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Wireless News Aggregation

Friday — March 11, 2022 — Issue No. 1,001

Welcome Back To

The Wireless
Messaging News

Wireless Messaging News

  • Emergency Radio Communications
  • Wireless Messaging
  • Critical Messaging
  • Two-way Radio
  • Technology
  • Telemetry
  • Science
  • Paging
  • Wi-Fi
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This Week's Wireless News Headlines

  • To help Ukraine, Google rolls out “Air Raid Alerts” system for Android
  • Why You Shouldn't Swerve Around Deer (or Other Animals) in the Road
  • Apple Releasing macOS 12.3 Next Week With Universal Control and More
  • Google’s latest Chrome for Mac update is faster than Safari–for now
  • Harvesting Energy From the Air: Metasurface-Based Antenna Turns Ambient Radio Waves Into Electric Power
  • Police in Minnesota can launch tracking device from their vehicles onto stolen cars
  • Inside Towers
    • USTelecom’s Spalter: Double-Dipping for Broadband Funds is Wrong
  • BloostonLaw Telecom Update
    • REMINDER: First Quarter Speed Testing Must Be Completed by March 31; Uploaded by April 7
    • FCC Publishes Data Specifications for Broadband Data Collection
    • FCC Reminds 6 GHz Microwave Licensees to Verify Accuracy of Universal Licensing System Database
    • Senate Committee Advances Sohn Nomination
    • Broadcaster Pays $250,000, Forfeits Licenses to Settle Investigation
    • FCC Proposes $100,000 Forfeiture for Failure to File Form 499-A
    • FCC Proposes $16,000 Forfeiture for Unauthorized Transfer of Control
    • Responses to Inmate Calling Services Third Mandatory Data Collection Due June 30
    • FCC Extends Rural Healthcare 2022 Funding Year Application to June 1
    • Precision Agriculture Task Force Meeting Scheduled for March 21
    • FCC Announces $64 Million in Emergency Connectivity Fund Support for Schools and Libraries
    • Deadlines
    • BloostonLaw Contacts
    • Calendar At-a-Glance
    • Ed Cummings
    • Robert L. “Bob” Burchett
      • ASC 1500 for sale
    • New Mac Studio and Studio Display
    • “Grandpa Elliott RIP”


This doesn't mean that nothing is ever published here that mentions a US political party—it just means that the editorial policy of this newsletter is to remain neutral on all political issues. We don't take sides.

About Us

A new issue of the Wireless Messaging Newsletter is posted on the web each week. A notification goes out by e-mail to subscribers on most Fridays around noon central US time. The notification message has a link to the actual newsletter on the web. That way it doesn’t fill up your incoming e-mail account.

There is no charge for subscription and there are no membership restrictions. Readers are a very select group of wireless industry professionals, and include the senior managers of many of the world’s major Paging and Wireless Messaging companies. There is an even mix of operations managers, marketing people, and engineers — so I try to include items of interest to all three groups. It’s all about staying up-to-date with business trends and technology.

I regularly get readers’ comments, so this newsletter has become a community forum for the Paging, and Wireless Messaging communities. You are welcome to contribute your ideas and opinions. Unless otherwise requested, all correspondence addressed to me is subject to publication in the newsletter and on my web site. I am very careful to protect the anonymity of those who request it.

I spend the whole week searching the INTERNET for news that I think may be of interest to you — so you won’t have to. This newsletter is an aggregator — a service that aggregates news from other news sources. You can help our community by sharing any interesting news that you find.

Editorial Policy

Editorial Opinion pieces present only the opinions of the author. They do not necessarily reflect the views of any of advertisers or supporters. This newsletter is independent of any trade association. I don't intend to hurt anyone's feelings, but I do freely express my own opinions.

Click on the image above for more info about advertising in this newsletter.



How would you like to help support The Wireless Messaging News? Your support is needed. New advertising and donations have fallen off considerably.
A donation through PayPal is easier than writing and mailing a check and it comes through right away.

There is not a lot of news about Paging these days but when anything significant comes out, you will probably see it here. I also cover text messaging to other devices and various articles about related technology.

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Advertiser Index

Easy Solutions  (Vaughan Bowden)
Frank Moorman
IWA Technical Services, Inc.  (Ira Wiesenfeld)
Leavitt Communications  (Phil Leavitt)
Prism-IPX Systems  (Jim Nelson & John Bishop)
Paging & Wireless Network Planners LLC  (Ron Mercer)

Service Monitors and Frequency Standards for Sale

Motorola Service Monitor

IFR Service Monitor

IFR 500A Service Monitor

(Images are typical units, not actual photos of items offered for sale here.)

Qty Item Notes
2 Late IFR 500As  
1 Motorola R 2001D  
4 Motorola R 2400 and 2410A  
5 Motorola R 2600 and R 2660 late S/Ns  
4 Motorola R 1200  
2 Motorola R 2200  
2 Stand-alone Efratom Rubidium Frequency Standards 10 MHz output
1 Telawave model 44 wattmeter Recently calibrated
1 IFR 1000S  
All sold with 7-day ROR (Right of Refusal), recent calibration, operation manual, and accessories.  
Factory carrying cases for each with calibration certificate.  
Many parts and accessories  

Frank Moorman animated left arrow

(254) 596-1124

Calibration and Repair (NIST 17025)
Upgrades: We can add the FE 5680A 10 MHz rubidium clock to your unit. Small unit fits into the well in the battery compartment — making it a world standard accuracy unit that never needs to be frequency calibrated.
Please inquire by telephone or e-mail.
Most Service Monitor Accessories in stock.


To help Ukraine, Google rolls out “Air Raid Alerts” system for Android

Google is building a client into the OS for the government's air raid alert system.

RON AMADEO - 3/10/2022, 1:49 PM

Google's Doodle for Ukraine Independence Day 2018.

Smartphone-based air raid alerts are one of the many awful facts of life in Ukraine right now. While the Ukrainian government has an air raid warning system that currently runs through a third-party app, Google is taking it upon itself to build an "Air Raid Alerts" system directly into Android. The company outlined the decision on the Google Blog:

Tragically, millions of people in Ukraine now rely on air strike alerts to try to get to safety. At the request, and with the help, of the government of Ukraine, we've started rolling out a rapid Air Raid Alerts system for Android phones in Ukraine. This work is supplemental to the country's existing air raid alert systems, and based on alerts already being delivered by the Ukrainian government.

