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FRIDAY — OCTOBER 14, 2011 - ISSUE NO. 477

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Reference Papers Consulting Glossary of Terms Send an e-mail to Brad Dye

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Dear Friends of Wireless Messaging,

Another great leader of the communications industry passed away this week.

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Robert Galvin, ex-Motorola CEO, dies aged 89

Peter Clarke
EE Times

10/13/2011 6:38 AM EDT

LONDON — Robert William Galvin, son of Motorola founder Paul Galvin and company CEO from 1959 to 1988, has died peacefully during the night of October 11, 2011, in Chicago aged 89 years old.

Galvin is credited with transforming Motorola from a successful national leader into a global corporation. When he took over the company in 1959 it had annual sales of $290 million. In the year he stepped down as chairman, 1990, it had sales of $10.8 billion, according to a statement released by the Galvin family.

Galvin presided over Motorola's moves into Europe, Southeast Asia, Israel, India, Japan, Latin America and China and was leading proponent of management and business leadership theory. Under his leadership, Motorola developed the Six Sigma Quality improvement system and disseminated its findings across the globe. Motorola received the U.S. Commerce Department's first-ever Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award for Manufacturing in 1988.

robert galvin

Robert Galvin, long-time CEO of Motorola, died aged 89 years.

Galvin was also an advisor on telecom regulation and government policy. Galvin was one of the executives who along with U.S. Trade Representative Robert Strauss helped drive U.S. pressure on Japan to open up its domestic semiconductor market in the mid-1990s.

In retirement Galvin was a writer and philanthropist who invested in think-tanks and academic institutions with an interest covering topics ranging from electricity supply to transportation and management. Galvin was highly honored for his achievements and had received the National Medal of Technology, the French Legion of Honor medal and the Founders Medal from the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers and most recently, the Marconi Society Lifetime Achievement Award.

[ source ]

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While disagreement was considered a healthy sign at Motorola, Bob Galvin insisted on constant respect for people and uncompromising integrity.

Source: American National Business Hall of Fame .

Now on to more news and views.

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A new issue of The Wireless Messaging Newsletter is posted on the web each week. A notification goes out by e-mail to subscribers on most Fridays around noon central US time. The notification message has a link to the actual newsletter on the web. That way it doesn't fill up your incoming e-mail account.

There is no charge for subscription and there are no membership restrictions. Readers are a very select group of wireless industry professionals, and include the senior managers of many of the world's major Paging and Wireless Messaging companies. There is an even mix of operations managers, marketing people, and engineers — so I try to include items of interest to all three groups. It's all about staying up-to-date with business trends and technology. I regularly get readers' comments, so this newsletter has become a community forum for the Paging, and Wireless Messaging communities. You are welcome to contribute your ideas and opinions. Unless otherwise requested, all correspondence addressed to me is subject to publication in the newsletter and on my web site. I am very careful to protect the anonymity of those who request it.

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Editorial Opinion pieces present only the opinions of the author. They do not necessarily reflect the views of the Critical Messaging Association, or its sponsors.

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Newspapers generally cost 75¢ a copy and they hardly ever mention paging. If you receive some benefit from this publication maybe you would like to help support it financially? A donation of $25.00 would represent approximately 50¢ a copy for one year. If you are willing and able, please click on the PayPal Donate button above.

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Brad Dye, Ron Mercer, Allan Angus, and Vic Jackson are friends and colleagues who work both together and independently, on wireline and wireless communications projects. Click here for a summary of their qualifications and experience. They collaborate on consulting assignments, and share the work according to their individual expertise and their schedules.

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If you would like to have information about advertising in this newsletter, please click here . Your support is needed.


Please click right arrow here left arrow for a list of used paging infrastructure and test equipment for sale from Ray Primack in Vancouver. Pagers, a big UPS, and other equipment as well. Check it out!

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AAPC Announces Name Change

As you know, wireless technology and applications continue to evolve, providing new challenges but even greater opportunities for our industry. Many of our members are developing new products and services that leverage this evolution and therefore I am excited about our industry’s future. However, our industry has clearly changed and the demand for our services has narrowed, yet our industry continues to thrive. Your board of directors has concluded this is due in large part to the fact that we send critical, time-sensitive messages using a point-to-multi-point protocol that cannot be duplicated by broadband networks.

In recognition of the foregoing, your board of directors has voted to change our association’s name to better reflect our members’ existing businesses and future services, and to eliminate any geographic reference. Welcome to the Critical Messaging Association. Coupled with the name change comes an updated website ( ) with added functionality including the ability to pay dues, add a company employee, and change an e-mail address, all online. In addition, the map to help identify the coverage areas of other members has been improved along with a much improved home page.

To log into the new member area of the website, use your last name as your user name and your e-mail address as your password. Once you log in you can update and personalize your user name and password.

While the name and look has changed, little else is changing. Linda Hoover will remain as Executive Director but she does have a new e-mail address: . The office number 910-632-9442 remains unchanged. Ken Hardman, will continue to provide legal counsel to the association and his contact information is also unchanged.

Finally, I would like to remind our members that as a unified industry association our sole purpose is to advance the business prospects and realities of our members by helping to articulate the competitive advantages of our services and to leverage the individual knowledge of our members. Therefore, I highly encourage you to attend our 2012 Global Paging Convention, March 27–29, at the Hyatt Regency Austin in Austin, Texas. If you have attended previous conventions I believe you would agree that the benefits derived far outweigh the cost of attendance.

If you would like a copy of the new CMA logo to display on your website please contact Linda Hoover and, as always, please feel free to provide any feedback regarding the association, our upcoming convention or any other thoughts on how our association might provide additional value.


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J. Roy Pottle

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Premier Vendor prism ipx
Prism-IPX Systems LLC
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Method Link, LLC

Unication USA

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CMA Executive Director
441 N. Crestwood Drive
Wilmington, NC 28405
Tel: 866-301-2272
CMA Regulatory Affairs Office
Suite 250
2154 Wisconsin Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20007-2280
Tel: 202-223-3772
Fax: 202-315-3587

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Advertiser Index

CMA— Critical Messaging Association Preferred Wireless
Daviscomms USA Prism Paging
Hahntech-USA Ron Mercer
Hark Technologies Product Support Services
HMCE, Inc. TC Promotion GmbH
Ira Wiesenfeld, P.E. UCOM Paging
Leavitt Communications United Communications Corp.
Northeast Paging VCP International
Paging & Wireless Network Planners LLC WiPath Communications

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BlackBerry services "fully restored," says RIM

Fix comes four days after initial outages

By Brad Reed, Network World
October 13, 2011 11:26 AM ET

It's taken them four days, but Research in Motion now says that all of its data services have been fully restored for all users.

RIM announced the full service restoration during a conference call this morning just hours after RIM co-CEO Mike Lazaridis issued a public apology for the four-day service outage. During the conference call, Lazaridis reiterated his apology to customers and said the company was taking "every action feasible" to prevent similar outages.

