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Greetings Dear Readers, and Friends of Wireless Messaging,

I have received a large list of paging equipment for sale from Wayne Markis (Handy Page).

Complete Paging system Front-end, just add telephone lines, Internet connection, and radio transmitters on your choice of paging frequency, and you have a complete working paging system with Voice Mail, Alpha Paging, FLEX Paging, SNPP, TNPP, e-mail and Web paging.

My policy for offering equipment for sale on my web site and the newsletter has been the same for several years. Here is a clip from

If you have any wireless equipment that you would like to buy or sell, please let me know. I don't charge individuals for listing something for sale. If a sale is made through this newsletter, I ask the seller to send me a 10% commission, much the same as the voluntary payments that are requested on the Internet for shareware. There is no cost to the buyer.

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Now on to more news and views.

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Wireless Messaging News
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This is the AAPC's weekly newsletter about Wireless Messaging. You are receiving this because I believe you have requested it. This is not a SPAM. If you have received this message in error, or you are no longer interested in these topics, please click here , then click on "send" and you will be promptly removed from the mailing list.

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A new issue of The Wireless Messaging Newsletter is posted on the web each week. A notification goes out by e-mail to subscribers on most Fridays around noon central US time. The notification message has a link to the actual newsletter on the web. That way it doesn't fill up your incoming e-mail account.

There is no charge for subscription and there are no membership restrictions. Readers are a very select group of wireless industry professionals, and include the senior managers of many of the world's major Paging and Wireless Messaging companies. There is an even mix of operations managers, marketing people, and engineers — so I try to include items of interest to all three groups. It's all about staying up-to-date with business trends and technology. I regularly get readers' comments, so this newsletter has become a community forum for the Paging, and Wireless Messaging communities. You are welcome to contribute your ideas and opinions. Unless otherwise requested, all correspondence addressed to me is subject to publication in the newsletter and on my web site. I am very careful to protect the anonymity of those who request it.


Editorial Opinion pieces present only the opinions of the author. They do not necessarily reflect the views of AAPC, its publisher, or its sponsors.

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Newspapers generally cost 75¢ a copy and they hardly ever mention paging. If you receive some benefit from this publication maybe you would like to help support it financially? A donation of $25.00 would represent approximately 50¢ a copy for one year. If you are willing and able, please click on the PayPal Donate button above.

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Brad Dye, Ron Mercer, Allan Angus, and Vic Jackson are friends and colleagues who work both together and independently, on wireline and wireless communications projects. Click here   for a summary of their qualifications and experience. They collaborate on consulting assignments, and share the work according to their individual expertise and their schedules.

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If you would like to have information about advertising in this newsletter, please click here . Your support is needed.


Please click right arrow here left arrow for a list of used paging infrastructure and test equipment for sale from Ray Primack in Vancouver. Pagers, a big UPS, and other equipment as well. Check it out!

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aapc logo American Association of Paging Carriers

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Save the Dates for the 2012 Global Paging Convention

March 27 – 29

Hyatt Regency Austin
Austin, Texas

This premier international event is essential for anyone in the critical messaging industry to attend. Each year the conference exceeds expectations by combining plenty of social networking with informative educational presentations. The 2012 host city, Austin, Texas, is a hot spot for creativity and embraces its community of musicians, artists, entrepreneurs, and progressive thinkers. With more than 200 live music venues, they are known for being the Live Music Capital of the World®. Austin is also the gateway to the Texas Hill Country; rolling hills and sparkling waterways abound.

austin hotel
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shannon and linda In Memoriam
If you have attended one of the associations’ conferences in the last 8 years (even back to the Myrtle Beach days) you have probably had the good fortune to interact with Shannon Beckerich. Shannon, my colleague, and most importantly, my good friend, succumbed to her very brief battle with cancer on Sunday, August, 28th. She was 41. She possessed a wonderful ability to make everyone feel welcome and truly enjoyed working with each of you onsite. She will be missed. Please join me in honoring her by embracing life more fully, every day.

If you are interested in additional information, click here for her obituary.


Linda Hoover
AAPC Executive Director

E-mail: Linda Hoover at:

shannon on the bus

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Thanks to our Premier Vendor!

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Prism-IPX Systems LLC

Thanks to our Silver Vendors!

Method Link, LLC
Unication USA

Thanks to our Bronze Vendors!

AAPC Executive Director
441 N. Crestwood Drive
Wilmington, NC 28405
Tel: 866-301-2272
AAPC Regulatory Affairs Office
Suite 250
2154 Wisconsin Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20007-2280
Tel: 202-223-3772
Fax: 202-315-3587

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Advertiser Index

AAPC—American Association of Paging Carriers Paging & Wireless Network Planners LLC
  Preferred Wireless
Daviscomms USA Prism Paging
Hahntech-USA Ron Mercer
Hark Technologies Product Support Services
HMCE, Inc. TC Promotion GmbH
Ira Wiesenfeld, P.E. UCOM Paging
Ivycorp Unication USA
Leavitt Communications United Communications Corp.
Northeast Paging WiPath Communications

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Product Support Services, Inc.

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Based in Coppell, Texas, a suburb of Dallas/Fort Worth, and located just five minutes north of the DFW Airport, PSSI receives, repairs and ships approximately 4,000 discrete units each day.

  • PSSI is ISO certified and has comprehensively integrated robust lean manufacturing processes and systems that enable us to deliver timely and benchmark quality results.
  • PSSI is certified for Levels III and IV repair by a wide variety of OEMs including, for example, Motorola, Nokia, Sony/Ericsson, Samsung, Stanley and LG.
  • PSSI ’s service center is a state-of-the-art facility, complete with multiple wireless test environments and board-level repair capabilities.
  • PSSI ’s state-of-the-art and proprietary Work-In-Process (WIP) systems, and its Material Planning and Warehouse Management systems, enable PSSI to track discrete units by employee, work center, lot, model, work order, location and process through the entire reverse logistics process. Access to this information can be provided to our customers so that they can track the real-time movement of their products.

Pager and Electronics Repair

Product Support Services, Inc.