Google is rolling out the feature via Google Play Services, which means it should work for nearly every Android phone. While Android OS updates are infamously rolled out to only a single-digit percentage of users in a year, Google Play Services updates through the Play Store, so an update will happen for everyone as soon as their phone checks for app updates.

Android VP of Engineering Dave Burke announced the new feature on Twitter, saying the alerts use the same low-latency alert system the Android team designed for Android's earthquake detection. While the Earthquake detection system can spawn an earthquake alert of its own by crowdsourcing the accelerometer data from millions of Android phones, Google isn't detecting air raids. Instead, the company is just building a client for the government's alert system.

Burke says, "The system starts rolling out today and will ramp up to target all Android phones in Ukraine over the next few days. Thankful to our eng/product/UX teams for racing to get to a [solution] in short order."


Ron is the Reviews Editor at Ars Technica, where he specializes in Android OS and Google products. He is always on the hunt for a new gadget and loves to rip things apart to see how they work.


Source: arsTECHNICA  

Leavitt Communications


50 years experience providing and supporting radio and paging customers worldwide. Call us anytime we can be useful!






Minitor VI

Leavitt sells and supports most pager brands. We stock Unication G1, G5, Secure and some Elegant pagers. Call or e-mail for price and availability.

Philip C. Leavitt, V.P.
Leavitt Communications
7508 N. Red Ledge Drive
Paradise Valley, AZ 85253

Web Site:
Mobile phone: 847-494-0000
Telephone: 847-955-0511
Fax: 270-447-1909
Skype ID: pcleavitt

Why You Shouldn't Swerve Around Deer (or Other Animals) in the Road

Doing so can actually make things more dangerous for you, the deer, or both.

By Beth Skwarecki Yesterday 1:30PM

Photo: Michael Tatman (Shutterstock)

There are a lot of bad decisions you might make if a deer appears in front of you in the road while you’re driving. You’ll be startled, it will freeze, and your brain will sound the alarm that you should do something now—but please, avoid the urge to swerve around it.

The reaction is understandable. You don’t want to hit the deer. But the deer probably does see you, even if it’s standing still at first. By the time you get close, it’s likely going to jump. And if you swerve at just that moment, well, it may jump into you.

But even aside from the damage you might do to the deer, swerving is dangerous for you. A sudden change of direction at high speed can cause you to roll your car, or hit a tree, or send yourself into a ditch.

What should you do if a deer jumps into the road?

First, slow down. Don’t slam on the brakes if it’s not safe to do so (like if the road is icy), but do safely reduce your speed as much as you can. This will buy you and the deer more time to react, and it means that if you do collide, the collision will happen at a lower speed.

Next, notice your surroundings. Deer tend to travel in groups, often crossing a road single file, so there are probably more where this one came from. If they are on the move when you approach, they’ll probably keep going in the same direction. Try to steer (not swerve) behind the last deer in line. But be aware that there may be another just out of sight.

If a deer is standing still in the middle of the road, staring at you with that “deer in the headlights” look, it will probably jump at the last minute—and it could go in any direction. Don’t attempt to guess. Just head toward it, slowing down as much as you can, and wait for it to make a move.

You may not have the time or presence of mind to think of other drivers, but if you do, flash your brights to warn oncoming cars of the danger. (The deer may hop into their lane.)

What about avoiding other animals?

I live in one of the states with the highest wildlife collision rates, so I’m going to be honest with you. If I see anything smaller than a deer in the road, my philosophy is simply: f__k ’em.

I am not going to risk crashing a minivan full of kids because a squirrel with a death wish appeared at the last minute. I’m not heartless. I will feel bad if I squish the squirrel. But that’s the choice I’ve made.

I will briefly tap the brakes for a squirrel or bunny, and wish them luck. I will slow down as best as I safely can for a deer or a dog. I do absolutely nothing if the animal in the road is a bird; they always fly away.

Larger animals are rare where I live, but the danger they pose is real. If you live in moose country, people die in moose crashes. (Their legs are so long that their bodies tends to hit the passenger compartment in a crash.) Your best defense against a moose crash is to slow down so that whatever happens, it happens at the slowest speed possible.

And definitely do not speed up if an animal is in the road. There’s a myth that it’s better to hit a moose at high speed to try to flip it over your car. Don’t do that. Similarly, people sometimes misunderstand the advice not to swerve around a deer to mean that you should try to hit the deer head-on. Don’t do that either. If you approach at a slower speed and the deer jumps out of the way, that gives both of you the best chance of surviving.

And to avoid a collision in the first place, pay attention. Drive cautiously in the early morning, late evening, and anytime it’s dark or foggy. You can often see a deer’s eyes shining in the bushes before it jumps out in front of you, and they tend to follow predictable paths. Those “deer crossing” signs are legit, so when you see one, pay attention.


Paging Transmitters 150/900 MHz

The RFI High Performance Paging Transmitter is designed for use in campus, city, state and country-wide paging systems. Designed for use where reliable simulcast systems where RF signal overlap coverage is critical.

  • Commercial Paging systems.
  • Healthcare Paging systems.
  • Public Safety Emergency Services Paging systems.
  • Demand Response Energy Grid Management.

Built-in custom interface for Prism-IPX ipBSC Base Controller for remote control, management and alarm reporting.

  • Use as a stand-alone unit or in wide area network.
  • Mix with other transmitter brands in an existing paging network.
  • Adjustable from 20-250 watts.
  • 110/240 VAC or 48VDC.
  • Absolute Delay Correction.
  • Remote Diagnostics.
  • Configurable alarm thresholds.
  • Integrated Isolator.
  • Superb Reliability.
  • Improved amplifier efficiency.
  • Most reliable high-powered paging transmitter available.

Prism-IPX Systems LLC.

11175 Cicero Dr., Alpharetta, GA 30022
Ph: 678-242-5290 Email:

IMPORTANT left arrow

“Is Paging Going Away?” by Jim Nelson

  • Click here for English.
  • Click here for German. (Berlin Revision: November 8, 2016)
  • Click here for French.

Here is an English PDF edit of this paper formatted with page breaks and suitable for printing.

Volunteers needed for translations into other languages.

Board of Advisors

The Wireless Messaging News
Board of Advisors

Frank McNeill
Founder & CEO
Communications Specialists
Jim Nelson
President & CEO
Prism Systems International
Kevin D. McFarland, MSCIS
Sr. Application Systems Analyst
Medical Center
Paul Lauttamus, President
Lauttamus Communications & Security
R.H. (Ron) Mercer
Wireless Consultant
Barry Kanne
Paging Industry Veteran
Ira Wiesenfeld, P.E.
Consulting Engineer
Allan Angus
Consulting Engineer

The Board of Advisor members are people with whom I have developed a special rapport, and have met personally. They are not obligated to support the newsletter in any way, except with advice, and maybe an occasional letter to the editor.


