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FRIDAY - FEBRUARY 22, 2008 - ISSUE NO. 299

Dear Friends of Wireless Messaging,

IWCE 2008, the International Wireless Communications Expo will take place next week in Las Vegas. If you are going to attend, I highly recommend that you catch the presentations by Ron Mercer and Lee Lupton. I know both of these people and I am sure that what they will have to say, will be very interesting. Their session "Killer Apps in Wireless" will be on Friday from 10:00 AM until noon. Check the Expo directory for the room number.

Newsletter advertisers exhibiting at IWCE:

  • Zetron booth 1012
  • WiPath Communications booth 652
  • Swissphone booth 1649
  • Raven Systems booth 1268

Frequently a lively debate produces a better understanding of issues from divergent viewpoints. I remember browsing through a bookstore in London, England one day. I found this nice illustrated book on telephone technology. It said that the telephone was invented by a Scotsman named Alexander Graham Bell. I immediately thought, "How can they say this? Everyone knows that the telephone was invented by an American in Boston." That was where the famous "first" telephone conversation, "Mr Watson — Come here — I want to see you" took place! (in 1876) I can almost hear my European friends laughing at me, and thinking "typical ugly-American attitude!"

Of course, I was wrong. Alexander Graham Bell was indeed born in Scotland but moved to London, England, then to Brantford, Ontario in Canada, and then to America (Boston). A friend produced a copy of a speech he gave where he clarified that he definitely invented the telephone in Canada.

However, many still believe that Italian inventor Antonio Meucci created the first working model of a telephone in Italy—in 1834.

I said all of that to get me to this point: Who invented the first pager and where was it invented? Last week I wrote: "Multitone UK may have made the first-ever pager. Some people still debate this issue . . ." That prompted the following response from my friends at Multitone.

Multitone was first in 1958 with Induction Paging then Radio Paging in 1961/62. [Source: see letter to the editor near the end of this issue.]

I did a little more "Internet homework" and found the following information that I put into boxes. You can click on "source" to see where I found it. I hope this will spark a lively discussion on this topic so we can all learn something. I already have one "old timer" working on an article and I invite anyone else who has something to contribute, to please send it to me. (Anyone older than I am is old!) This will surely produce some great reading in future issues. So, what do you think? Read the following and then let me know.

History of Pagers and Beepers

A pager is a personal radio device that allows the user to receive messages.

A pager is a dedicated RF or radio frequency device that allows the pager user to receive messages broadcast on a specific frequency over a special network of radio base stations.

Al Gross
In 1921, the first pager-like system was in use by the Detroit Police Department. However, it was not until 1949 that the very first telephone pager was patented. The inventor's name was Al Gross and his pagers were first used in New York City's Jewish Hospital. Al Gross' pager was not a consumer device available to everyone. The FCC did not approve the pager for public use until 1958.

Motorola Pagers
The name pager was first used in 1959 when Motorola made a personal radio communications product they called a pager. The Motorola pager was a small receiver that delivered a radio message individually to those carrying the device.

The first successful consumer pager was Motorola's Pageboy I first introduced in 1974. It had no display and could not store messages, however, it was portable and notified the wearer that a message had been sent.

By 1980, there were 3.2 million pager users worldwide. At that time pagers had a limited range and were used mostly in on-site situations for example when medical workers communicate with each other within a hospital.

By 1990, wide-area paging had been invented and over 22 million pagers were in use. By 1994, there were over 61 million pagers in use and pagers became popular for personal use. [source]


Al Gross
Al Gross is a true pioneer of the wireless personal communications revolution and played a major role in establishing miniaturized portable communications. His efforts led to one of the first walkie-talkies in the early 1940’s (just prior to WW II) and to development of the first pager system (in New York’s Jewish Hospital) in 1950. He also successfully lobbied the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to create the Personal Radio license spectrum in 1948, which later became citizens band radio. [source]


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  • Wireless Messaging
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This is my weekly newsletter about Wireless Messaging. You are receiving this because you have either communicated with me in the past about a wireless topic, or your address was included in another e-mail that I received on the same subject. This is not a SPAM. If you have received this message in error, or you are not interested in these topics, please click here, then click on "send" and you will be promptly removed from the mailing list.

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A new issue of The Wireless Messaging Newsletter gets posted on the web each week. A notification goes out by e-mail to subscribers on most Fridays around noon central US time. The notification message has a link to the actual newsletter on the Internet. That way it doesn't fill up your incoming e-mail account.

There is no charge for subscription and there are no membership restrictions. Readers are a very select group of wireless industry professionals, and include the senior managers of many of the world's major Paging and Wireless Data companies. There is an even mix of operations managers, marketing people, and engineers—so I try to include items of interest to all three groups. It's all about staying up-to-date with business trends and technology. I regularly get readers' comments, so this newsletter has become a community forum for the Paging, and Wireless Data communities. You are welcome to contribute your ideas and opinions. Unless otherwise requested, all correspondence addressed to me is subject to publication in the newsletter and on my web site. I am very careful to protect the anonymity of those who request it.

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Anyone wanting to help support The Wireless Messaging Newsletter can do so by clicking on the PayPal Donate button above.

Brad Dye, Ron Mercer, and Vic Jackson are friends and colleagues who work both together and independently, on wireline and wireless communications projects. Click here  left arrow for a summary of their qualifications and experience. They collaborate on consulting assignments, and share the work according to their individual expertise and their schedules.


florac pager diagram

Richard Florac - First Pager
Although a few cities had pager-like devices for their police and firefighters as early as 1921, ordinary citizens couldn't use them. The creator of the first commercial pager service was Sherman C. Amsden (1889-1958), a native of Michigan who served as a U.S. Army Air Force pilot in both world wars.

One night in the early 1920s, Amsden had a family emergency and needed his doctor immediately, but the physician couldn't be reached; the doctor was not in his office and he couldn't afford a secretary to answer his phone. This experience inspired Amsden, then living in New York City, to start one of the first telephone answering companies, Telanserphone. Originally intended just for doctors, here's how the Telanserphone service worked: A subscriber who expected to be away from his telephone (playing golf, seeing a movie, taking a shower, etc.) would notify Telanserphone. If anyone called during the subscriber's absence, a Telanserphone operator would write down a message. The subscriber could then call the company at any time or from any location to hear the messages he missed.

