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Wireless News Aggregation

Friday — May 19, 2023 — Issue No. 1,063

Welcome Back To The Wireless Messaging News

The Wireless Messaging News

  • Emergency Radio Communications
  • Wireless Messaging
  • Critical Messaging
  • Two-way Radio
  • Technology
  • Telemetry
  • Science
  • Paging
  • Wi-Fi
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This Week's Wireless Headlines:

  • Advertising Opportunities
  • ‘BlackBerry’ Review: Big Dreams, Little Keyboards
    • The struggle to sell a revolutionary gizmo fractures a friendship in this lively, bittersweet comedy.
  • Raspberry Pi Beepberry Has Onboard RP2040 and Fits in Your Pocket
  • BlackBerry expects up to 54% revenue growth in 2026, shares rise
  • Everyone should use Personal Voice; it does in 15 minutes what currently takes several weeks
  • Death of the password coming as passkey technology on brink of consumer adoption
  • FCC’s Annual Fee Proposal Would Cut Radio Costs, Especially For Small Market Stations.
    • New FCC Rules Require Carriers to do More to Block Robocalls
    • REMINDER: Small Voice Providers Must Fully Implement STIR/SHAKEN by June 30
    • FCC Places Budget Control Mechanism Item On Circulation
    • FCC Releases Broadband Funding Map
    • Comments on Broadband Benchmark Calculations are due June 8
    • FCC Formally Orders Blocking of Calls from One Eye, LLC
    • FCC Releases 2023 Tariff Review Plans
    • Senators Announce Working Group on USF Contribution
    • Rosenworcel Addresses Congressional Inquiry on Rip-and-Replace Program
    • NTIA Releases New Dashboard, Two Reports on Federal Broadband Investments
    • GCI Settles Rural Healthcare Investigations for $42 Million
    • Deadlines
    • BloostonLaw Contacts
    • Calendar At-a-Glance
    • Who Is BloostonLaw
    • Meet our Partners (This week, Mr. Gerard J. Duffy )
    • DIY antenna, corner reflector
    • “5th Annual Arhoolie Awards winner — Tuba Skinny”


This doesn't mean that nothing is ever published here that mentions a US political party—it just means that the editorial policy of this newsletter is to remain neutral on all political issues. We don't take sides.

About Us


A new issue of the Wireless Messaging Newsletter is posted on the web each week. A notification goes out by e-mail to subscribers on most Fridays around noon central US time. The notification message has a link to the actual newsletter on the web. That way it doesn’t fill up your incoming e-mail account.

There is no charge for subscription and there are no membership restrictions. Readers are a very select group of wireless industry professionals, and include the senior managers of many of the world’s major Paging and Wireless Messaging companies. There is an even mix of operations managers, marketing people, and engineers — so I try to include items of interest to all three groups. It’s all about staying up-to-date with business trends and technology.

I regularly get readers’ comments, so this newsletter has become a community forum for the Paging, and Wireless Messaging communities. You are welcome to contribute your ideas and opinions. Unless otherwise requested, all correspondence addressed to me is subject to publication in the newsletter and on my web site. I am very careful to protect the anonymity of those who request it.

I spend the whole week searching the INTERNET for news that I think may be of interest to you — so you won’t have to. This newsletter is an aggregator — a service that aggregates news from other news sources. You can help our community by sharing any interesting news that you find.

Editorial Policy

Editorial Opinion pieces present only the opinions of the author. They do not necessarily reflect the views of any of advertisers or supporters. This newsletter is independent of any trade association. I don't intend to hurt anyone's feelings, but I do freely express my own opinions.


Click on the image above for more info about advertising in this newsletter.



How would you like to help support The Wireless Messaging News? Your support is needed. New advertising and donations have fallen off considerably.
A donation through PayPal is easier than writing and mailing a check and it comes through right away.

There is not a lot of news about Paging these days but when anything significant comes out, you will probably see it here. I also cover text messaging to other devices and various articles about related technology.

Advertising Opportunities

Options Cost If it were
Per Issue

Small Poster


$11.54 6 months or 26 issues of the small-size poster in the newsletter, 100 X 35 pixels.

Medium Poster


$15.38 6 months or at least 26 issues of the medium-size poster in the newsletter, 200 X 70 pixels.

Large Poster


$19.23 6 months or at least 26 issues of the large-size poster in the newsletter, 300 X 100 pixels.

Extra Large Poster


$23.08 6 months or at least 26 issues of the extra-large-size poster in the newsletter, 300 X 300 to 340 X 340 pixels.

Package 1



6 months or at least 26 issues of full-size advertising in the newsletter. (One place.)

This is the standard-size ad. It can be one column — 340 pixels wide and approximately 800 pixels tall. Or double column width and a height of 480 pixels.

Package 1 Extra Large

$1,050.00 $40.38

6 months or at least 26 issues of extra-large-size advertising in the newsletter. (One place.)

Double-column width of no more than 960 pixels (wide).

Package 2

$800.00 $30.77

6 months or at least 26 issues of full-size advertising in the newsletter plus a listing in the recommended products page on the Paging Information Resource web site. (Two places.)

Package 3

$1,000.00 $38.46

6 months or at least 26 issues of full-size advertising in the newsletter plus a listing in the recommended products page and on the first page on the Paging Information Resource web site. (Three places.)

Package 3 Extra Large

$1,300.00 $50.00 6 months or at least 26 issues of extra-large-size advertising in the newsletter plus a listing in the recommended products page and on the first page on the Paging Information Resource web site. (Three places.)

Or just Donate via PayPal — its easier.

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Advertiser Index

Certified Service Center (Managed by Enterprise Wireless Alliance)
Easy Solutions  (Vaughan Bowden)
Frank Moorman
IWA Technical Services, Inc.  (Ira Wiesenfeld)
Leavitt Communications  (Phil Leavitt)
Prism-IPX Systems  (Jim Nelson & John Bishop)
Paging & Wireless Network Planners LLC  (Ron Mercer)

Service Monitors and Frequency Standards for Sale

Motorola Service Monitor

IFR Service Monitor

IFR 500A Service Monitor

(Images are typical units, not actual photos of items offered for sale here.)