Can You Help The Newsletter?

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You can help support The Wireless Messaging News by clicking on the PayPal Donate button above. It is not necessary to be a member of PayPal to use this service.

Reader Support

Newspapers generally cost 75¢ $1.50 a copy and they hardly ever mention paging or wireless messaging, unless in a negative way. If you receive some benefit from this publication maybe you would like to help support it financially?

A donation of $50.00 would certainly help cover a one-year period. If you are wiling and able, please click on the PayPal Donate button above.


Prism IPX Customers

Prism-IPX is a leader in providing reliable communications systems using modern designs to meet today’s demands for critical message alerting and delivery. Prism-IPX designs versatile and robust Critical Message Management systems using paging and other wireless technologies for high performance and dependable communications. We work with:

  • Hospitals and Medical Facilities
  • College and Universities
  • Firefighters and First Responders
  • Local Two-way Radio Dealers

How Can We Help You With Your Critical Messaging Solutions?


MORE INFO HERE left arrow

Easy Solutions

easy solutions

Providing Expert Support and Service Contracts for all Glenayre Paging Systems.

The GL3000 is the most prolific paging system in the world and Easy Solutions gladly welcomes you to join us in providing reliable support to the paging industry for many more decades in the future.

Easy Solutions provides cost effective computer and wireless solutions at affordable prices. We can help in most any situation with your communications systems. We have many years of experience and a vast network of resources to support the industry, your system and an ever changing completive landscape.

  • We treat our customers like family. We don’t just fix problems . . . We recommend and implement better cost-effective solutions.
  • We are not just another vendor . . . We are a part of your team. All the advantages of high priced full-time employment without the cost.
  • We are not in the Technical Services business . . . We are in the Customer Satisfaction business.

Experts in Paging Infrastructure

  • Glenayre, Motorola, Unipage, etc.
  • Excellent Service Contracts
  • Full Service—Beyond Factory Support
  • Making systems More Reliable and MORE PROFITABLE for over 30 years.

Please see our web site for exciting solutions designed specifically for the Wireless Industry. We also maintain a diagnostic lab and provide important repair and replacement parts services for Motorola and Glenayre equipment. Call or e-mail us for more information.

Easy Solutions
3220 San Simeon Way
Plano, Texas 75023
Vaughan Bowden
Telephone: 972-898-1119
Telephone: 214-785-8255


Service Contracts

I would like to recommend Easy Solutions for Support of all Glenayre Paging Equipment. This Texas company is owned and operated by Vaughan Bowden. I have known Vaughan for over 35 years. Without going into a long list of his experience and qualifications, let me just say that he was the V.P. of Engineering at PageNet which was—at that time—the largest paging company in the world. So Vaughan knows Paging.

GTES is no longer offering support contracts. GTES was the original group from Vancouver that was setup to offer support to customers that wanted to continue with the legacy Glenayre support. Many U.S. customers chose not to use this service because of the price and the original requirement to upgrade to version 8.0 software (which required expensive hardware upgrades, etc.). Most contracts ended as of February 2018.

If you are at all concerned about future support of Glenayre products, especially the “king of the hill” the GL3000 paging control terminal, I encourage you to talk to Vaughan about a service contract and please tell him about my recommendation.

Click on the image above for more info about advertising here.

INTERNET Protocol Terminal

The IPT accepts INTERNET or serial messaging using various protocols and can easily convert them to different protocols, or send them out as paging messages.

An ideal platform for hospitals, on-site paging applications, or converting legacy systems to modern protocols.

Input Protocols: Serial and IP
Output Protocols: Serial and IP
FLEX (optional PURC control)   POCSAG (optional PURC control)

Additional/Optional Features

  • Database of up to 5000 subscribers.
  • 4 serial ports on board.
  • Up to 8 phone lines (DID or POTS).
  • Can be configured for auto-fail-over to hot swap standby.
  • 1RU rack mount unit appliance—no moving parts.
  • Easily secure legacy system messages leaving site for HIPAA compliance.
  • Only purchase the protocols/options you need.
  • Add Paging Encryption for HIPAA compliance on site.

Prism-IPX Systems LLC.

11175 Cicero Dr., Alpharetta, GA 30022
Ph: 678-242-5290 e-mail:

Apple Releasing macOS 12.3 Next Week With Universal Control and More

Tuesday March 8, 2022 10:36 am PST by Joe Rossignol

As part of its press release announcing the new iPad Air with the M1 chip, Apple has confirmed that macOS Monterey 12.3 will be released next week. Ahead of time, Apple has seeded the macOS 12.3 Release Candidate to developers for testing.

A key new feature of macOS 12.3 is Universal Control, allowing a single mouse or trackpad to control multiple Macs and iPads placed side by side. macOS 12.3 also introduces several new emoji, deprecates kernel extensions used by cloud storage providers Dropbox and OneDrive, eliminates Python 2 as a pre-installed scripting language, and more.

Apple's press release:

With next week's release of iPadOS 15.4 and macOS 12.3, Universal Control will enable users to work with a single mouse and keyboard and move between Mac and iPad for a seamless experience, with no setup required. Users can even drag and drop content back and forth between devices — great for sketching with Apple Pencil on iPad and placing it into a Keynote slide on the Mac.

Apple also confirmed that iOS 15.4 and iPadOS 15.4 will be released next week.

Source: MacRumors  

Paging Data Receiver PDR-4

The PDR-4 is a multi-function paging data receiver that decodes paging messages and outputs them via the serial port, USB or Ethernet connectors.

Designed for use with Prism-IPX ECHO software Message Logging Software to receive messages and log the information for proof of transmission over the air, and if the data was error free.

  • Option—decode capcode list or all messages.
  • Large capcode capacity.
  • Serial, USB and Ethernet output.
  • POCSAG or FLEX page decoding, special SA protocols.
  • Receivers for paging bands in VHF, UHF, 900 MHz.
  • Message activated Alarm Output.
  • 8 programmable relay outputs.
  • Send notifications of a system problem.
  • Synthesized Receiver Tuning.
  • Selectivity better than 60 dB.
  • Frequencies 148-174, 450-470, 929-932 MHz.
  • Image Rejection better than 55 dB.
  • Spurious Rejection better than 55 dB.
  • Channel Spacing 12.5 or 25 kHz.
  • Power 5VDC.
  • Receiving Sensitivity 5µV at 1200 bps.