Lazaridis said the outage occurred on Monday when a dual-redundant, dual-capacity core switch failed and its backup switch failed to activate. This then caused an enormous backlog of unsent data and thus caused a "cascade failure" of RIM data systems throughout the world. Neither Lazaridis nor RIM co-CEO Jim Balsillie would point fingers at any particular vendor for the switch failure, as they emphasized that the network switches were engineered with the help of multiple vendors. They said the company was still in the process of auditing its infrastructure to see "why the system took longer to bring back than expected."

Both Lazaridis and Balsillie deflected questions about whether the company's unique network architecture, in which emails are sent securely through RIM network operations centers, had anything to do with the service failure. Instead they said that RIM's secure architecture was what made BlackBerry devices popular in the first place and they emphasized RIM's strong record in keeping its data services online. Even so, Lazaridis did acknowledge that this particular outage was the worst in the company's history.



A message from RIM Founder and Co-CEO Mike Lazaridis on the BlackBerry Service Outage [Oct. 13, 2011]

The outage was first reported in Europe, Asia and the Middle East on Monday before spreading to North America yesterday morning. David Yach, RIM's software CTO, said yesterday that there was no evidence to suggest that the outage had been caused by a breach or a hack in the network.

The four-day outage comes at a bad time for RIM, which has steadily lost market share in the smartphone market to both Apple's iPhone and devices based on Google's Android operating system. The company is expected to launch a slew of devices in coming months based on its QNX platform that it hopes will be in better position to compete with the top-line smartphones.

Source: Network World

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From: Chris Conti — Clear Line Audio Services
Subject: Tower Accident in Boston Area — worker falls 500 ft.
Date: October 12, 2011 9:30:54 PM CDT
To: Brad Dye

Hi Brad,

I got an initial report here of a fatal tower contractor accident. A worker is reported to have fallen 500ft (about half way on this tower) .

Video report from local TV station WCVB

Once again a sober reminder to all those we work closely with to keep safety in mind on every job site.

 Chris Conti

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Man Dies In 500-Foot Radio Tower Fall

POSTED: 5:20 pm EDT October 12, 2011
UPDATED: 5:27 pm EDT October 12, 2011

WCVB TV ABC Channel 5 Boston

See video report here . left arrow

Source: WCVB TV Boston

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Product Support Services, Inc.

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Based in Coppell, Texas, a suburb of Dallas/Fort Worth, and located just five minutes north of the DFW Airport, PSSI receives, repairs and ships approximately 4,000 discrete units each day.

  • PSSI is ISO certified and has comprehensively integrated robust lean manufacturing processes and systems that enable us to deliver timely and benchmark quality results.
  • PSSI is certified for Levels III and IV repair by a wide variety of OEMs including, for example, Motorola, Nokia, Sony/Ericsson, Samsung, Stanley and LG.
  • PSSI ’s service center is a state-of-the-art facility, complete with multiple wireless test environments and board-level repair capabilities.
  • PSSI ’s state-of-the-art and proprietary Work-In-Process (WIP) systems, and its Material Planning and Warehouse Management systems, enable PSSI to track discrete units by employee, work center, lot, model, work order, location and process through the entire reverse logistics process. Access to this information can be provided to our customers so that they can track the real-time movement of their products.

Pager and Electronics Repair

Product Support Services, Inc.



Product Support Services, Inc.
511 South Royal Lane
Coppell, Texas 75019
877-777-8798 (Toll Free)
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LightSquared's GPS fix could cost industry $400M

by Roger Cheng October 12, 2011 4:15 PM PDT

SAN DIEGO—It could cost the the GPS industry as much as $400 million for gear to protect its precision devices from interference caused by LightSquared's planned wireless network, although the company believes the figure will be ultimately be lower.

LightSquared Chief Marketing Officer Frank Boulben told CNET on Wednesday that there are roughly 500,000 commercial precision GPS devices in the U.S. He said his partner Javed GNSS has developed a device that costs between $300 and $800 and will protect GPS devices from such disruptions.

Boulben said Thursday that the cost could be dramatically lower, noting that only 200,000 to 300,000 precision GPS devices would need the fix. LightSquared also unveiled a filter on Thursday made by Partron America that would cost $6.

LightSquared is aiming to build its own 4G LTE wireless network, which the company plans to offer to other providers on a wholesale business. But the company has been hamstrung by concerns over crucial GPS equipment powering everything from planes to farming equipment. The company is working to appease the concerns as it seeks government approval to begin its network rollout.

But LightSquared and the GPS industry remain far apart on a resolution. LightSquared wants the GPS players to pay for the components; the company has argued that the GPS industry should have vacated the spectrum years ago, and is responsible for the upgrades. The GPS players have balked at the request, noting that its equipment is too crucial to risk interference.

The GPS industry has long relied on equipment that relies on spectrum which bleeds into the spectrum that LightSquared plans to use for its network. While the industry had been warned of its potential use, the GPS companies opted not to change the design of their devices or shield them against potential interference.

Boulben said that the GPS industry's stance has steadily changed over the past few months, from outright denial of LightSquared's right to exist to refusing to pay for the new components. He added he believes that the GPS companies will eventually change their minds and come to an agreement.

LightSquared has already committed to spending $50 million on component to ensure government GPS equipment is properly protected. The company previously showed off a full developed and protected GPS unit, as well as a smaller component that mounts on top of existing GPS antennas.

LightSquared is still awaiting the results of a final test of the components. Boulben said he was confident the tests would yield positive results.

"I would be extremely surprised if there was a different result," he said.

The components only deal with the 0.5 percent of GPS devices that remain vulnerable after LightSquared laid out its plan to move to different part of its spectrum, which removed the risk of disruption to 99.5 percent of GPS devices.

The company is also undergoing a final test for its alternate plan, which Boulben said would be completed by November.

Boulben also backed the company's target of going live with its network—if it gets its approval—by the second half of 2012, with full completion by 2014.

Boulben, who was taking a few meetings at the CTIA Enterprise & Applications show today, also brought along a team from Sharp, who will be supplying LightSquared's reseller customers with smartphones and tablets.

Sharp marketing executive Takashi Shirasaki said that LightSquared provided the company with a chance to expand its presence in the U.S. Despite being a top supplier in Japan, it has never broke into the U.S. market, with the exception being the old T-Mobile Sidekick messaging phones.

"The partnership with LightSquared is a good opportunity for Sharp," Shirasaki said.

While the network isn't up yet, Shirasaki said he is talking to LightSquared's customers now about future phone plans. He said that the company would be able to accommodate a wide number of price ranges.

For now, LTE phones have largely been premium devices. Verizon Wireless' LTE phones have all began above the standard $200 benchmark for high-end devices.

Boulben said the attractive 4G LTE wholesale rates LightSquared plans to charge will allow its customers to pass the savings along to consumers. He added the rates will allow for the explosion of a prepaid 4G business.

