land of fantasy, rumor and speculation.

By the time the “Yes” Store opened its doors at midnight-ish, there were few in the Sydney media who had not interviewed Howell, taken his photo, and asked his opinion on the merits of Apple’s new device. (Unsurprisingly, he thought it looked pretty good.)

Of course by then he was hardly alone in the queue. By 10:30 p.m. Thursday the line had 200 people in it, and 90 minutes later, the queue stretched nearly the whole way around the block. Optus staff provided bright yellow scarves to protect their customers against the nippy Sydney night, as well as pizza, doughnuts and coffee.

The cameras followed Howell into the store and watched every agonizing minute of the 20 or so it took to get his iPhone activated. (His six-year-old SIM needed replacing, which prolonged the process.) Then as he left the shop the cameras still followed. And there were more waiting on the street, lights flashing, microphones poised.

And all Howell wanted was a phone. Plus, by that stage, some sleep.

Activation anarchy in the U.K.
Software troubles marred a big turnout for the iPhone 3G's U.K. launch.

iphone uk
A queue forms outside the O2 Store, Oxford Street.

The troubles in the U.K. came after queues of customers formed outside stores across the country. At the O2 store on Oxford Street, 67 people were in the queue at around 7.30 a.m. Friday; round the corner at Apple Regent Street there were 100 souls. Bluewater shopping centre saw 60 people waiting in line at the O2 shop, with maybe five hanging around outside of the Apple store there. North of the border in Glasgow, 50 people queued outside the O2 shop on Argyle Street at 7.30 a.m.

As 8.02 am approached, excited crowds began surging forward, and shops across the country opened their doors; the first shoppers walked in… and then came the big wait.

“Yeah the computers went down,” explained Hugh Donaghy from the line at the Glasgow O2 store. Having purchased his phone, Donaghy trudged to work, and now appears to be in iLimbo. “I have paid, and signed my contract, yet am at work waiting for the O2 authorisation, which they (Carphone Warehouse) are going to phone me with.”

A person in the Oxford Street queue experienced the same thing: “The first people went in and it took 45 minutes—the credit check thing failed, the computer registration failed, same deal at the Apple store. It took maybe an hour before the first purchase came out. Twenty minutes ago they took to paper and pen.

iphone uk
Customers wait to fill in forms at the O2 store on Oxford Street. Problems with O2’s backend system caused delays initially.

O2’s U.K. press office confirmed that all its shops were affected by a system outage. The problem was blamed on O2’s backend system, which were initially overwhelmed by the demand.

“There has been a phenomenal response, interest has been extraordinary,” the O2 representative said.

At the O2 shop on Argyle Street in Glasgow and round the corner at the Carphone Warehouse shop, reports suggest highly limited supplies of the 16GB iPhone 3G. “I was third in the queue at Carphone Warehouse. When we got into the shop, the guy in front of me bought the only 16GB iPhone they had in stock.

“The guy in the shop said that each Carphone Warehouse had received only one 16GB model,” our witness added.

Source: IDG News Service via Macworld

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Critical Response Systems

Over 70% of first responders are volunteers
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With the M1501 Acknowledgement Pager and a SPARKGAP wireless data system, you know when your volunteers have been alerted, when they’ve read the message, and how they’re going to respond – all in the first minutes of an event. Only the M1501 delivers what agencies need – reliable, rugged, secure alerting with acknowledgement.

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  • 5-Second Message Delivery
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Why can't Rogers offer unlimited data pricing for the iPhone 3G?

By Lynnette Luna

lynnette luna
Lynnette Luna

So Rogers Communications gave in to all of those angry Canadians. The company announced yesterday that it would alter its data pricing plans that outraged thousands of Canadian consumers so much that they signed an open letter to Apple CEO Steve Jobs asking him to use his influence and do something about Rogers' price gouging. Late last month, Rogers said that customers who purchase the 3G iPhone would have to sign a mandatory three-year contract and the company would cap data usage at 750 MB. Although both AT&T and Rogers were both offering calling, data and text messaging for $75 a month, Rogers at that price gave Canadians a third less calling time, half as many text messages, and put a 750 MB cap on 3G data usage that included with steep fees for users who go over their monthly limit.

A new plan, only in effect until Aug. 31, offers 6 GB of 3G data usage for $30 per month. According to The Wall Street Journal, Rogers said that it initially didn't have a lot of information about how customers wanted to use the new 3G iPhone. As that information became available, it became clear that customers were eager to use the device's data capabilities to the fullest potential, so it responded with yesterday's price change. Are we to believe that Rogers never knew that the 2G version of the iPhone has been a huge data driver on AT&T's U.S. network and T-Mobile's network in Europe? The marketing wizards over there only had to do a simple Google search. T-Mobile reported earlier this year that data usage is as much as 30 times higher than on other phones. And Google in February said that the iPhone was responsible for 50 times the number of mobile searches of any rival handset.