Amsden's next idea, which seems so ordinary in the present era of wireless technology, was in fact brilliantly creative. Instead of requiring subscribers to call Telanserphone to find out if they received messages, Amsden wanted a way to alert subscribers that they had messages. Working with inventor Richard R. Florac (1901-1991), Amsden developed the first commercially available pager. The pager was offered to his company's subscribers for a fee of $11.50 a month.

Here's how it worked. Every Telanserphone subscriber with a pager was assigned a three-digit code number. When a Telanserphone operator took a message for a subscriber, the company would play a voice-recording of that subscriber's code number on the company's high-frequency radio transmitter. The code number, perhaps recorded on magnetic tape, would be repeatedly played on a loop, along with all the other code numbers of subscribers with messages waiting at Telanserphone. Each pager was basically just a small battery-powered radio receiver locked onto the Telanserphone frequency, so when the subscriber held the pager up to his ear he would listen for his code number to know whether a message was waiting for him.

On October 15, 1950, a doctor became the first person to receive a pager signal from Telanserphone.

Amsden started a new company, Aircall, Inc., for his pager business. Within two years, Aircall had 400 subscribers, including doctors, salesmen, detectives, plumbers and undertakers. [source]

Now on to more news and views . . .


shooting alert

The new RAVENAlert answers the need for a fast, intelligent, and dependable indoor alerting device. Features include:

  • High volume audible alert.
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See us at IWCE booth 1268



enterprise 2008

AAPC will join with the Enterprise Wireless Alliance to host more than 400 wireless industry professionals, including carriers, suppliers, and network providers, for three days of information sharing, technical sessions, vendor exhibits, and networking opportunities.

Paging and wireless technologies are recognized as a “must have” component in all emergency situations, due to their affordability and reliability. Spend three days with your colleagues attending dedicated paging-related sessions, perusing cutting-edge technologies in the vendor hall, and networking with friends.

With more than 330 days of sunshine, 200 golf courses, an array of outdoor activities, and outstanding shopping and dining, Scottsdale is the premier destination for business and leisure travelers. The new venue, the Doubletree Paradise Valley Resort, is inspired by Frank Lloyd Wright and is situated on 22 acres of towering palms, has majestic desert mountain views, is easily accessible from the Sky Harbor airport, and is located minutes from Old Town Scottsdale.

Call for presentations

We are currently soliciting speakers and presentation ideas for the fall conference. Please e-mail Linda at with presentation suggestions or speakers that you would like to hear.

enterprise wireless 2008



 aapc logo AAPC Bulletin • 866-301-2272
The Voice of US Paging Carriers

Thanks to our Gold Vendor member!

PRISM Paging

Thanks to our Silver Vendor Members!
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ISC Technologies, Inc.
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Recurrent Software Solutions, Inc.
Unication USA

Thanks to our Bronze Member Vendors!

AAPC Executive Director
441 N. Crestwood Drive
Wilmington, NC 28405
Tel: 866-301-2272
AAPC Regulatory Affairs Office
Suite 250
2154 Wisconsin Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20007-2280
Tel: 202-223-3772
Fax: 202-315-3587



Advertiser Index

AAPC—American Association of Paging Carriers
ATCOM Wireless Paging & Wireless Network Planners LLC
CPR Technology, Inc. Preferred Wireless
Critical Response Systems (CRS) Prism Paging
CVC Paging Raven Systems
Daviscomms USA Ron Mercer
EMMA—European Mobile Messaging Association Swissphone
Hark Systems Texas Association of Paging Services
HMCE, Inc. TH Communications
InfoRad, Inc.    UCOM Paging
Ira Wiesenfeld Unication USA
Minilec Service, Inc. United Communications Corp.
Nighthawk Systems, Inc. WiPath Communications
Northeast Paging Zetron Inc.


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Over 70% of first responders are volunteers
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With the M1501 Acknowledgement Pager and a SPARKGAP wireless data system, you know when your volunteers have been alerted, when they've read the message, and how they’re going to respond – all in the first minutes of an event. Only the M1501 delivers what agencies need – reliable, rugged, secure alerting with acknowledgement.

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Mobile phones to hit outer space

NASA takes communications to the next orbit

Wednesday at 16:15 GMT

Soon you won’t be able to escape mobile phones even if you disappeared into space. US space agency NASA and the British National Space Centre (BNSC) are to trial a mobile phone network on the moon.

NASA has plans to build a base at the south pole of the moon after 2020. And this location could provide the same level of mobile phone coverage as here on earth.

Thanks to the joint Nasa/BNSC MoonLite mission, astronauts and robots exploring the moon's surface would then be able to keep in touch via voice calls and text messages, reports.

Via satellite

Voice calls and data between the moon and earth would be sent via satellites circling the moon. Initially only one or two satellites would be involved but more could be added if needed. Data speeds would be around 3kbps for downloads and up to 2kbps for uploads.

The lunar mobile phone network will be similar to the "satellite phone network of the 1980s and 1990s on earth", director of space science at the BNSC, David Parker, told Silicon.

2012 launch

The BNSC is building the satellites for the trial, due to be launched after 2012, while NASA is developing the communications module.

A similar idea is already in practice in America’s deep south. SpaceData offers a service where air balloons equipped with Wi-Fi technology are launched into the air. The balloons – housed with a mini mobile phone mast each – soar 20 miles into the air, providing Wi-Fi and telecoms services to truckers and oil companies, the Wall Street Journal reports.

SpaceData’s wireless service aims to bring wireless internet to millions of Americans living in rural areas. Each balloon and ‘mobile mast’ can give wireless coverage for thousands of square miles below. The WSJ report also suggests that Google is considering buying the firm. [report follows below]

Source: TechRadar

INFORAD Wireless Office

Wireless Messaging Software

AlphaPage® First Responder (Windows 2000, XP, Vista). When the message matters, AlphaPage® First Responder is the fast, reliable, and secure solution Emergency Management Professionals choose. AlphaPage® First Responder is designed for the modern professional who requires full-featured commercial wireless messaging capabilities that include advanced features such as automated Route-on-Failure, custom message templates, and secure messaging with SSL encryption. AlphaCare™ extended premium support plans are also available. For more information on all InfoRad Wireless Messaging software solutions, and fully supported free demos, please click on the InfoRad logo.