Qty Item Notes
2 Late IFR 500As  
1 Motorola R 2001D  
4 Motorola R 2400 and 2410A  
5 Motorola R 2600 and R 2660 late S/Ns  
4 Motorola R 1200  
2 Motorola R 2200  
2 Stand-alone Efratom Rubidium Frequency Standards 10 MHz output
1 Telawave model 44 wattmeter Recently calibrated
1 IFR 1000S  
All sold with 7-day ROR (Right of Refusal), recent calibration, operation manual, and accessories.  
Factory carrying cases for each with calibration certificate.  
Many parts and accessories  

Frank Moorman animated left arrow

(254) 596-1124

Calibration and Repair (NIST 17025)
Upgrades: We can add the FE 5680A 10 MHz rubidium clock to your unit. Small unit fits into the well in the battery compartment — making it a world standard accuracy unit that never needs to be frequency calibrated.
Please inquire by telephone or e-mail.
Most Service Monitor Accessories in stock.


Leavitt Communications


50 years experience providing and supporting radio and paging customers worldwide. Call us anytime we can be useful!






Minitor VI

Leavitt sells and supports most pager brands. We stock Unication G1, G5, Secure and some Elegant pagers. Call or e-mail for price and availability.

Philip C. Leavitt, V.P.
Leavitt Communications
7508 N. Red Ledge Drive
Paradise Valley, AZ 85253

Web Site:
Mobile phone: 847-494-0000
Telephone: 847-955-0511
Fax: 270-447-1909
Skype ID: pcleavitt

‘BlackBerry’ Review: Big Dreams, Little Keyboards

The struggle to sell a revolutionary gizmo fractures a friendship in this lively, bittersweet comedy.

Jay Baruchel as Mike Lazaridis in “BlackBerry.” Credit ... IFC Films

By Jeannette Catsoulis
May 11, 2023

In Matt Johnson’s “BlackBerry” — a wonky workplace comedy that slowly shades into tragedy — the emergence of the smartphone isn’t greeted with fizzing fireworks and popping champagne corks. Instead, Johnson and his co-writer, Matthew Miller (adapting Jacquie McNish and Sean Silcoff’s 2015 book “Losing the Signal: The Untold Story Behind the Extraordinary Rise and Spectacular Fall of BlackBerry”), have fashioned a tale of scrabbling toward success that tempers its humor with an oddly moving wistfulness.

That blend of patter and pathos was also evident in Johnson’s previous feature, “Operation Avalanche” (2016), as was an intrepid filming style that effortlessly conjures the rush of innovation. This time, we’re in Waterloo, Ontario, in 1996, where Mike Lazaridis (a perfect Jay Baruchel) and Doug Fregin (Johnson) — best friends and co-founders of a small tech company called Research in Motion (RIM) — are trying to sell a product they call PocketLink, a revolutionary combination of cellphone, email device and pager. While waiting to pitch a roomful of suits, Mike is distracted by an annoyingly buzzing intercom. Grabbing a paper clip, he quickly fixes it, noting that it was made in China. Disgust flits across his face, an expression we will remember when, much later, mounting problems force him to embrace a manufacturing option he despises.

Clever callbacks like this allow “BlackBerry” to hauntingly connect the story’s downward slide with the innocence and optimism of its early scenes. The corporate types don’t understand Mike and Doug’s invention, but a predatory salesman named Jim Balsillie (a fantastic Glenn Howerton), gets it. Recently fired and fired up, Jim sees the device’s potential, making a deal to acquire part of RIM in exchange for cash and expertise. Doug, a man-child invariably accessorized with a headband and a bewildered look, is doubtful; Mike, assisted by a shock of prematurely gray hair, is wiser. He knows that they’ll need an intermediary to succeed.

Reveling in a vibe — hopeful, testy, undisciplined — that’s an ideal match for its subject, “BlackBerry” finds much of its humor in Jim’s resolve to fashion productive employees from RIM’s ebulliently geeky staff, who look and act like middle schoolers and converse in a hybrid of tech-speak and movie quotes. It’s all Vogon poetry to Jim; but as Jared Raab’s restless camera careens around the chaotic work space, the excitement of disruption and the thrill of creation become tangible. It helps that the director is more than familiar with the feel of a friend-filled workplace: It’s how he’s been making movies since his first feature, “The Dirties,” in 2013.

Fortified with strong actors in small roles — Michael Ironside as a pit bull C.O.O., Martin Donovan as the boss who sees the peril in Jim’s ruthlessness — “BlackBerry” remains grounded when the money rolls in and übergeeks from Google are enticed by multimillion-dollar offers. Some of the financial machinations, like Jim’s frantic attempts to fend off a hostile takeover by Palm Pilot, are less than clear; but “BlackBerry” isn’t just the story of a life-altering gadget. Long before that gadget’s death knell sounds in the unveiling of the iPhone, Jim has so thoroughly insinuated himself between the two friends that an image of a forgotten Doug, gazing down from a window as Jim and Mike head off to a meeting, is almost heartbreaking.

More than anything, perhaps, “BlackBerry” highlights the vulnerability and exploitability of creatives in a cutthroat marketplace. The push-pull between genius and business, and their mutual dependence (brilliantly articulated during Jim and Mike’s sales pitch to a wireless provider), is the movie’s real subject and the wellspring of its persistent yearning tone. “When you grow up, your heart dies,” Doug says at one point, quoting “The Breakfast Club.” The sad sweetness of the Kinks’ “Waterloo Sunset,” played over the end credits, is just the cherry on top.

“The person who puts a computer inside a phone will change the world,” a shop teacher once told Mike. He was right; and if “BlackBerry” has a flaw, it’s perhaps in neglecting to trumpet the momentousness of that change, one that has made it seem we will all be typing with our thumbs forever.

Rated R for “Glengarry Glen Ross” language and “Silicon Valley” fashion. Running time: 2 hour 2 minutes. In theaters.