No, Rogers knew what it had: A corner on the market as the only iPhone 3G operator in Canada and the possibility of making a bundle on mobile data pricing. I'm actually surprised Rogers succumbed to the pressure because I believe Canadians would have bought the device anyway. It's that iconic. But then RCR Wireless News reports that Apple responded by pulling devices and not allowing Canadian Apple Retail stores to sell the new 3G device. What power Apple has. Of course, most would say, and I agree, that the price break until Aug. 31 isn't enough. And you have to wonder why Rogers can't offer an unlimited 3G data pricing plan. Folks wouldn't balk at paying $100 a month if they could use as much data as they want.

Source: FierceBroadbandWireless

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The Best in Paging Is Also the Biggest!


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$500.00 FLAT RATE

TAPS—Texas Association of Paging Services is looking for partners on 152.480 MHz. Our association currently uses Echostar, formerly Spacecom, for distribution of our data and a large percentage of our members use the satellite to key their TXs. We have a CommOneSystems Gateway at the uplink in Chicago with a back-up running 24/7. Our paging coverage area on 152.480 MHz currently encompasses Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Louisiana, and Kansas. The TAPS paging coverage is available to members of our Network on 152.480 MHz for $.005 a transmitter (per capcode per month), broken down by state or regions of states and members receive a credit towards their bill for each transmitter which they provide to our coverage. Members are able to use the satellite for their own use If you are on 152.480 MHz or just need a satellite for keying your own TXs on your frequency we have the solution for you.

TAPS will provide the gateways in Chicago, with Internet backbone and bandwidth on our satellite channel for $ 500.00 (for your system) a month.

Contact Ted Gaetjen @ 1-800-460-7243 or left arrow CLICK TO E-MAIL

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Bell and Telus billing customers for incoming SMS text messages

Posted by Will on Thursday, July 10th, 2008 at 6:44 pm

While the rest of the US will likely wallow in the shared misery of Canadian subscribers being charged for incoming text messages, our friends to the North are none-too-happy about the situation.

Following in the footsteps of US wireless carriers looking to squeeze every penny out of their American subscriber-base, Bell and Telus have announced that they'll be billing customers $0.15 (15 cents) for every incoming SMS text message. Those with text messaging bundles will not be affected, but everyone else on a pay-per-text plan will be subject to the new fees. Regardless of the sender - be they spammer, family member, or evil twin - the person receiving the SMS text message will be charged a heft 15 cent fee per message. The new policy is a severe departure from the carriers' previous policy of only billing customers for text message that they send, allowing users to receive messages for free.

Bell will kick off their new text messaging policy on August 8th, and Telus will follow suit on August 24th.

The move could spur users in to jumping ship and signing up with other carriers - like Virgin Mobile, or even Rogers (can you taste the irony?). And, angry Canadians are on the verge of revolt. So much so that the Canadian government has demanded explanations from the carriers for their decision to start billing for incoming texts. "I believe this was an ill-thought-out decision," said Industry Minister Jim Prentice. "While I have no desire to interfere with the day-to-day business decisions of two private companies, I do have a duty as Minister of Industry, when necessary, to protect the interests of the consuming public."

Telus defended the decision to charge for incoming text messages in saying that the volume of SMS messages has "skyrocketed" and that US carriers have been carrying out this practice for years. And, therein lies the problem.

It's one thing to emulate the service and features of rival mega-carriers like AT&T and Verizon in the US. But, it's just not good PR to start adopting the greedy billing practices that those same idolized carriers recently got sued for.

[Via: CBCNews]

Source: IntoMobile

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City gets $900,000 disaster aid for radios

COMMUNICATIONS: State grant will fund new response system


ALBANY — The city of Watertown will receive more than $900,000 to improve emergency communications between first responders to natural and man-made disasters. The funds are part of a $12 million statewide package of Public Safety Interoperable Communications grants announced Wednesday.

City Fire Chief Daniel Gaumont said the money will fund a communication system that will enable members of the city police and fire departments, as well as the Jefferson County Sheriff's Department and the county Office of Fire and Emergency Management, to talk to each other.

"Currently, we're all on different channels," said Mr. Gaumont, who wrote the grant application. "It can be a real problem to communicate when you need to — it makes it difficult to know what's going on."

The new system will provide "gateways" to bridge the different radio frequencies used by the various agencies, the fire chief said. He added that a meeting will be held next week to begin the process of replacing the radios currently used by the city fire and police departments and the county sheriff's office.

"We felt it to be vital in our area to be able to talk to any agency," Mr. Gaumont said. And because the region features a major military post, a highly traveled interstate highway, the St. Lawrence Seaway, an international boundary and often-brutal winter weather, emergency service responders will also need to be able to communicate with such diverse agencies as the state police, the U.S. Coast Guard and Fort Drum, he said.

"We see this as a first step," Mr. Gaumont continued. "We hope to provide a solid backbone here in hope that the system will expand to all fire departments, police departments and ambulances in Jefferson County."