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Minilec Service


Floating a New Idea For Going Wireless, Parachute Included

Balloon Launch Gets Google's Attention; Dairy Farmers Can Help

February 20, 2008; Page A1

CHANDLER, Ariz. — Jerry Knoblach wants to bring wireless service to millions of rural Americans. His plan: Beam it down from balloons hovering at the edge of space.

This isn't just hot air. His company, Space Data Corp., already launches 10 balloons a day across the Southern U.S., providing specialized telecom services to truckers and oil companies. His balloons soar 20 miles into the stratosphere, each carrying a shoebox-size payload of electronics that acts like a mini cellphone "tower" covering thousands of square miles below.

Cheap, disposable hydrogen-filled balloons carrying miniature versions of cellphone towers may soon provide service to rural, sparsely populated areas. WSJ's Amol Sharma visits Space Data, a company that makes the specialized balloons.

His idea has caught the eye of Google Inc., according to people familiar with the matter. The Internet giant — which is now pushing into wireless services — has considered contracting with Space Data or even buying the firm, according to one person.

Mr. Knoblach, Space Data's chief executive, declined to comment on specific partners. Google declined to comment.

Expanding rural telecom services is a priority for regulators. About 36% of rural Americans don't have Internet connections. The problem is that it's expensive to string cable or build cellphone towers in areas with so few customers. Space Data says a single balloon can serve an area otherwise requiring 40 cell towers.

Maintaining a telecom system based on gas-filled bladders floating in the sky requires some creativity. The inexpensive balloons are good for only 24 hours or so before ultimately bursting in the thin air of the upper atmosphere. The electronic gear they carry, encased in a small Styrofoam box, then drifts gently back to earth on tiny parachutes.

This means Space Data must constantly send up new balloons. To do that, it hires mechanics employed at small airports across the South. It also hires farmers — particularly, dairy farmers.

jerry knoblach
Jerry Knoblach

They're "very reliable people," says Mr. Knoblach. They have to "milk the cows 24-7, 365 days a year, so they're great people to use as a launch crew." Space Data pays them $50 per launch.

Extra Pocket Money

Sharon Hodges, a 60-year-old cattle-and-wheat farmer in Piedmont, Okla., and part-time balloon launcher, says she doesn't know much about technology but liked the extra pocket money.

Every day just before sunset, she unfolds a deflated balloon, attaches it to a hydrogen tank and inflates it to about 6 feet in diameter. Then she hitches the electronic payload to the balloon, walks it through the 16-foot-tall double doors of her barn, and lets go of it.

The balloons rise about 1,000 feet a minute and reach their target altitude of 65,000 to 100,000 feet in under two hours.

Not the Hindenburg

Most of Space Data's balloons are filled with hydrogen, because it is cheaper than the helium used in toy balloons and modern blimps. Hydrogen is, of course, flammable, but Mr. Knoblach says there's no safety issue because each balloon contains so little gas. "It's not like the Hindenburg," he says.

jerry knoblach
Amol Sharma/WSJ

A balloon being launched in Piedmont, Oklahoma.

Mr. Knoblach also dismisses another potential hazard: Airplanes crashing into balloons. He points out that Space Data's balloons are similar in design to weather balloons, about 1,800 of which are launched world-wide every day without problems.

According to a Federal Aviation Administration official, there are no records of passenger jets colliding with balloons in the U.S. The engines of a commercial jet are designed to withstand the ingestion of an eight-pound bird, the FAA says. (The payload on a Space Data balloon weighs six pounds.)

Google believes balloons like these could radically change the economics of offering cellphone and Internet services in out-of-the-way areas, according to people familiar with its thinking. The company is among the registered bidders for a big chunk of radio spectrum at a government auction currently under way in Washington.

At Space Data's command center in Chandler, engineers track their 10 balloons on a wall-mounted electronic map. Balloons move slowly across Texas, New Mexico, Oklahoma and Arizona, where Space Data sells wireless services used by truckers to track their fleet. Overlapping rings on the map demarcate the coverage area of each balloon's transceiver.

When a balloon approaches the end of its useful life, technicians send a signal to separate it from its electronic payload, which parachutes to earth. The balloons eventually burst into "confetti" from the low air pressure, Mr. Knoblach says.

The environmental ramifications of the resulting shower of latex balloon scraps are complex. Some environmentalists argue balloons can be fatal to turtles, fish and whales, which mistake floating latex for jellyfish or other edible sea life. Several states, including Florida and Virginia, restrict balloon launches.

Dale Florio, a spokesman for the Balloon Council, a trade group for balloon makers, says latex balloons biodegrade "at the rate of an oak leaf that falls from a tree."

Net Benefit

Mr. Knoblach says his operation was reviewed by more than a dozen federal agencies, which found no significant environmental impact. Some agencies even consider it a net benefit, he says: The balloons replace tall cellphone towers, which are blamed for killing a significant number of migratory birds that crash into them.

While the balloons are cheap and disposable at $50 a pop, the transceivers they carry are worth about $1,500. Once a transceiver is released from its balloon to parachute back to earth, there's no way to predict where it will land. So Space Data has hired 20 hobbyists with GPS devices to track them down.

Recovery missions can get intense. Workers have had to pluck transceivers out of trees in Louisiana, rappel down rocky cliffs in Arizona, trudge through swamps and kayak across ponds. Space Data pays them $100 per transceiver recovered.

"These things can fall anywhere," says Chip Kyner of San Antonio, who once hiked seven miles before finding the transmitter he was looking for. The final mile was in pitch darkness.

"It wasn't worth the $100," he says, "but it's a neat story."

Source: The Wall Street Journal

Europe’s most popular Fire-Pager now available in the USA!
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  • 32 addresses with 50 user profiles
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North-American Office
Paul Kaiser
1460 Main Street, Suite #9
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Phone: 800-596-1914 • Fax: 941-955-8432

See us at IWCE booth 1649


The Best in Paging Is Also the Biggest!