Source: The New York Times   (Thanks to Barry Kanne.)

Paging Transmitters 150/900 MHz

The RFI High Performance Paging Transmitter is designed for use in campus, city, state and country-wide paging systems. Designed for use where reliable simulcast systems where RF signal overlap coverage is critical.

  • Commercial Paging systems.
  • Healthcare Paging systems.
  • Public Safety Emergency Services Paging systems.
  • Demand Response Energy Grid Management.

Built-in custom interface for Prism-IPX ipBSC Base Controller for remote control, management and alarm reporting.


  • Use as a stand-alone unit or in wide area network.
  • Mix with other transmitter brands in an existing paging network.
  • Adjustable from 20-250 watts.
  • 110/240 VAC or 48VDC.
  • Absolute Delay Correction.
  • Remote Diagnostics.
  • Configurable alarm thresholds.
  • Integrated Isolator.
  • Superb Reliability.
  • Improved amplifier efficiency.
  • Most reliable high-powered paging transmitter available.

Prism-IPX Systems LLC.

11175 Cicero Dr., Alpharetta, GA 30022
Ph: 678-242-5290 Email:

IMPORTANT left arrow

“Is Paging Going Away?” by Jim Nelson

  • Click here for English.
  • Click here for German. (Berlin Revision: November 8, 2016)
  • Click here for French.

Here is an English PDF edit of this paper formatted with page breaks and suitable for printing.

Volunteers needed for translations into other languages.

Board of Advisors

The Wireless Messaging News
Board of Advisors

Frank McNeill
Founder & CEO
Communications Specialists
Jim Nelson
President & CEO
Prism IPX Systems International
Kevin D. McFarland, MSCIS
Sr. Application Systems Analyst
Medical Center
Paul Lauttamus, President
Lauttamus Communications & Security
R.H. (Ron) Mercer
Wireless Consultant
Barry Kanne
Paging Industry Veteran
Ira Wiesenfeld, P.E.
Consulting Engineer
Allan Angus
Consulting Engineer

The Board of Advisor members are people with whom I have developed a special rapport, and have met personally. They are not obligated to support the newsletter in any way, except with advice, and maybe an occasional letter to the editor.


Can You Help The Newsletter?

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You can help support The Wireless Messaging News by clicking on the PayPal Donate button above. It is not necessary to be a member of PayPal to use this service.

Reader Support

Newspapers generally cost 75¢ $1.50 a copy and they hardly ever mention paging or wireless messaging, unless in a negative way. If you receive some benefit from this publication maybe you would like to help support it financially?

A donation of $50.00 would certainly help cover a one-year period. If you are wiling and able, please click on the PayPal Donate button above .

Raspberry Pi Beepberry Has Onboard RP2040 and Fits in Your Pocket

By Ash Hill published May 18, 2023

(Image credit: Beepberry, Beeper, SQFMI)

Many of us remember the days of the Blackberry, and some might be eager to revisit the feeling of that classic PDA. Today we’ve got a Raspberry Pi project to share that does just that with Eric Migicovsky’s Beepberry creation. The Beepberry is a portable, pocket-sized computer for hackers and communicating on Beeper. According to Migicovsky, Beepberry is part of a partnership between Beeper and SQFMI. The Beepberry is officially available for preorder for $79.

Although it has an onboard RP2040, a separate SBC is necessary to use the Beepberry. It’s compatible with the Raspberry Pi Zero W and other SBCs with the same form factor, including the MQ-Pro and Radxa Zero. Be sure to choose a unit without a pre-soldered header, as it needs to be low profile to fit onto the PCB.

The PCB supports a small 2.7-inch 400 x 240px e-Ink display. This uses low power and will retain the last image projected on the screen until it’s powered on again. For user input, it features a tactile keyboard and a touchpad. The keyboard is backlit, making it easier to see and use in low-light environments.

(Image credit: Beepberry, Beeper, SQFMI)

Spec-wise, users have quite a bit to take advantage of. The Beepberry PCB also includes a programmable button, a programmable LED, 16MB of onboard flash, and a power switch. A JST connector is available for connecting a 2000 mAh LiPo battery. It also features a small GPIO breakout to attach additional accessories to the unit.

Software-wise, the Beepberry is designed to run the 32-bit version of Raspberry Pi OS Lite. There’s plenty of documentation available on the Beepberry website, which also includes a section dedicated to the software. You can read more about programming the Beepberry in this documentation.

If you want to read more about this pocket-sized Raspberry Pi project or maybe even snag one for yourself, check out the official Beepberry website and visit the online shop. The first units are expected to ship in August without a Pi Zero W, while units with a Pi Zero W will be released in September.

Ash Hill
Freelance News and Features Writer

Ash Hill is a Freelance News and Features Writer at Tom's Hardware US. She manages the Pi projects of the month and much of our daily Raspberry Pi reporting.
Source: Tom's Hardware (Thanks to Barry Kanne.)



PRISM IPX Systems Critical Messaging Solutions


Thousands of Users Worldwide Depend on Prism IPX

Our Customers Trust Us To Make Sure That Their Messages Get Delivered

Prism-IPX Systems products include full-featured radio paging systems with VoIP input, IP based transmitter control systems and paging message encryption. Other options include email messaging, remote switch controllers, Off-The-Air paging message decoders and logging systems.

How Can We Help You With Your Critical Messaging Solutions?


MORE INFO HERE left arrow


BlackBerry expects up to 54% revenue growth in 2026, shares rise

Wed, May 17, 2023, 2:46 PM CDT

A Blackberry sign is seen in front of their offices on the day of their annual general meeting for shareholders in Waterloo

(Reuters) - BlackBerry Ltd on Wednesday forecast as much as 54% jump in 2026 sales from current year on the back of growth in its cybersecurity business, sending shares up 5%.

The security software and services provider expects 2026 revenue to be between $880 million and $960 million.

"Gross margin for the Cybersecurity business unit is expected to increase by between 400 bps and 600 bps by FY26," it said.