"This is great news for the city of Watertown and Jefferson County," said Sen. Darrel J. Aubertine, D-Cape Vincent. "This is something I've advocated for since the ice storm when one of the biggest problems we had was communication. With this funding, first responders throughout the county, from police to fire and ambulance, will be better equipped to coordinate during emergencies and that will improve our public safety. I'm pleased to see that Homeland Security recognized the need because communication in a public emergency is extremely important."

Under the first-year PSIC program, applicants were required to cover more than one jurisdiction and be multi-disciplined. Agencies receiving funds were required to meet and document a 20 percent statutory match requirement for each project during a period of 27 months.

The PSIC grants come from funds administered by the National Telecommunications and Information Administration in conjunction with the federal Department of Homeland Security. New York state's total award was $60 million, $34 million of which went to the New York City area. Watertown's grant total is $901,600.

The remaining $14 million of the federal grant will be used by the state in support of interoperable communication initiatives, one of which includes six interoperable vehicles assigned to the State Emergency Management Office.


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Nighthawk Systems Receives Record Order for Remote Disconnect Units

2008-07-09 13:29:06

Nighthawk Systems, Inc. (OTCBB: NIHK) ("Nighthawk"), a leading provider of wireless and IP-based control devices and solutions, announced today that it has received an order for 1,000 of its CEO700 remote disconnect units from Avista Corp. ("Avista") of Spokane, Washington. This is the third order that Nighthawk has received from Avista, and represents the largest single order for CEO700's in the Company's history. Avista, a NYSE-listed utility, generates annual revenue in excess of $1.3 billion providing electric and natural gas service to approximately 633,000 customers within a service territory covering over 30,000 square miles. Nighthawk expects to ship the entire order by September 30, 2008.

The CEO700 gives electric utilities the ability to remotely connect and disconnect power to residential electric meters on a moment's notice, improving customer service response times and saving the utilities significant time and money compared to the traditional manual method that requires expensive truck rolls and field personnel.

H. Douglas Saathoff, Nighthawk's CEO, stated, "I'm thrilled to receive this order from Avista, not only because it is the largest order for CEO700's ever placed with Nighthawk, but also because it is repeat business from a valued customer. We've released much news recently about the success of our newly-acquired Set-Top Box business, but we've continued to build our base of business in the electric utility industry with larger and larger orders. This order raises the bar again, and we eagerly look forward to what the future holds for our relationship with Avista and other utilities as well."

About Nighthawk Systems
Nighthawk is a leading provider of intelligent devices and systems that allow for the centralized, on-demand management of assets and processes. Nighthawk products are used throughout the United States in a variety of mission critical applications, including remotely turning on and off and rebooting devices, activating alarms, and emergency notification, including the display of custom messages. Nighthawk's IPTV set top boxes are utilized by the hospitality industry to provide in-room standard and high definition television and video on demand. Individuals interested in Nighthawk Systems can sign up to receive email alerts by visiting the Company's website at

Statements contained in this release, which are not historical facts, including statements about plans and expectations regarding business areas and opportunities, acceptance of new or existing businesses, capital resources and future business or financial results are "forward-looking" statements. You should not place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements. Such forward-looking statements are subject to risks and uncertainties, including, but not limited to, customer acceptance of our products, our ability to raise capital to fund our operations, our ability to develop and protect proprietary technology, government regulation, competition in our industry, general economic conditions and other risk factors which could cause actual results to differ materially from those projected or implied in the forward-looking statements. Although we believe the expectations reflected in the forward-looking statements are reasonable, they relate only to events as of the date on which the statements are made, and our future results, levels of activity, performance or achievements may not meet these expectations. We do not intend to update any of the forward-looking statements after the date of this press release to conform these statements to actual results or to changes in our expectations, except as required by law.

Nighthawk Systems, Inc.
Doug Saathoff, 877-7-NIGHTHAWK, Ext 701
Chief Executive Officer
Grannus Financial Advisors, Inc.
Yvonne L. Zappulla, 212-681-4108
Managing Director


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InfoRad Wireless Office

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Wireless Messaging Software

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Navigation app developers turn away from iPhone 3G

By Jason Ankeny

jason ankeny
Jason Ankeny

Apple's iPhone 3G drops at retail on Friday, but the feverish anticipation hasn't engulfed the mobile developer community—at least not navigation services developers, anyway. Forbes reports that despite the inclusion of built-in GPS technology, the iPhone 3G seems more like a dead-end to navigation developers because of Apple's distribution and billing model: For one thing, all applications for sale via Apple's App Store tie to a user's iTunes account, not a specific device, meaning consumers pay only once for apps they can run across multiple iPhones. In addition, most navigation developers bill their users monthly or daily access fees for mapping services, arguing the repeat charges help keep their data up-to-date and underwrite the costs of regular map updates—for now, however, Apple's billing model limits options to free distribution or a one-time fee.