Zetron’s Model 2700:
Our largest-capacity paging terminal.

  • Supports over 1,000,000 subscribers.
  • Fully redundant design features RAID-1-mirrored, hot-removable disk drives.
  • Supports remote access to Windows®-based user-management software.
  • Supports E1 trunks, T1 trunks, analog trunks, and dial-up modems.
  • Includes extensive voice-messaging features.
  • Provides Ethernet interface for e-mail and paging over the Internet.
  • Provides an ideal replacement for Unipage or Glenayre™ systems.
  • When used with the Model 600/620 Wireless Data Manager, a simulcast network can be connected to the Model 2700 over Ethernet links.

Contact Zetron today to discuss your paging needs.

Zetron, Inc.
P.O. Box 97004
Redmond, WA 98073-9704 USA
Phone: 425-820-6363
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See us at IWCE booth 1012


$500.00 FLAT RATE

TAPS—Texas Association of Paging Services is looking for partners on 152.480 MHz. Our association currently uses Echostar, formerly Spacecom, for distribution of our data and a large percentage of our members use the satellite to key their TXs. We have a CommOneSystems Gateway at the uplink in Chicago with a back-up running 24/7. Our paging coverage area on 152.480 MHz currently encompasses Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Louisiana, and Kansas. The TAPS paging coverage is available to members of our Network on 152.480 MHz for $.005 a transmitter (per capcode per month), broken down by state or regions of states and members receive a credit towards their bill for each transmitter which they provide to our coverage. Members are able to use the satellite for their own use If you are on 152.480 MHz or just need a satellite for keying your own TXs on your frequency we have the solution for you.

TAPS will provide the gateways in Chicago, with Internet backbone and bandwidth on our satellite channel for $ 500.00 (for your system) a month.

Contact Ted Gaetjen @ 1-800-460-7243 or left arrow CLICK TO E-MAIL


All major Hollywood studios now backing Blu-ray

By Jose Vilches,
Published: February 21, 2008, 4:34 PM EST

bluray logo Merely a day after Toshiba threw in the towel in its format war with Sony by announcing it is abandoning HD DVD, both Paramount and Universal Studios unsurprisingly announced their new Blu-ray alliance – thus making all six major Hollywood studios Blu.

The Hollywood Reporter expects to see Universal and Paramount new releases hitting Blu-ray and DVD at the same time by late spring or early summer. Blu-ray’s challenges are far from over, however. Despite now being touted as the next major video format, prices still have to come down for stand-alone players before it gains mainstream acceptance. Moreover, Blu-ray needs to step out from the shadow of the billion-dollar DVD business and find a way to distance itself from the advent of digital downloads before any returns on investment are seen.

Source: TechSpot

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“Jay is still a wireless guy”

SPD Control Systems Corporation Receives $600,000 in Contract Funding from NYSERDA

spd logo Stony Brook, New York – February 20, 2008 - Jay Moskowitz, Chairman of SPD Control Systems Corporation (SCSC) and former founder of RTS Wireless is alive and well and still working at the leading edge of wireless technology. This 6th company he has started is developing electronic control systems that operate a state-of-the-art type of window glass known as Smart Windows. Suspended Particle Device (SPD) windows are capable of changing from clear to dark or any level of tinting in between, electronically in 1 to 2 seconds. From a Master Control System the company has designed, a buildings energy utilization can be reduced by dynamically controlling the amount of solar energy passing through all the windows in the structure throughout the day taking into account geographic location and time of the year. The system would block the sun as it bakes on the windows of a building in the heat of a summer afternoon or clear the windows when the sun is shining on the building in the middle of the winter.  But, if you walk into a conference room that has clear windows and are about to give a PowerPoint presentation, a simple button press of a wall switch or a click on a wireless handheld device, will immediately set all windows totally dark, and another click when the presentation is done will return the windows to the optimal setting for reducing energy at that moment. Window tinting is changed throughout the day as the sun crosses the sky.

Mr. Moskowitz stated that he is happy to report that the company has been notified that it will receive $600,000 in contract funding from the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA), to develop and demonstrate a fully operational version of the SCSC system. Mr. Moskowitz indicated that in the design of the system, groups of windows are connected to a network of wireless controllers that are able to talk to each other as well as the Master Control System using IEEE 802.15.4 radios in a mesh network operating the ZigBee protocol stack. Every system component can talk to any other component and relay messages through intermediate nodes when radios are not in direct communications. And dynamic routing allows messages to get to destinations and bypass nodes that might temporarily have communication problems because of interference. It’s like a wireless version of TNPP, said Mr. Moskowitz, the former chairman of the TNPP committee and the originator of the Wireless Communication Transfer Protocol (WCTP).

Mr. Moskowitz stated that through the dynamic control of the Solar Heat Gain of a commercial office building, as much as 20% of the energy use of such buildings can be eliminated. Heating and Air Conditioning are the largest consumers of energy in a building. And, further savings are possible because windows can remain clear when it is not necessary to block the sunlight so natural lighting can be utilized instead of burning artificial lights, thereby saving additional electrical energy. Eventually these systems will be integrated with HVAC and lighting systems to operate in a fully integrated fashion. Mr. Moskowitz indicates that these new Smart Windows are the future of window glass throughout the world. We also look forward to its use in automobiles and on commercial airliners. The company has pending patents in the US, Europe and Japan for its advanced technology.

New York State Research and Development Agency (NYSERDA)

Conducting a multifaceted energy and environmental research and development program has been a central responsibility at NYSERDA since its inception in 1975. NYSERDA's R&D Program supports the development and commercialization of innovative energy and environmental products, technologies, and processes that improve the quality of life for New York's citizens and help New York businesses to compete and grow in the global economy.  NYSERDA's R&D Program has been instrumental in attracting new businesses to New York, enabling companies to expand, retain and create new jobs, and increase profitability for many businesses across the State.

For more information, visit

Jay can be reached at: left arrow

Source: SPD Control Systems “Changing the way you view windows”™

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February 19, 2008 3:03 PM PST

Supreme Court rejects domestic wiretap appeal

The U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday declined to intervene in an appeal of a lawsuit accusing the National Security Agency of illicit spying on millions of Americans communicating with foreigners.