BlackBerry in December said revenue from its cybersecurity business would remain flat in the first half of 2023, but grow in the latter half.

The company on Wednesday also reiterated its 2024 revenue forecast of $665 million to $700 million, compared with analysts' estimates of $701 million, according to Refinitiv data.

(Reporting by Tiyashi Datta in Bengaluru; Editing by Shounak Dasgupta and Vinay Dwivedi)

Source: yahoo-finance

Easy Solutions

easy solutions

Providing Expert Support and Service Contracts for all Glenayre Paging Systems.

The GL3000 is the most prolific paging system in the world and Easy Solutions gladly welcomes you to join us in providing reliable support to the paging industry for many more decades in the future.

Easy Solutions provides cost effective computer and wireless solutions at affordable prices. We can help in most any situation with your communications systems. We have many years of experience and a vast network of resources to support the industry, your system and an ever changing completive landscape.

  • We treat our customers like family. We don’t just fix problems . . . We recommend and implement better cost-effective solutions.
  • We are not just another vendor . . . We are a part of your team. All the advantages of high priced full-time employment without the cost.
  • We are not in the Technical Services business . . . We are in the Customer Satisfaction business.

Experts in Paging Infrastructure

  • Glenayre, Motorola, Unipage, etc.
  • Excellent Service Contracts
  • Full Service—Beyond Factory Support
  • Making systems More Reliable and MORE PROFITABLE for over 30 years.

Please see our web site for exciting solutions designed specifically for the Wireless Industry. We also maintain a diagnostic lab and provide important repair and replacement parts services for Motorola and Glenayre equipment. Call or  e-mail  us for more information.

Easy Solutions
3220 San Simeon Way
Plano, Texas 75023
Vaughan Bowden
Telephone: 972-898-1119
Telephone: 214-785-8255

Readers of the Newsletter who are Ham Radio Operators

1 Pete Oesterle VE3HOH/W3
2 John Nagel W5EXJ
3 Anthony Hedge KD9BKH
4 Jerry Daugherty W9FS
5 Marshall Sherard KE4ZNR
6 Barry Kanne W4TGA
7 Steve Siegel K3SLS
8 Loren Anderson KEØHZ
9 Dan Ruhe KE3UC
10 Bill Woods N9SVU
11 Paul Sadowski AH6LS & DH6LS
12 Larry Gabriel K4BZY
13 Gary Blinckmann WA2IQC
14 Peter Moncure W4PWM
15 Jim Petera WY8K
16 Ed Lyda WA4OEI
17 Brad Dye K9IQY (since 1957)
18 Bill Waugaman WA3OJG
19 Paul DeLong KF4LNB
20 Albert Erdmann KJ4BWW
21 Ken Pearce N4KCD
22 Tim Jones K4MSP / W4FWD (Repeater)
23 Brent Finster K6BEF
24 Charles Tindall KF5VPB
25 Frank Moorman KE5CSP
26 Graham Jones W5AAG
27 Denis Gignac VE2EAM
28 Ira Wiesenfeld WA5GXP
29 John Linko N3RTS
30 Miguel Gonzalez YY5OGU
31 Philip Leavitt N9CPO
32 Chris Baldwin KF6AJM (KB3PX Repeater)
33 Joe Delio KE8BGH
34 Ken Countess KN2D (ex-WA2MSF)
35 Paul Piccola W5BPP
36 Matt Lunati N7OEI
37 John Linko N3RTS
38 David Drake AC6OA
39 Helmut Köchler HB9IQJ SK
40 Peter Sturt VK2ZTV
41 Joe Leikhim K4SAT
42 Jay Zebryk W1JRZ
43 Daniel Schürch HB3YES
44 Tom Brieaddy NZ6C
45 Ken Finley WN3Q
46 John Carter KC4KPJ

Source: Amateur Radio callsigns of readers. Please click here to add yours.


Service Contracts

I would like to recommend Easy Solutions for Support of all Glenayre Paging Equipment. This Texas company is owned and operated by Vaughan Bowden. I have known Vaughan for over 35 years. Without going into a long list of his experience and qualifications, let me just say that he was the V.P. of Engineering at PageNet which was—at that time—the largest paging company in the world. So Vaughan knows Paging.

GTES is no longer offering support contracts. GTES was the original group from Vancouver that was setup to offer support to customers that wanted to continue with the legacy Glenayre support. Many U.S. customers chose not to use this service because of the price and the original requirement to upgrade to version 8.0 software (which required expensive hardware upgrades, etc.). Most contracts ended as of February 2018.

If you are at all concerned about future support of Glenayre products, especially the “king of the hill” the GL3000 paging control terminal, I encourage you to talk to Vaughan about a service contract and please tell him about my recommendation.

Click on the image above for more info about advertising here.

INTERNET Protocol Terminal

The IPT accepts INTERNET or serial messaging using various protocols and can easily convert them to different protocols, or send them out as paging messages.

An ideal platform for hospitals, on-site paging applications, or converting legacy systems to modern protocols.

Input Protocols: Serial and IP
Output Protocols: Serial and IP
FLEX (optional PURC control)   POCSAG (optional PURC control)

Additional/Optional Features

  • Database of up to 5000 subscribers.
  • 4 serial ports on board.
  • Up to 8 phone lines (DID or POTS).
  • Can be configured for auto-fail-over to hot swap standby.
  • 1RU rack mount unit appliance—no moving parts.
  • Easily secure legacy system messages leaving site for HIPAA compliance.
  • Only purchase the protocols/options you need.
  • Add Paging Encryption for HIPAA compliance on site.

Prism-IPX Systems LLC.

11175 Cicero Dr., Alpharetta, GA 30022
Ph: 678-242-5290 e-mail:

Everyone should use Personal Voice; it does in 15 minutes what currently takes several weeks

Ben Lovejoy
May 19 2023 - 4:23 am PT

Photo: Soundtrap/Unsplash

While Personal Voice was one of the most exciting of the upcoming accessibility features Apple announced this week, you may have thought it wasn’t relevant to most people. But a new report today suggests that we should all take advantage of it when iOS 17 launches.