But the major obstacle in navigation developers' path is competition. There's a growing sentiment that Apple plans to introduce its own location-based applications, calling into question the wisdom of developing third-party iPhone apps—at its annual developers' conference last month, the computing giant confirmed nothing beyond the 3G device's addition of embedded GPS technology and a commitment to support social mapping and communication service Loopt. Undoubtedly other navigation applications and services will turn up in the App Store as well—still, it's interesting to compare the iPhone 3G with Google's forthcoming Android mobile OS, which appears poised to offer an excess of location and geo-centric apps if the recent list of Android Developer Challenge winners is any indication. Of course, everything could change once developers actually get their hands on the new iPhone this weekend, but at least for now, the device is anything but the place to be.

Source: FierceDeveloper

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  • January 11, 1997—Telstar 401 suffers a short in the satellite circuitry—TOTAL LOSS
  • May 19, 1998—Galaxy 4 control processor causes loss of fixed orbit—TOTAL LOSS
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  • January 14, 2005—Intelsat 804 suffers electrical power system anomaly—TOTAL LOSS


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July 9, 2008

Sprint to Deploy DragonWave High-Capacity Ethernet Products for WiMAX Backhaul in launch markets

Ottawa, Canada, July 9, 2008 - DragonWave Inc. ("DragonWave") (TSX/AIM: DWI) a leading global supplier of next-generation wireless networks, today announced that Sprint (NYSE: S) has selected DragonWave's IP backhaul solutions for its XOHM-branded WiMAX mobile-broadband services in North America. DragonWave's Horizon Compact and Horizon Duo products will be deployed initially in the Baltimore/Washington and Chicago markets.

"We are progressing with our deployment of the XOHM mobile broadband network using WiMAX technology and we will include wireless backhaul in our first launch markets" said Doug Smith, Senior Vice President and Chief Technical Operations Officer of Sprint's XOHM business unit. "DragonWave's backhaul products are an important part of our ability to ensure the efficiency and cost effectiveness of the network we are deploying."

DragonWave's native Ethernet radios will provide Sprint's XOHM network with carrier-grade reliability, capacity, throughput and Quality of Service (QoS) for back-hauling 4G traffic. The Horizon products provide software controlled scalability, ultra-low latency, wire-speed connectivity up to 1.6 Gbps full duplex, 99.999% service availability and a full suite of network management options. Ring/mesh network architecture coupled with adaptive modulation and integrated antenna solutions enables a 50% reduction in the total life cycle cost compared to conventional designs enabling Sprint XOHM to rapidly and affordably expand their market coverage and meet increased bandwidth requirements.

"Big-name carriers such as Sprint are confronting the backhaul challenges of the mobile Internet, and, consequently, they are increasingly transitioning to lower-cost IP backhaul to support 3G and 4G expansion and booming data rates," said Caroline Gabriel, Research Director and Lead Wireless Analyst with Rethink Research Associates. "Carriers no longer can allow backhaul bottlenecks to slow their mobile-broadband growth plans, so we are seeing heightened uptake for powerful IP backhaul solutions that allow for simple, cost-efficient network rollout."

"We are delighted to be selected by Sprint as a wireless backhaul provider for use in their 4G Mobile Broadband XOHM Network," said Peter Allen, DragonWave's President & CEO. "Our flexible family of high capacity IP based backhaul solutions contribute to the needs of the 4G business case. We are excited to continue to bring these benefits to Sprint XOHM as its nationwide rollout moves forward."

Forward Looking Statements
This release contains certain forward-looking information, including expectations of future business. This information is based on the company's current expectations and assumptions that are subject to a variety of risks and uncertainties that are difficult to predict and that may be beyond DragonWave's control. Actual results could differ materially from those expressed in any forward-looking statements due to factors such as customer demand and timing of purchasing decisions, increased levels of competition, technological changes and the successful development of new products, dependence on third-party manufacturers and suppliers, risks relating to intellectual property infringement claims, and other risks and factors identified in DragonWave's public filings with regulatory authorities. DragonWave assumes no obligation to update these forward-looking statements as a result of new information or future events.

About DragonWave
DragonWave™ is a leading provider of high-capacity wireless Ethernet equipment used in emerging IP networks. DragonWave designs, develops, and markets carrier-grade microwave radio frequency networking equipment that wirelessly transmit broadband voice, video and other data. DragonWave's wireless Ethernet products, which are based on a native Ethernet platform, function as a wireless extension to an existing fiber-optic core telecommunications network. The principal application for DragonWave's products is the backhaul function in a wireless communications network. Additional applications for DragonWave's products include point-to-point transport in private networks, including municipal and enterprise networks. DragonWave's corporate headquarters is located in Ottawa, Ontario, with sales locations in Europe, Middle East and North America. The company's Web site is

Media Contacts
Nadine Kittle
Marketing Communications
DragonWave Inc.
Tel: 613-599-9991 ext 2262

Cathy Palmen
Interprose Public Relations
(for DragonWave)
Tel: (408) 268-8112

Canaccord Adams Limited
Andrew Chubb
(for DragonWave)
Tel: 44 20 7050 6500

Source: FierceWireless

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Intelligent Solutions for Paging & Wireless Data

