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wireless messaging newsletter

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FRIDAY - JANUARY 23, 2009 - ISSUE NO. 344

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Paging and Wireless Messaging Home Page image Newsletter Archive image Carrier Directory image Recommended Products and Services
Reference Papers Consulting Glossary of Terms Send an e-mail to Brad Dye

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Dear Friends of Wireless,

The number one topic in all the news here this week appears to be President Barack Obama—even in wireless text messaging and other technology topics.

Unication is announcing a new two-frequency pager in this issue. Just the thing to replace two pagers that many people have to carry for on-site and off-site paging.

Check out the Preferred Wireless ad this week for some new equipment for sale.

American Messaging is offering a free pass (worth $100) to anyone who wants to attend the Industrial Fire, Safety & Security (IFSS) show 2/4-6/09 at the Reliant Center in Houston. See it in THE LETTERS TO THE EDITOR section.

Now on to more news and views.

brad dye
Wireless Messaging Newsletter
  • Emergency Radio Communications
  • Wireless Messaging
  • Critical Messaging
  • Telemetry
  • Paging
  • VoIP
  • Wi-Fi
  • WiMAX
  • Location-Based Services
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This is my weekly newsletter about Wireless Messaging. You are receiving this because you have either communicated with me in the past about a wireless topic, or your address was included in another e-mail that I received on the same subject. This is not a SPAM. If you have received this message in error, or you are not interested in these topics, please click here, then click on "send" and you will be promptly removed from the mailing list.

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iland internet sulutions This newsletter is brought to you by the generous support of our advertisers and the courtesy of iland Internet Solutions Corporation. For more information about the web-hosting services available from iland Internet Solutions Corporation, please click on their logo to the left.

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A new issue of The Wireless Messaging Newsletter gets posted on the web each week. A notification goes out by e-mail to subscribers on most Fridays around noon central US time. The notification message has a link to the actual newsletter on the Internet. That way it doesn't fill up your incoming e-mail account.

There is no charge for subscription and there are no membership restrictions. Readers are a very select group of wireless industry professionals, and include the senior managers of many of the world's major Paging and Wireless Data companies. There is an even mix of operations managers, marketing people, and engineers — so I try to include items of interest to all three groups. It's all about staying up-to-date with business trends and technology. I regularly get readers' comments, so this newsletter has become a community forum for the Paging, and Wireless Data communities. You are welcome to contribute your ideas and opinions. Unless otherwise requested, all correspondence addressed to me is subject to publication in the newsletter and on my web site. I am very careful to protect the anonymity of those who request it.

Editorial Policy: The opinions expressed here are my own and DO NOT reflect the opinions or policies of any of the advertisers, supporters, contributors, the AAPC (American Association of Paging Carriers, or the EWA (Enterprise Wireless Alliance). As a general rule, I publish opposing opinions, even when I have to substitute "----" for some of the off-color words. This is a public forum for the topics covered, and all views are welcome (so far). Clips of news that I find on the Internet always include a link to the source and just because I report on a given topic or opinion doesn't mean that I agree with it.

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Anyone wanting to help support The Wireless Messaging Newsletter can do so by clicking on the PayPal Donate button above.

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Brad Dye, Ron Mercer, and Vic Jackson are friends and colleagues who work both together and independently, on wireline and wireless communications projects. Click here  for a summary of their qualifications and experience. They collaborate on consulting assignments, and share the work according to their individual expertise and their schedules.

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The local newspaper here in Springfield, Illinois costs 75¢ a copy and it NEVER mentions paging. If you receive some benefit from this publication maybe you would like to help support it financially? A donation of $25.00 would represent approximately 50¢ a copy for one year. If you are so inclined, please click on the PayPal Donate button above. No trees were chopped down to produce this electronic newsletter.

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 aapc logo AAPC Bulletin • 866-301-2272
The Voice of US Paging Carriers

global paging convention

Letter from AAPC President

Thank you for your membership and continued support of the American Association of Paging Carriers (AAPC). As you know, AAPC is the national association dedicated to representing and advancing the paging industry and other paging-related technologies. Your membership dues enable us to provide a unified front to ensure that paging continues to survive through our regulatory and advocacy efforts. Representing a smaller carrier, I know we must constantly evaluate where our dollars are spent. I urge you to continue your participation in AAPC, as it is critical to our overall success.

As an association, we highlight paging to end users and the FCC, as a time-tested and proven technology that is deployed extensively throughout the United States, providing the most affordable and reliable solution for emergency wireless communications. As a result of AAPC Counsel Ken Hardman’s outstanding watchdog efforts, we have protected the industry from potentially harmful FCC rules and made great progress advocating in the best interest of paging carriers. The major regulatory accomplishments include:

  • Successfully urging the FCC to continue its freeze on the level of annual regulatory fees paid by paging carriers and to consider lowering those fees in the future
  • Successfully fighting an attempt by AT&T and Verizon to push Universal Service Fund (USF) assessment rules through the FCC this year that would have drastically increased USF fees paid by virtually all paging carriers
  • Successfully urging the FCC to adopt Commercial Mobile Alert Service (CMAS) rules encouraging paging carrier participation in CMAS

AAPC has had a good year, welcoming several new members. As part of our affiliation with EWA, we co-hosted a successful conference in Scottsdale, Arizona last month, and those that attended appreciated several educational sessions and networking opportunities. We also launched the “First Page,” a quarterly article in Enterprise Wireless magazine that focuses solely on paging and related technologies.