Correction, 11:53 a.m. PT: The initial story inaccurately attributed the $400 million cost to LightSquared. The figure was based off a calculation of the number of GPS precision devices in the U.S. times the highest possible cost of a filter, both supplied by the company.

Updated at 6:26 p.m. PT on Wednesday, and 11:52 a.m. PT on Thursday: to include additional background on the GPS industry and include updated figures provided by LightSquared. Originally posted at CTIA 2011

roger cheng About Roger Cheng
Roger Cheng is a senior writer for CNET covering mobile technology. Prior to CNET, he was on the telecommunications beat and wrote for Dow Jones Newswires and The Wall Street Journal for nearly a decade. He's a hard-core Trojan alum and Los Angeles Lakers fan.
Source: c|net News

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LEAVITT Communications

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its stil here


It's still here — the tried and true Motorola Alphamate 250. Now owned, supported, and available from Leavitt Communications. Call us for new or reconditioned units, parts, manuals, and repairs.

We also offer refurbished Alphamate 250’s, Alphamate IIs, the original Alphamate and new and refurbished pagers, pager repairs, pager parts and accessories. We are FULL SERVICE in Paging!

E-mail Phil Leavitt ( ) for pricing and delivery information or for a list of other available paging and two-way related equipment.

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Phil Leavitt

leavitt logo

7508 N. Red Ledge Dr.
Paradise Valley, AZ 85253

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Editor's Note:

The last time I saw Bob Galvin was at the Drake Hotel in Chicago, Illinois during the “Cellular 25” Reception & Dinner — October 13, 2008. He was a great man and a great leader.

bob galvin

Photo from the Wireless History Foundation Website .

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Investors urge Comtech to consider sale

by Claude Solnik
Long Island Business News
Published: October 13, 2011

A group of investors seeking two seats on Melville-based Comtech Telecommunications’ board argue that the firm should consider options, including a sale of the company, rather than acquiring smaller firms.

Comtech’s management and existing board, meanwhile, are firing back, saying the company is performing well, considering a difficult economy, and has a sound long-term strategy.

MMI Investments, a small-cap investment fund that owns about 860,000 shares, or 3.3 percent of Comtech stock, on Sept. 27 announced it nominated two independent directors, including MMI general partner Jerome J. Lande, the former corporate development officer of Key Components, a manufacturer acquired by Actuant Corp.

MMI also nominated Samme L. Thompson, a former senior vice president, global strategy and corporate business development at Motorola and former manager and director of corporate strategy at AT&T Information Systems.

Thompson serves on the boards of American Tower Corp., a wireless and broadcast communications infrastructure firm, and USA Mobility, which provides wireless communications.

“We believe there is an urgent need for change at Comtech,” Lande said in a written statement. “The MMI nominees are independent, highly qualified and committed to enhancing value at Comtech.”

In a letter to the board citing declines in stock value and recent poor performance related to the S&P 500 and Russell 2000 indices, the MMI nominees also cited the company’s “destructive acquisition strategy in the current seller’s market.”

Comtech CEO and chairman Fred Kornberg and Lead Independent Director Edwin Kantor responded by defending the acquisitions.

“Comtech expects to continue to return cash to our stockholders while ensuring we retain the ability to implement our acquisition strategy,” they wrote. “We have a long history of being both disciplined and diligent in pursuing our acquisition strategy.”

MMI said the modem and radio frequency amplifier business have “tremendous intrinsic value, and we believe would be attractive to several potential strategic acquirers, but not enough in our view to ensure Comtech’s fair valuation as a public company.”

“We believe Comtech is far more likely to destroy value through acquisitions than to create it,” they wrote. “We believe strongly that further pursuit of large acquisitions, which by definition cannot be made in Comtech’s core market, are a gross misuse of management’s time and the shareholders’ capital.”

They said management may be motivated to grow short-term income by a “compensation structure which ties incentive cash compensation to adjusted pre-tax income on a stated percentage basis.” Instead, they urged the board to consider options, including “a potential sale of the company.”

“We are confident that many well-capitalized strategic and financial acquirers would express interest if presented with the opportunity to acquire Comtech,” they wrote.

The insurgent board members argued that a sale could generate $38-$45 per share, but didn’t believe acquisitions would increase share value to that extent. Comtech on Thursday traded at just below $32 and within a 52-week range between $23.51 and $33.05.

“We have no confidence, however, that the stated strategies being pursued by management and the board presently have any reasonable likelihood of generating similar, let alone superior, value for shareholders,” they wrote.

Kornberg and Kantor fired back, saying the firm on Sept. 27 “reported better than expected earnings and made a series of positive announcements relating to our business.”

“Despite a difficult operating environment, our core business grew; we increased our share repurchase program and we increased our dividend,” they wrote. “We have undertaken recent cost reduction efforts which should drive operating efficiencies.”

Source: Long Island Business News

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PAGERS & Telemetry Devices

(12.5 KHz or 25 KHz - POCSAG)

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Br502 Numeric

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Contract Manufacturing Services
Board Level to complete “Turn-Key”

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Bob Popow
Scottsdale, AZ

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Ira Wiesenfeld, P.E.

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Complete Technical Services For The Communications and Electronics Industries

Design • Installation • Maintenance • Training • Engineering • Licensing • Technical Assistance

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Ira Wiesenfeld, P.E.
Consulting Engineer
Registered Professional Engineer

Tel/Fax: 972-960-9336
Cell: 214-707-7711
7711 Scotia Dr.
Dallas, TX 75248-3112

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Ira Wiesenfeld, P.E.

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2-Way 4-Button Pager

  • ReFLEX™ v 2.7.5
  • DSP Technology
  • Industrial Grade



Telephone: 011-82-31-735-7592


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Paging & Wireless Network Planners

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R.H. (Ron) Mercer
217 First Street South
East Northport, NY 11731
ron mercer

Cell Phone: 631-786-9359

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Paging & Wireless Network Planners

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AT&T Intellectual Property I Assigned Patent for Calling-party-pays Call Processing for Cellular and Paging

ALEXANDRIA, Va., Oct. 13

AT&T Intellectual Property I, Reno, Nev., has been assigned a patent (8,036,354) developed by five co-inventors for "calling-party-pays call processing for cellular and paging." The co-inventors are Carol Shifrin Gruchala, Naperville, Ill., Gordon Lynn Blumenschein, Woodridge, Ill., Douglas Marshall, Round Lake, Ill., Roger Albert Sosa, Highland Park, Ill., and Carlos Donoso, Bartlett, Ill.

The abstract of the patent published by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office states:

"An enhanced Calling Party Pays (CPP) or Paging Party Pays (PPP) system that enables 1) billing of calls originating from traditionally non-billable sources, 2) routing of incoming calls to voicemail if the caller does not wish to incur the additional charges, 3) allowing the caller to complete the call and charge the cellular (or paging) subscriber for additional air-time usage when the caller enters a PIN or security code, also referred to as a billing override code, and 4) allowing the caller to block CPP/PPP charges from being billed to the calling party."