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4845 Dumbbarton Court
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Cumming, GA 30040
Web site: left arrow CLICK
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Phone: 770-844-6218 Office
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Equipment For Sale
2 Aluminum Equipment racks
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10 Glenayre PM-250C (NEW) Power Monitor Panels w/Alarms
13 RL-70 XC Midband Link Receivers
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Link Transmitters:
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2 Glenayre QT4201, 25W Midband Link TX
3 Motorola 10W, 900 MHz Link TX (C35JZB6106)
2 Motorola 30W, Midband Link TX (C42JZB6106AC)
VHF Paging Transmitters
8 QT-100C, 100W VHF, TCC, RL70XC
12 Glenayre GL-T8411, 225W, w/I20
2 Motorola PURC 5000, 350W, ACB or TRC
2 Motorola Nucleus 350W, NAC
UHF Paging Transmitters:
10 Glenayre GLT5340, 125W, DSP Exciter
2 Motorola PURC 5000, 110W, ACB
2 Motorola PURC 5000, 225W, ACB
3 Motorola Nucleus 125W
900 MHz Paging Transmitters:
1 Glenayre GLT 8600, 500W
48 Glenayre GLT-8500, 250W, C2000, w/ or w/o I 20
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2 Motorola Nucleus, 300W, C-Net
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Motorola Releases Touchscreen Linux Smartphone

The Moto A810 entry-level smartphone features Bluetooth capabilities, handwriting recognition, and a multimedia player.

By Marin Perez
July 9, 2008 06:21 PM

motorola a810
The Linux-based smartphone features Bluetooth capabilities, handwriting recognition, and a multimedia player.

Motorola (NYSE: MOT) introduced Wednesday a touchscreen handset that's aimed at young mobile professionals looking for their first smartphone.

The Moto A810 is not as powerful as the updates to the company's Ming line, but it should still have enough features for the workers on the go.

The Linux-powered handset has a sleek candy-bar form factor, and the 2.2-inch touchscreen with 240 by 320 resolution. The included stylus can be used with the built-in handwriting recognition software. The smartphone will also come preloaded with stock trading and dictionary applications, and it's capable of receiving corporate e-mail.

Users will be able to surf the Web on an integrated Opera browser, but this device cannot access 3G networks. Instead, the handset uses EDGE data for browsing and retrieving e-mails, with a top downlink speed of 236.8 Kbps.

The smartphone will have a microUSB port for transferring files, and the internal storage can be expanded via the microSD slot. Motorola's handset will also have built-in hands free controls.

To help balance work with fun, this smartphone has an integrated music and video player. There's a built-in FM radio, and a standard audio output jack. There will also be a 2-megapixel camera on board that can shoot photos and videos.

The handset measures in at 4.1 by 2 by .5 inches, weighs 100 ounces, and will come in black or white. The A810 is currently available in China, and the company did not say how much it would cost or if it would debut in other markets.

Source: InformationWeek

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Hark Technologies

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Wireless Communication Solutions

isi image

ISI-LX Internet Serial Interface with Protocol Conversion

  • Converts Serial TAP message to SNPP, SMTP, or WCTP
  • Pass through Serial Data to TCP/IP and TCP/IP back to Serial
  • Supports Ethernet or PPP Connection to Internet w/Dial Backup
  • Includes 4 Serial Ports for Multiplexing Traffic
isi image

IPG Internet Paging Gateway

  • No Moving Parts Such as Hard Drives or Fans to Fail
  • Supports 10Base-T Network Connection to Internet
  • Accepts HTTP, SMTP, SNPP, and WCTP from Internet
  • Sends TAP or TNPP to Your Paging Terminal


  • Inexpensive method of automating your paging monitoring
  • Uses standard paging receiver
  • Available in 152-158 POCSAG or 929 FLEX (call for others)
omega image

Omega Unified Messaging Server

  • Full Featured Internet Messaging Gateway
  • TAP Concentrator and TNPP Routing Functions w/TNPP over Internet
  • Serial Protocols Supported: GCP, SMDI, SMS, TAP, TNPP
  • Internet Protocols Supported: AIM, HTTP, SMPP (out only), SMTP, SNPP, and WCTP
  • Full Featured, Easy-to-use Voice/Fax/Numeric Mail Interface
  • One Number For All Your Messaging
  • Optional Hot-swap Hard Drives and Power Supplies Available
Please see our web site for even more products designed specifically for Personal Messaging carriers. For example, the Omega Messaging Gateway and Email Throttling Gateway (anti-spam).
Hark Technologies
3507 Iron Horse Dr., Bldg. 200
Ladson, SC 29456
Tel: 843-285-7200
Fax: 843-285-7220
E-mail: left arrow CLICK HERE
Hark Technologies

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BloostonLaw Telecom Update

Published by the Law Offices of Blooston, Mordkofsky, Dickens, Duffy & Prendergast, LLP

[Selected portions reproduced here with the firm's permission.]