We are very excited to announce the first Global Paging Convention, June 17 – 19, at the Hilton Montreal Bonaventure Hotel in Montreal, Canada, which we are hosting with our European counterpart, the European Mobile Messaging Association (EMMA). This will be a paging-focused event and will attract a global audience comprised of carriers, manufacturers, suppliers, and resellers. If you are in the industry – you will not only want to, but need to be at this premier event. If you only get to attend one event – plan now for June in Montreal. Remember to check for details.

The value of AAPC membership has never been more evident than during the last year. With your continued involvement and support, AAPC is on the front line promoting your business and our industry. Thank you for a productive 2008. I’m looking forward to your continued participation and support in the new year.

scott forsythe's signature
Scott Forsythe
President, AAPC

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Thank you to those members who have already paid their 2009 membership fees. Your continued support and participation is greatly appreciated. You should have already received your 2009 invoice. If you did not receive yours or you wish to join and need an application, please contact Linda at left arrow


Thanks to our Gold Vendor member!

PRISM Paging

Thanks to our Silver Vendor Members!
isc technologies
ISC Technologies, Inc.
recurrent software
Recurrent Software Solutions, Inc.
Unication USA

Thanks to our Bronze Member Vendors!

AAPC Executive Director
441 N. Crestwood Drive
Wilmington, NC 28405
Tel: 866-301-2272
AAPC Regulatory Affairs Office
Suite 250
2154 Wisconsin Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20007-2280
Tel: 202-223-3772
Fax: 202-315-3587

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No Surprise: Historic Inauguration Brings Congestion

By Evan Koblentz
WirelessWeek - January 21, 2009

Yesterday’s inauguration of President Barack Obama was a historic day for the United States and African-Americans, but also was a reminder of the fragile nature of telecommunications.

Around 1.5 million people converged on the National Mall in Washington, from where mainstream news services reported iffy cellular connections and long delays in receiving text messages.

The nation’s four largest carriers – Verizon Wireless, AT&T, Sprint Nextel and T-Mobile USA – all declined to provide data about call delays, fast-busy signals or dropped calls in the D.C. area.

The companies were more transparent about the capital region’s congestion issues, for which they all prepared by deploying fleets of truck-mounted base stations and all manner of extra equipment and staff.

Verizon said its system did five times the usual number of calls and triple the usual number of text messages, both measured from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. AT&T reported a six-fold increase in texting volume and a two-fold increase in calling volume, both from 11 a.m. to noon. Sprint released the most detailed information for that same time period, citing 212% more overall activity than on a typical day, 375% more text-paging activity and 65% more push-to-talk calls. T-Mobile said it had 10 times the number of calls compared to a typical day, also from 11 a.m. to noon.

Carriers before the event urged the public to be selective when sending a text or multimedia message or when accessing a mobile Web site. But consumer advocates said the call for reduced use was a disingenuous move that apparently did not stop people.

Source: Wireless Week

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Advertiser Index

AAPC—American Association of Paging Carriers Paging & Wireless Network Planners LLC
Canamex Communications Preferred Wireless
CRS—Critical Response Systems Prism Paging
CVC Paging Raven Systems
Daviscomms USA Ron Mercer
Easy Solutions Sun Telecom
GTES—Global Technical Engineering Solutions Swissphone
Hark Systems UCOM Paging
HMCE, Inc. Unication USA
InfoRad, Inc.    United Communications Corp.
Minilec Service, Inc. WiPath Communications
Northeast Paging  

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unication logo One pager can now replace two.

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Elegant/Legend Dual Frequency Pagers.

unication dual freq pager

unication dual frequency pager Unication Co., Ltd. a leader in wireless paging technologies, introduces a completely new Alpha Elegant/Dual and Alpha Legend/Dual.

A dual-frequency alphanumeric pager that will operate on your on-site system—giving you the advantage of very fast response—and that will automatically switch to the Carrier system providing you wide-area coverage.

Unication USA 817-303-9320

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The same reliable QUIKPAGER that you have used for years!

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Canamex Communications Corporation
Providing technology to the paging industry since 1989




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Wireless networks inundated with traffic

Exacerbating problem was inauguration-goers sending photos, videos

By Suzanne Choney
updated 4:54 p.m. CT, Tues., Jan. 20, 2009

As anticipated, wireless networks, despite preparation, were inundated with traffic from an estimated 2 million people who came to the nation’s capital for the inauguration of Barack Obama. But no lengthy outages or difficulties were reported.

Most people seemed to be able to make or take calls, even if it took them some time to do so. The problem seemed most acute in the hours leading up to and right after the president's swearing-in.

“Text messages are working; it’s just the calls that aren't working out so well,” said Matthew Schlesinger, 22, a D.C. resident who was in the Mall crowd this morning. Schlesinger, a Verizon Wireless customer, said he was able to make calls, but a friend of his from American University, on AT&T’s network, was not able to use his phone at all.

Representatives for the nation’s largest wireless carriers, AT&T and Verizon Wireless, said customers’ delays in making and receiving phone calls is what they had projected, even with a boost in network capacity.

"Our network performed well today," said Mark Siegel, AT&T Mobility spokesman. "There was some congestion, which was not unexpected given the large number of people and heavy wireless usage. In fact, between 11 and noon, text messaging volumes were six times higher than normal, and calling volumes were two times higher than normal in the D.C. area."

Exacerbating the problem was the number of inauguration-goers who jubilantly sent photos and videos using their cell phones, also posting them on the Internet, and who used social networking sites like Twitter and Facebook.

Mobile Web and e-mail “use bandwidth as well” as voice calls, said Verizon Wireless spokeswoman Debra Lewis.