Product Support Services, Inc.
511 South Royal Lane
Coppell, Texas 75019
877-777-8798 (Toll Free)
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Press Release

Palo Alto, CA, August 29, 2011

Robert W. Galvin to be Honored With Marconi Society Lifetime Achievement Award

Robert W. Galvin, former Chairman of Motorola, will be honored with a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Marconi Society for his historic and lifelong impact on worldwide telecommunications. The award will be presented at the Society’s annual awards gala in La Jolla, CA on September 8th, 2011.

Galvin, a household name in telecommunication circles in the 1980s and 1990s, is considered by many to be the most important and influential business leader to keep the US competitive in the emerging cellular telephone and semiconductor industries in the 1970's through 1990's.

Galvin worked at Motorola, founded by his father as a car radio company, most of his life, and served as chairman for approximately three decades. During that time he made Motorola a global telecommunications equipment leader for both consumer and public safety sectors, and championed the first commercial cellular phone technology both at the base station and handset.

“One of our main thrusts was that our company was always going to be preparing for the next adventure—the next thing,” said Galvin. I was always asking the question, ‘What’s the next thing we could be adding, multiplying; what would be good for our future line-up of products?’”

Although not an engineer himself, Galvin insisted on a strong R&D base and launched Motorola Labs, a leading contributor to cellular, public safety, digital signal processing, power and semiconductor technologies. Galvin was the father of the quality movement at Motorola, where the goal was “six nines” (a.k.a. “six sigma”) manufacturing quality, a term indicating 99.9999% reliability. He also personally invested in sponsoring research and students at US universities. As a technical business icon, he advised several US presidents either formally or informally.

In the late 1980s, Galvin promoted and helped develop Sematech, a government-funded consortium of US semiconductor companies who would collaborate to perform breakthrough R&D to keep the US semiconductor industry competitive to Japan and Taiwan. Soon, he was asked to step into the role of Chairman of the organization.

William J. Spencer, former President/CEO and Chairman of Sematech from 1990 to 2000, said, “Bob chaired the board at the time when it really made a big difference in the US industry. He managed to bring a group of huge egos together, even though they had very different ideas. He was masterful leader.”

By taking a chaotic organization and turning it into a major force, Galvin helped the US semiconductor industry regain market leadership by 1993-94, a position it has held ever since.

Martin Cooper, former Motorola vice president and division manager who in the 1970s led the team that developed the handheld mobile phone, said of Galvin, “The most important thing that Bob did was create an environment that gave people the freedom and stimulus to do great things. He also set the tone from the top—no compromise on ethics—and emphasized objectivity in decision making—taking the personal issues out of the discussion and deciding based on doing what was right. His skills were not technological, but no one could pick and motivate people better than he could. He also made sure everyone in the company has the same tools and incentives to excel.”

“Galvin had an historic and life-long impact on the global telecommunications and semiconductor industries and unwavering commitment to US research and development,” said Dr. Theodore Rappaport, founder and director of the NSF Wireless Internet Center for Advanced Technology at University of Texas-Austin. “He is a true visionary who revolutionized an entire industry.”

Galvin’s many honorary degrees and other recognitions including election to the American National Business Hall of Fame and the 1991 National Medal of Technology. He is currently a member and was the recent chairman of the board of trustees of the Illinois Institute of Technology and serves as co-chairman of the executive advisory board of the Joseph M. Juran Center for Leadership in Quality at the University of Minnesota’s Carlson School of Management. He continues to informally serve various Motorola interests.

In 2004, he launched the Galvin Electricity Initiative to bring his visionary approach to the faltering electric power system, based on the belief that it is possible to build a system that never fails the consumer.

Galvin was one of the initial supporters and funders of the Marconi Society, serving on the board and insuring Motorola’s financial contribution to the original endowment in the 1970s. The Society, established in 1974 by Gioia Marconi Braga, is best known for the Marconi Prize, awarded annually to an outstanding individual whose scope of work and influence emulate the principle of “creativity in service to humanity.” Additional information about the Marconi Society and the Marconi Fellows can be found at

Hatti Hamlin

Source: The Marconi Society

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Washington, D.C. 20554



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TTY: 1-888-835-5322

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This is an unofficial announcement of Commission action. Release of the full text of a Commission order constitutes official action.
See MCI v. FCC. 515 F 2d 385 (D.C. Circ 1974).

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August 28, 2011
Neil Grace, 202-418-0506


Washington, D.C. – The FCC issued the following statement from FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski regarding the Commission’s efforts following Hurricane Irene:

“I want to begin by offering my deepest condolences to those who lost loved ones as a result of Hurricane Irene. While we hope that the worst has passed, we continue to remain vigilant in our evaluation and response to the situation as it evolves. Working with FEMA, our other federal and state partners, and communications service providers, we’re focused on ensuring that people can communicate with each other and with first responders during this difficult time. Communications networks are of course essential for public safety and for the functioning of our economy.

“As Hurricane Irene gets downgraded to a tropical storm, the FCC continues to evaluate the damage from the areas affected in its aftermath. Based on reports to date, there have been some wireline and wireless outages. The good news, based on these initial reports, is that there hasn't been major damage to our communications infrastructure, except for damage along coastal regions hit hard by the storm.

“We are pleased that current reports indicate no 9-1-1 center is without service, and we have received no reports of public safety communications outages. Overall, broadcast and radio are largely unaffected, though in North Carolina a significant number of cable customers are out of service.

“The FCC remains on active watch around-the-clock to assess and respond to outages where necessary. We currently have four Roll Call teams deployed to conduct post event scans of the radio signal environment. I have also spoken directly to the CEOs of wireless, telco and cable companies, and we are working to ensure continuation of service, and that service is restored quickly where needed.

“In the hours and days ahead, the hurricane’s impact is not over. The FCC will remain vigilant as we address continued outages from flooding and commercial power outages. During this time we have activated our 24-7 response capabilities and have resources deployed in the field and monitor and respond, as appropriate, to outages.

“We also continue to work with our federal and state partners on key steps to ensure that our emergency communications systems meet the needs of Americans in the 21st century – including getting an interoperable mobile broadband public safety network funded and built; launching PLAN nationwide, a new mobile alerting system which would provide a “fast-track” for emergency alerts around network congestion; and accelerating the move to Next Gen 911 so that people can send text, video or photos to 9-1-1 in times of emergency.