The American Civil Liberties Union, which filed suit in 2006 on behalf of journalists, scholars, criminal defense attorneys and Islamic-Americans, had sought review of a 2-1 decision last summer by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit to throw out its case.

The ACLU obtained a victory at the trial court level in August 2006. A federal judge in Michigan ruled that the NSA's once-secret terrorist surveillance program, which operated without court orders, "ran roughshod" over Americans' constitutional rights Americans and violated federal wiretapping law.

But the Sixth Circuit overturned that ruling on narrow procedural grounds. It determined that the ACLU and the plaintiffs didn't have legal standing to bring the suit in the first place because they hadn't shown adequate evidence that they have been "personally" subject to the eavesdropping program. The judges did not, however, take a position whether the spying program itself was legal.

The Supreme Court's decision, which arrived without comment, lets that opinion stand.

"Although we are deeply disappointed with the Supreme Court's refusal to review this case, it is worth noting that today's action says nothing about the case's merits and does not suggest in any way an endorsement of the lower court's decision," said Steven Shapiro, the ACLU's legal director.

The Supreme Court's inaction does not, however, directly affect about 40 cases pending before a federal judge in the Ninth Circuit appeals court in San Francisco.

One of them is the high-profile suit filed by the Electronic Frontier Foundation against AT&T, which is accused of opening up its network illegally to the NSA. That case and others like it have prompted a fierce fight in Congress over whether to immunize corporations who assisted government spies from such legal action.

Source: c|net NEWS


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Paging Company Struggles

Bankruptcy filing shows impact of cell phones on dwindling market

By Martin C. Daks

OAK RIDGE—A paging company has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection after suffering a double whammy: a shrinking market because of the advent of cell phones and a financial dispute with a major service provider that threatened to seize the company’s customer list. The firm’s woes illustrate what can happen to a small business that’s threatened by a new way of doing things.

Some experts say the fact that the company, Paging Management I LLC, has managed to hang on this long is unusual, given the challenge presented by cell phones.

“Cell phones helped to kill* the paging industry,” says Brad Dye, a wireless consultant based in Springfield, Ill. “In 1990, [1999**] there were an estimated 45 million paging devices in the country, but today there are less than 6 million.”

Dye says hospitals and construction sites still use pagers, primarily because both have sensitive instruments that generally are not affected by one-way pager-service signals, but may be affected by the two-way signals of cell phones and other devices.

As wireless gadgets continue to feature functions once offered only by pagers, including text and data transmission, “we’ve seen the number of paging companies in our organization dwindle,” says Jackie McCarthy, director of government affairs for the Personal Communications Industry Association (PCIA), a trade organization in Alexandria, Va. “Most of the paging companies that used to be members of the PCIA are no longer in existence.”

Oak Ridge-based Paging Management has five employees and rings up about $330,000 a year in revenue, according to Hoover’s Inc., an industry and market information provider. Paging Management sells and activates pagers and manages paging services. The company has no more than $10,000 in cash and other assets, according to court filings.

“Some industry segments, like hospitals, still use pagers, but overall the customer base of Paging Management has dwindled during the past few years,” says Chad Friedman, a partner with the Roseland law firm Ravin Greenberg LLC, who represents the company and its owner, Jeff Koonjy. “The smaller market also means there are fewer [pager] providers to choose from, so Paging Management may have been forced to depend on a small number of key providers.”

Friedman says the bankruptcy filing was triggered by a dispute over $150,000 that Paging Management was said to owe one of those providers. Right now, Paging Management is still servicing its customers and hopes to work out a deal with the creditor, says Friedman.

The creditor claimed the right to take over servicing Paging Management’s customers if the company didn’t pay the money owed, says Friedman. But a Chapter 11 filing places a temporary hold on a creditor’s ability to collect a debt while the parties try to work out their issues.

While Friedman wouldn't name the creditor, Paging Management owes $150,000 to PCS Partners, a Buford, Ga., company that engages in wireless communication-related retail distribution and customer service activity, according to documents filed two weeks ago with the U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Newark on behalf of Paging Management.

The court filings also cite a $144,000 debt owed to USA Mobility, a Columbia, Md., company that provides paging and cell phone products and services. The documents say that Paging Management disputes both debts, but do not provide any details about the disagreement.

Experts says Paging Management’s troubles are industry-wide and provide an example of how abrupt changes in technology can affect a business.

“Before cell phones, even the smaller pager companies were able to ride a successful wave of business,” says James Barrood, executive director of the Rothman Institute of Entrepreneurial Studies, part of the Silberman College of Business at Fairleigh Dickinson in Madison. “Many smaller shops did not recognize cell devices as a disruptive technology, and instead hung on to their ‘cash cow.’ But some collaborated with the new technology, even changing their business model and becoming cell phone providers. In general, it may be better to diversify and find a higher- margin business if the core business is under attack by new technology.”

Koonjy has launched a second Oak Ridge company, called Paging Management Inc., that provides Web hosting and other Internet-related services. That company has annual revenue of about $1.5 million, according to information provided by Hoover’s.

“I believe that as the revenue from paging went down, Koonjy may have seen the establishment of an Internet services company as a way to complement the activities of Paging Management I LLC,” says Friedman. “Either way, he believes his businesses will succeed.”

Editor's notes:

I was recuperating from the flu when this telephone interview took place — so that is my excuse for having to correct a couple of the following points.

* I don't think I used the work kill. I wouldn't say that something killed paging because paging is not dead. I am quite sure that I said paging would be around for a long time, and gave him several reasons why.

** Either I misspoke or this reporter wrote down the wrong year. It should be 1999 not 1990.

The reporter seemed to be a nice fellow on the telephone. These are honest mistakes, and they may have both been my fault.