She said the carrier’s network in the D.C. area handled “three to five times the normal call volume,” but that “even in the most crowded spectator areas nearest the inauguration stands at the U.S. Capitol, the vast majority of calls" went through "on the first attempt.”

Sprint: 211 percent increase in traffic
Sprint, the nation's third largest wireless carrier, experienced a "211 percent increase for voice, text, and data services" in the D.C. area, said Crystal Davis, company spokeswoman.

"Our wireless and wireline operations are functioning well, call and data services are processing, but customers may experience temporary delays," she said. "We're still collecting numbers for the 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. time period (during the main inaugural events), but expect our performance to continue to reflect the aggressive preparations we've made for the Inauguration since April of last year."

She said Sprint customers near the Mall area can charge up their phones at the company's 14th Street store, at no cost.

Text messaging recommended
CTIA, the wireless trade industry association, had asked phone users to wait until later in the day to send or e-mail images, because of the network capacity it essentially hogs.

Text-messaging is recommended as an alternative to phone calls to ease network traffic as well.

But enthusiasm and joy overtook the moment for some, including Schlesinger.

“I’ve been sending picture e-mails pretty much non-stop — I may wait to send some photos later. But honestly, if I get a nice picture of Obama giving his speech, I may want to send it to my family. So, I may be a little selfish,” he said.

Others, he said, who are having problems “are trying to find somebody who gets good service. But to honest, a lot of people are just caught up in the moment, and forgetting about calling people and being focused on what is going on around them.”

Carriers have spent millions of dollars beefing up their networks for the historic event, adding extra staff and bringing portable cell towers, known as "COWs" ("Cells on wheels") and "COLTs" ("Cells on light trucks") to the D.C. area.

AT&T spokesman Siegel said the company also brought in back-up generators in addition to COWs. Still, he said, the night before the inauguration, "the laws of physics are at work here."

Source: MSNBC

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shooting alert

The new RAVENAlert answers the need for a fast, intelligent, and dependable indoor alerting device. Features include:

  • High volume audible alert.
  • Large backlit screen.
  • Clear voice via new text to speech technology.
  • Compact Size. 5.5 X 5 inches
  • Easy wall mount or sits upright on any flat surface
  • Battery or line powered
  • Vast grouping capability
  • FLEX or POCSAG in all frequency bands
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BlackBerry Force One Is Up to the Job

President Obama Not the First to Test BlackBerry's Security

Jan. 23, 2009

ABC News

"Hail to the Chief" is so yesterday.

president obama President Barack Obama will be the first president to use a BlackBerry while in the White House.
(AP/ABC News)

Now that Barack Obama and his tech-savvy team have ascended to the White House, the more apt expression appears to be "Berry to the Chief."

Since winning the election, Obama has argued that he should be allowed to bring his BlackBerry to the Oval Office, despite national security concerns and a tradition of e-mail-free presidents.

On Thursday, he finally got to say, "I won the fight."

Although Obama will only be able to communicate with senior staff and a select group of personal friends, White House press secretary Robert Gibbs confirmed that officials had negotiated a secure way for the president to hold on to his precious device.

"He believes it's a way of keeping in touch with folks, a way of doing it outside of getting stuck in a bubble," Gibbs said at his first White House press briefing.

The Triple Threat
Gibbs didn't provide many details about the enhancements that will make the device safe for presidential use, but though security experts recognize that nothing can be absolutely hacker-proof, they say the "Obamaberry" will be well-protected.

"There are three areas where security issue come to play with the BlackBerry," Greg Harper, a technology consultant for Fortune 500 companies, told "The physical location of the device, the voice communication and the data."

But while each one has its own set of security threats, they are not beyond resolution. And, he said, the key to each of them is to change tactics rapidly.

Multiple techniques could work, and given the President's sky-high profile, Harper expects the security team behind Obama's BlackBerry to stay ahead of potential hackers by changing codes, methods and, potentially devices, with high frequency.

Many executives use systems that encrypt the data traveling in e-mail exchanges, and Harper surmised that Obama will use the most powerful one NSA has to offer.

He also said that most likely the list of people who will be able to communicate with him will be extremely limited. In addition to rejecting messages from unknown e-mail addresses, Obama's incoming e-mail messages will likely spend some time quarantined and scanned for malware before they are forwarded to his Blackberry.

Tracking the President
Addressing the voice issue is more complicated but, he said, there are a few options available. The digital voice signal can be scrambled, although it requires both parties in a call to have the same scrambling technology.

He noted NSA-approved secure phone lines and cell phones. And he said that, though it's not easy to add the necessary features to a BlackBerry, Research In Motion, the company that makes the device, has worked with the government to make phone conversations more secure.

The more difficult issue to address is the location piece. At all times, a working cell phone is talking to cell towers so that the cellular system knows where to deliver calls and messages.

That constant communication makes it possible for a hacker to track the user's whereabouts. "GPS — that is a very big concern. That's one of the biggest concerns with having a BlackBerry," said James Bamford, an NSA expert and author of "The Shadow Factory: The Ultra-Secret NSA from 9/11 to the Eavesdropping on America."

"The worst case scenario is using that signal as a homing device," he added.

Device of Choice for VIPs
Still, some security experts caution that the risks related to the presidential BlackBerry have been overblown. Although it could be dangerous for the president's location to be compromised, they also say that, most of the time, the president's whereabouts are broadcast on television.

When it's crucial for the president to be absconded to an undisclosed location, it's easy enough for the Secret Service to turn the device off.