"I want to thank Ret. Admiral Barnett and the staff of the Public Safety Bureau and throughout the FCC who have been working to anticipate, and now respond, to this hurricane. I’ve seen first-hand, including this morning at the FCC Ops Center, the dedication and commitment of FCC staff, and we owe them our thanks for their ongoing service.”


1. Limit non-emergency phone calls. This will minimize network congestion, free up "space" on the network for emergency communications and conserve battery power if you are using a wireless phone;

2. Keep all phone calls brief. If you need to use a phone, try to use it only to convey vital information to emergency personnel and/or family;

3. For non-emergency calls, try text messaging, also known as short messaging service (SMS) when using your wireless phone. In many cases text messages will go through when your call may not. It will also help free up more "space" for emergency communications on the telephone network;

4. If possible try a variety of communications services if you are unsuccessful in getting through with one. For example, if you are unsuccessful in getting through on your wireless phone, try a messaging capability like text messaging or email. Alternatively, try a landline phone if one is available. This will help spread the communications demand over multiple networks and should reduce overall congestion;

5. Wait 10 seconds before re-dialing a call. On many wireless handsets, to re-dial a number, you simply push "send" after you've ended a call to redial the previous number. If you do this too quickly, the data from the handset to the cell sites does not have enough time to clear before you've resent the same data. This contributes to a clogged network;

6. Have charged batteries and car-charger adapters available for backup power for your wireless phone;

7. Maintain a list of emergency phone numbers in your phone;

8. If in your vehicle, try to place calls while your vehicle is stationary; Have a family communications plan in place.

9. Designate someone out of the area as a central contact, and make certain all family members know who to contact if they become separated;

10. If you have Call Forwarding on your home number, forward your home number to your wireless number in the event of an evacuation. That way you will get incoming calls from your landline phone;

11. After the storm has passed, if you lose power in your home, try using your car to charge cell phones or listen to news alerts on the car radio. But be careful – don’t try to reach your car if it is not safe to do so, and remain vigilant about carbon monoxide emissions from your car if it is in a closed space, such as a garage.

12. Tune-in to broadcast and radio news for important news alerts.

13. If you have an emergency, call 9-1-1 immediately. But if it's not an emergency, use other options.

More information on emergency communications during Hurricane Irene from the FCC can be found at Residents can also find more information at, or


News and other information about the FCC is available at


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PAGERS & Telemetry Devices

(12.5 KHz or 25 KHz - POCSAG)

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Contract Manufacturing Services
Board Level to complete “Turn-Key”

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Bob Popow
Scottsdale, AZ

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Ira Wiesenfeld, P.E.

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Complete Technical Services For The Communications and Electronics Industries

Design • Installation • Maintenance • Training • Engineering • Licensing • Technical Assistance

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Ira Wiesenfeld, P.E.
Consulting Engineer
Registered Professional Engineer

Tel/Fax: 972-960-9336
Cell: 214-707-7711
7711 Scotia Dr.
Dallas, TX 75248-3112

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Ira Wiesenfeld, P.E.

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2-Way 4-Button Pager

  • ReFLEX™ v 2.7.5
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Telephone: 011-82-31-735-7592


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Paging & Wireless Network Planners

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R.H. (Ron) Mercer
217 First Street South
East Northport, NY 11731
ron mercer

Cell Phone: 631-786-9359

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Paging & Wireless Network Planners

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When Crisis Strikes, Paging Networks Look Better than Cellular

August 30, 2011

By Narayan Bhat
TMCnet Contributor

Wireless communications solutions vendor USA Mobility, Inc. has expressed surprise that its paging networks had remained fully operational though cellular networks suffered severe disruptions following an earthquake in the East Coast last week.

When an earthquake with a magnitude of 5.8 struck the U.S. state of Virginia on August 23, cellular networks struggled with a sudden surge in call volumes. Many people in the affected area said they had been unable to get cell phone access for a period of about an hour immediately after the quake.

Springfield, Virginia-based USA Mobility said the incident had proved once again that paging networks were more reliable than cellular networks.

The vendor’s CEO, Vincent D. Kelly, said paging’s value remained high for critical messaging because of its distinct advantage over broadband, which becomes unable to meet bandwidth demands in emergency situations.

Paging networks, according to USA Mobility, have three major advantages over cellular networks: (1) signal strength — up to 3,500 watts versus less than 100 watts for cellular; (2) simulcast transmission from multiple towers versus single tower for cellular; and (3) satellite connectivity versus only landline telephone connectivity for cellular.

It is because of these factors paging networks successfully complete 1-way and 2-way communications without interruption during crisis and disaster scenarios.

“While cellular networks can still be rendered inoperable during crisis, as we witnessed last week, paging has been an integral part of hospital and other first responder work flow and critical response processes nationwide for more than 30 years,” Kelly added.

Paging networks outperformed cellular networks in many occasions including 9/11, Hurricane Katrina in 2005, the Minnesota bridge collapse in 2007, and the earthquake in Southern California in 2008.

“Given the proven reliability of paging networks, combined with their low operating costs compared to cellular, we believe paging can and should play a prominent role in the development and implementation of a national emergency response system,” Kelly said.

USA Mobility operates the largest one-way paging and advanced two-way paging networks in the United States.


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  • VoIP telephone access — eliminate interconnect expense
  • Call from anywhere — Prism SIP Gateway allows calls from PSTN and PBX
  • All the Features for Paging, Voicemail, Text-to-Pager, Wireless and DECT phones
  • Prism Inet, the new IP interface for TAP, TNPP, SNPP, SMTP — Industry standard message input
  • Direct Connect to NurseCall, Assisted Living, Aged Care, Remote Monitoring, Access Control Systems

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5 Location-Tracking Rights You Should Demand

Microsoft, Apple, and Google are being sued over location-tracking practices. Isn't it time for a location privacy bill of rights?

By Robert Strohmeyer
September 02, 2011 09:15 AM

Microsoft has joined the ranks of Apple and Google in attaining the dubious honor of being sued by its users over its location tracking practices. A lawsuit filed in a Seattle district court alleges that Microsoft's Windows Phone 7 tracks a user's location even when the phone's location services are supposedly turned off.