Prism-IPX Systems LLC.

11175 Cicero Dr., Alpharetta, GA 30022
Ph: 678-242-5290 e-mail:

Wireless Network Planners

Wireless Network Planners
Wireless Specialists

R.H. (Ron) Mercer
217 First Street
East Northport, NY 11731

ron mercer
Telephone: 631-786-9359 left arrow left arrow

Google’s latest Chrome for Mac update is faster than Safari–for now

Version 99 has recorded the highest speed score of any browser in the Speedometer benchmark

By Roman Loyola Senior Editor, Macworld MAR 8, 2022 4:37 AM PST


Google on Monday announced that its latest version of its Chrome browser for Mac, version 99, has recorded the highest speed score of any browser in the Speedometer benchmark—an Apple-created speed test.

Google revealed that in their testing, Chrome 99’s Speedometer score of 300 was possible in part by implementing ThinLTO, a build optimization technique that prioritizes code focused on browser speed. This is on top of other optimizations Google has been doing, including a new V8 Sparkplug JavaScript compiler with short built-in calls that optimize the placement of generated code inside of the device’s memory.

According to Google, Chrome 99 is 7 percent faster than Safari. We ran Speedometer on both Safari 15.4 (using WebKit version 17613. and on Chrome 99.0.4844.51 on a 14-inch MacBook Pro with a 10-core M1 Pro and 32GB of RAM. We also decided to throw in the Safari Technology Preview, a beta version of the browser that Apple uses to test new features. We used Release 141 of STP, which includes Safari 15.4 and WebKit 17614.1.3.8. Here’s what we got.

Google Chrome 99 vs. Safari: Speedometer 2.0

Results are scores. Higher scores/longer bars are better. Scores displayed here are an average of three time trials.

While we saw an average score of 300 for Chrome 99, the Safari Technology Preview was not far behind, with a 297 average in Speedometer. IDG

We also ran Speedometer on Safari 15.4 and Chrome 99 on a 14-inch MacBook Pro with an 8-core M1 Pro and 16GB of RAM, and the two browsers essentially had the same performance: Chrome scored 269, while Safari scored 267.

So, based on what we’ve seen, Chrome is the faster browser, but we wouldn’t recommend dumping Safari just yet. Based on the latest beta, it’s likely to catch up very soon.

Source: Macworld

Consulting Alliance

Brad Dye, Ron Mercer, Allan Angus, Vic Jackson, and Ira Wiesenfeld are friends and colleagues who work both together and independently, on wireline and wireless communications projects.

Click here left arrow for a summary of their qualifications and experience. Each one has unique abilities. We would be happy to help you with a project, and maybe save you some time and money.

Note: We do not like Patent Trolls, i.e. “a person or company who enforces patent rights against accused infringers in an attempt to collect licensing fees, but does not manufacture products or supply services based upon the patents in question.” We have helped some prominent law firms defend their clients against this annoyance, and would be happy to do some more of this same kind of work.

Some people use the title “consultant” when they don't have a real job. We actually do consulting work, and help others based on our many years of experience.

“If you would know the road ahead, ask someone who has traveled it.” — Chinese Proverb

Remote AB Switches

ABX-1 switches are often used at remote transmitter sites to convert from old, outdated and unsupported controllers to the new modern Prism-IPX ipBSC base station controllers. Remotely switch to new controllers with GUI commands.


ABX-3 switches are widely used for enabling or disabling remote equipment and switching I/O connections between redundant messaging systems.


Common Features:

  • RJ45 for A, B and Common connectors.
  • Manual push button or use Prism IP commands to switch one or more relays.
  • Single or Dual Port Control card for IP or Serial connection.
  • Form C relay—control local connection.
  • Power Loss Indicator.
  • Rear Panel Connector for controlling the switch externally.
  • Power Source: 5VDC for ABX-1; 12VDC for ABX-3.

Prism-IPX Systems LLC.

11175 Cicero Dr., Alpharetta, GA 30022
Ph: 678-242-5290 e-mail:

Harvesting Energy From the Air: Metasurface-Based Antenna Turns Ambient Radio Waves Into Electric Power


Technology could make it possible to use radio emissions from cell phone networks to wirelessly power sensors and LEDs.

Researchers have developed a new metasurface-based antenna that represents an important step toward making it practical to harvest energy from radio waves, such as the ones used in cell phone networks or Bluetooth connections. This technology could potentially provide wireless power to sensors, LEDs and other simple devices with low energy requirements.

“By eliminating wired connections and batteries, these antennas could help reduce costs, improve reliability and make some electrical systems more efficient,” said research team leader Jiangfeng Zhou from the University of South Florida. “This would be useful for powering smart home sensors such as those used for temperature, lighting and motion or sensors used to monitor the structure of buildings or bridges, where replacing a battery might be difficult or impossible.”

In the journal Optical Materials Express, the researchers report that lab tests of their new antenna showed that it can harvest 100 microwatts of power, enough to power simple devices, from low power radio waves. This was possible because the metamaterial used to make the antenna exhibits perfect absorption of radio waves and was designed to work with low intensities.

The researchers tested their metamaterial-based antenna in an anechoic chamber. The radio wave is sent out from the horn antenna on the left and received by the metasurface antenna mounted on the wood frame on the right. The anechoic chamber eliminates background signals from other sources and prevents stray signals from the radio wave source from bouncing around the room and perturbing measurements. The image of metamaterial-based antenna is enlarged on the right. Credit: Jiangfeng Zhou and Clayton Fowler

“Although more work is needed to miniaturize the antenna, our device crosses a key threshold of 100 microwatts of harvested power with high efficiency using ambient power levels found in the real world,” said Clayton Fowler, the team member who fabricated the sample and performed the measurements. “The technology could also be adapted so that a radio wave source could be provided to power or charge devices around a room.”

Harvesting energy from the air

Scientists have been trying to capture energy from radio waves for quite some time, but it has been difficult to obtain enough energy to be useful. This is changing thanks to the development of metamaterials and the ever-growing number of ambient sources of radio frequency energy available, such as cell phone networks, Wi-Fi, GPS, and Bluetooth signals.

“With the huge explosion in radio wave-based technologies, there will be a lot of waste electromagnetic emissions that could be collected,” said Zhou. “This, combined with advancements in metamaterials, has created a ripe environment for new devices and applications that could benefit from collecting this waste energy and putting it to use.”