"I think people need a little bit of perspective here. It's not like Barack Obama is inventing having important content on a BlackBerry," said Dan Kaminsky, a computer security consultant for Seattle-based IOActive, Inc., who is credited with discovering a major Internet security flaw.

For years, Research In Motion has had its devices in the hands of high-ranking executives and military leaders.

"You're talking about the one platform that has always had to assume it's under attack because of the importance of the people [who use it]," Kaminsky said. "That sort of pressure is what RIM has been living under."

Double-Fisting Devices
As more people choose a smart phone over a regular cell phone, he acknowledged that it's true that hackers will more aggressively target devices like BlackBerries.

But building an attack that only targets one person — even if it's the president — isn't as worthwhile as building attack that that imperils a larger chunk of the connected population, he said.

More importantly, he emphasized, just as President Obama has unparalleled physical security, he will also have unparalleled digital security.

In addition to a "secret sauce" of encryption to keep obscure the device's messages, Kaminsky expects security engineers will work around the clock to fend off possible hackers.

And it seems that, when it comes to mobile devices, our geek in chief will be shooting from both hips.

In addition to the BlackBerry, experts expect Obama to use the Sectera Edge, a high-powered mobile communications device made by General Dynamics and approved by the National Security Agency.

"You could have a two-device scenario here," said Sascha Segan, lead analyst for mobile devices at PCMag Digital Network.

Obama could shoot off an offhand note to Malia with his BlackBerry and then pick up the Sectera to answer a call from Gen. David Petraeus, one of America's top military leaders, Segan told

The $3,350 smart phone is one of only two such devices approved by the NSA for information classified as "Top Secret," Segan said, adding that it encrypts voice conversations and classified documents to a nearly unbreakable extent using protocols beyond the reach of average citizens.

But, in some ways, Segan indicated, although it's bulkier and more rugged than the sleek BlackBerry, the Sectera is so powerful it almost renders another device unnecessary.

With a flip of a switch, the president could alternate between classified and non-classified exchanges. Theoretically, he could use the same device to communicate with Malia and Petraeus.

It's a Personal Thing
But aside from being the president, Obama is just another guy who wants to hold on to what's familiar.

"I've been covering wireless devices for five years ... [and] people get attached to their particular devices," Segan said. "A cell phone is a very personal thing -- an extension of themselves."

And, ultimately, he pointed out, the leader of the free world gets the final say.

"He's going to take advice from people," Segan said. "But to quote his predecessor: He's the decider."

ABC News' Sarah Netter contributed to this report.

Source: ABC News

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The Titan3 POCSAG & FLEX

Sun Telecom's Best selling Alpha-Numeric pager. The Titan3 offers enhanced features and advancements that keep it on the leading edge. This is the pager your customers are looking for.

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inilex logo

Laura Collins
Allison & Partners for Inilex


(PHOENIX — Jan. XX, 2008) — Inilex, a leading provider of intelligent telemetry solutions, today announced the acquisition of SkyWay Systems’ automotive telemetry business. SkyWay provides telemetry safety and security features for the commercial consumer automotive and enterprise fleet markets. The completed acquisition means expanded capabilities for in-vehicle safety and security services and positions Inilex at the forefront of technological advances in the telemetry space.

Inilex combines the power of Global Positioning Systems (GPS) with the flexibility of a best-in-class wireless messaging system to provide onboard communication products and vehicle recovery services. Through the combined power of satellite and cellular technology, drivers have the ability to remotely monitor, control and track their vehicle from virtually anywhere.

“The acquisition of SkyWay’s automotive telemetry business reflects Inilex’s mission to enhance our platform of innovative telemetry solutions,” said Scott Ferguson, chief executive officer of Inilex. “SkyWay has built solid relationships in the automotive industry, and those will prove invaluable as we continue to strengthen our position as the category leader in this space

The acquisition will provide new opportunities for strategic partnerships with a variety of automotive companies throughout the United States. SkyWay currently has established partnerships with some of the nation’s leading automotive dealerships, including the Van Tuyl Automotive Group, the Sam Pack Automotive Group, Galpin Motors, Sanderson Ford Lincoln Mercury, Cerritos Ford Lincoln Mercury and the Future Automotive Group.

“I am excited to be part of the synergy created by the combination of Inilex and SkyWay Systems,” said Vic Pfefer, the new vice president of sales and marketing for Inilex. “By joining forces, we are no longer competing for business but instead combining forces to offer an unmatched level of service.”

As part of the acquisition, Inilex acquired all of the Skyway intellectual property and will continue to offer the Skyway products under Skyway’s existing brands.

About Inilex:
Inilex is a leading provider of global positioning systems (GPS) and mobile asset management systems. Inilex recently acquired SkyWay Systems, a company that provides telematic safety and security features for the commercial consumer automotive and enterprise fleet markets. Inilex serves motor vehicle dealerships that offer consumers the capability of monitoring their assets. The company’s customer markets include fleet management, trucking and transportation, equipment rentals, government and marine, as well as for personal tracking and assets management uses. For more information, visit or call 480-889-5676.