The patent application was filed on July 3, 2007 (11/825,015). The full-text of the patent can be found here . Written by Anjali Jha; edited by Jaya Anand.

Source: Call Center Info

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  • VoIP telephone access — eliminate interconnect expense
  • Call from anywhere — Prism SIP Gateway allows calls from PSTN and PBX
  • All the Features for Paging, Voicemail, Text-to-Pager, Wireless and DECT phones
  • Prism Inet, the new IP interface for TAP, TNPP, SNPP, SMTP — Industry standard message input
  • Direct Connect to NurseCall, Assisted Living, Aged Care, Remote Monitoring, Access Control Systems

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Motorola and Verizon team up for Z-Wave monitoring service, let you control your home as you roam

By Zach Honig posted Oct 12th 2011 3:27PM

motorola verizon

Do you have Verizon broadband and an overwhelming desire to dim your lights remotely and spy on the kids while you're out on a date? Verizon's mew Home Monitoring and Control service lets internet subscribers add Motorola's Z-Wave-based 4Home automation system to their existing package, enabling access to networked cameras, light controls, smart thermostats and door locks. With the $10 monthly service, you can monitor a collection of wireless cameras, unlock doors for family members or guests, or adjust the thermostat using a web-connected tablet or smartphone. The basic Home Monitoring Kit will run you $70, and includes a wireless camera and single light control. A $170 Energy Control Kit swaps the wireless cam for a connected thermostat and Energy Reader, while a $220 Home Monitoring and Control Kit includes all of the above. Door locks, window sensors and additional cameras are sold a la carte, making a complete system a rather pricey proposition. Jump past the break for a handful of man on the street customer testimonials (spoiler alert: they love it!).



See who's at the front door, on your phone. Turn off all the lights with the push of a button. Automate your thermostat to keep your utility bills down. A smarter house. Informed energy use. Peace of mind. Courtesy of Motorola.


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Note from Phil Leavitt:

For Sale

I have about 95 new CreataLinks and about 285 DataLinks, all 900 MHz POCSAG.

I have approximately 250 ± J39DNW0050 DataLink II Plus — boards only — new, and approximately 95 CreataLink modules. I also have 2 developer's kits and some CreataLink II units.

Philip C Leavitt, Manager
Leavitt Communications
7508 N Red Ledge Drive
Paradise Valley, AZ 85253
Tel: 847-955-0511
Fax: 270-447-1909
Mobile: 847-494-0000
Skype ID: pcleavitt

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Hark Technologies

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Wireless Communication Solutions

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USB Paging Encoder

paging encoder

  • Single channel up to eight zones
  • Connects to Linux computer via USB
  • Programmable timeouts and batch sizes
  • Supports 2-tone, 5/6-tone, POCSAG 512/1200/2400, GOLAY
  • Supports Tone Only, Voice, Numeric, and Alphanumeric
  • PURC or direct connect
  • Pictured version mounts in 5.25" drive bay
  • Other mounting options available
  • Available as a daughter board for our embedded Internet Paging Terminal (IPT)

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Paging Data Receiver (PDR)


  • Frequency agile - only one receiver to stock
  • USB or RS-232 interface
  • Two contact closures
  • End-user programmable w/o requiring special hardware
  • 16 capcodes
  • Eight contact closure version also available
  • Product customization available

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Other products

  • Please see our web site for other products including Internet Messaging Gateways, Unified Messaging Servers, test equipment, and Paging Terminals.
Hark Technologies
717 Old Trolley Rd Ste 6 #163
Summerville, SC 29485
Tel: 843-821-6888
Fax: 843-821-6894
E-mail: left arrow CLICK
Web: left arrow CLICK

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David George and Bill Noyes
of Hark Technologies.

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Hark Technologies

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You can help the newsletter by buying these telemetry receivers from Dave Levine:

Hi Brad –

I have 50-60 Daviscomms TMR1F one-way pagers. About 10 of them have the internal antenna and the rest have the BNC connector. I would say about 40 of these have never been used — many are still in the original packaging. The reason that we are selling them is because we are hoping to transition to a cellular network. We also have around 125 flat antennas with BNC connectors. These antennas work very well — better than the duck antennas we typically saw on the units. They have an adhesive backing and can be mounted flat on top of a machine. I have attached a flyer that we made about the antennas. I would be happy with $40 OBO for the receivers and $5 OBO for the antennas — but if someone takes everything, I will sell it for $35 for the receivers and $5 for the antennas. I can take credit card or check.


I just went into my warehouse and inventoried the receivers and antennas. Some of the receivers have a password which I will give to the buyer. Most of them are brand new, in the original packaging. Here is the complete rundown:

100 Flat antennas
4 Daviscomms TMR1F with internal antenna.
61 Daviscomms TMR1F with BNC Connectors

Of the 61 TMRs with the BNC Connectors, 43 of them are still in the original packaging, the rest were lightly used. All of them have had my labels removed and just need to be reprogrammed and put back into service. Again, I would prefer to sell everything to one buyer.

Thanks –

Dave Levine

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UCOM Paging

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Satellite Uplink
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1-888-854-2697 x272

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UCOM Paging

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Over 70% of first responders are volunteers.
Without an alert, interoperability means nothing.

Get the Alert.

M1501 Acknowledgent Pager

With the M1501 Acknowledgement Pager and a SPARKGAP wireless data system, you know when your volunteers have been alerted, when they’ve read the message, and how they’re going to respond – all in the first minutes of an event. Only the M1501 delivers what agencies need – reliable, rugged, secure alerting with acknowledgement.

Learn More

  • 5-Second Message Delivery
  • Acknowledged Personal Messaging
  • Acknowledged Group Messaging
  • 16 Group Addresses
  • 128-Bit Encryption
  • Network-Synchronized Time Display
  • Simple User Interface
  • Programming/Charging Base
  • Secondary Features Supporting Public Safety and Healthcare

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Oct. 12, 2011

To: Motorola Solutions employees

Robert W. Galvin – A Legacy of Leadership and Innovation

The world has lost one of its great leaders. Robert W. Galvin, known as Bob to the Motorola family, passed away last evening at the age of 89. He was a humble, visionary leader whose fingerprints are forever linked to the 83-year history of our great company.

Bob brought us to new heights of innovation and global success. He was forward-thinking, savvy and perhaps most important — he was a humanitarian who believed strongly that each individual deserves to be treated with dignity and respect.

He was the son of Motorola founder Paul Galvin. Bob's first formal duty for the company was an address delivered at Motorola’s national distributors convention in Chicago in 1940 when he was just 17. He started working part-time later that year in the stock room and began learning the business from his father and colleagues. He joined the company permanently in 1944, and became company president in 1956. Upon his father’s death in 1959, Bob assumed full leadership of Motorola. On his watch, Motorola grew from an American manufacturing company to a global technology giant, as well as one of the world’s most admired companies and recognized brands.