That’s because loss of speech ability can occur very suddenly through medical conditions like ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis). By the time people realize they need a synthesized voice that sounds like them, it may be too late …

From Stephen Hawking’s robotic voice to voice-banking

We’re all familiar with the speech synthesiser used by the late Stephen Hawking. He could select words and phrases that would be spoken aloud, but in a very robotic voice.

The next major development was much more natural-sounding speech, like that used by Siri.

But the best option of all for those who can no longer speak clearly, or at all, is a voice that sounds just like you.

This is possible using technology known as voice-banking. Your voice is recorded while you speak a bunch of phrases, and a computer system creates a voice that sounds just like yours, by learning the timbre, accent, intonation, and timing of your speech.

Voice-banking currently takes weeks

Conventional voice-banking is a laborious process. It typically requires you to speak around 1,500 phrases, and can be expensive as well as time-consuming.

Philip Green, a director of an ALS-focused nonprofit, told FastCo that voice-banking took him several weeks.

Four years ago, when Philip Green banked his voice, he had to record 1,500 phrases for training purposes, an arduous task that took him weeks to complete. So, he understands why others might avoid confronting it.

“To be honest, you have a lot more things on your mind than, ‘Oh, I should invest time in preserving a version of my voice that I may need in two years or six months or four years,’” says Green, a member of the board of directors at Team Gleason, a nonprofit that serves those with ALS.

Team Gleason was founded by former New Orleans Saints player Steve Gleason, following his ALS diagnosis in 2011.

Green continues:

“You’re really not thinking about that. But what we are trying to do is make people aware. Do it as soon as you find out [your diagnosis], because it’s essentially an insurance policy that you hope you won’t have to use.”

When it’s possible for people to use a voice that sounds like themselves, it can be a deeply meaningful part of the experience. “I want my family to hear my synthetic voice and not think that I’m a robot,” explains Green. “But that I’m the same person that I was prior to my diagnosis.”

In some cases, you can lose the use of your voice even before you know the reason.

My mom passed away in December after a short seven-month battle with ALS. Her voice was one of the first things she lost. In fact, by the time she was actually formally diagnosed with ALS, her voice was already mostly gone.

Personal Voice works in 15 minutes

What Apple has achieved with Personal Voice is using a powerful AI system to carry out the voice-banking process in just 15 minutes.

Users can create a Personal Voice by reading along with a randomized set of text prompts to record 15 minutes of audio on iPhone or iPad. This speech accessibility feature uses on-device machine learning to keep users’ information private and secure, and integrates seamlessly with Live Speech so users can speak with their Personal Voice when connecting with loved ones.

All processing happens on your device

One concern about conventional voice-banking is that it’s carried out on a server. Were that server to be hacked, it creates the risk of someone getting hold of your voice file, and being able to make phone calls that sound just like you.

Apple accessibility lead Sarah Herrlinger says that the company was very mindful of this kind of risk, which is why all the processing happens locally on your own device, using the Neural Engine.

“Along with accessibility being one of our core corporate values, so is privacy, and we don’t believe that one should have to give up one to get another,” says Herrlinger.

Everyone should use Personal Voice

Personal Voice not only reduces the time and effort involved for those already diagnosed with a condition known to lead to loss of speech, but is sufficiently painless that it makes sense for everyone to do it, as an insurance policy.

Salesforce exec Brooke Eby agrees.

After being diagnosed with ALS, Eby took to Instagram and TikTok to share her journey, educate others about ALS, and generally get the world more comfortable talking about the disease and its implications for those who have it.

Talking to others in the community, “I constantly hear, ‘I wish I voice-banked sooner,’” she says. “Some people, all of a sudden, will just start slurring their words, and then it’s almost too late to voice bank. They’re like, ‘Never mind, this doesn’t sound like me anyway, so I might just well just use a [generic] robot voice.’”

I’ll for sure be doing this — how about you?

Source: 9TO5Mac

Paging Data Receiver PDR-4

The PDR-4 is a multi-function paging data receiver that decodes paging messages and outputs them via the serial port, USB or Ethernet connectors.

Designed for use with Prism-IPX ECHO software Message Logging Software to receive messages and log the information for proof of transmission over the air, and if the data was error free.

  • Option—decode capcode list or all messages.
  • Large capcode capacity.
  • Serial, USB and Ethernet output.
  • POCSAG or FLEX page decoding, special SA protocols.
  • Receivers for paging bands in VHF, UHF, 900 MHz.
  • Message activated Alarm Output.
  • 8 programmable relay outputs.
  • Send notifications of a system problem.
  • Synthesized Receiver Tuning.
  • Selectivity better than 60 dB.
  • Frequencies 148-174, 450-470, 929-932 MHz.
  • Image Rejection better than 55 dB.
  • Spurious Rejection better than 55 dB.
  • Channel Spacing 12.5 or 25 kHz.
  • Power 5VDC.
  • Receiving Sensitivity 5µV at 1200 bps.

Prism-IPX Systems LLC.

11175 Cicero Dr., Alpharetta, GA 30022
Ph: 678-242-5290 e-mail:

Wireless Network Planners

Wireless Network Planners
Wireless Specialists

R.H. (Ron) Mercer
217 First Street
East Northport, NY 11731

Telephone: 631-786-9359 left arrow

Death of the password coming as passkey technology on brink of consumer adoption

The Canadian Press
Fri, May 19, 2023, 9:08 AM CDT

TORONTO — Anna Pobletts has spent the last few years on a mission to make passwords a thing of the past, but passkeys — the technology that could replace them — have never truly been on the brink of widespread consumer adoption until this year.

"We're seeing some really big-name sites like EBay, Best Buy and (in early May) Google announced that they're supporting passkeys on your Gmail account," said Pobletts, head of passwordless at 1Password, a Toronto-based password management company.

"It's really a tipping point all of a sudden, when one billion users could add (Gmail) passkeys, if they want."