Source: NJ BIZ

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Intelligent Solutions for Paging & Wireless Data

WiPath manufactures a wide range of highly unique and innovative hardware and software solutions in paging and mobile data for:

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  • CDMA, GPRS, ReFLEX, conventional, and trunked radio interfaces
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4845 Dumbbarton Court
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4845 Dumbbarton Court
Cumming, GA 30040
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Phone: 770-844-6218 Office
770-844-6574 Fax
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I am an authorized Manufacturer Representative for WiPath Communications. Please contact me directly for any additional information. left arrow CLICK

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Equipment For Sale
2 Aluminum Equipment racks
1 Outdoor Motorola Cabinet (many others)
1 Outdoor Hennessey Cab w/AC
10 Glenayre PM-250C (NEW) Power Monitor Panels w/Alarms
13 RL-70 XC Midband Link Receivers
  Several New 900 MHz Antennas
Link Transmitters:
1 Glenayre QT6994, 150W, 900 MHz Link TX
2 Glenayre QT4201, 25W Midband Link TX
1 Glenayre Hot Standby Panels
3 Motorola 10W, 900 MHz Link TX (C35JZB6106)
2 Motorola 30W, Midband Link TX (C42JZB6106AC)
VHF Paging Transmitters
8 QT-100C, 100W VHF, TCC, RL70XC
17 Glenayre GL-T8411, 225W, w/I20
3 Motorola PURC 5000, 350W, ACB or TRC
6 Motorola Nucleus 350W, NAC
UHF Paging Transmitters:
12 Glenayre GLT5340, 125W, DSP Exciter
10 Motorola PURC 5000, 110W, ACB
2 Motorola PURC 5000, 225W, ACB
3 Motorola Nucleus 125W
900 MHz Paging Transmitters:
1 Glenayre GLT 8600, 500W
76 Glenayre GLT-8500, 250W, C2000, I 20
10 Motorola PURC 5000, 300W, DRC or ACB
2 Motorola Nucleus, 300W, C-Net
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1 Complete GL3000L w/ T1s, 2.2G HD, LCC

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Prism Paging

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Prism Message Gateway Systems Modular and Configurable

Your Choice of Options

  • Radio Paging Terminals
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  • E-mail and Network Text Messaging Systems
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Go ahead . . . be choosy . . . choose Prism Systems International

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300 Colonial Center Parkway,
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Telephone: 678-353-3366
Internet: left arrow CLICK HERE
E-mail: left arrow CLICK HERE
Prism Paging

See the Prism Paging video

Streaming Video from the
World Business Review web site


Unication USA




unication logo

The Paging Industry expects quality, reliable, and high performance paging products.

We at Unication have listened and delivered.


M90™ Messenger™—Our newest ReFLEX 2-Way Advanced Messaging solution. Finally the Industry has a true replacement for the Motorola T900 but with more features and improved RF performance.

  • One-Way Pagers
    • Alpha Elite and Alpha Gold—Our top of the line FLEX™ / POCSAG, 4-line alphanumeric pagers with an identical user interface and comparable RF performance to the Motorola Elite and Gold pagers.
    • NP88—Our newest numeric FLEX / POCSAG pager with the best backlight in the Industry.
  • Telemetry
    • We offer RF and decoding solutions.
alpha elitealpha goldnumeric

About Unication Co., Ltd.

  • A Taiwan company founded in 1992 with extensive experience designing and manufacturing paging and broadband products.
  • An ODM to major telecommunications companies.
  • More than 300 associates worldwide with Engineering Design Centers in Taipei, China and Vancouver, BC. The engineering team has years of experience in wireless systems, embedded SW, RF design and protocols for infrastructure and pagers.
  • Our Accelerated Life Testing facility ensures the highest quality of products for our customers.
  • ISO 9001 and 14001 Certified
  • Fully licensed by Motorola for product design technology and the FLEX Family of Protocols.
  • Sales and Engineering support office in Arlington, Texas.
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  Contact Information

  Kirk Alland
  Unication USA
  1901 E. Lamar Blvd.
  Arlington, TX 76006
  (817) 926-6771

Unication USA
Hark Technologies

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Wireless Communication Solutions

isi image

ISI-LX Internet Serial Interface with Protocol Conversion

  • Converts Serial TAP message to SNPP, SMTP, or WCTP
  • Pass through Serial Data to TCP/IP and TCP/IP back to Serial
  • Supports Ethernet or PPP Connection to Internet w/Dial Backup
  • Includes 4 Serial Ports for Multiplexing Traffic
isi image

IPG Internet Paging Gateway

  • No Moving Parts Such as Hard Drives or Fans to Fail
  • Supports 10Base-T Network Connection to Internet
  • Accepts HTTP, SMTP, SNPP, and WCTP from Internet
  • Sends TAP or TNPP to Your Paging Terminal


  • Inexpensive method of automating your paging monitoring
  • Uses standard paging receiver
  • Available in 152-158 POCSAG or 929 FLEX (call for others)
omega image

Omega Unified Messaging Server

  • Full Featured Internet Messaging Gateway
  • TAP Concentrator and TNPP Routing Functions w/TNPP over Internet
  • Serial Protocols Supported: GCP, SMDI, SMS, TAP, TNPP
  • Internet Protocols Supported: AIM, HTTP, SMPP (out only), SMTP, SNPP, and WCTP
  • Full Featured, Easy-to-use Voice/Fax/Numeric Mail Interface
  • One Number For All Your Messaging
  • Optional Hot-swap Hard Drives and Power Supplies Available
Please see our web site for even more products designed specifically for Personal Messaging carriers. For example, the Omega Messaging Gateway and Email Throttling Gateway (anti-spam).
Hark Technologies
3507 Iron Horse Dr., Bldg. 200
Ladson, SC 29456
Tel: 843-285-7200
Fax: 843-285-7220
E-mail: left arrow CLICK
Hark Technologies


BloostonLaw Telecom Update

Published by the Law Offices of Blooston, Mordkofsky, Dickens, Duffy & Prendergast, LLP

[Selected portions reproduced here with the firm's permission.]

   Vol. 11, No. 7 February 20, 2008   

700 MHz Soon To Be Added to WiMAX Technology Roadmap

The WiMAX Forum (an industry-led organization formed to certify and to promote the compatibility and interoperability of broadband wireless products based on the IEEE 802.16 standard) has recently announced that the WiMAX standard will be extended to cover the 700 MHz band. This is a significant development for 700 MHz Band licensees (and Auction No. 73 bidders) since it should reduce the cost and spur the availability of standards- based 700 MHz Band equipment and consumer devices. It should also facilitate the ability of 700 MHz licensees to construct and operate integrated wireless networks using spectrum from a variety of licensed and unlicensed bands, including 1.7/2.1 GHz AWS, 2.5 GHz BRS/EBS, the 3650-3700 MHz service and the 2.4/5.8 GHz unlicensed bands. BloostonLaw contacts: John Prendergast and Cary Mitchell.