Metamaterials use small, carefully designed structures to interact with light and radio waves in ways that naturally occurring materials do not. To make the energy-harvesting antenna, the researchers used a metamaterial designed for high absorption of radio waves and that allows a higher voltage to flow across the device’s diode. This improved its efficiency at turning radio waves into power, particularly at low intensity.

Testing with ambient power levels

For lab tests of the device, which measured 16 cm by 16 cm, the researchers measured the amount of power harvested while changing the power and frequency of a radio source between 0.7 and 2.0 GHz. They demonstrated the ability to harvest 100 microwatts of power from radio waves with an intensity of just 0.4 microwatts per centimeter squared, approximately the level of intensity of the radio waves 100 meters from a cell phone tower.

“We also placed a cell phone very close to the antenna during a phone call, and it captured enough energy to power an LED during the call,” said Zhou. “Although it would be more practical to harvest energy from cell phone towers, this demonstrated the power capturing abilities of the antenna.”

Because the current version of the antenna is much larger than most of the devices it would potentially power, the researchers are working to make it smaller. They would also like to make a version that could collect energy from multiple types of radio waves simultaneously so that more energy could be gathered.

Reference: “High efficiency ambient RF energy harvesting by a metamaterial perfect absorber” by Clayton Fowler, Sinhara Silva, Grija Thapa and Jiangfeng Zhou, 28 February 2022, Optical Materials Express. DOI: 10.1364/OME.449494

Source: SciTechDaily

Leavitt Communications

We can supply alphanumeric display, numeric display, and voice pagers.

We also offer NEW and refurbished Alphamate 250s, refurbished Alphamate IIs, the original Alphamate refurbished, and new and refurbished pagers, pager repairs, pager parts, and accessories. We are FULL SERVICE in Paging! Outstanding service is our goal.

E-mail Phil Leavitt ( ) for pricing and delivery information, or for a list of other available paging and two-way related equipment.

Phil Leavitt

7508 N. Red Ledge Drive
Paradise Valley, AZ 85253

Source: YouTube  

Inside Towers Newsletter

Friday, March 11, 2022

Volume 10, Issue 49

USTelecom’s Spalter: Double-Dipping for Broadband Funds is Wrong

USTelecom — The Broadband Association President/CEO Jonathan Spalter is calling out some companies for double-dipping for broadband subsidies. In a blog titled “Pole Attachments: A Cost of Doing Business, or So I Thought,” he says the $65 billion for broadband deployment in the new Infrastructure Law builds on the $80 billion in annual private broadband industry investment, and “billions” more from existing federal programs, such as the FCC’s Rural Digital Opportunity Fund (RDOF).

Since the Infrastructure law was passed, some entities have been aggressively pushing Congress, NTIA, and states to allow new federal funds to subsidize the same areas they have already committed to serve through programs like the RDOF, according to Spalter. “Regulatory arbitrage, double dipping? Call it what you will, but this is a terrible idea,” he writes. The $65 billion is meant to connect unserved homes and businesses, not to double pay companies that have already signed up to provide service via a separate pot of federal money.

Some winners of the RDOF reverse auction, won “by significantly underbidding the competition, elbowing out competitors in rural markets across the country,” Spalter asserts.

He says now some entities are now actively lobbying Congress, the Department of Commerce and states to use federal Infrastructure Law money to pay for their RDOF deployment costs. Specifically, they want to use the funds destined for unserved homes to pay for one of their major deployment costs — access to pole attachments, according to the USTelecom executive. “Thus, some RDOF winners are asking the government to pay for the pole attachment costs that they either didn’t factor into their bids, or to double recover those costs to the extent they were included,” he asserts. He calls double-dipping wrong.

Spalter also says the cable industry is looking to reduce its costs, and pushing the FCC to change its rules that govern payment for new poles and pole replacements. The current rules are clear, the cost causer (that is, the entity that modifies or attaches to the pole) pays for the upgrade, modification…or the replacement of a pole if need be, according to Spalter. “Cable wants the pole owners to absorb some or all of the costs of a new pole, even when the pole owner otherwise had no intention of putting a new one in the ground. Cable calls it reducing a barrier to investment,” he writes.

Calling a new pole a fixed cost, Spalter says. “Making the pole owner pay for a pole replacement caused by a competitor’s attachment is not removing a barrier or reducing costs; it is just shifting costs from one company to another. Another potential issue — forcing pole owners to pay for new poles needed to accommodate a competitor’s attachments could lead to increased pole attachment rates for all attachers,” he explains.

USTelecom agrees with the cable industry, and others, that all companies should provide reasonable and timely access to poles, including to their competitors, when broadband deployment depends on pole access, Spalter stresses. “And that must include poles owned by electric cooperatives and municipalities, particularly as they increasingly compete in the broadband business. Congress should update the statute governing pole attachments so that all pole owners must provide reasonable and non-discriminatory access. Where states have the authority, they should do the same.”

By Leslie Stimson, Inside Towers Washington Bureau Chief

Source: Inside Towers newsletter Courtesy of the editor of Inside Towers, Jim Fryer.
Inside Towers is a daily newsletter by subscription.

BloostonLaw Newsletter

Selected portions [sometimes more — sometimes less — sometimes the whole updates] of the BloostonLaw Telecom Update and/or the BloostonLaw Private Users Update — newsletters from the Law Offices of Blooston, Mordkofsky, Dickens, Duffy & Prendergast, LLP — are reproduced in this section of The Wireless Messaging News with kind permission from the firm's partners. The firm's contact information is included at the end of this section of the newsletter.

  BloostonLaw Telecom Update Vol. 25, No. 10 March 9, 2022  

REMINDER: First Quarter Speed Testing Must Be Completed by March 31; Uploaded by April 7

Universal Service recipients must conduct performance measures testing at a random sample of locations selected by USAC and submit the results to USAC within one week of the end of the quarter. All data must be collected by March 31, and uploaded to USAC by April 7.

This year, CAF Phase II, Rural Broadband Experiments, Alaska Plan, A-CAM I, and Revised A-CAM I carriers are required conduct testing. Carriers will face penalties for failing to meet speed and latency requirements during testing. A-CAM II, CAF-BLS, and CAF II Auction carriers are required to conduct pre-testing. Pre-testing carriers will not face penalties for failing to meet speed and latency requirements during pre-testing, but may face penalties for failing to participate.

BloostonLaw Contacts: Gerry Duffy and Sal Taillefer.