By this time, smartphone makers should be getting the message that users don't appreciate being tracked without their knowledge or consent. Location data ranks among the most personal types of information our devices can reveal about us, with the potential to expose where we work, where live, where we drop our kids off for school. As users, we have a right to protect that data from interlopers, including the companies that supply our mobile devices and services. Here are five basic rights that all users should demand from manufacturers and carriers that offer location-aware devices.

1. Everything Must Be Opt-In
The decision about whether to let a device track its user's movements belongs to one party only: the user. It's unconscionable that any smartphone should come with geolocation features enabled by default, regardless of the reason. If a user wants to let his phone track his movements, either in fine detail or in rough outline, the device should present him with the option to consciously enable the feature. By no means should a manufacturer assume a paternal right to track any aspect of a user's movements in the name of improved wireless service or any other motive, unless the user first opts in. As it happens, it was Google's opt-in policy that saved it from a recent lawsuit in South Korea.

2. Off Means Off
This should go without saying, but the current lawsuit against Microsoft suggests it needs to be stated clearly: When we turn off (or opt not to turn on) location services, that should mean the phone isn't tracking us at all, not "just track our movements in the aggregate." Users who choose not to enable location services on their phones should not have to worry about the phone continuing to compile data on their movements without their knowledge.

It's bad enough that cellphones have always allowed carriers to determine a device's position based on a triangulation of its signal, but that fact is simply an artifact of the way cellular communication works. There's no good reason why a user should be forced to accept being tracked by their handset's operating system as well.

3. Clear, Comprehensible Labeling
When a user does opt-in to location services, it should be clear exactly what he or she is agreeing to. Most smartphones offer very poor labeling within location services menus, such that users aren't really sure to what degree their movements might be tracked. Google is beginning to offer increasingly lengthy explanations of what its location settings do, but Apple and Microsoft communicate considerably less detailed information. All three platforms need to do a better job of telling users exactly how their location data will be used by the device and by installed apps.

4. Granular Controls
Users have a right to determine which apps on the device, including the device software itself, can track their movements. All smartphones should include options to enable or disable location services for not only the individual apps, but also for the device itself. It's perfectly reasonable for a user to want to use Facebook Places, for instance, without necessarily wanting to let Apple and Google know where they've been.

5. Location Data Must Be Encrypted
Even when users do opt-in to location services, they have a right to expect that the data collected won't sit on their phones in an unencrypted state that might expose their movements in the event that they lose the device. A thief should never be able to discover where you live or work simply by opening up a file on your phone's hard drive. All of the major smartphone platforms get a big, fat F when it comes to protecting their users' location privacy with strong encryption, and they simply must do better.

Source: InformationWeek

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Critical Response Systems

Over 70% of first responders are volunteers
Without an alert , interoperability means nothing .

Get the Alert.

M1501 Acknowledgent Pager

With the M1501 Acknowledgement Pager and a SPARKGAP wireless data system, you know when your volunteers have been alerted, when they’ve read the message, and how they’re going to respond – all in the first minutes of an event. Only the M1501 delivers what agencies need – reliable, rugged, secure alerting with acknowledgement.

Learn More

  • 5-Second Message Delivery
  • Acknowledged Personal Messaging
  • Acknowledged Group Messaging
  • 16 Group Addresses
  • 128-Bit Encryption
  • Network-Synchronized Time Display
  • Simple User Interface
  • Programming/Charging Base
  • Secondary Features Supporting Public Safety and Healthcare

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A wireless system that works when disasters hit

If landlines, cellphones and Internet are down, LifeNet still lets you communicate

By Ariel Schwartz
updated 8/26/2011 8:04:50 AM ET

disaster One of the first things to disappear in the wake of a major disaster is reliable communication. Without access to cell phone service or the Internet, it's difficult for first responders — or anyone who wants to help out — to speak with each other. And while satellite phones work in these situations, they're too expensive for many first responder organizations to purchase en masse.

Now, researchers from Georgia Tech College of Computing claim to have developed a cheap, easy solution: LifeNet, a piece of software that allows people to communicate after disasters, even if landlines, cell phone networks and the Internet are all down.

"It's just a piece of code that you can have on your laptop or phone. Once you have the software, the computers can communicate with each other, and you don't need infrastructure," says Santosh Vempala, the Georgia Tech computer science professor in charge of the project.

Any device that has LifeNet installed acts as both a host and router for the network — meaning the software can route data both to and from any other LifeNet-enabled device. You can read more technical details here.

A group of people using the software can all communicate with each other (texting is the easiest way), but if even one person on the network has access to the Internet, everyone else can access it, too — though the connection probably wouldn't be strong enough to do any powerful surfing, like stream video. And if one user has a satellite phone, the whole network can use its services.

There's just one catch: Users have to be within range of each other. Outdoors, this could mean up to a kilometer. Indoors, users may have to be as close as a few hundred yards. But as Vempala notes, "you could have a line of people on this network that are spaced 100 yards apart, and the line could go as long as you want."

Hrushikesh Mehendale, one of Vempala's former graduate students, plans to bring LifeNet to market. The software will be free, he says, but users will have to pay for specific applications (i.e. text messaging). Still, the cost will be cheap compared with satellite phones, which cost up to $600 a pop and charge 50 cents per text.

Vempala and Mehendale have already tested LifeNet with the FAA, which found that it was able to run all of its operations on top of the network. The researchers also recently partnered with the Tata Institute of Social Sciences in India, which will help deploy the service in communications-poor areas that have been hit hard by recent cyclones.

And the software isn't just useful in disaster situations. It could also be used in any region that lacks a reliable communications infrastructure. "The next thing is to get real users. We plan to find critical scenarios where we identify real need," says Mehendale.


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BloostonLaw Telecom Update

Published by the Law Offices of Blooston, Mordkofsky, Dickens, Duffy & Prendergast, LLP

[Reproduced here with the firm's permission.]