Bob took risks as he grew Motorola into a leader in the semiconductor, paging and cellular markets, and increased the company’s contributions to radio communications technologies for public safety, governments and enterprises. As he put it: "At times we must engage an act of faith that key things are doable that are not provable.”

Some of the key milestones of his tenure include: 

  • In 1969, the world watched and listened as a Motorola radio transponder relayed the first words from the moon to Earth. The transponder aboard the Apollo 11 lunar module transmitted telemetry, tracking, voice communications and television signals between Earth and the moon.
  • In the early 1970s, Bob led Motorola’s entry into the nascent cell phone business, encouraging the costly development of the first prototype portable cellular phone and system in 1973. Bob’s chance demonstration of the portable handset to President Ronald Reagan in the early 1980s lead to the White House’s support of opening up the cell phone business to competition.
  • Bob played a key role in shaping U.S. trade policies. Under his leadership, Motorola was one of the first companies to penetrate the Japanese telecommunications market, and one of the early U.S. companies to establish a growing business presence in China.
  • Also during his tenure, Motorola was known worldwide for its dedication to Total Customer Satisfaction, Six Sigma quality and continuous renewal. This culminated in 1988, when Motorola, Inc. was a recipient of the first Malcom Baldrige National Quality Award, awarded by President Ronald Reagan and established by the U.S. Congress to recognize and inspire the pursuit of quality in business.
  • In 1991, Bob received the U.S. National Medal of Technology from President George H. Bush "for advancement of the American electronics industry through continuous technological innovation, establishing Motorola as a world-class electronics manufacturer."

In 1986, Bob retired as CEO. He continued to serve as chairman of the board of directors until 1990, when he stepped down to become chairman of the board’s executive committee. Bob retired from that board in May 2001, after serving Motorola for nearly 60 years.

We will certainly miss Bob and what he meant to Motorola and our employee family. On that note, I have asked all Motorola Solutions facilities worldwide to fly their Motorola Solutions flags at half-mast this week in his honor. We thank you, Bob, for what you did for this great company and the world. You truly gave us many "moments that matter" to be remembered.

My regards,

Greg Brown
Chairman and CEO

Source: Shared by a reader of this newsletter

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BloostonLaw Telecom Update

Published by the Law Offices of Blooston, Mordkofsky, Dickens, Duffy & Prendergast, LLP

[Reproduced here with the firm's permission.]


Vol. 14, No. 37 October 12, 2011

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USF/ICC Reform Order On Tentative Agenda For FCC’s Oct. 27 Meeting

FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski has announced that the following items will be on the tentative agenda for the next open meeting scheduled for Thursday, October 27, 2011:

  • Connect America Fund/Intercarrier Compensation Reform: The Commission will consider a Report and Order and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (FNPRM) to comprehensively reform and modernize the universal service and intercarrier compensation systems (see story in opposite column).
  • Modernizing Television Broadcaster Requirement to Make Information Available to the Public: The Commission will consider an Order on Reconsideration of the 2007 Enhanced Disclosure Report and Order and an FNPRM proposing to replace television broadcast stations' public files with online public files to be hosted by the Commission.
  • National Emergency Alert System Preparation Update: The Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau will provide a brief update on the status of preparations for the national test of the Emergency Alert System to be held on November 9, 2011, at 2 p.m. EST.

BloostonLaw contacts: Hal Mordkofsky, Ben Dickens, Gerry Duffy, and John Prendergast.

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  • Genachowski outlines FCC’s proposed USF/ICC order for vote at Oct. 27 meeting.
  • Comment dates set for FCC’s NG911 rulemaking.
  • D.C. Circuit selected to hear “Net Neutrality” cases.
  • Richard Levie appointed Special Master in AT&T/T-Mobile court proceeding.
  • Public Knowledge wants clarification of confidentiality treatment in merger proceeding.

Genachowski Outlines FCC’s Proposed USF/ICC Order For Vote At October 27 Meeting

At FCC headquarters in Washington, D.C., last Thursday, FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski outlined key components in the Universal Service Fund (USF) and Intercarrier Compensation (ICC) Order that was circulated to the other Commissioners that same day. The FCC is expected to consider the item at its October 27 open meeting (see separate item in opposite column). Genachowski emphasized that the proposed Order “will not rubber stamp or adopt wholesale the proposals of any stakeholder or group of stakeholders.” Rather, he said, the proposed Order draws on elements from a number of proposals, including the joint proposals from the State Members of the Federal-State Joint Board on Universal Service, the rural local exchange carrier (RLEC) Plan, and the ABC Plan.

According to the Chairman, the proposed Order will transition USF to a Connect America Fund (CAF), which will have two core goals: First, ensuring universal availability of affordable broadband to homes, businesses, and anchor institutions in unserved areas; and Second, ensuring universal availability of mobile broadband through a new Mobility Fund.

Genachowski said: “We will extend deployment of state-of-the-art mobile broadband to more than one hundred thousand road-miles, where millions of Americans live, work, and travel. This will begin with a one-time shot-in-the-arm to accelerate deployment of 4G networks. Thereafter, the Mobility Fund will provide significant on-going support for rural mobile broadband. This will include dedicated support for Tribal areas, where broadband and mobile service remains far behind the national average.”

Genachowski added that for all elements of the CAF, “we will ensure that support isn’t used to supplant private in-vestment. Funding will be targeted exclusively at areas without an unsubsidized competitor, and where support is needed to extend or sustain broadband networks, eliminating wasteful spending and promoting healthy com-petition. And funding will be conditioned upon complying with rigorous obligations to serve the public and meet the goals of universal service.”

The Chairman said the FCC will “constrain the growth of the Fund,” and put the USF “on a firm budget.”

To this end, the Chairman said, “we will introduce competitive processes among providers for obtaining support and transition over time toward a fully competitive system for distributing Connect America Fund dollars.” He said the proposed Order “builds competitive bidding into the first phase of the new Mobility Fund in 2012. This will be the first time the FCC has ever used competitive bidding in USF.”

Further, he said, in the CAF, some price cap areas will be subject to competitive bidding quickly, and others will shift to competitive bidding in later years.

He explained: “Price cap carriers are companies subject to USF and ICC rules that, as currently structured, re-ward them for operating efficiently, but not for investing in broadband. For areas currently served by these carriers, ongoing legacy obligations, including state carrier of last resort requirements, complicate the transition to competitive bidding. Our goal of getting robust, scalable broad-band—with capacity and latency comparable to urban broadband—over broad geographies in rural price cap areas as quickly as possible may be best achieved through a phased approach that ensures accountability.

“So in the transition areas, until the shift to competitive bidding, the Commission will base support on a rigorous model estimating the costs of deploying broadband, ensuring carriers receive no more than necessary to enable broadband buildout. And that cost model will be adopted only after an open and transparent public review process. This is what the Commission proposed in our February NPRM.”