FCC Publishes Data Specifications for Broadband Data Collection

On March 4, the FCC issued a Public Notice announcing the publication of data specifications related to the biannual submission of subscription, availability, and supporting data for the Broadband Data Collection (BDC). The specifications are available on the FCC’s Broadband Data Collection website at

According to the Public Notice, the specifications released provide guidance to filers on how to prepare and format availability and other, related data for submission into the BDC system. The Data Specifications for Biannual Submission of Subscription, Availability, and Supporting Data specify how data files required for the BDC must be formatted for submission in the BDC system, which fields the files should contain, and the data type of each field. The specifications pertain to fixed and mobile availability data, supporting data, and subscribership data accepted by the BDC system. Included with the specifications are example data entries and guidance on whether data should be submitted by file upload or web form.

Filer data must match the specifications in order to be accepted by the BDC system. Accordingly, the FCC encourages the broadband service providers that are required to file in the BDC system, as well as governmental and third parties seeking to submit broadband availability data voluntarily, to review these data specifications closely and align their data to the specifications prior to the opening of the filing window on June 30.

As we reported in a previous edition of the BloostonLaw Telecom Update, the filings are due September 1. Despite the ‘overhauling’ nature of the BDC, it will not alter the obligation of service providers to file the semiannual Form 477 filing. Until the FCC announces a sunset date for the submission of Form 477 broadband deployment data, all service providers required to submit these data under Form 477 must continue to do so by the March 1 deadline. Fixed and mobile broadband service providers that have traditionally filed broadband and voice subscribership data in the FCC’s Form 477 filing interface will be required to file these subscribership data in both the new BDC system and the existing Form 477 filing interface.

Carriers with questions or seeking assistance in preparing and filing data for the BDC may contact the firm for more information.

BloostonLaw Contact: Sal Taillefer.

FCC Reminds 6 GHz Microwave Licensees to Verify Accuracy of Universal Licensing System Database

The FCC has issued a Public Notice reminding 6 GHz incumbent fixed microwave licensees of the need to maintain accurate information in its Universal Licensing System (“ULS”) database. The particular need for this reminder is the FCC’s 6 GHz Report and Order which authorized, among other things, standard-power for unlicensed operations in portions of the 6 GHz band (5.925–7.125 GHz) through the use of an automated frequency coordination (“AFC”) system that is designed to protect incumbent fixed microwave operations from harmful interference. Because the AFC systems will rely upon data supplied by the FCC’s ULS license database in order to ensure interference free operations, it is critical that this information be accurate and up-to-date.

The FCC notes that the ULS license database contains extensive technical data for site-based licenses, including: transmitter and receiver locations, frequencies, bandwidths, antenna polarization, transmitter EIRP, antenna height, and the make and model of the antenna and equipment used. The FCC’s 6 GHz Report and Order requires unlicensed 6 GHz standard power access points operating in the 6 GHz U-NII-5 and U-NII7 bands to contact an AFC System – which, based upon information contained in the ULS database, will identify particular channels that can be used without causing harmful interference to nearby microwave links.

In order to ensure that the most current data is used to coordinate these links, the AFC systems will be required to download information from the ULS database on a daily basis. However, because a number of license records contain missing, clearly erroneous or conflicting information, there is no certainty that the AFC’s can properly prevent instances of harmful interference if the information that they are relying on is not accurate. As a result, the FCC is directing licensees to confirm that their 6 GHz microwave license records reflect actual operations in order to ensure that incumbent fixed microwave licensees are protected from harmful interference caused by both newly unlicensed 6 GHz standard power access points and new fixed microwave links that may access the band. If it is found that your actual operations differ from the parameters set forth on your license or in the FCC’s ULS database, an application for modification of license should be filed with the FCC in order to ensure that operations are properly authorized and protected from harmful interference from other 6 GHz spectrum users. In this regard, please note that should the corrections to your license involve a major modification to the license, it will be necessary to include evidence of a successful frequency coordination in the application.

BloostonLaw Contacts: John Prendergast and Richard Rubino.

Senate Committee Advances Sohn Nomination

On March 3, the U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation advanced ten Biden Administration nominations, including the nomination of Ms. Gigi Sohn for the vacant seat on the FCC. All nominations are still subject to approval by the full Senate, which could take months.

Ms. Sohn’s nomination was approved by a tie vote, which means that it will need to go through an additional step involving a debate by the Senate on whether to discharge the committee from further consideration of the nomination. If a majority of the Senate agrees to discharge, then the nomination would be placed on the executive calendar and be eligible to be taken up the next calendar day.

As we reported in a previous edition of the BloostonLaw Telecom Update, Ms. Sohn’s path to confirmation has been winding. Back in January, Sen Roger Wicker (R-MS) called for a new hearing on Sohn’s nomination after obtaining the terms of a confidential settlement agreement that top national broadcasters entered into with a streaming service called Locast in 2021. Sohn was a member of the board of Locast’s non-profit parent. Most recently, her nomination was slated to be considered again on February 2, but was pulled from the agenda at the last moment.

BloostonLaw Contact: Ben Dickens.

Law and Regulation

Broadcaster Pays $250,000, Forfeits Licenses to Settle Investigation

On March 7, the FCC adopted a Consent Decree settling an investigation in whether Lowcountry 34 Media, LLC (Lowcountry) violated the Commission’s rules by engaging in an abuse of process through its filing of serial minor modification applications to construct and license temporary facilities with the intent of relocating certain low power television and TV translator stations’ substantial distances (greater than 30 miles and without contour overlap) from their originally authorized sites in circumvention of the Commission’s major modification. According to the terms of the settlement agreement, Lowcountry will, among other things, to pay a civil penalty of $250,000 and to voluntarily relinquish the licenses and authorizations of certain Stations.

According to the Consent Decree, Lowcountry held 80 LPTV licenses and 128 new, unbuilt LPTV construction permits at the time of issuance. In September 2021, the Bureau launched an investigation into the operational status of the Stations and Lowcountry’s construction and licensing practices. The investigation revealed that Lowcountry was moving its stations from rural unserved and underserved areas with low population densities, to more densely populated the locations – in some cases up to 100 miles away – without filing for major modifications. Lowcountry’s method was described as follows: (a) Lowcountry would file an application for minor modification to relocate the station within 30 miles of its licensed site; (b) upon grant of the minor modification application, Lowcountry would construct temporary facilities, with no objective of providing permanent service at the new location; (c) after filing a license to cover application for that temporary location and receiving a grant, Lowcountry would apply for special temporary authority to be silent; and (d) Lowcountry would simultaneously remove the equipment from the site and file for a new minor modification to again relocate the station up to 30 miles away. Lowcountry would then repeat this process until the facility was moved to its desired location.

BloostonLaw Contacts: John Prendergast and Richard Rubino.