   Vol. 11, No. 26 July 2, 2008   

FCC EXTENDS COMMENT DATES FOR H-BLOCK, AWS-3 BAND SERVICE RULES PROCEEDING: The FCC has extended the comment cycle for its Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (FNPRM) that proposes public access to free, nationwide, high-speed wireless broadband Internet services using a portion of the winning bidder’s network in the 2.1 GHz Advanced Wireless Services (AWS) spectrum. The FNPRM seeks comment on proposed rules for the AWS spectrum in the 1915- 1920 MHz, 1995-2000 MHz, and 2155-2180 MHz bands (BloostonLaw Telecom Update, June 25). Comments in this WT Docket No. 07-195 proceeding are now due July 25, and replies are due August 11.

BloostonLaw contacts: Hal Mordkofsky, John Prendergast, Cary Mitchell, and Bob Jackson.

FCC PROPOSES FINES FOR UNSOLICITED FAXES: The FCC recently has issued Notices of Apparent Liability for Forfeiture (NALs) to Tropical Travel Marketing and MHJP, Inc. f/k/a BCJR, Inc. for apparently willfully or repeatedly violating section 227 of the Communications Act, and the Commission’s related rules and orders, by delivering unsolicited advertisements to the telephone facsimile machines of consumers. The Commission is proposing to fine Tropical Travel $49,500, and MHJP $27,000. Section 227(b)(1)(C) of the Act makes it “unlawful for any person within the United States, or any person outside the United States if the recipient is within the United States . . . to use any telephone facsimile machine, computer, or other device to send, to a telephone facsimile machine, an unsolicited advertisement.” The term “unsolicited advertisement” is defined in the Act and the Commission’s rules as “any material advertising the commercial availability or quality of any property, goods,or services which is transmitted to any person without that person’s prior express invitation or permission in writing or otherwise.” Under the Commission’s rules, an “established business relationship” exception permits a party to deliver a message to a consumer if the sender has an established business relationship with the recipient and the sender obtained the number of the facsimile machine through the voluntary communication by the recipient, directly to the sender, within the context of the established business relationship, or through a directory, advertisement, or a site on the Internet to which the recipient voluntarily agreed to make available its facsimile number for public distribution.

BloostonLaw contacts: Ben Dickens, Gerry Duffy, and Mary Sisak.

FCC EXTENDS COMMENT DATES FOR FNPRM ON EBS SPECTRUM IN GULF OF MEXICO: The FCC has extended the comment deadline for its Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (FNPRM) seeking comment on whether to assign Educational Broadband Service (EBS) spectrum in the Gulf of Mexico. Comments in this WT Docket Nos. 03-66, 67 proceeding are due September 22, and replies are due October 22. The FCC seeks comment on how to license unassigned and available EBS spectrum. Specifically, it seeks comment on whether it would be in the public interest to develop a scheme for licensing unassigned EBS spectrum that avoids mutual exclusivity; it asks whether EBS eligible entities could participate fully in a spectrum auction; it seeks comment on the use of small business size standards and bidding credits for EBS if it adopts a licensing scheme that could result in mutually exclusive applications; it seeks comment on the proper market size and size of spectrum blocks for new EBS licenses; and it seeks comment on issuing one license to a State agency designated by the Governor to be the spectrum manager, using frequency coordinators to avoid mutually exclusive EBS applications, as well as other alternative licensing schemes. The Commission must develop a new licensing scheme for EBS in order to achieve the Commission's goal of facilitating the development of new and innovative wireless services for the benefit of students throughout the nation. The FNPRM was adopted in conjunction with an Order and Declaratory Ruling concerning the Broadband Radio Service (BRS) and EBS in the 2496-2690 MHz band earlier this year (BloostonLaw Telecom Update, March 26).

BloostonLaw contacts: Hal Mordkofsky, John Prendergast, Richard Rubino, and Cary Mitchell.