For rate of return carriers, the Chairman said, “we will begin by reforming the rate-of-return framework, ensuring providers have appropriate incentives to invest efficiently and receive predictable support. That includes improving accountability, using benchmarks to ensure reimbursable expenditures are reasonable, and extending common-sense limits on reimbursements for corporate operations expenses.” Thus, Genachowski said, “companies that invest in and manage their businesses prudently will have the support they need to continue extending broad-band, and will be on the path to a more incentive-based framework in the future.”

With respect to Americans living in the most remote are-as, Genachowski said, the CAF “will use market-based mechanisms to enable affordable broadband through innovative technologies, including next-generation satellite and unlicensed wireless.” He added that “reform” will also include a waiver process to account for special cas-es and enable companies to obtain relief from any re-forms they can demonstrate put consumers at risk of los-ing service.

Intercarrier Compensation

The other major component of the FCC’s Order deals with intercarrier compensation.

According to the Chairman, the proposed Order would “immediately [close] loopholes like phantom traffic and traffic pumping, and other arbitrage schemes like [commercial mobile radio service] CMRS-in-the-middle, where some carriers divert wireline traffic to wireless networks to avoid paying intercarrier compensation charges. It will provide certainty going forward about the compensation for VoIP calls that either begin or end on the public switched telephone network, ensuring symmetry in the treatment of such traffic.”

Genachowski said the FCC “will then phase down access rates over a measured but certain multi-year transition path, starting by bringing intrastate access rates in line with interstate rates. We will first tackle terminating charges, where most ICC arbitrage occurs today, and will assess the appropriate transition path for other rate elements.

“To help companies with the transition, we will employ a tightly controlled recovery mechanism. We will permit some companies to receive transitional support from the Connect America Fund, but such support will be accompanied by obligations to serve the public consistent with universal broadband goals, as well as oversight and accountability. We will also provide companies with limited flexibility to modestly rebalance rates in areas where some consumers are paying lower rates than many other consumers, as a result of subsidies from wireless and long-distance consumers.

“We will also acknowledge the importance of promoting efficient interconnection as carriers transition to an IP world, and will put forth specific proposals in that area.”

Additionally, Genachowski said, “past experience confirms our estimate that wireless consumers will see more than $1 billion in annual benefits from ICC reform. The last time the FCC reduced ICC rates, it unleashed substantial consumer gains, including 18 to 27 percent reductions in long-distance prices within the first year after reform. That reform also led to consumer benefits like unlimited all-distance calling plans and flat-rate buckets of minutes for wireless subscribers.

Further, the Chairman said, the proposed Order will not:

  • eliminate states’ carrier of last resort obligations.
  • eliminate states’ responsibility for designating eligible telecommunications carriers—those entities that can receive universal service support; and
  • provide CAF support as part of ICC recovery without accompanying broadband obligations.

The Chairman said the proposed Order “represents a historic opportunity to truly achieve universal broadband in this country.”

Senate Commerce Committee Chairman Jay Rockefeller (D-W.Va.) has scheduled a hearing on USF reform for today, October 12.

BloostonLaw contacts: Ben Dickens, Gerry Duffy, and Mary Sisak.


COMMENT DATES SET FOR FCC’s NG911 RULEMAKING: The FCC has established a comment cycle for its Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) to ex-amine ways to modernize the current voice-based 911 system to a Next Generation 911 (NG911) system that will enable the public to send texts, photos, videos, and other data to 911 call centers or Public Safety Answering Points (PSAPs). The NPRM seeks comment on a variety of issues related to both the short-term and the long-term transition to NG911 (BloostonLaw Telecom Update, September 28). The Commission believes that incorporating text and other media into the 911 system will make it more accessible to the public, both for people with disabilities and for people in situations where placing a voice call to 911 could be difficult or dangerous. Comments in this PS Docket Nos. 10-255 and 11-153 proceeding are due December 12, 2011, and replies are due January 10, 2012. The NPRM struggles somewhat with certain fundamental questions, such as what role the FCC should play in creating the NG911 system; how will PSAPs be protected from getting too much information; and what standards should govern NG911 devices. BloostonLaw contacts: Hal Mordkofsky, John Prendergast, Richard Rubino, and Cary Mitchell.

D.C. CIRCUIT SELECTED TO HEAR CONSOLIDATED “NET NEUTRALITY” CASES: The U.S. Judicial Panel on Multicircuit Litigation has randomly selected the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit to hear the consolidated cases challenging the FCC’s “Net Neutrality” Order (BloostonLaw Telecom Update, October 5). Verizon’s suit was filed in the D.C. Circuit. In addition to Verizon, the parties who have filed challenges to date are Free Press (1st U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Boston); People’s Production House (2nd Circuit in New York); Media Mobilizing Project (3rd Circuit in Philadelphia); Mountain Area Information Network (4th Circuit in Richmond); and Access Humboldt (9th Circuit in San Francisco). BloostonLaw contacts: Hal Mordkofsky, Ben Dickens, Gerry Duffy, and John Prendergast.

RICHARD LEVIE APPOINTED SPECIAL MASTER IN AT&T/T-MOBILE COURT PROCEEDING: U.S. District Judge Ellen Huvelle, who is presiding over the cases challenging the proposed AT&T/T-Mobile merger, has appointed the Hon. Richard A. Levie (Ret.) as Special Master in the proceedings. The motion was made by the Department of Justice (DoJ), which is one of the parties challenging the merger. Judge Huvelle noted that none of the parties opposed the motion. The Special Master will consider and rule on all disputes relating to discovery, including but not limited to claims of privilege, motions to compel, motions for protective order, scheduling, e-discovery, and expert discovery. Meanwhile, defendants AT&T, T-Mobile, and Deutsche Telekom have filed a motion to dismiss Sprint’s lawsuit, on the grounds that Sprint has no standing to sue because it is a competitor. Specifically, defendants argued that Sprint has failed to state a claim upon which relief can be granted pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 12(b)(6). BloostonLaw contacts: Hal Mordkofsky, Ben Dickens, Gerry Duffy, and John Prendergast.

PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE WANTS CLARIFICATION OF CONFIDENTIALITY TREATMENT IN MERGER PROCEEDING : Advocacy group Public Knowledge has asked the FCC to allow outside parties to the merger proceeding to challenge the confidentiality of the data submitted under protective order. In an ex parte letter, Public Knowledge said: “With a series of Protective Orders, the FCC has tried to balance the public’s right to access information with the legitimate need of AT&T and T-Mobile to keep certain competitively-sensitive information from competitors. Unfortunately, AT&T and T-Mobile have abused the Commission’s process, putting far more information than is proper behind a cloak of secrecy.” In particular, Public Knowledge said, they have put their economic models (submitted on July 26 and subsequently modified by additional submissions) under seal, keeping from the public the very basis of their public interest claims. Again and again, the parties have claimed confidential and highly confidential protection not just for information that would put them at a competitive disadvantage, but for information that is merely embarrassing or contrary to the publicly articulated justifications for the proposed merger, Public Knowledge said. It added that these actions undermine the Commission’s stated aim to protect “the right of the public to participate in this proceeding in a meaningful way”; and that key data have been kept out of public conversation, and as a consequence, many commentators are forced to analyze the proposed merger based only on the incomplete and mis-leading public record. Public Knowledge asked the FCC to clarify the process for confidentiality and to require justification for confidential information. AT&T responded that its confidential designations are “fully consistent with the letter and spirit of these protective orders and standard regulatory practice. Public Knowledge's desire to use this confidential information publicly would be contrary to the FCC's protective orders and an abuse of this process.” BloostonLaw contacts: Hal Mordkofsky, Ben Dickens, Gerry Duffy, and John Prendergast.