FCC Proposes $100,000 Forfeiture for Failure to File Form 499-A

On March 9, the FCC issued a Notice of Apparent Liability (NAL) finding that Telnexus, LLC (Telnexus) apparently failed to file its Annual Telecommunications Reporting Worksheet (Form 499-A) by the April 1, 2021 deadline, and further failed to respond to a Commission order in the form of a Letter of Inquiry (LOI). As a result, the FCC proposed a forfeiture in the amount of $100,000.

According to the NAL, Telnexus is an interconnected VoIP provider based in Berkeley, California that provides “VoIP solutions to small and medium sized enterprises around the Bay Area.” Between August 1, 2017, and February 1, 2022, Telnexus failed to file the four Annual Worksheets that were due on April 1 of 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021. The NAL further notes that although USAC contacted Telnexus repeatedly concerning the missing Worksheets, Telnexus nonetheless continued to fail to file and, October 23, 2020, USAC referred Telnexus to the Bureau for an investigation. On February 9, 2021, the Bureau issued an LOI to Telnexus with questions about its compliance with filing and contribution requirements, but Telnexus did not respond to the Bureau’s LOI.

Form 499-A is due annually on April 1. Carriers with questions about the Form or seeking assistance filling out and submitting the form may contact the firm for more information.

BloostonLaw Contacts: Gerry Duffy and Sal Taillefer.

FCC Proposes $16,000 Forfeiture for Unauthorized Transfer of Control

On March 3, the FCC issued a Notice of Apparent Liability (NAL) finding that Alliance Global Networks, LLC (Alliance) apparently violated section 214 of the Communications Act and the Commission’s related rules by willfully or repeatedly failing to obtain the Commission’s approval prior to the sale of all of the membership interests in Alliance to Velocity, A Managed Services Company, Inc. (Velocity). Based on the FCC’s review, it found that Alliance is apparently liable for a total forfeiture of $16,000.

According to the NAL, Alliance is a Delaware limited liability company with headquarters in Connecticut offering data and voice telecommunications services on a wholesale basis in 42 jurisdictions. On January 1, 2020, the company’s sole shareholder transferred 100% of the membership interests in Alliance to Velocity, including control of Alliance’s domestic and international section 214 authorizations, without obtaining prior Commission approval for this transfer of control. Nearly fifteen months later, on March 16, 2021, Alliance and Velocity submitted a joint application for the transfer of control with the International Bureau and Wireline Competition Bureau. On April 23, 2021, the International Bureau granted the application for an international section 214 authorization, and on April 25, 2021, the Wireline Competition Bureau granted the application for a domestic section 214 authorization.

An NAL is not a final finding of liability. The company will have an opportunity to respond, and may request the proposed forfeiture be reduced or canceled entirely.

BloostonLaw Contacts: Ben Dickens, Gerry Duffy, and Sal Taillefer.

Responses to Inmate Calling Services Third Mandatory Data Collection Due June 30

On March 2, the FCC issued a Public Notice announcing that Inmate Calling Service (ICS) providers’ data collection responses for the Third Mandatory Data Collection have been approved by the Office of Management and Budget. Accordingly, responses are due June 30.

As we reported in a previous edition of the BloostonLaw Telecom update, ICS providers are required to provide data related to their operations, costs, demand, and revenues. These submissions must be signed by an officer who certifies under penalty of perjury that “all statements and information contained in [the Provider’s] Mandatory Data Collection response are true, accurate, and complete.”

BloostonLaw attorneys are available to assist with the data request response and certification.

BloostonLaw Contact: Sal Taillefer.

FCC Extends Rural Healthcare 2022 Funding Year Application to June 1

On March 3, the FCC issued an Order extending the close of the funding year 2022 application filing window for the Rural Health Care (RHC) Program until June 1. According to the FCC, an extension of the application filing window was necessary in light of the “persistent and ongoing disruptions” caused by the COVID-19 pandemic to program participants and the “shortage and burnout of health care staff aggravated by the surge of the Omicron variant.”

The Commission’s rules require USAC to open an application filing window with an end date no later than 90 days prior to the start of the funding year (i.e., no later than April 1). The Commission established the requirement of the April 1 end date for the application filing window to provide more certainty to applicants by creating a consistent application filing window close date each year, to give USAC time to begin processing submitted RHC Program applications before the funding year begins, and to give USAC sufficient time to publish a gross demand estimate prior to the start of the funding year.

The FCC has extended the application window twice before — in 2020 and 2021 — for reasons related to COVID-19, and both times extended it to June 1. According to the FCC, “the COVID-19 pandemic has presented unique and evolving challenges that were unforeseen when the new application filing window rules were adopted in 2019. Those challenges were dire in the past two years, when the Bureau extended the funding years 2020 and 2021 filing windows; and they remains significant now with respect to the filing window for 2022.”

BloostonLaw Contact: Sal Taillefer.


Precision Agriculture Task Force Meeting Scheduled for March 21

On March 21, the FCC’s Task Force for Reviewing the Connectivity and Technology Needs of Precision Agriculture in the United States (Precision Ag or Task Force) will hold its next meeting on March 21 at 10:00 a.m. EST. It may be viewed live, by the public, at, and any questions that arise during the meeting may be sent to and will be answered at a later date. Comments may also be to the Task Force in the FCC’s filing system.

At this meeting, the Task Force will provide updates on Task Force administration; review and discuss programs and policies relevant to the Task Force’s duties; and continue to discuss strategies to advance broadband deployment on agricultural land and promote precision agriculture. This agenda may be modified at the discretion of the Task Force Chair and the Designated Federal Officer.

FCC Announces $64 Million in Emergency Connectivity Fund Support for Schools and Libraries

On March 7, the FCC announced the commitment of $63,613,404.33 in the 11th wave of Emergency Connectivity Fund program support. The Emergency Connectivity Fund helps connect students with broadband connections and equipment. The funding can be used to support off-campus learning, such as nightly homework, to ensure students across the country have the necessary support to keep up with their education. Total commitments to date have funded over 10 million connected devices and 5 million broadband connections. This 11th wave includes over $33 million in commitments from Window 1 applications and nearly $31 million in commitments from Window 2 applications. “We need all our students connected to reliable and affordable broadband service, no matter where they live,” said Chairwoman Rosenworcel. “The Emergency Connectivity Fund is helping to achieve that goal, providing online access to thousands of schools and libraries across the country. I’m proud of the progress this program is making to close the Homework Gap.”