The move followed Apple, Shopify, Microsoft, DocuSign and PayPal, which were already supporting passkeys — a digital credential based on cryptography that can unlock accounts with a mere flash of your face or fingerprint scan on your phone.

Passkeys are thought to be more secure than passwords because there is no string of characters, numbers and symbols to memorize, making them harder to hack. They don't need to be changed, can't be stolen by someone guessing or peeking over your shoulder and there's no way to accidentally use one on the wrong website.

"Passkeys are so exciting because ... it's actually more efficient and more secure," said Claudette McGowan.

After 19 years at the Bank of Montreal and almost three at TD Bank, she recently founded Protexxa, a Toronto-based platform that leverages artificial intelligence to rapidly identify and resolve cyber issues for employees.

During her years in banking, passwords were the top vulnerability.

"When things went off the right path, it was never because the encryption wasn't working or the firewalls wasn't working," she said. "There was always a human in the middle."

Passkeys, however, are a defence against phishing attacks, where people are duped into giving their passwords to hackers who send them emails or texts with login pages posing as legitimate businesses.

All 2,000 respondents in an online survey conducted for 1Password in January said they either received a phishing message in the past year or know someone who did.

Passkeys make phishing attacks obsolete largely because of their structure. Passkeys, 1Password says, have two mathematically linked parts — a public key shared on a website or an app you have an account with and a private key that always stays on your device.

When you log into an account, the website or app's server sends a scrambled "riddle" that can only be solved by the private key, which is then authorized to be solved by a user’s biometrics. Once the riddle is solved, the service knows the public and private key match and will sign the user in.

It's impossible to reverse-engineer one key from the other. Without physical access to your devices and a way to unlock them like your fingerprint or face, no one can log in to your passkey-protected accounts.

So why hasn't the world gravitated to passkeys sooner?

"Passwords are a 60-year-old technology," said Andrew Shikiar, executive director and chief marketing officer of the Fast IDentity Online (FIDO) Alliance.

"It's hard to replace them because they're so ingrained in everything we do and passwords have the advantage of ubiquity. You can enter a password anywhere and you know how to do it."

Passwords became the norm in part because of the late Fernando Corbató, a computer scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

In the 1960s, MIT researchers like Corbató were using a Compatible Time-Sharing System, where users in different locations could simultaneously access a single computer system through telephone lines.

The model didn't offer much privacy for files, so Corbató developed the password, which was eventually adopted by just about every company looking to safeguard access to files and systems.

But the FIDO Alliance, a global group aimed at reducing data breaches, is keen on disrupting that reliance on passwords.

"The vast majority of data breaches are caused by passwords, so really by solving the password problem, you're solving the data breach problem," Shikiar said.

And the FIDO Alliance has plenty of allies in the fight.

Its members include 1Password, Google, Apple, EBay, Amazon, Twitter, Facebook owner Meta and PayPal, American Express, Sony and TikTok. (1Password will start supporting passkeys on June 6 and let users unlock their 1Password account with a passkey in July.)

Some have joined because they see people abandoning online shopping carts when they don't remember their passwords, while others just want to make their products safer or easier for customers.

But adapting websites, apps, servers and more to accept passkeys "can be tricky," Pobletts said.

"It's definitely more complex than passwords, partially because it's new."

The FIDO Alliance has created standards to help companies make the move and Shikiar is confident household names shifting toward the technology will spur others to adopt passkeys.

But for the technology to really be a hit, the public will need education, he and Pobletts said.

1Password's survey found only one quarter of respondents had even heard of passwordless technology and 42 per cent are not using biometric logins yet.

Some have misconceptions about how either technology works, Pobletts said.

"Sometimes people don't realize that your biometrics are not getting sent to the website. They're not getting stored by Apple and no one's really holding onto your fingerprint data or your retina scan," she said.

"But once people know and understand that your biometrics are safe ... they're really comfortable with it."

Shikiar also expects people to adapt to passkeys because they won't be implemented all at once.

Many companies will encourage customers to try them while keeping a password, which they will find themselves relying on less and less over time before the technology is phased out entirely.

"There's a happy inevitability about it," he said, adding that he thinks within the next three years most services will be offering passkey support.

"No one's like, 'oh my gosh, give me more passwords,' whether it's a consumer or a company. Everyone's ready to move past them."

This report by The Canadian Press was first published May 19, 2023.

Tara Deschamps, The Canadian Press

Source: yahoo! news  

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FCC’s Annual Fee Proposal Would Cut Radio Costs, Especially For Small Market Stations.

May 17, 2023

After four consecutive years of paying more in annual regulatory fees, the radio industry is in line for a rollback this year. Under a proposal drafted by the Federal Communications Commission, most stations would see their annual fee shrink by five percent — but some of the smallest stations could see a reduction of as much as 43%. The decrease comes in part as the FCC reallocates how its full-time employee expenses are divvied up, as well as the creation of a new payment tier of radio stations that it says will result in fees that are “more equitably distributed” among all radio stations.

“We share the broadcasters’ concern that market pressures are significant and, as currently structured, we risk that our fee schedule results in those that are least able to pay regulatory fees overpaying their share of fees, to the benefit of broadcasters with a larger population base,” the FCC’s proposal says. Its solution is splitting the lowest tier — those stations with a reach of fewer than 25,000 listeners — into two.

The bottom tier would include stations that serve a population of fewer than 10,000 listeners, with the second group covering 10,000 to 25,000. Under the proposal, the remaining population tier thresholds would remain the same as in prior years.

The Commission’s outline lays out how it plans to pay for the Biden administration’s $390 million budget for the agency. Under the plan, the FCC would continue to base its fees primarily on how many employees there are in the various bureaus that work with that industry. For radio, that is primarily the Media Bureau where the FCC says it must collect $137.9 million from industries regulated by the Media Bureau.

But thanks to what the FCC says has been a “high-level, yet comprehensive” analysis of the work being performed, the proposal includes a recalculation of how some employee functions are divided. It means broadcaster’s share of the Media Bureau budget would shrink from $62.07 million in 2022 to $55.68 million in 2023 as broadcasters would go from being responsible for covering 16.25% of FCC full-time staff costs to a 14.27% share.