PRESIDENT SIGNS “PERMANENT” DO-NOT-CALL LEGISLATION: President George W. Bush last week signed legislation into law to extend and improve the Do- Not-Call registry. Earlier the House of Representatives passed the Do-Not-Call Registry Fee Extension Act of 2007 (S.781) and the Senate passed the Do-Not-Call Improvement Act of 2007 (H.R. 3541), sending both bills to the President (BloostonLaw Telecom Update, February 13). Senate Commerce Committee Vice Chairman Ted Stevens (R-Alaska) and Senator Byron Dorgan (DN. D.) are both sponsors of S. 781 and the Senate companion bill to H.R. 3541, S. 2096. The combination of this legislation will allow the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to collect fees to maintain the registry and remove the need for consumers to re-register their names on the Do-Not-Call list. BloostonLaw contacts: Hal Mordkofsky, Ben Dickens, Gerry Duffy, and John Prendergast.

COURT VACATES FCC’s DENIAL OF GULF COAST MIGRATORY BIRDS PETITION: The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit has vacated the FCC’s denial of the Gulf Coast Migratory Birds Petition. The American Bird Conservancy and Forest Conservation Council had asked the D.C. Circuit to review the Commission’s order denying in part and dismissing in part their petition seeking protection of migratory birds from collisions with communications towers in the Gulf Coast region. Their petition claimed that Commission rules and procedures for approving new towers failed to comport with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), the Endangered Species Act (ESA), and the Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA). The court vacated the Order because the Commission failed to apply the proper NEPA standard, to provide a reasoned explanation on consultation under the ESA, and to provide meaningful notice of pending tower applications. In a statement, Commissioner Michael Copps said: “For years, I have been disappointed with the FCC’s failure to get serious about its environmental responsibilities. Now the D.C. Circuit has affirmed something this agency should have acknowledged a long time ago: that the National Environmental Protection Act, the Endangered Species Act, and the Migratory Bird Treaty Act require the FCC to take a hard look at the effects of communications towers on migratory birds.” BloostonLaw contacts: Hal Mordkofsky, John Prendergast, and Richard Rubino.



FEBRUARY 29: COPYRIGHT STATEMENT OF ACCOUNT FORM FOR CABLE COMPANIES. This form, plus royalty payment for the second half of calendar year 2007, is due February 29. The form covers the period July 1 to December 31, 2007, and is due to be mailed directly by cable TV operators to the Library of Congress’ Copyright Office. If you do not receive the form, please contact Gerry Duffy.

MARCH 1: CPNI ANNUAL CERTIFICATION. Although the rules do not specify when carriers should modify and complete their “Annual Certification of CPNI Compliance” for 2007, we recommend that you do so as soon as possible. The certification must be filed with the FCC by March 1. Note that the annual certification should include the following three required Exhibits: (a) a Statement Explaining How The Company’s Operating Procedures Ensure Compliance With The FCC’S CPNI Rules to reflect the Company’s policies and information; (b) a Statement of Actions Taken Against Data Brokers; and (c) a Summary of Customer Complaints Regarding Unauthorized Release of CPNI. A company officer with personal knowledge that the company has established operating procedures adequate to ensure compliance with the rules must execute the Certification, place a copy of the Certification and accompanying Exhibits in the Company’s CPNI Compliance Records, and forward the original to BloostonLaw for filing with the FCC by March 1. BloostonLaw is prepared to help our clients meet this requirement, which we expect will be strictly enforced, by assisting with preparation of their certification filing; reviewing the filing to make sure that the required showings are made; filing the certification with the FCC, and obtaining a proof-of-filing copy for your records. Clients interested in obtaining BloostonLaw's CPNI compliance manual should contact Gerry Duffy (202-828-5528) or Mary Sisak (202-828-5554).

Source: Blooston, Mordkofsky, Dickens, Duffy and Prendergast, LLP

For additional information, contact Hal Mordkofsky at 202-828-5520 or



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The European Mobile Messaging Association

A Global Wireless Messaging Association

Please find attached the preliminary program and registration form for the next EMMA conference and Round Table meeting to be held in Crete, Greece on April 23 - 25, 2008.

Program Summary

Blue Palace Brochure

Registration Form

You can contact Derek Banner, EMMA President, by calling him on +44 1895 473 551 or e-mailing him at:  left arrow CLICK HERE

Visit the EMMA web site left arrow CLICK HERE


AT&T Begins Offering Palm's Centro Smartphone

The $100 smartphone comes with multimedia capabilities and several services exclusive to AT&T

By Elena Malykhina
February 19, 2008 12:00 PM

AT&T (NYSE: T) on Tuesday began offering the Centro, Palm's new flagship smartphone based on the Palm OS. The $100 smartphone comes with multimedia capabilities and several services exclusive to AT&T.

The Centro sports a touch screen and a full QWERTY keyboard for simpler use of its messaging features, including text messaging, instant messaging, and e-mail. It supports various e-mail clients such as AT&T's Xpress Mail (for accessing Gmail, AOL, Yahoo, Windows Live, and Lotus Notes), Microsoft Exchange, and Good Technology's Good Mobile Messaging. Using Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync, users can also sync their Outlook contacts and calendars with the Centro.

palm centro
The Palm Centro from AT&T comes with a touch screen and a full QWERTY keyboard; it's also the first Palm OS-based smartphone to come with AT&T services such as XM Radio Mobile, Push to Talk, and MusicID.

"The demand for crossover devices is skyrocketing, and the Centro hits a sweet spot for many customers looking for a QWERTY device with a solid suite of messaging and multimedia features," said Michael Woodward, VP of Business Mobility Products at AT&T's wireless unit, in a statement.