125 W. Gemini Dr • Tempe, AZ 85283
Office 480.889.5676 • Fax 480.889.5666

Source: Inilex

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Pagers and Sirens Go Digital [in Germany]

Börde activates sirens and alert pagers via the e*BOS network

01/2009. The changeover to digital e*BOS alert procedures has gone off without a glitch for fire brigades in Börde, the second largest county in Saxony-Anhalt. All 254 sirens in the county as well as the 1,700 pagers used by fire-fighters, paramedics and emergency aid workers are now controlled using the e*BOS “virtual private” alerting network. This could have a resounding effect on public warning systems all over Germany.

paging kongres The new county of “greater” Börde was formed when the districts of Ohre and Börde merged in July 2007. The local authorities now successfully use the digital e*BOS network for alerting the fire brigades and controlling all of the county’s 254 sirens. An Integrated Control Center (German: Integrierte Leitstelle / ILS) located in Haldensleben triggers the sirens. “We are one of the first counties in Saxony-Anhalt to use the new warning system, thus keeping up with the rapid developments in this day and age of digital technology,” stresses Börde’s County Administrator Thomas Webel.

Alerting commuters no longer a problem

The e*BOS network is not only suitable to alert the volunteer fire fighters within the county, but also those working as far away as Helmstedt, Wolfsburg, Magdeburg or Halberstadt. This means that the warning system goes way beyond the political boundaries and also reaches any member of the rescue services that commutes.

Most of the rescue workers use comfortable e*Alarm-V type pagers with a simple administration procedure that provides a taste of things to come as regards user management for modern radio equipment and systems. Instead of an analogue “beep” message, the new pagers receive a specific text message sent via the digital e*BOS network, either to individuals or groups (loop alert), depending on the situation.

Moreover, ten fire stations in the Börde county have already been equipped with large LED displays that flash the acute alerts for the rescue services using the e*BOS network.

Passed with flying colors: Hurricane Kyrill acid test

The launch of the e*BOS alert system follows six months of testing under rigorous everyday operating conditions. In particular, the technology proved to be perfectly reliable during Hurricane Kyrill, which had caused extensive power failures and problems with all the other communication networks in the region.

The county’s service area covers 2,366 km², including several major roads and waterways, not to mention the busy A2 and A14 motorways.

Renaissance: sirens to warn the population again

Börde is not the only county to use the e*BOS network to alert rescue services and to control sirens. The importance of such devices is increasing again—for the first time since the German authorities abandoned most of the sirens to alert rescue services at the end of the Cold War in the early 1990s.

In terms of population warning, the e*Message network is not only suitable for controlling sirens, as evidenced during the PSC Europe Forum on Communication for Public Safety. During the conference held in the South of France in December 2008, e*Message announced the prototype of a warning module to be integrated in different kinds of devices to warn the population in case of storm, flood, fire or any disaster and emergency situation—with a precision down to the street numbers and even with a wake-up function.

Press Contact:
e*Message Wireless Information Services Deutschland GmbH
Schönhauser Allee 10-11
D-10119 Berlin, Germany
Tel.: + 49 30 41 71 12 13
Fax: + 49 30 41 71 19 23

e*Message Wireless Information Services GmbH
e*Message is the leader in the continental European paging market with subsidiaries in Germany in France. Hundreds of thousands of customers use the company’s alerting services (e*BOS and e*Cityruf in Germany, Expresso* and Alphapage* in France) and data broadcast services (e*Skyper, e*Skyper live and e*Broker). Among e*Message’s customers are noted companies such as ARD, Bayer Schering, BMW, Conseil général de la Moselle, Deutsche Bank, Électricité de France, ExxonMobil, HP, Infraserv Höchst, the counties Börde, Cloppenburg, Osnabrück, Schleswig-Flensburg, Ministère des Finances, REWE, SAP, Siemens, Snecma, and Thyssen Krupp Steel.

e*Message was founded in January 2000 and took over DeTeMobil's and France Telecom Mobile's paging activities in the course of the same year. Since December 2005, the company also operates a trunked radio network in the Berlin-Brandenburg region. The group’s headquarters are in Berlin and Le Chesnay, near Paris.

Source: e*Message Wireless Information Services GmbH

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prism paging

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NYPD Eyes Disrupting Cell Phones in Event of Terrorist Attack

The New York Police Department is training for new threats in the wake of the Mumbai terror attacks, Commissioner Raymond Kelly is set to tell a Senate committee Thursday.

By Judith Miller
Thursday, January 08, 2009

New York Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly (Reuters)

The New York Police Department is looking for ways to disrupt cell phone calls and other forms of electronic communication among terrorists in the event of another terror attack in New York, Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly says.

The need to disrupt communications is one of several conclusions that the NYPD has drawn from studying the November attack in Mumbai, India, a three-day rampage by machine gun and grenade-wielding Islamic militants in which at least 165 people were killed and 304 were wounded.

Kelly is scheduled to discuss this and other "lessons learned" in testimony Thursday before the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs. A draft copy of his statement was shared with FOX News in advance of his appearance.

Kelly stressed the need for law enforcement to be able to disrupt cell phone calls and other communications during an attack, pointing to threats posed by the media when they disclose law enforcement tactics during live coverage that can get passed back to the attackers.

Kelly says that in the Mumbai attack, the terrorists' handlers used cell phones and other portable communications devices to order the killing of hostages and to adjust other tactics while the attacks were underway.

It's not clear from his testimony whether the NYPD has the means to disrupt electronic communications for a small group of terrorists without shutting down cell phone service to a large part of Manhattan.

The NYPD has also been at odds with the Justice Department over its attempt to get the federal government to loosen up a law governing electronic surveillance. Under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, or FISA, warrants must be obtained to begin electronic monitoring of terror suspects, and the requests go through a multi-layered vetting process by the FBI and the Justice Department. Kelly is asking for these agencies to expedite NYPD's requests to be able to combat fast-moving terror situations.