APRIL 1: FCC FORM 499-A, TELECOMMUNICATIONS REPORTING WORKSHEET. This form must be filed by all contributors to the Universal Service Fund (USF) sup-port mechanisms, the Telecommunications Relay Service (TRS) Fund, the cost recovery mechanism for the North American Numbering Plan Administration (NANPA), and the shared costs of local number portability (LNP). Contributors include every telecommunications carrier that provides interstate, intrastate, and international telecommunications, and certain other entities that provide interstate telecommunications for a fee. Even common carriers that qualify for the de minimis exemption must file Form 499-A. Entities whose universal service contributions will be less than $10,000 qualify for the de minimis exemption. De minimis entities do not have to file the quarterly report (FCC Form 499-Q), which was due February 1, and will again be due May 1. Form 499-Q relates to universal and LNP mechanisms. Form 499-A relates to all of these mechanisms and, hence, applies to all providers of interstate, intrastate, and international telecommunications services. Form 499-A contains revenue information for January 1 through December 31 of the prior calendar year. And Form 499-Q contains revenue information from the prior quarter plus projections for the next quarter. (Note: the revised 499-A and 499-Q forms are now available.) Block 2-B of the Form 499-A requires each carrier to designate an agent in the District of Columbia upon whom all notices, process, orders, and decisions by the FCC may be served on behalf of that carrier in proceedings before the FCC. Carriers receiving this newsletter may specify our law firm as their D.C. agent for service of process using the information in our masthead. There is no charge for this service.

BloostonLaw Contacts: Ben Dickens, and Gerry Duffy.

APRIL 1: ANNUAL ACCESS TO ADVANCED SERVICES CERTIFICATION. All providers of telecommunications services and telecommunications carriers subject to Section 255 of the Telecommunications Act are required to file with the FCC an annual certification that (1) states the company has procedures in place to meet the recordkeeping requirements of Part 14 of the Rules; (2) states that the company has in fact kept records for the previous calendar year; (3) contains contact information for the individual or individuals handling customer complaints under Part 14; (4) contains contact information for the company’s designated agent; and (5) is supported by an affidavit or declaration under penalty of perjury signed by an officer of the company.

BloostonLaw Contacts: Gerry Duffy and Sal Taillefer.

MAY 31: FCC FORM 395, EMPLOYMENT REPORT. Common carriers, including wireless carriers, with 16 or more full-time employees must file their annual Common Carrier Employment Reports (FCC Form 395) by May 31. This report tracks carrier compliance with rules requiring recruitment of minority employees. Further, the FCC requires all common carriers to report any employment discrimination complaints they received during the past year. That information is also due on June 1. The FCC encourages carriers to complete the discrimination report requirement by filling out Section V of Form 395, rather than submitting a separate report. Clients who would like assistance in filing Form 395 should contact Richard Rubino.

BloostonLaw Contacts: Gerry Duffy and Sal Taillefer.

Law Offices Of
Blooston, Mordkofsky, Dickens,
Duffy & Prendergast, LLP

2120 L St. NW, Suite 300
Washington, D.C. 20037
(202) 659-0830
(202) 828-5568 (fax)


Benjamin H. Dickens, Jr., 202-828-5510,
Gerard J. Duffy, 202-828-5528,
John A. Prendergast, 202-828-5540,
Richard D. Rubino, 202-828-5519,
Mary J. Sisak, 202-828-5554,
D. Cary Mitchell, 202-828-5538,
Salvatore Taillefer, Jr., 202-828-5562,

This newsletter is not intended to provide legal advice. Those interested in more information should contact the firm.

Calendar At-a-Glance

Mar. 9 – Comments are due on Broadband Consumer Label NPRM.
Mar. 9 – Comments are due on NORS/DIRS Information Safeguards.
Mar. 9 – Deadline for ReConnect applications.
Mar. 11 – Comments are due on Emergency Alert System NPRM.
Mar. 16 – Comments are due on Affordable Connectivity Program rules.
Mar. 17 – Comments are due on Report on the Future of USF.
Mar. 24 – Reply comments are due on Broadband Consumer Label NPRM.
Mar. 31 – FCC Form 525 (Delayed Phasedown CETC Line Counts) is due.
Mar. 31 – FCC Form 508 (ICLS Projected Annual Common Line Requirement) is due.
Mar. 31 – FCC Form 507 (Universal Service Line Count – CAF BLS) is due.
Mar. 28 – Reply comments are due on Emergency Alert System NPRM.
Mar. 31 – COVID Lifeline waivers set to expire.

Apr. 1 – FCC Form 499-A (Annual Telecommunications Reporting Worksheet) is due.
Apr. 1 – Annual Accessibility Certification is due.
Apr. 1 – ICS Provider Annual Reports and Certifications are due.
Apr. 11 – Comments are due on Emergency Alert System NOI.
Apr. 15 – Reply comments are due on Affordable Connectivity Program rules.

May 1 – 64.1900 Geographic Rate Averaging Certification is due.
May 1 – FCC Form 499-Q (Quarterly Telecommunications Reporting Worksheet) is due.
May. 10 – Reply comments are due on Emergency Alert System NOI.
May 31 – FCC Form 395 (Annual Employment Report) is due.

Jun. 1 – Rural Healthcare Applications for 2022 are due.
Jun. 30 – Inmate Calling Service data reports are due.

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From: Ed Cummings
Subject: Thank You
To: Brad Dye
Date: March 4, 2022


I just wanted to send you a thousands thanks for publishing The Wireless Messaging News a thousand times. I've been enjoying your newsletter since the early-mid 2000's and really appreciate every issue.

Thanks again!

Ed Cummings
Philadelphia, PA

For Sale

From: Robert L. “Bob” Burchett
Subject: ASC 1500
To: Brad Dye
Date: March 6, 2022

The ASC1500 is a dual redundant unit and it was pulled from service — all working — and I have the manual.

Background information on Paging Systems and the ASC 1500 here Radio Paging System Basics.

I also have a few other paging items; satellite uplink and other stuff.

Robert L. “Bob” Burchett
Certified Communications Engineer
Enterprise Electronics/Novexcomm
Contractors License 822372
22826 Mariposa Ave.
Torrance CA 90502


Technician's Corner

New Mac Studio and Studio Display

Apple's new creator-class desktop is joined by a premium display powered by its own A13 chip.

Source: YouTube  


“Grandpa Elliott RIP”

Grandpa Elliott Small, who was known as Uncle Remus too, was a veteran street-musician in New Orleans, Louisiana.
Mr. Elliott played the harmonica besides singing.


Source: YouTube  

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