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CMAS Election Reminder - August 2011

blooston letterhead


*** Immediate Attention Required***

spacer In the wake of hurricane Irene and serious regional flooding, we are sending this memo to remind our firm’s commercial mobile wireless clients of the possible need, if they have not done so already, to advise the FCC whether or not their company intends to participate in the Commercial Mobile Alert System (CMAS). While participation in the CMAS is voluntary, the filing of an election report is not. All Commercial Mobile Service (CMS) providers must file regardless of whether they intend to participate or not to participate. The notification must be filed electronically in the Commission’s Electronic Comment Filing System (ECFS). Wireless carriers that have elected to participate in CMAS must have necessary network hardware and software installed and ready for operation by April 7, 2012.

spacer The filing requirement applies to all providers of commercial mobile service, including licensees in the following services: Cellular, Broadband PCS, Narrowband PCS, WCS, 700 MHz Guard Band and 700 MHz Commercial, AWS and Common Carrier Paging. While the requirement appears to apply only to licensees actually providing mobile service, prudence suggests that licensees intending to utilize their licensed spectrum to provide commercial mobile service should file the notification even if they have not yet commenced providing service, so that it is not overlooked once they commence service in the future.

spacer As we notified our retainer clients at the time, the original window for filing the CMAS election was August/September 2008. Clients that did not submit a CMAS election filing in the original 2008 time frame should contact us at their earliest convenience so we can determine whether a notification is required and, if necessary, prepare a waiver request. If your company acquired its wireless license(s) after the initial 2008 CMAS reporting deadline, or if your company began offering commercial mobile service after this date, there is a strong possibility that your company will need to file an election notice. If your company originally elected not to participate in CMAS but you would like to change that election, we can file your amended notice at any time. If you are not sure whether or not your company filed a CMAS election in 2008, contact us and we should be able to confirm your company’s status.


spacer The CMAS is a voluntary emergency alerting system that was established in 2008 by the FCC pursuant to the Warning, Alert and Response Network (WARN) Act. It provides federal, state, territorial, tribal and local government officials the ability to send 90-character geographically targeted text messages to the public regarding emergency alert and warning of imminent threats to life and property, Amber alerts, and Presidential emergency messages. The CMAS is a combined effort of the federal government and wireless standards organizations such as the Alliance of Telecommunications Industry Solutions (ATIS), and the Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) to define a common standard for mobile alerts. Under the Commission’s rules, the CMAS consists of an end-to-end system by which:

  • An Alert Aggregator/Gateway would receive, authenticate, validate and format federal, state, tribal and local alerts and then forward them to the appropriate CMS Provider Gateway.
  • The CMS Provider Gateway and associated infrastructure would process the alerts and transmit them to subscriber handsets.
  • Subscribers could receive up to three classes of text-based alerts, such as Presidential, Imminent Threat (e.g., tornado), and Amber Alerts.
  • Subscribers would automatically receive these alerts if they have a CMAS-compatible handset (i.e., there would be no subscriber opt-in requirements).
  • To ensure that people with disabilities have access to alerts, CMS providers must provide a unique audio attention signal and vibration cadence on CMAS-compatible handsets.
  • CMS providers generally must transmit alerts to areas no larger than the targeted county,
  • but they may transmit to areas smaller than the county if they choose to do so.
  • Subscribers receiving services pursuant to a roaming agreement will receive alert messages if: (1) the operator of the roamed upon network is a participating CMS provider; and (2) the subscriber's mobile device is configured for and technically capable of receiving alert messages from the roamed-upon network.
  • CMAS messages will not preempt calls in progress.

spacer In December of 2009, the Department of Homeland Security’s Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the FCC announced the adoption of design specifications for the development of a CMAS gateway interface. This announcement initiated a 28-month period for participating CMS providers to develop, test and deploy the system and deliver mobile alerts to the public. As if there were not enough acronyms floating around already, the entire end-to-end public safety notification system (of which CMAS is an integral part) is being marketed to the public by FEMA and the FCC as the Personal Localized Alerting Network (PLAN).

spacer Participating wireless carriers must begin deployment of CMAS/PLAN by April 7, 2012. Some carriers — AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile and Verizon — will reportedly offer the service in certain areas ahead of this deadline.

Answers to Common Questions

How Does PLAN Work?

spacer Authorized national, state or local government officials send alerts regarding public safety emergencies, such as a tornado or a terrorist threat to PLAN. PLAN authenticates the alert, verifies that the sender is authorized and sends it to participating wireless carriers. Participating wireless carriers push the alerts from cell towers to mobile devices in the affected area. The alerts appear like text messages on mobile devices. Participating wireless service providers must be able to target alerts to individual counties, and ensure that alerts reach customers roaming outside the provider’s service area.

Who Will Receive PLAN Alerts?

spacer Alerts are geographically targeted, so a customer living in downtown New York would not receive a threat if they happen to be in Chicago when the alert is sent. Similarly, someone visiting downtown New York from Chicago on that same day would receive the alert. This requires a PLAN enabled mobile device and participation by the wireless provider in PLAN.

How Much Will Consumers Pay to Receive PLAN Alerts?

spacer Alerts are free. Customers do not pay to receive PLAN alerts.

Do Consumers Have to Sign Up to Receive Alerts?

spacer Customers of participating carriers are automatically signed up. PLAN allows government officials to send emergency alerts to all subscribers with PLAN-capable devices if their wireless carrier participates in the program. Consumers do not need to sign up for this service.

What Alerts Will PLAN Deliver?

spacer Alerts from PLAN cover only critical emergency alerts. Consumers will receive only three types of alerts:

  • Alerts issued by the President
  • Alerts involving imminent threats to safety or life
  • Amber Alerts

Participating carriers may allow subscribers to block all but Presidential alerts.

What Will Consumers Experience When They Receive a PLAN Alert?

spacer PLAN uses a unique signal and vibration, and appears much like a text message. A PLAN alert will be accompanied by a unique attention signal and vibration, which is particularly helpful to people with hearing or vision-related disabilities. The PLAN alert will appear as a popup text on the handset screen much like a text message.

Will Consumers Be Able to Receive PLAN Alerts on a Prepaid Phone?

spacer Yes. Consumers with prepaid phones can receive PLAN alerts as long as their provider has decided to participate in PLAN and the customer has a PLAN-enabled device. Such consumers will receive PLAN alerts just as customers with postpaid, monthly service will.

Will PLAN track my location?

spacer No. PLAN is not designed to – and does not – track the location of anyone receiving a PLAN alert.

Are PLAN Alerts Text Messages?

spacer No. PLAN messages are not text messages. Alerts will not have to be opened like SMS text messages, but will “pop up” on the device’s screen. PLAN alerts are transmitted using a new technology that is separate and different from voice calls and SMS text messages. This new technology ensures that emergency alerts will not get stuck in highly congested user areas, which can happen with standard mobile voice and texting services.