Kelly's testimony also warns that although New York has adopted the most robust counter-terrorism programs of any city in the nation and has received considerable assistance from the Coast Guard, police still "cannot fully protect New York's harbor" given the vast amount of un-inspected cargo that enters the Port of New York and New Jersey each day.

As a result, Kelly says he has continued to highlight the "urgent need" for better port and maritime security. "We are mindful that the attackers approached Mumbai from the water," his statement reads.

The 36,000-member NYPD, the nation's largest city police force, has already changed some procedures and conducted new drills in response to vulnerabilities identified by a three-member NYPD counter-terrorism team that visited Mumbai three days after the attack in India's financial center ended. The three senior officers, members of the department's program that stations detectives in 11 cities overseas, toured Mumbai's crime scenes, took photographs and asked questions of their Indian police counterparts.

A key observation, Kelly says, was that the attackers seemed more familiar with the hotels they assaulted than the police who were called in to respond.

As a result, Kelly says, the NYPD began touring several major New York hotels in early December, "documenting the walk-throughs on video camera, filming entrances and exits, lobbies, unoccupied guest rooms, and banquet halls." The videos will be used as "training tools" for other officers, he says.

Another change, initially reported by The New York Post, is the decision to ensure that more police officers are trained to use machine guns and other heavy weapons. In mid-December, for the first time, recruits at the police academy received basic instruction in the operating systems of three types of heavy weapons. Prior to this, the testimony says, only the Police Department's Emergency Service Unit was given such training. Now it will become a standard feature at the police academy.

On Dec. 5, the NYPD also conducted two exercises — a tactical drill for Emergency Service Unit officers and a tabletop exercise for commanders. Both scenarios were based on the attacks in Mumbai, Kelly says.

Since the 9/11 attacks, New York City has invested heavily in counter-terrorism, devoting some 1,000 officers to the effort. The department has installed advanced radiation detection devices at all points of access to the city's five boroughs, including roads, bridges, tunnels and waterways.

Through its Operation Nexus, NYPD detectives have visited thousands of the companies that terrorists might seek to exploit, Kelly says, including truck rental companies and hotels. "We let them know what to look for and what to do if they observe suspicious behavior," he says.

Source: FOX News

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Copps Named Acting FCC Chair

Friday, January 23, 2009
The Washington Post

President Obama appointed Michael J. Copps as acting chairman of the Federal Communications Commission.

Copps is a Democratic commissioner of the agency who has championed media diversity, rules that would prevent consolidated ownership of newspapers and broadcast stations by the same entity in one town, as well as the blocking of Internet traffic by network carriers.

The appointment is expected to be temporary. Julius Genachowski, Obama's tech adviser, is expected to be named head of the agency.

Source: The Washington Post

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CVC Paging

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  • January 11, 1997—Telstar 401 suffers a short in the satellite circuitry—TOTAL LOSS May 19, 1998—Galaxy 4 control processor causes loss of fixed orbit—TOTAL LOSS September 19, 2003—Telstar 4 suffers loss of its primary power bus—TOTAL LOSS March 17, 2004—PAS-6 suffers loss of power—TOTAL LOSS
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Alert*** FEBRUARY 1, 2009 Cospas-Sarsat will cease coverage
of 121.5 MHz and 243 MHz Emergency Beacons
- Click here for more information

- Pilots are reminded and encouraged to monitor 121.5 MHz from their cockpit
to listen for other aircraft that may be in distress.

COSPAS-SARSAT Rescues as of:

January 15, 2009

Number of Persons Rescued (To Date) in the United States: 6

- Rescues at sea: 3 people rescued in 2 incidents
- Aviation rescues: 1 person rescued in 1 incident
- PLB rescues: 2 people rescued in 2 incidents

- Worldwide – Over 24,500+ People Rescued (since 1982)
- United States – 6,045 People Rescued (since 1982)

Total Rescues in 2008: 283

- Rescues at sea: 203 people rescued in 65 incidents
- Aviation rescues: 12 people rescued in 7 incidents
- PLB rescues: 68 people rescued in 35 incidents

**February 1, 2009 is quickly approaching**
Are you ready?

121.5 and 243 MHz emergency beacons will no longer be monitored
by satellite after February 1, 2009- Get the fix… Switch to 406
Click here to find out more -

Source: NOAA

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WiPath Communications

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Intelligent Solutions for Paging & Wireless Data

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Mobile Data Terminals & Two Way Wireless  Solutions

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WiPath Communications LLC
4845 Dumbbarton Court
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4845 Dumbbarton Court
Cumming, GA 30040
Web site: left arrow CLICK
E-mail: left arrow CLICK
Phone: 770-844-6218
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WiPath Communications

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Preferred Wireless

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Equipment For Sale
Terminals & Controllers:
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Link Transmitters:
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1 Glenayre QT4201, 25W Midband Link TX
3 Motorola 10W, 900 MHz Link TX (C35JZB6106)
2 Motorola 30W, Midband Link TX (C42JZB6106AC)
VHF Paging Transmitters
5 Glenayre GLT8411’s, 250W VHF, C2000
1 Glenayre GLT 8611, 500W VHF, C2000
2 Motorola VHF PURC-5000 125W, ACB or TRC
2 Motorola 30W, Midband Link TX (C42JZB6106AC)
UHF Paging Transmitters:
10 Glenayre UHF GLT5340, 125W, DSP Exciter
2 Motorola UHF Nucleus 125W NAC
900 MHz Paging Transmitters:
1 Glenayre GLT 8600, 500W
24 Glenayre GLT-8500, 250W, C2000, w/ or w/o I20
6 Motorola PURC 5000, 300W, DRC or ACB

