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On September 4, 2003 a new shopping center opened north of Richmond, Virginia. It's called the "Short Pump Town Center" (really). I got there a little after 9:00 AM and there already weren't many parking spaces left. As I walked into the the center, I noticed that everyone around me was in a hurry, so I started walking a little faster too. I wondered if they were all going to the same place that I was going to? But no, as I passed the center of the shopping area, there was a big crowd of people with some politicians talking on the PA about the grand opening of "this big, wonderful place, with many beautiful stores, for the benefit of all the citizens, blah, blah, blah." I didn't have time to stop and listen. I have a more important place to find: The Apple Store.

I soon found it and quickly got in line. I was number 37 in line and it was about 40 minutes before the scheduled opening. There were Apple fans of all ages waiting in line for their free T-shirt and a chance to actually see the new G-5 Macintosh. The store staff came out to greet us and to lead in several "Apple cheers." We all chanted: Apple, Apple, Apple, Apple. . . A couple of them had Wi-Fi equipped iBooks with the new iSight video conferencing gizmo working—live. This is cool to the extreme. Actually I ran out of superlatives. You can only say cool and awesome so many times in one day.

Then the big moment came. The doors opened. And we rushed in. Fortunately no one got trampled underfoot. (Just kidding, everyone was well-behaved.)

After running the gauntlet and high fiving it with the store staff, I collared a salesman and quickly bought my new 64-bit G-5 Macintosh computer. He was a real nice young man named Chris Parrott and I think it was his first sale. He reminds me of my son-in-law. He did a very good job. I think I am qualified to say so because I have been a sales manager of high-tech electronic products, for many years.

Yes, I am a Macintosh fanatic. I have been for a long time. I started using Macs when I worked at Motorola as international market development manager for pagers. I have probably owned a dozen of them and I have given them to all of my children.

So, I have the new Mac in my office now and it works very well. How well? Oh, for one it is VERY fast! A 1.6 MHz 64-bit computer in the Macintosh world is much faster than its name implies—if you think in PeeCee or WinDoze terms. In fact, they say that the new dual-processor 2.0 MHz cousin to my model, is the fastest personal desk-top computer ever made. With the new 20-inch Apple flat panel Cinema Display this combination is really something. I am too busy to spend a week setting up a new computer. I just plugged this one in and started using it right away. Now watch my productivity increase! This computer is not just for fun, it is a serious business tool that makes work fun.

Do I like it?

Are you kidding?


The G-5 in the window. Waiting for the new store to open.


The Apple cheer. Apple! Apple! Apple! Apple! Apple! Apple! Apple! Apple!


High fivin' with the Apple crew as the crowd rushes in.


Now that's enthusiasm. Look at all these people!


The crowd in awe. You have to be a fan to understand.


Fun for all ages. Everybody loves the Macintosh.


More cool stuff! All the Mac models, and accessories too.


Live interview on channel 6 television adds to the excitement.


Apple salesman extraordinaire Chris Parrott and my new G-5 Macintosh with monitor and speakers.

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