At the same time, the employee cost burden would go up on the wireless and digital industries that broadcasters have for the past few years complained were getting a discount at the expense of the radio owners. “Our proposals today should better reflect the burdens that certain segments of the telecommunications industry impose on the Commission and our workforce,” the FCC says in the proposal (MD Docket No. 22-301).

The National Association of Broadcasters did not get everything it sought, however. The FCC proposes radio and television stations will still need to pay a portion of costs associated with the Office of Engineering and Technology, the Office of Economics and Analytics, and the Enforcement Bureau’s Fraud Division. The FCC concluded the methodology used to proportionally assign full-time employees costs associated with workers who cross lines and work on projects across the agency is equitable and “allocating regulatory fees is not and cannot be an exact science.”

The NAB said Wednesday it is happy with what it sees in this year’s fee proposal. “NAB commends the FCC's efforts in refining the regulatory fee process in a more fair and equitable way,” spokesman Alex Siciliano said. “This year's proposal aligns with NAB's long-standing advocacy for a balanced fee structure. NAB appreciates the FCC's willingness to address this imbalance and we look forward to working closely with the Commission during the rulemaking process,” he said in a statement.

Pandemic Programs Extended Into 2023

Even though the pandemic is now officially over, the pain that broadcasters and other industries have suffered during the past three years is not. So the Commission says several temporary measures it put into place in 2020 will remain this year. That includes allowing a broadcaster to submit a single request to have their annual fee waived, reduced or deferred for all their stations on a single form. The FCC also plans to again reduce the 25% interest rate typically charged on installment payments, and again waive the down payment normally required before granting an installment payment request. It also plans to let companies that owe the FCC money — and are therefore subject to the Commission’s red-light rule — to nevertheless be allowed to seek some relief, even though their red light status would typically prohibit such requests.

The FCC is also considering a rule change floated by the NAB that would permit regulatory fees to be paid in installments in advance of the annual due date.

The FCC is taking comments on its annual fee proposal through June 14, with reply comments due by July 29. Once a decision is made, broadcasters must pay their annual fee by Oct. 1 or else face the possibility that any pending application will not be processed. The FCC also has the authority to charge a mandatory late filing fee.

Source: Insider Radio  

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Inside Towers Newsletter

Friday, May 19, 2023 Volume 11, Issue 100

New FCC Rules Require Carriers to do More to Block Robocalls

The FCC adopted more rules to expand call blocking requirements to ensure more robocall protections for consumers.

The agency voted to extend its 24-hour traceback requirement to cover all voice service providers. Carriers will be required to support FCC and industry efforts to trace illegal robocalls across various networks and back to their originating sources. The rules will also require providers that originate illegal robocall traffic to block that traffic when notified by the Commission.

The FCC will also now require all voice service providers to take what it’s calling “reasonable and effective steps” to ensure that any immediate upstream provider from which they accept call traffic is not using it to carry or process a high volume of illegal traffic.

During the vote, FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr said: “I wish, as everyone does, that there was a silver bullet. No one wants to feel like we are playing whack a mole, but the reality is we have to be vigilant.”

His colleague, Commissioner Nathan Simington, went off on the topic, which continues to be the highest consumer complaint to the Commission. “People ask why don’t we just ban robocalls? That is like saying why don’t you make it so the bridges don’t fall down or airplanes don’t crash. You can get there, it takes a lot of work.”

He called the ongoing topic and process a “pain in the neck,” explaining: “I want to acknowledge everyone’s ongoing, very frustrating at times hard work in cracking down on this and keeping the promise of an open phone network where people really can trust their phones again in this age of very high levels of connection, not all of it wanted.”

FCC Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel said, “scam artists are creative and whenever the agency shuts down one calling fraud scheme, a new one pops up somewhere else.” However, “in the last two years we have stopped more big robocall schemes than at any point in our history.”

By Leslie Stimson, Inside Towers Washington Bureau Chief

Source: Inside Towers newsletter Courtesy of the editor of Inside Towers, Jim Fryer.
Inside Towers is a daily newsletter by subscription.

BloostonLaw Newsletter

Selected portions [sometimes more — sometimes less — sometimes the whole updates] of the BloostonLaw Telecom Update and/or the BloostonLaw Private Users Update — newsletters from the Law Offices of Blooston, Mordkofsky, Dickens, & Prendergast, LLP — are reproduced in this section of The Wireless Messaging News with kind permission from the firm's partners. The firm's contact information is included at the end of this section of the newsletter.

  BloostonLaw Telecom Update Vol. 26, No. 19 May 15, 2023  

REMINDER: Small Voice Providers Must Fully Implement STIR/SHAKEN by June 30

Small voice service providers – i.e., those voice providers with 100,000 or fewer voice service subscriber lines – are required to fully implement the STIR/SHAKEN caller ID authentication standards by June 30, 2023. As we reported at the time, the FCC imposed a June 30, 2021, implementation deadline for STIR/SHAKEN but gave a two-year extension to small voice providers and voice providers that were otherwise unable to obtain the token necessary to implement STIR/SHAKEN. That extension was reduced to one year for non-facilities based small voice providers. Accordingly, small voice providers must have STIR/SHAKEN fully implemented by the end of June this year.

BloostonLaw Contact: Sal Taillefer.


FCC Places Budget Control Mechanism Item On Circulation

On May 11, the FCC's website indicated that an item on the budget control mechanism (BCM) that the agency for the Connect America Fund in its 2016 rate-of-return reform order has begun circulating among the Commissioners. Application of the BCM has been waived in recent years, with the most recent waiver applying to July '22 - July '23 tariff year.