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Easy Solutions

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Hark Technologies

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ISI-LX Internet Serial Interface with Protocol Conversion

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IPG Internet Paging Gateway

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Please see our web site for even more products designed specifically for Personal Messaging carriers. For example, the Omega Messaging Gateway and E-mail Throttling Gateway (anti-spam).
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Obama to Appoint Nation’s First CTO

Jan 22, 2009
By: Janice Partyka
Galileo's World

On Tuesday, the Obama team moved into offices filled with distinction and history. Not long ago, I, along with other leaders of the E9-1-1 Institute, met with members of the transition team in their Washington building to talk about enhanced 911 emergency response. A handwritten sign marked the nondescript building’s street address; nothing identified its significance. Visitors moved through extensive security checks into offices barren except for essentials. Hastily written signs designated staff offices within the building.

We talked about broadband infrastructure for all public safety agencies, shared applications, next-generation 911, and ensuring all emergency dispatchers can find callers with location technology. All were concerned about interoperability of emergency communications. The team was interested in determining the cost of these upgrades for the economic stimulus package. The transition team members we met were very technical and well versed in emergency communication issues and included a past FCC bureau chief. One of the transition team members in attendance was focused on the Chief Technology Officer (CTO) position that President Obama is creating. For those of us who see technology as key to economic resurgence, this new position is heartening.

When thinking about what a CTO for the U.S. can realistically accomplish, it is natural to look at the next closest thing, the performance of the president’s science advisor. President Bush’s appointee, John Marburger, has been the longest serving science advisor since the post was created in 1957.

Last month Marburger created a list of his most significant accomplishments: “A short list would include: helping to establish a science agency within the Department of Homeland Security, working to prevent the reaction to 9/11 from undermining our participation in global science (student visas, ‘science vs. security’ issues), helping to develop a rational vision for space exploration, …freeing up large blocks of the broadcast spectrum for commercial wireless applications…”

Over the last eight years, many science issues have become politicized, most notably energy, global warming, and stem-cell policy. In December, Barack Obama appointed Harvard physicist John Holdren as science advisor. Holdren is steadfast in his concern for global warming, a departure from the Bush administration’s stance. As with a science advisor, the CTO will face politicized and polarizing issues as well.

Speculation abounds as to likely CTO candidates (and yes, the names of Bill Gates and Vint Cerf have been bandied about). There is no dearth of opinions as to the priorities the new CTO should assume. One website,, is collecting opinions. This is not a scientific process, but is in any case, interesting. More than 12,000 votes were cast for the top priority being to “ensure the Internet is widely accessible & network neutral.” In second place, more than 10,000 votes were placed to “ensure our privacy and repeal the patriot act.” The bronze price goes to repealing the digital millennium copyright act.

In his announcement, Obama’s broad objectives for the CTO position include supporting network neutrality and open competition on the Internet, deploying a broadband communications infrastructure, and improving America’s technologies through fair international trade treatment and science investment. Regarding public safety priorities, his statement includes spurring “the development and deployment of new technologies to promote interoperability, broadband access, and more effective communications among first responders and emergency response systems.”

Last Thursday my colleagues and I rushed to review the summary of the draft of the economic stimulus legislation released by the House Appropriations Committee. While money is provided for public safety, the details have not emerged. $25 billion is slated to go to states for public safety and other critical services. The large amount of money being funneled into states will shore up their budgets so they won’t have to critically cut services and conduct massive lay-offs. Another $4 billion is targeted for state and local law enforcement, but nowhere is developing communications interoperability among emergency responders specified. Only $6 billion is set aside for broadband and wireless grants, and these are specified to serve e-commerce, education, and healthcare.

The inaugural parties are over. The balloons are limp. And we'll all go back to fighting for what we think belongs in the stimulus package and hope for a national CTO who will see the big picture.

Source: GPS World

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InfoRad Wireless Office

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AlphaPage® First Responder (Windows 2000, XP, Vista). When the message matters, AlphaPage® First Responder is the fast, reliable, and secure solution Emergency Management Professionals choose. AlphaPage® First Responder is designed for the modern professional who requires full-featured commercial wireless messaging capabilities that include advanced features such as automated Route-on-Failure, custom message templates, and secure messaging with SSL encryption. AlphaCare™ extended premium support plans are also available. For more information on all InfoRad Wireless Messaging software solutions, and fully supported free demos, please click on the InfoRad logo.

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InfoRad Wireless Office

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Paging & Wireless Network Planners

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R.H. (Ron) Mercer
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East Northport, NY 11731
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Cell Phone: 631-786-9359

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Paging & Wireless Network Planners

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Two-Way Paging System for Smartphones Developed for Hospitals

By Naomi Graychase
January 22, 2009

Waltham, MA-based Onset Technology announced Thursday the launch of its expanded METAmessage Advanced Paging solution, which provides enterprises in the health care sector with paging features on smartphones transmitting on reliable cellular data lines, as well as over secure Wi-Fi connections.

Onset says its METAmessage Advanced Paging system can integrate with existing paging solutions or function as a standalone solution, and it provides protocols for two-way paging so that physicians can respond immediately to pages via text or by clicking on a voice link embedded in the page.

Onset Technology is a Research In Motion (RIM) Platinum Partner is fully integrated with all BlackBerry smartphones. Advanced Paging is also available for Windows Mobile, Palm, and Symbian OSs.