Will Consumers Need a New Phone or a Smart Phone to Receive Alerts?

spacer Some phones may require only software upgrades to receive alerts, while in other cases a subscriber may need to purchase a new PLAN-capable device. Consumers will need to check with their wireless carrier regarding the availability of PLAN-capable handsets.

Will PLAN Be Available Everywhere?

spacer Participation in PLAN by wireless carriers is voluntary and there should be no negative fallout if a carrier decides for whatever reason not to participate. Some carriers will offer PLAN over all or parts of their service areas or over all or only some of their wireless devices. Ultimately, we expect that PLAN will be available in most of the country. Consumers will need to check with their wireless carriers to determine the extent to which they are offering PLAN.

Can Consumers Block PLAN Alerts?

spacer Partially. Participating wireless carriers may offer subscribers with PLAN-capable handsets the ability to block alerts involving imminent threats to safety of life and/or AMBER Alerts; however, consumers cannot block emergency alerts issued by the President.

How Will Subscribers Know If Their Carrier Offers PLAN?

spacer The FCC requires all wireless carriers that do not participate in PLAN to notify customers once CMAS begins operations in your area, expected to be in April 2012. Consumers will need to check with their wireless carriers to determine the extent to which they are offering PLAN.

Should My Company Elect to Participate?

spacer While participation in the CMAS is entirely voluntary, the decision to participate triggers certain obligations, as discussed below. We note that the initial election is not binding, i.e., a service provider may elect to opt in and decide later to opt out, and vice versa, and no regulatory penalty or forfeiture will accrue if the election is later changed, one way or the other. However, following are the factors that should be considered before making a decision as to the initial election.

spacer Clearly, there are benefits to participating in the CMAS, both humanitarian and commercial. The value to your subscribers of being able to receive critical emergency alerts on their mobile devices is unquestionable. And, not participating in the CMAS when other service providers in the area have elected to do so may put your company at a competitive disadvantage. Indeed, once the CMAS begins operations in your area, you must notify your subscribers in a conspicuous manner at the point of sale if you decide not to participate (no notification to subscribers is required if you have decided to participate). While participation requires commitment and some costs, including equipment and periodic testing, many carriers may conclude that the benefits outweigh the obligations.

spacer However, insofar as the initial election is concerned, there is some down side to opting in and later deciding to opt out, for whatever the reason. If you elect to participate in the CMAS and later withdraw your election, while there is no regulatory penalty in doing so, you must notify all affected subscribers and the FCC at least 60 days prior to the withdrawal of the election. But, more compelling, if you withdraw your initial election to participate in the CMAS, you must notify each affected subscriber individually in clear and conspicuous language of the subscriber’s right to terminate service without an early termination fee or a penalty of any kind. For this reason alone, we recommended opting out in the initial election, thereby giving you the full opportunity to examine the costs and other obligations associated with participation before making a final decision.

spacer As indicated above, the initial election is not binding and may later be changed without regulatory penalty or forfeiture. So, if you elected to state your intention not to participate in the initial filing, you may now decide to participate once the CMAS is implemented in your area of operations.

spacer The CMAS notification must be filed electronically with the FCC. If you did not make the initial filing in 2008 and would now like us to file your notification and supply you with the FCC’s confirmation of the filing, please contact Hal Mordkofsky or Cary Mitchell as soon as possible. If you have already made the initial filing (and most of our clients have done so), there is no need to make a further filing unless you elected to opt out in the initial filing (as most of our clients did) and now wish to change that election.

spacer Please let us know if you wish to discuss this further.

Source: Blooston, Mordkofsky, Dickens, Duffy and Prendergast, LLP For additional information, contact Hal Mordkofsky at 202-828-5520 or

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WiPath Communications

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wipath header

Intelligent Solutions for Paging & Wireless Data

WiPath manufactures a wide range of highly unique and innovative hardware and software solutions in paging and mobile data for:

  • Emergency Mass Alert & Messaging Emergency Services Communications Utilities Job Management Telemetry and Remote Switching Fire House Automation
  • Load Shedding and Electrical Services Control

black line PDT3000 Paging Data Terminal pdt 2000 image

  • FLEX & POCSAG Built-in POCSAG encoder Huge capcode capacity Parallel, 2 serial ports, 4 relays
  • Message & system monitoring

black line Paging Controlled Moving Message LED Displays

welcom wipath

  • Variety of sizes Indoor/outdoor
  • Integrated paging receiver

black line PDR3000/PSR3000 Paging Data Receivers paging data receiver

  • Highly programmable, off-air decoders Message Logging & remote control Multiple I/O combinations and capabilities
  • Network monitoring and alarm reporting

black line Specialized Paging Solutions paging data receiver

  • Emergency Mass Alerting Remote telemetry switching & control Fire station automation PC interfacing and message management Paging software and customized solutions Message interception, filtering, redirection, printing & logging Cross band repeating, paging coverage infill, store and forward
  • Alarm interfaces, satellite linking, IP transmitters, on-site systems

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Mobile Data Terminals & Two Way Wireless  Solutions

mobile data terminal

radio interface

  • Fleet tracking, messaging, job processing, and field service management Automatic vehicle location (AVL), GPS
  • CDMA, GPRS, ReFLEX, conventional, and trunked radio interfaces

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WiPath Communications LLC
4845 Dumbbarton Court
Cumming, GA 30040
4845 Dumbbarton Court
Cumming, GA 30040
Web site: left arrow CLICK
E-mail: left arrow CLICK
Phone: 770-844-6218
Fax: 770-844-6574
WiPath Communications