FCC TAKES ANOTHER STEP TOWARD ESTABLISHING COMMERCIAL MOBILE ALERT SYSTEM: The FCC has adopted a Second Report and Order and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (FNPRM) as a “next step” in establishing a Commercial Mobile Alert System (CMAS), under which Commercial Mobile Service (CMS) providers may elect to transmit emergency alerts to the public. The FCC said it is taking this step in compliance with section 602(c) of the WARN Act, which requires the Commission to adopt rules requiring non-commercial educational (NCE) and public broadcast television station licensees and permittees “to install necessary equipment and technologies on, or as part of, any broadcast television digital signal transmitter to enable the distribution of geographically targeted alerts by commercial mobile service providers that have elected to transmit emergency alerts . . .” The FCC is also implementing section 602(f) of the WARN Act which requires the Commission to adopt rules requiring “technical testing for commercial mobile service providers that elect to transmit emergency alerts and for the devices and equipment used by such providers for transmitting such alerts.” In the Second Report and Order, the FCC requires NCE and public broadcast television stations to install equipment and technologies that will provide these licensees/permittees with the ability to enable the distribution of geo-targeted CMAS alerts to participating CMS providers. The rules contemplate that NCE and public broadcast television licensees/permittees will provide a redundant, alternate path by which geo-targeted alerts may be received by participating CMS providers. The FCC does not, in this Second Report and Order, require participating CMS providers to use this alternate path to receive geotargeted alerts. The FCC also adopts rules requiring participating CMS providers to participate in required monthly testing and additional periodic testing of the interface between the Federal Alert Gateway and the participating CMS Provider Gateway. These testing requirements are consistent with the Commercial Mobile Service Alert Advisory Committee (CMSAAC) recommendations and CMS provider comments in this proceeding. Finally, in the FNPRM, the Commission seeks comment on whether it should adopt rules that require NCE and public broadcast television station licensees and permittees to test the equipment that they are required to install pursuant to the rules adopted in the Second Report and Order. The FCC also seeks comment on how any such testing rules should be implemented. Comments in this PS Docket No. 07-287 proceeding will be due 30 days after publication of the item in the Federal Register, and reply comments will be due 15 days thereafter.

BloostonLaw contacts: Hal Mordkofsky, John Prendergast, and Cary Mitchell.

This newsletter is not intended to provide legal advice. Those interested in more information should contact the firm.

Source: Blooston, Mordkofsky, Dickens, Duffy and Prendergast, LLP
For additional information, contact Hal Mordkofsky at 202-828-5520 or

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The European Mobile Messaging Association

A Global Wireless Messaging Association

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You can contact Derek Banner, EMMA President, by calling him on +44 1895 473 551 or e-mailing him at:

Visit the EMMA web site left arrow CLICK HERE

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NATO to test emergency communications

Published: July 09, 2008

ENKOPING, Sweden, July 9 (UPI) — NATO announced plans for a joint exercise with Sweden to test the effectiveness of an information network during an emergency situation.

The live homeland security training, scheduled for the end of September, will test network-centric communication capabilities of Sweden and NATO in a real-time emergency scenario. Officials say the joint experiment is an effort to test new ways of effectively sharing critical information, NATO reported.

The emergency situation will involve protecting a major public event. Civil and military personnel from NATO and Sweden are expected to collaborate through the sharing of information from land, sea and air positions in an initiative to test crisis response capabilities.

"The demonstration will help validate solutions for future coalition operations and will assist in creating a common foundation for the further development of NATO Network-Enabled Capabilities and the Swedish Network-based Defense concepts," the release said.

Source: Middle East Times

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Nighthawk Systems Inc. manufactures low cost and reliable remote control products for fire house alerting, volunteer alerting, activation of warning signs and sirens, and a number of applications for public safety. The Company manufactures the EA1 and the FAS-8 which have been designed specifically for these applications. Both products are paging based and will work with any public or private paging network. They are available in all VHF, UHF, and 900 MHz paging frequencies. The products can serve as the primary notification system or an excellent, low-cost backup to existing systems.

Public Emergency Notification & Volunteer Alerting

The EA1 is the solution for remotely activating public warning signage. Examples include tornado sirens, flash flood warnings, fire danger, Amber Alert, icy roads, etc. The EA1 can also send text messages to scrolling signs. This can occur in conjunction with the activation of audible alarms and visual strobes. This is ideal for public notification in buildings, schools, hotels, factories, etc. The group call feature allows for any number of signs or flashing lights to be activated at the same time over a wide geographic area. In addition, the EA1 Emergency Alert is the perfect solution for low cost yet highly effective alerting of volunteer fire fighters in their home. When activated the EA1 will emit an audible alarm and activate the power outlet on the units faceplate. A common setup is to simply place the EA1 on a table and plug a lamp into the faceplate. When paged from dispatch or any touch tone phone the EA1 will awaken the fire fighter to a lit room. As an option the EA1 can be ordered with a serial cable, allowing for attachment of a serial printer. When paged the alphanumeric message will be printed out at the same time the alarm sounds and the outlet is activated. The EA1 is an ideal complement to alphanumeric belt pagers common to volunteers.

nighthawk sign

Firehouse Automation

The FAS-8 is designed for activating one or more relays in a firehouse and if desired, printing the alphanumeric message to a serial printer. For this application the FAS-8 is set to activate upon receiving the proper paging cap code sent from 911 dispatch. Up to eight different devices can be activated all with individual time functions. The most common devices to turn on include the PA amplifier, audible wake up alarm, and house lights. The most common device turned off is the stove. The FAS-8 can accept up to 8 different cap codes and have separate relay and time functions per cap code. This allows for different alerting to be accomplished at the same physical location depending upon which cap code is sent. This can be very helpful when fire crews and medical crews are housed in the same building.



Put the innovative technology of Nighthawk to work for you. For more information on any of our products or services, please contact us.