HOUSE PASSES BILL TO RECLAIM UNUSED BROADBAND FUNDS: The U.S. House of Representatives has passed HR 1343, which would require the re-turn of unused or reclaimed funds made available for broadband awards in the American Recovery and Rein-vestment Act (ARRA) of 2009 to the Treasury of the United States. Introduced by Rep. Charles Bass (R-N.H.), the bill has two-dozen co-sponsors. According to Bass and his colleagues, the bill could return as much as $38 million of broadband grants that were either unused or found to have other problems, such as those cases involving waste, fraud and abuse. Although Democrats did not oppose the bill, Rep. Lois Capps (D-Calif.) said she believed the bill to be redundant because last year's Dodd-Frank financial reform bill included language aimed at having unused grants returned, according to The Hill. The Republican bill sponsors said, however, that the measure is necessary because Dodd-Frank only gave federal agencies the option of sending back unused money. BloostonLaw contacts: Ben Dickens, Gerry Duffy, and Mary Sisak.

FCC ORDER IMPLEMENTS PROVISIONS OF CVAA: The FCC adopted a Report and Order that implements provisions of Section 104 of the Twenty-First Century Communications and Video Accessibility Act of 2010 (CVAA). The CVAA was enacted to ensure that people with disabilities have access to the modern and innovative communications technologies of the 21st century and represents the most significant accessibility legislation since the passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) in 1990. The FCC noted that there are 54 million Americans with disabilities, and only 41% of them have broadband access at home, compared to the national average of 69%. In addition, the FCC said, today’s mobile phones have evolved into multi-function devices used for e-mail, text messages, and other advanced communications services. Statistics show that as of 2010, 40% of adults use the Internet, e-mail or instant messaging on a mobile phone, yet not all Americans with disabilities are able to share in these advanced technologies, the Commission said. Implementation of the CVAA is critical in addressing these inequities for both home and mobile broadband adoption. The FCC’s Order implements Sections 716 and 717 of the Act. Section 716 requires that providers of advanced communications services and manufacturers of equipment used for advanced communications services make their services and products accessible to people with disabilities, unless it is not achievable to do so. Where it is not achievable to do so, these covered entities must make their services and equipment compatible with commonly used assistive technologies. Section 717 requires new record-keeping and enforcement procedures for these covered entities. An accompanying Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (FNPRM) seeks further comment on a number of issues for which the current record is insufficient, according to the Commission. BloostonLaw contacts: Ben Dickens, Gerry Duffy, and Mary Sisak.

FCC MAKES THREE APPOINTMENTS TO SEPARATIONS JOINT BOARD: The FCC has appointed Orjiakor Isiogu , Chairman, Michigan Public Service Commission; Phil Montgomery , Chairman, Public Service Commission of Wisconsin; and Vendean V. Vafiades , Commissioner, Maine Public Utilities Commission, to serve on the Federal-State Joint Board on Jurisdictional Separations. These appointments fill the positions recently vacated by Steve Kolbeck, former Chairman, South Dakota Public Utilities Commission; Anthony Palermino, Commissioner, Connecticut Department of Public Utility Control; and Thomas W. Pugh, Commissioner, Minnesota Public Utilities Commission. BloostonLaw contacts: Ben Dickens, Gerry Duffy, and Mary Sisak.

FCC REQUIRES TRS FUND CONTIBUTIONS FROM ALL VoIP PROVIDERS: The FCC has adopted a Re-port and Order to implement Section 103(b) of the Twenty-First Century Communications and Video Accessibility Act of 2010 (CVAA). This section adds a new Section 715 to the Communications Act, requiring interconnected and non-interconnected voice over Internet protocol (VoIP) service providers to participate in and contribute to the Telecommunications Relay Services (TRS) Fund by October 8, 2011 . Although providers of interconnected VoIP services have been contributing to the TRS Fund since 2007, the CVAA, in effect, codifies this obligation, and extends it to non-interconnected VoIP providers. The FCC’s Order takes various actions to ensure that the obligations of non-interconnected VoIP service providers are consistent with and comparable to the obligations of other TRS Fund contributors. To that end, the Order requires TRS Fund contributions to be assessed against interstate end-user revenues. Where interstate end-user revenues are generated from non-interconnected VoIP services offered with other (non-VoIP) services, it directs that TRS contributions not be assessed against those revenues unless the providers of such services (1) also offer the non-interconnected VoIP service on a stand-alone basis for a fee; or (2) also offer the non-VoIP services without the non-interconnected VoIP services at a different (discounted) price. This Order also affirms that only service providers with interstate end-user revenues must contribute a minimum of $25 to the TRS Fund. In addition, the Order addresses registration and reporting requirements, the methodology for calculating interstate end-user revenues by non-interconnected VoIP service providers, and the implementation deadlines for these providers. BloostonLaw contacts: Ben Dickens, Gerry Duffy, and Mary Sisak.