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Preferred Wireless

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preferred logo

Terminals & Controllers:
1 Motorola ASC1500
2 GL3100 RF Director 
9 Glenayre GLS2164 Satellite Receivers
1 GL3000L Complete w/Spares
1 GL3000ES Terminal
2 Zetron 2200 Terminals
  Unipage — Many Unipage Cards & Chassis
Link Transmitters:
2 Glenayre QT4201 & 6201, 25 & 100W Midband Link TX
2 Glenayre QT6201 Link Repeater and Link Station in Hot Standby
1 Glenayre QT6994, 150W, 900 MHz Link TX
3 Motorola 10W, 900 MHz Link TX (C35JZB6106)
2 Motorola 30W, Midband Link TX (C42JZB6106AC)
2 Eagle Midband Link Transmitters, 125W
5 Glenayre GL C2100 Link Repeaters
VHF Paging Transmitters
1 Motorola VHF PURC-5000 125W, ACB or TRC
6 Glenayre GLT8411, 250W, VHF TX
1 Motorola Nucleus, 125W, VHF, TX
2 Motorola Nucleus, 350W, VHF, TX
UHF Paging Transmitters:
20 Glenayre UHF GLT5340, 125W, DSP Exciter
6 Motorola PURC-5000 110 & 225W, TRC & ACB
2 QT-7795, 250W, UHF TX
900 MHz Paging Transmitters:
3 Glenayre GLT 8600, 500W
2 Glenayre GLT8200, 25W (NEW)
15 Glenayre GLT-8500 250W
35 Glenayre 900 MHz DSP Exciters
25 Glenayre GLT-8500 Final PAs
35 Glenayre GLT-8500 Power Supplies


Too Much To List • Call or E-Mail
Rick McMichael
Preferred Wireless, Inc.
10658 St. Charles Rock Rd.
St. Louis, MO 63074
888-429-4171 or 314-429-3000
left arrow CLICK HERE
left arrow OR HERE  

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Preferred Wireless

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EastWest Communications Inc.

black line

Media 1 ® live
by EastWest Communications Inc.

Real-time response to live events

spacer The audience may attend or view/listen to an event nationwide and respond in real time without requiring a computer — even respond while attending an event.

spacer Participate in sporting events, concerts, training programs or other programs to allow the producers to change the program based on audience participation.

Ed Lyda
P.O. Box 8488
The Woodlands, Texas 77387
Cell: 832-928-9538


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EastWest Communications Inc.

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Note from Phil Leavitt:

For Sale

I have about 95 new CreataLinks and about 285 DataLinks, all 900 MHz POCSAG.

I have approximately 250 ± J39DNW0050 DataLink II Plus — boards only — new, and approximately 95 CreataLink modules. I also have 2 developer's kits and some CreataLink II units.

Philip C Leavitt, Manager
Leavitt Communications
7508 N Red Ledge Drive
Paradise Valley, AZ 85253
Tel: 847-955-0511
Fax: 270-447-1909
Mobile: 847-494-0000
Skype ID: pcleavitt

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Hark Technologies

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hark logo

Wireless Communication Solutions

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USB Paging Encoder

paging encoder

  • Single channel up to eight zones
  • Connects to Linux computer via USB
  • Programmable timeouts and batch sizes
  • Supports 2-tone, 5/6-tone, POCSAG 512/1200/2400, GOLAY
  • Supports Tone Only, Voice, Numeric, and Alphanumeric
  • PURC or direct connect
  • Pictured version mounts in 5.25" drive bay
  • Other mounting options available
  • Available as a daughter board for our embedded Internet Paging Terminal (IPT)

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Paging Data Receiver (PDR)


  • Frequency agile - only one receiver to stock
  • USB or RS-232 interface
  • Two contact closures
  • End-user programmable w/o requiring special hardware
  • 16 capcodes
  • Eight contact closure version also available
  • Product customization available

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Other products

  • Please see our web site for other products including Internet Messaging Gateways, Unified Messaging Servers, test equipment, and Paging Terminals.
Hark Technologies
717 Old Trolley Rd Ste 6 #163
Summerville, SC 29485
Tel: 843-821-6888
Fax: 843-821-6894
E-mail: left arrow CLICK
Web: left arrow CLICK

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David George and Bill Noyes
of Hark Technologies.

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Hark Technologies

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You can help the newsletter by buying these telemetry receivers from Dave Levine:

Hi Brad –

I have 50-60 Daviscomms TMR1F one-way pagers. About 10 of them have the internal antenna and the rest have the BNC connector. I would say about 40 of these have never been used — many are still in the original packaging. The reason that we are selling them is because we are hoping to transition to a cellular network. We also have around 125 flat antennas with BNC connectors. These antennas work very well — better than the duck antennas we typically saw on the units. They have an adhesive backing and can be mounted flat on top of a machine. I have attached a flyer that we made about the antennas. I would be happy with $40 OBO for the receivers and $5 OBO for the antennas — but if someone takes everything, I will sell it for $35 for the receivers and $5 for the antennas. I can take credit card or check.


I just went into my warehouse and inventoried the receivers and antennas. Some of the receivers have a password which I will give to the buyer. Most of them are brand new, in the original packaging. Here is the complete rundown:

100 Flat antennas
4 Daviscomms TMR1F with internal antenna.
61 Daviscomms TMR1F with BNC Connectors

Of the 61 TMRs with the BNC Connectors, 43 of them are still in the original packaging, the rest were lightly used. All of them have had my labels removed and just need to be reprogrammed and put back into service. Again, I would prefer to sell everything to one buyer.

Thanks –

Dave Levine

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UCOM Paging

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satellite dish ucom logo

Satellite Uplink
As Low As
$500 /month

  • Data input speeds up to 38.4 Kbps Dial-in modem access for Admin Extremely reliable & secure
  • Hot standby up link components

Knowledgeable Tech Support 24/7

Contact Alan Carle Now!
1-888-854-2697 x272

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UCOM Paging

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its stil here


It's still here — the tried and true Motorola Alphamate 250. Now owned, supported, and available from Leavitt Communications. Call us for new or reconditioned units, parts, manuals, and repairs.

We also offer refurbished Alphamate 250’s, Alphamate IIs, the original Alphamate and new and refurbished pagers, pager repairs, pager parts and accessories. We are FULL SERVICE in Paging!

E-mail Phil Leavitt ( ) for pricing and delivery information or for a list of other available paging and two-way related equipment.

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Phil Leavitt

leavitt logo

7508 N. Red Ledge Dr.
Paradise Valley, AZ 85253

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On Aug 28, 2011, at 4:19 PM, Ian Gardiner in New Zealand wrote:

Hi Brad

I have been getting your newsletters now for some years. Paging is still on my list of interests but I must admit down the priority.

Top priority for us is Public Safety Communications systems. I am working on one now that requires a paging overlay with simulcast interoperability channels.