Nighthawk Systems, Inc.
10715 Gulfdale, Suite 200
San Antonio, TX 78216

Phone: 877-764-4484
Fax: 210-341-2011

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pat merkel ad left arrow Click to e-mail left arrow Paging Web Site
Joshua's Mission left arrow Helping Wounded Marines Homepage
Joshua's Mission left arrow Joshua's Mission Press Release



R.H. (Ron) Mercer
217 First Street South
East Northport, NY 11731
ron mercer

Cell Phone: 631-786-9359

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Advertise Here

Your company's logo and product promotion can appear right here for six months. It only costs $600.00 for a full-size ad in 26 issues—that's only $23.08 an issue. (6-month minimum run.)

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500 ReFLEX25 Pagers Needed In Colombia

From: Manolo Morales
Date: July 9, 2008 11:01:34 AM CDT
To: Brad Dye
Cc: Alejandro Lemus
Subject: FW: Pendientes

Hola Brad! Long time no talk, no es cierto mi amigo? Hope everything is fine . . . FYI, Mr. Alejandro Lemus is a very good friend from Colombia (copied on this e-mail) who’s looking for 500 PageWriters ReFLEX 25 (Glenayre infrastructure) for one of his customers. In case you know a source for these devices I’d appreciate if you could provide the information to Mr. Lemus, O.K.? Thanks in advance for your help my friend!

Un fuerte abrazo,

Manolo Morales
Regional Sales Manager, Latin America
Richardson Electronics, Ltd.
3201 W. Commercial Blvd., suite 236
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309
Tel: (954) 735 4425 Ext.13
Fax: (954) 735 3554
Cell: (561) 371 2450

From: Alejandro Lemus
Sent: Tuesday, July 01, 2008 5:48 PM
To: Manolo Morales Blancas
Subject: Pendientes

Estimado Amigo, recibe mi saludo cordial y mis mas altos agradecimientos por tu presencia y ayuda en la actividad de Orlando. Quiero recordarte el pendiente del contacto para Pagewriters, estoy al pendiente,


Alejandro Lemus
SERPRE S.A.- Gerente General
Cra. 7a # 74 56 piso 13, Bogota - Colombia
Tel.: 571-607-5447
Movil: 300-319-5043

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Can Anyone Help With More Historical Information?

From: John Raptor
Date: July 7, 2008 10:20:45 PM CDT
To: Brad Dye
Subject: The Paging Family Tree

AWESOME . . . My Grandfather [John Raptor] started "MRCS" and was a pioneer in the business . . . If my memory is correct, he was granted the first license to operate a 2-way radios in the western states. He used them in his cab business in the late forties thru the 50's. And then applied for his paging license . . . My family was one of the original license holders of Cellular . . . They sold their interests to the McCaw group in the late '80's . . .

John Raptor
Account Executive
American Messaging
2-way pager:
2-way pager: 503-497-8222
Office 503-523-8288

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Reliable Redundant Satellite Links

From: Steve Suker
Date: July 9, 2008 2:50:31 PM CDT
To: Brad Dye
Subject: “The Day The Beepers Died”

Dear Brad,

I read with interest your reprint of the article “The Day The Beepers Died”. It is hard to believe that it was ten years ago. As a paging carrier that uses satellite as a linking method for our network, I wanted to share with your readers what we have done to mitigate the single point of failure usually associated with using this technology. We have built a fully redundant satellite up-link facility complete with two separate earth station antennas. We are currently up-linking our paging data to two separate satellites for redundancy purposes. In the field we orientate every other site to the opposite satellite based on coverage overlap. At our many critical sites, such as key mountain tops, hospitals, nuclear facilities etc., we have installed two receive dishes to ensure continuous service in the event of a satellite issue or mechanical failure with the up-link itself. I am a firm believer that satellite is the best way for linking large paging networks such as ours and offers many advantages over terrestrial links, however, those carriers that are still up-linking their data to only one satellite are exposing themselves and their customers to a tremendous amount of risk.

Keep up the great work on the newsletter!

Stephan J. Suker
President & CEO
CVC Paging ~ CVC Two-Way Radio ~ Advanced Answering Center
802-775-6726 - Phone
802-773-4026 - Fax

13 US Route 4
Rutland, VT 05701

Motorola Authorized Two-Way Radio Dealer

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If you enjoyed this issue of the newsletter, please forward it to a friend or colleague.

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With best regards,
brad's signature
Newsletter Editor


Brad Dye, Editor
The Wireless Messaging Newsletter
P.O. Box 13283
Springfield, IL 62791 USA

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Skype: braddye
Telephone: 217-787-2346
Wireless Consulting page
Paging Information Home Page
Marketing & Engineering Papers
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“Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.”
—Albert Einstein

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The local newspaper here in Springfield, Illinois costs 75¢ a copy and it NEVER mentions paging. If you receive some benefit from this publication maybe you would like to help support it financially? A donation of $25.00 would represent approximately 50¢ a copy for one year. If you are so inclined, please click on the PayPal Donate button to the left. No trees were chopped down to produce this electronic newsletter.

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