It is the smallest and the lightest smartphone offered by Palm and the first to support AT&T's XM Radio Mobile, MusicID, and Push to Talk services, which function like a walkie-talkie for chatting with a group of up to 29 people. AT&T's mobile music offering allows users to download tunes from Napster and eMusic to the Centro's built-in Pocket Tunes Deluxe player. They can also listen to live radio with XM Radio Mobile for $9 a month, and identify song titles and artists with the MusicID service for $4 a month.

Additionally, AT&T offers MobiTV for watching live television on the Centro for $10 a month, and TeleNav GPS Navigator for turn-by-turn voice and on-screen driving directions with an optional standalone GPS receiver. The navigation service costs $10 a month.

According to an early buyers study conducted by Palm, more women than men purchased the Centro; the number of women was almost double the number of men. Palm also saw 150% increase in the number of users under 35. The study shows that 75% of people who purchased the Centro previously used a traditional mobile phone.

The Centro's $100 price tag is an attractive selling point for many mobile users, especially compared with other smartphones on the market with similar capabilities. But the Centro runs on AT&T's EDGE network and lacks 3G support, which means users will have to deal with slower data speeds when browsing the Web or using the smartphone's multimedia features.

Source: InformationWeek

nighthawk logo





Nighthawk Systems Inc. manufactures low cost and reliable remote control products for fire house alerting, volunteer alerting, activation of warning signs and sirens, and a number of applications for public safety. The Company manufactures the EA1 and the FAS-8 which have been designed specifically for these applications. Both products are paging based and will work with any public or private paging network. They are available in all VHF, UHF, and 900 MHz paging frequencies. The products can serve as the primary notification system or an excellent, low-cost backup to existing systems.

Public Emergency Notification & Volunteer Alerting

The EA1 is the solution for remotely activating public warning signage. Examples include tornado sirens, flash flood warnings, fire danger, Amber Alert, icy roads, etc. The EA1 can also send text messages to scrolling signs. This can occur in conjunction with the activation of audible alarms and visual strobes. This is ideal for public notification in buildings, schools, hotels, factories, etc. The group call feature allows for any number of signs or flashing lights to be activated at the same time over a wide geographic area. In addition, the EA1 Emergency Alert is the perfect solution for low cost yet highly effective alerting of volunteer fire fighters in their home. When activated the EA1 will emit an audible alarm and activate the power outlet on the units faceplate. A common setup is to simply place the EA1 on a table and plug a lamp into the faceplate. When paged from dispatch or any touch tone phone the EA1 will awaken the fire fighter to a lit room. As an option the EA1 can be ordered with a serial cable, allowing for attachment of a serial printer. When paged the alphanumeric message will be printed out at the same time the alarm sounds and the outlet is activated. The EA1 is an ideal complement to alphanumeric belt pagers common to volunteers.

nighthawk sign

Firehouse Automation

The FAS-8 is designed for activating one or more relays in a firehouse and if desired, printing the alphanumeric message to a serial printer. For this application the FAS-8 is set to activate upon receiving the proper paging cap code sent from 911 dispatch. Up to eight different devices can be activated all with individual time functions. The most common devices to turn on include the PA amplifier, audible wake up alarm, and house lights. The most common device turned off is the stove. The FAS-8 can accept up to 8 different cap codes and have separate relay and time functions per cap code. This allows for different alerting to be accomplished at the same physical location depending upon which cap code is sent. This can be very helpful when fire crews and medical crews are housed in the same building.



Put the innovative technology of Nighthawk to work for you. For more information on any of our products or services, please contact us.

Nighthawk Systems, Inc.
10715 Gulfdale, Suite 200
San Antonio, TX 78216

Phone: 877-764-4484
Fax: 210-341-2011

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217 First Street South
East Northport, NY 11731
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• Cell Phone: 631-786-9359

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From: George Rishfeld
Date: February 9, 2008 11:54:53 AM CST
To: Brad Dye
Subject: Logging Wireless Messages

Dear Brad,

I see there has been some discussion about logging of messages lately and someone mentioned the difficulty of logging off air.  We have no difficulty with this as our LogPage product which works with our PDT2000 and PDR2000 receivers is capable of logging all traffic on a network and producing multiple filtered reports and outputs relating to the logged messages.

LogPage is equipped with powerful filtering and reporting tools that enable the user to automatically search through received page messages using different criteria and output the filtered results to the screen, resend it to another pager or other messaging device such as a cellphone or forward it via email. Filters are setup which incorporate a range of criteria by which each message received is compared. LogPage may include an unlimited number of filters based on capcodes or text.

LogPage can also be used for network alarm reporting so that if the network goes off air LogPage can detect this and alert appropriate people.

A powerful and easy to use reporting engine is included with LogPage to enable the user to develop customized reports of message traffic based on the stored message database.

The user can also set the program to run reports automatically at certain time intervals (days or hours) and send the results as attached .CSV files by email to an unlimited number of email addresses. If more than one network needs to be monitored we also have a product called Interceptor which allows monitoring of up to 4 channels simultaneously.

Greatly appreciate your help.


George Rishfeld
WiPath Communications
4845 Dumbbarton CT.
Cumming, GA 30040
770-844-6218 Office
770-844-6574 Fax
Skype: grishfeld6625


See us at IWCE booth 652

From: "Ed Heffernan" <>
Date: February 15, 2008 11:36:40 AM CST
To: Brad Dye
Subject: The Wireless Messaging Newsletter

————— Original Message —————
From: Ed Heffernan
To: Peter Eborall; Graeme Hull
Sent: Friday, February 15, 2008 12:30 PM
Subject: The Wireless Messaging Newsletter

Brad Dye mentions Multitone in this issue.  He says that some still debate if Multitone made the first pager.

In 1962 when I joined Multitone, a company Stromberg-Carlson had just brought their radio pager to market with Bell Telephone.

Multitone was first in 1958 with Induction Paging then Radio Paging in 1961/62.


That's all for this week folks. Please get one friend or co-worker to sign up for the newsletter..

brad dye 04 photo

With best regards,
brad's signature
Newsletter Editor


Brad Dye, Editor
The Wireless Messaging Newsletter
P.O. Box 13283
Springfield, IL 62791 USA

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Skype: braddye
Telephone: 217-787-2346
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Innovation is the specific instrument of entrepreneurship. The act that endows resources with a new capacity to create wealth.” —Peter F. Drucker


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