FCC TAKES ENFORCEMENT ACTIONS AGAINST ILLEGAL JAMMING DEVICES: The FCC’s Enforcement Bureau has issued 20 enforcement actions against online retailers in 12 states for illegally marketing more than 200 uniquely-described models of cell phone jammers, Global Positioning Satellite (GPS) jammers, Wi-Fi jammers, and similar signal jamming devices. These devices have the capacity to prevent, block, or otherwise interfere with authorized radio communications in violation of the Communications Act and the Commission’s rules. The FCC said the enforcement actions are intended to warn retailers and potential purchasers that marketing, selling, or using signal jamming devices in the U.S. is illegal and that the FCC will vigorously prosecute these violations. In the Omnibus Citation and Order, the FCC emphasized that because signal jamming devices work by indiscriminately interrupting or interfering with communications, the use of a jamming device in a classroom, theater, church, restaurant, or other public place could prevent someone in the vicinity of the jammer from making an emergency call to 9-1-1, the police, a fire department, or a family member in trouble. Accordingly, the FCC directed each online retailer to take immediate steps to cease market-ing signal jamming devices to consumers in the United States and its territories. Such steps may include removing the illegal signal jamming devices from online display, expressly excluding consumers in the United States as potential customers, and declining to sell signal jamming devices or complete any sales transaction to consumers in the United States. In a Request for Information attached to the Omnibus Citation, the Bureau also ordered the online retailers to provide information about their signal jammer suppliers, distribution channels, and sales?including the manufacturer of each illegal signal jamming device, the websites that the online retailer has used to market the devices in the United States or its territories, and the corrective actions the online retailer has taken or will take to comply with federal law prohibiting the marketing and sale of jamming devices. Because these enforcement actions were taken against retailers who are not otherwise regulated by the Commission, the Communications Act requires the Commission to first issue a “citation” describing the violation and warning against future misconduct. The Omnibus Citation and Order emphasized that a second violation could lead to monetary penalties of $16,000 to $112,500. The Omnibus Citation and Order also noted, for example, that a separate penalty could be imposed for each jamming device sold or each day on which a jamming device is marketed, and that additional violations could result in the seizure of equipment and imprisonment. The signal jamming devices listed in the Omnibus Citation and Order include GPS blockers for vehicles, high-tech signal blockers with remote control capabilities, jammers disguised as paintings and cigarette packs, and other small, easily-concealable cell phone jammers, as well as high-powered industrial jammers that have the potential to disrupt radio signals in areas as large as a football field. In addition, the signal jammers offered by the online retailers claim to target a wide variety of frequencies, ser-vices, and technologies. BloostonLaw contacts: Hal Mordkofsky, John Prendergast, and Richard Rubino.

HIGH COURT DECLINES TO HEAR CASE ON WIRELESS PHONE SAFETY: The U.S. Supreme Court has denied a request for review in Farina v. Nokia, a class action over the safety of wireless phones. The denial leaves standing the ruling by the 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Philadelphia, which held that such claims are preempted by the FCC's radio-frequency (RF) emissions standard. According to BNA, the court followed the ad-vice of Solicitor General Donald B. Verrilli Jr., who recommended in a brief filed Aug. 26 that the court deny petitioner Francis J. Farina's request for review in his case against a number of cellular telephone manufacturers and retailers. Farina sought to represent a statewide class of Pennsylvania consumers, asserting the companies should not have marketed the phones—without headsets—as safe. In his submission to the court, Verrilli discounted three main arguments by Farina: that there is sufficient conflict among appellate courts to warrant resolution; that a savings clause in the Telecommunications Act of 1996 requires clarification; and that the FCC regulation lacks preemptive effect because it was promulgated to meet a procedural obligation under an environmental law.

In an unrelated matter, the Supreme Court last week denied a request to review a Fourth Amendment case— Diaz v. California —from the California Supreme Court, which held that a cell phone can be searched incident to arrest. Meanwhile, this past summer, California state legislators passed SB 914, a bill limiting searches incident to arrest in California. California Governor Jerry Brown vetoed the bill and released the following statement: “This measure would overturn a California Supreme Court decision that held that police officers can lawfully search the cell phones of people who they arrest. Courts are better suited to resolve the complex and case specific issues relating to constitutional search-and-seizures protections.” BloostonLaw contacts: Hal Mordkofsky, John Prendergast, Richard Rubino, and Cary Mitchell.


APPALACHIAN WIRELESS JOINS VERIZON’s RURAL LTE PROGRAM: Appalachian Wireless of Ivel, Kentucky, has announced that it has entered into an agreement with Verizon Wireless to participate in the Long Term Evolution (LTE) in Rural America program. Under the LTE in Rural America program, Appalachian Wireless will deploy and operate a state of the art 4G LTE network which will provide greater telecommunications capabilities and choices for the residents of eastern Kentucky. Under the agreement, Verizon Wireless will lease to Appalachian Wireless its 700 MHz upper C block wireless spectrum in the Appalachian Wireless service areas where Verizon Wireless has not constructed a network. Using the leased spectrum, Appalachian Wireless will construct and operate a 4G LTE network in eastern Kentucky and parts of West Virginia serving Appalachian Wireless customers, Verizon Wireless customers and customers of other LTE in Rural America participants. In addition, Appalachian Wireless customers will have access to Verizon Wireless' 4G LTE network throughout the United States. Appalachian Wireless is the 12th company to join the program. The other 11 companies are Bluegrass Cellular, Chariton Valley, Custer Telephone, Carolina West Wireless, S and R Communications, Cellcom, Cross Wireless, Pioneer Cellular, Strata Networks, Thumb Cellular, and Convergence Technologies. BloostonLaw contacts: Hal Mordkofsky, John Prendergast, and Cary Mitchell.

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This newsletter is not intended to provide legal advice. Those interested in more information should contact the firm.

Source: Blooston, Mordkofsky, Dickens, Duffy and Prendergast, LLP For additional information, contact Hal Mordkofsky at 202-828-5520 or

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WiPath Communications

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Preferred Wireless

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US Amateurs Now 700,000 Strong!


As the third quarter of 2011 came to a close, ARRL VEC Manager Maria Somma, AB1FM, began calculating the number of licensed Amateur Radio operators in the US, as well as the number of new licensees. “At the end of September, I saw that the number of hams in the US was high,” she said. “When I started comparing that number with other years, I found that it was an all-time high.” For the first time, there are more than 700,000 radio amateurs in the US.

“When looking at the three current license classes — Technician, General and Amateur Extra — these numbers are impressive,” Somma explained. “The number of Technicians peaked in March 2011 at 342,572, while in September 2011, we saw both Generals and Extras peak at 159,861 and 125,661, respectively. As new Technicians earn their Amateur Radio licenses, and current Technician licensees move on to General and Generals upgrade to Extra, this can cause up-and-down fluctuations for these totals.”

Somma said these high numbers mean that hams are upgrading and renewing in larger numbers and staying interested in hobby: “These are compelling statistics and I am thrilled to see the highest number of amateur radio licensees ever! When I began working at the ARRL back in the mid 1980s, there were approximately 450,000 amateurs in the US. Our VEC program conducted an average of 55 sessions a week. Today, we administer approximately 150 exam sessions each week, and our total number of licensees across all three license classes continues to grow each year.”

In the past 40 years, the number of Amateur Radio operators in the US has grown at a remarkable rate:

  • December 1971: 285,000
  • December 1981: 433,000
  • December 1991: 494,000
  • December 2001: 683,000
  • September 2011: 700,221

Source: 1971, 1981, 1991: print editions of Radio Amateur Callbook . 2001, 2011: . Please note: While the number of licensees has grown considerably over the years, we realize that these numbers include some who are no longer active in Amateur Radio. A recent survey of ARRL members, however, indicates that more than 80 percent of those responding are active.

“As technology changes and advances, it is especially vital to keep up or be at the forefront,” Somma said. “I believe that Amateur Radio has done just that! The measurable results are our indisputable license numbers. It amazes me after all these years how important and relevant Amateur Radio remains. I am proud to be one of the 700,221 licensees and to see this historic and important milestone.”

Source: ARRL

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Brad Dye
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