Source: PDA Street

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From: Jenna Richardson
Date: January 21, 2009 12:11:51 PM CST
To: Brad Dye
Subject: Invitation to IFSS

Hi Brad, we will be exhibiting at Industrial Fire, Safety & Security (IFSS) show 2/4-6/09 at the Reliant Center in Houston, TX.  Here is a VIP pass compliments of American Messaging ($100.00 value).  If you could please include it in your newsletter on Friday for anyone who is in the area and would like to attend the event.  It looks like a great audience to showcase emergency mass notification along with traditional pagers. Here is the website for more information.

Jenna Richardson
Vice President, Product Development 
American Messaging
office-(623) 581-0740
cell-(602) 448-0396
Ask me about our new FREEDOM COASTER PAGERS

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You can download a better copy (for printing) of the VIP Pass in "pdf" format here.

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From: Rex Lee
Subject: DMCA Link- Houdinisoft/Need Wireless Industry to Respond
Date: January 22, 2009 3:17:42 PM CST
To: Brad Dye


We developed a site to capture comments from carriers, dealers, and wholesalers who are unlocking cell phones in accordance with the DMCA ruling of 2006. The comments are for the coming vote in November, 2009 on revisions to the DMCA. We have until February 1st, 2009 to compile the comments and get them to the Copyright Office/Library of Congress to support the 2006 ruling. It is paramount we get all carrier and dealer comments so that our voices will be heard. Please circulate the link to your Newsletter. We developed the site in conjunction with our legal council to meet the requirements for comments by the Library of Congress. We wanted to make the process is simple and quick. It should take less than 5 minutes for dealers/carriers/wholesalers to participate. We will compile the info and send to the Library of Congress as the comments in. If you have any questions please let me know. Time is of the essence.


Rex M. Lee
GM/VP Business Development
1028 Central Parkway South
San Antonio, TX 78232
(800) 496.0156
(210) 678.8188 E-Fax
(210) 655.9215 Local
(210) 777.6602 Direct

black line

From: Aaron Osgood
Subject: FW: [atsi] INAUGURATION: Will my cell phone work?
Date: January 19, 2009 3:08:20 PM CST
To: Brad Dye

Here's an excellent example of why we need to move critical text messaging away from the cellular networks and back to paging!

-----Original Message-----
From: Aaron Osgood
Sent: Sunday, January 18, 2009 2:36 PM
To: ATSI Discussion List
Subject: [atsi] INAUGURATION: Will my cell phone work?

Please keep this article in mind over the next few days especially when you have to explain to your client's why their text messages MAY be delayed. Interestingly enough, the wireless carrier's networks in the DC area (200 mile radius) have already hit capacity saturation a couple times since Saturday morning - it will only get worse through the ceremonies and will probably return to normal by Thursday morning.

On Inauguration Day, will my cell phone work?

While cell phone carriers are constantly upgrading capacity in their networks and have routinely prepared for major events in Washington, D.C., such as inaugurations and state funerals, this will likely be the largest gathering of Americans in one place at one time. And given that most of the 2 million people expected to be in D.C. will be carrying a cell phone, it will certainly put a strain on the network, especially if everyone decides to call, text, Twitter, update Facebook pages, watch live video, or send video clips to friends and family at the same time. What could make cell phone networks particularly vulnerable this year is the proliferation of new smartphones, like Apple's iPhone or the various BlackBerry phones, that use 2G and 3G networks to access the Web and provide data services. "We can only bend the laws of physics so much," said cellphone experts. "If there are 4 million people on the mall streaming video, sending pictures, or calling, there could be congestion." And network congestion means that cell phone users might experience, dropped calls and delayed text messages. Smartphone users, like Apple iPhone, might also see mobile Web pages load excruciatingly slow or not at all. And for people with video services like Verizon's VCast, Sprint TV, or MobiTV, watching live video of news broadcasts while standing thousands of people deep in the crowd may be impossible. Best to text instead of talk. Text messages and e-mails travel through the network much more easily than voice calls, especially during peak traffic times. Users should also snap, and save, and send photos later. Sending pictures via the cell network eats up valuable capacity, so CTIA suggests sharing those special moments later. Have a back-up plan. Think old school, and pick a rendezvous place and time to meet friends and family in case the cell network is so clogged you can't communicate. Operators have also upgraded capacity for emergency first responders. While network congestion may cause problems for regular cell phone subscribers, these first responders will not encounter issues. Calls by emergency responders such as police, firefighters, and medical crews will be given priority over other wireless traffic. And new interoperability standards among the carriers' networks and devices should eliminate communication issues, such as the ones that occurred during the September 11 attacks on the World Trade Center.

Aaron D. Osgood

Streamline Solutions L.L.C

P.O. Box 6115
Falmouth, ME 04105

TEL: 207-781-5561
FAX: 207-781-8067
MOBILE: 207-831-5829
ICQ: 206889374

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With best regards,

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Newsletter Editor


Brad Dye, Editor
The Wireless Messaging Newsletter
P.O. Box 13283
Springfield, IL 62791 USA

mensa member animated gif
Skype: braddye
Telephone: 217-787-2346
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“If we discover a desire within us that nothing in this world can satisfy, also we should begin to wonder if perhaps we were created for another world.”

—C. S. Lewis, Mere Christianity

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The local newspaper here in Springfield, Illinois costs 75¢ a copy and it NEVER mentions paging. If you receive some benefit from this publication maybe you would like to help support it financially? A donation of $25.00 would represent approximately 50¢ a copy for one year. If you are so inclined, please click on the PayPal Donate button to the left. No trees were chopped down to produce this electronic newsletter.

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