Anyway, your article about how cell phone systems don’t work during earthquakes has prompted me to tell you this.

I work for Tait Radio Communications here in Christchurch New Zealand. I am one of the old hands with, like you, over 40 years in the mobile radio business.

It is almost one year since the 7.1 Quake on September 4th 2010. That day I was at home in bed when the quake struck. The effect in the house was like a steam locomotive going through the house with violent shaking and huge amount of noise. The power went out so my wife and I went to the kitchen and put on our emergency torch system and the transistor radio. Slightly later we tried to make a cell phone call to my brother across town but that failed due to overloading. We fortunately had kept connected an old plug-in phone into the landline system and that worked — demonstrating that old technology still works.

The New Zealand Police use a Tait APCO 25 trunked system and this kept going all the time.

On Monday February 22nd 2011 I was in a company seminar and it stopped for lunch at 11:50 AM. I looked at my watch and figured that I just had enough time to go across town to Hi-Tec Aerials and pick up an antenna I had ordered, with time to get back by 1:15 PM.

Hi-Tec Aerials are located near Heathcote Valley close to the Lyttleton Road Tunnel. After passing the time of day with the owner in the office, I got into my auto and started back. At 12:50PM the 6.3 Quake struck and I was witnessing the road breaking up, the automobile was swaying violently from side to side as if there were four flat tyres. When the shaking stopped, I pulled over and conversed with another vehicle driver. Five hours later I was able to get through to home. Traffic was jammed throughout the city, water and liquefaction covered the roads and every time I tried to use my cell phone to let my wife know I was OK, it failed. Hi-Tec aerials was as close to the epicentre of the 6.3 as one could be. I later spoke with the owner and he told me that he and the other office staff were thrown to the ground and couldn't get up till after the shaking stopped. Frightening. (Over 180 people died).

Again the Tait P25 Radio system worked great, call numbers went from 8,000 or so, prior to the quake, to over 18,000 post quake. Australian rescue teams brought their radios with them and these were reprogrammed onto local channels and these worked fine. Probably one of the most startling demonstrations of International Interoperability. Today the City is very severely damaged and many buildings are being demolished.

Kind regards,

Senior Solutions Engineer
Tait Radio Communications

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There were many submissions of news by readers this week, for which I am very grateful. There just wasn't enough space to include these references in their entirety, so I have added links here so that you can read them.

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It's interesting that they ignore paging in the comparisons...

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This is the rural county east of Sacramento ... started building their P25 system in 2003 [...] and have still not got it on line.

On February 4, 2003, the Placer County Board of Supervisors approved the Countywide Radio Network Strategic Plan of developing and building a 3- Zone Digital Trunking Simulcast P25 compliant VHF-high band radio system, and provided direction towards its implementation.

The Strategy comprises three phases:

Phase I – Planning and Initial Network Upgrades
Phase II – Secure Funding & Upgrade Network Support Infrastructure
Phase III – Construct & Implement Digital Radio Network

This three-phase approach to implement a new digital radio network meets federal standards, will provide interoperable communications for public safety/mutual aid agencies, and internal County users.

Partial funding for the project is being provided through COPS, Fire and Homeland Security grants and the remainder through the County's own financial commitment. A large portion of the success of the project can be attributed to two reasons: 1) the acquisition of vacant frequency spectrum offered by several private parties, and 2) a self supporting staff remaining involved in every aspect of the project from design to installation. Since the County is self supporting, it has been able to retain a technically qualified staff that has had the knowledge and expertise to design and implement advanced communication systems.


Phase III of the strategy is projected to be completed by December of 2015. The County is currently nearing completion of the first step of the final phase which is the build out of the Prime and Master Sites located at the County Center in Auburn and a remote RF site located in Penryn. The remote RF site is connected back to the Master site using a Harris/Stratex microwave link which may also connect adjacent agencies one day. The county is on track to complete both physical site build outs by June of 2009.

The new tower in Auburn is a 140 foot tall self supporting tower manufactured by Sabre. It supports 30 or so antenna used by various county agencies and contains cellular antennas for AT&T. The shelter itself is a 50 foot add-on to the County’s main network and communications hub and is 1000 square feet in size. Nearly 2/3 of the rack space is dedicated to Motorola for use in the P25 system and its components. These racks will hold the various radios, comparators, network switches and servers required for the new radio system. After completion, the room will look more like a network operations center than a radio equipment room. In adhering to modern specs and standards, the entire site rigidly adheres to the Motorola R56 Grounding standard, inside and out.

Once the first step of Phase III is completed, the P25 system will be able to handle network traffic slated for non-public safety personnel, and the first users will be transitioned over late May, early June 2009. Because the complete build out is grant funding dependant, certain steps of the final phase may be delayed from the projected completion dates.

The complete expected completion timeline is as follows:

  • June 2010 Western Placer County multiple remote RF site development
  • March 2011 Central Placer County Prime site development
  • September 2012 Eastern Placer County Prime site development
  • December 2013 Build out of secondary RF sites
  • December 2014 West to East microwave network completion
  • December 2015 High Performance Data Network overlay completion

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This is another Calif. county who spent $30 million and 5 years to construct a private system. Plenty of problems along the way... The county has a population of less than 250K.

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Seems when ever an emergency situation arises and cellular networks stop working properly, the public safety lobbies raise the red flag and demand more private infrastructure of their very own ... commercial systems don't work they cry, so give us more millions to spend. We have seen and heard of numerous situations where very expensive "private" radio systems also fail to operate ... the City of Oakland is only one of many to report their new $18 million P25 system is no better than the old one they replaced.


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Brad Dye
With best regards,

brad's signature
Newsletter Editor


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Wireless Messaging News
Brad Dye, Editor
P.O. Box 266
Fairfield, IL 62837 USA

mensa member animated gif

Skype: braddye
Telephone: 618-599-7869

Wireless Consulting page
Paging Information Home Page
Marketing & Engineering Papers
AAPC web site

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“Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that.”

—from Strength to Love, a collection of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s sermons published in 1963.

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left arrow Newspapers generally cost 75¢ a copy and they hardly ever mention paging. If you receive some benefit from this publication maybe you would like to help support it financially? A donation of $25.00 would represent approximately 50¢ a copy for one year. If you are willing and able, please click on the PayPal Donate button to the left.

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