While no further information is available on the draft, the BCM has been a hot topic at the Commissioners' office lately. In the past two weeks, notices of ex parte have been filed by NTCA, WTA, Chickasaw Telephone, Totah Communications, and the Southeastern Rural Broadband Alliance indicating that these parties discussed the BCM. NTCA advocated for recalibrating the BCM at the current level of demand. WTA, Chickasaw Telephone, Totah Communications, and the Southeastern Rural Broadband Alliance all proposed another waiver for the '23-'24 tariff year.

Absent a waiver or modification, the BCM will cost rural local exchange carriers approximately 18 percent of their broadband loop support and high-cost loop support.

BloostonLaw Contacts: Ben Dickens and Sal Taillefer.

FCC Releases Broadband Funding Map

On May 15, the FCC issued a Public Notice announcing the release of the Broadband Funding Map. The Broadband Funding Map and the map’s underlying data can be found at

The Broadband Funding Map today contains data received from the Department of Agriculture (USDA), the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA), and the Department of Treasury as well as the Commission’s own data. Any funding data that are submitted to the Commission by other federal agencies in the future will be added to the map as part of regular updates the Commission makes.

According to the Public Notice, the Broadband Funding Map allows users to identify, search, and filter federal funding programs by the Internet Service Provider receiving funding, the duration timeline, the number of locations included in the project, and the download and upload speeds.

In addition to depicting where broadband funding exists, the Broadband Funding Map contains broadband availability data as of June 30, 2022—the same data that currently appear on the National Broadband Map. When the Commission releases more recent availability data on the National Broadband Map, the Broadband Funding Map will be updated as well.

BloostonLaw Contacts: Ben Dickens and John Prendergast.

Comments on Broadband Benchmark Calculations are due June 8

On May 8, the FCC issued a Public Notice seeking comment on modifying the calculation of the broadband reasonable comparability benchmarks for the Urban Rate Survey (URS or Survey). In particular, the Bureau seeks comment on methods for calculating benchmarks for a wider spectrum of service speeds as well as other proposed improvements. Comments are due June 8, and reply comments are due June 23.

Presently, the FCC uses a weighted linear regression analysis to estimate the mean rate for a specific set of service characteristics plus the addition of two standard deviations to this mean to determine the benchmark.

This analysis is done for speeds ranging from 4 Mbps to 40 Mbps. Comment is sought on whether other statistical techniques may be more useful for this analysis, and whether it should expand the speed range to 4 Mbps to 1 Gbps.

In addition to these analytical considerations, the FCC also seeks comment on requiring providers to report only the non-discounted rates that have the most subscribers for each standalone service speed in the distinct area within a census tract. According to the FCC, the fact that carriers are required to report all non-discounted rates has caused confusion among carriers, to provide all pricing within a census tract, including discounted prices.

The FCC also seeks comment on a new definition of “urban tract” for the URS. First, the FCC proposes to update the urban definition to rely on the census tracts associated with the 2020 Census, as currently it relies on tracts associated with the 2010 Census. Second, the FCC seeks comment on whether to modify the definition to ensure that tracts deemed urban consist primarily of urban territory. Census defines urban at the census block level, and the existing URS definition of an urban tract has the effect of designating as urban census tracts that are largely or even entirely comprised of rural census blocks. To ensure that urban tracts are as urban as possible, the FCC proposes to define urban census tracts as those in which at least 80% of housing units are within a Census Urban Area with a population of 50,000 or more.

Providers interested in filing comments on the Public Notice may contact the firm for more information, and for assistance in preparing comments.

BloostonLaw Contacts: Ben Dickens and Sal Taillefer.

FCC Formally Orders Blocking of Calls from One Eye, LLC

On May 11, the FCC formally ordered all US-based voice service providers to block and cease accepting traffic from international gateway provider One Eye, LLC (One Eye). As a result, any provider immediately downstream from One Eye must block and cease accepting traffic from One Eye beginning no later than June 10.

As we reported in a previous edition of the BloostonLaw Telecom Update, USTelecom’s Industry Traceback Group (Traceback Consortium) identified One Eye as a gateway provider for substantial volumes of apparently unlawful robocalls related to various fraudulent schemes. Specifically, One Eye transmitted calls related to apparent bank impersonation. It also transmitted calls that said, “a pre-authorized order had been placed on your name.” The call script did not state what the order was for or where the order was placed.

The FCC also determined that Mr. Prince Anand, the CEO of PZ Illum Telecommunications, created One Eye to evade past enforcement efforts against PZ Illium. In fact, the FCC indicated that in a Skype conversation with a downstream provider, Mr. Anand admitted that he shut down PZ/Illum Telecommunication due to the FCC’s cease-and-desist letter of October 2021, but that he created a new company called One Eye LLC that would originate calls. Prince Anand apparently also explained that his name would not be on the paperwork for One Eye, but he would be the only owner.

BloostonLaw Contacts: Ben Dickens and Sal Taillefer.

Law and Regulation

FCC Releases 2023 Tariff Review Plans

On May 11, the FCC issued an Order setting forth the Tariff Review Plans (TRPs) to be used by incumbent local exchange carriers (LECs or carriers) to substantiate their interstate access service tariff revisions that will become effective in July 2023. Filings on 15-day notice are due June 16, and filings on 7-day notice are due June 26.

The FCC also waived its rules to the extent necessary to implement reforms associated with various FCC orders. Specifically, the 2023 TRPs implement the transitional rate changes and recovery rules adopted in the USF/ICC Transformation Order and the 8YY Access Charge Reform Order. The 2023 TRPs for rate-of-return incumbent LECs also implement the universal service reforms and related tariffing requirements adopted in the Rate-of-Return Reform Order and the Rate-of-Return Business Data Services Order.

The 2023 TRPs are available here. Carriers may, but are not required to, use the 2023 TRPs the FCC developed for the July 2023 annual tariff filings. In the alternative, carriers may submit TRP worksheets developed by the carrier consistent with the FCC’s rules. Clients can contact the firm with any questions.

BloostonLaw Contacts: Ben Dickens and Sal Taillefer.

Senators Announce Working Group on USF Contribution

On May 11, U.S. Senators Ben Ray Luján (D-N.M.) and John Thune (R-S.D), Chairman and Ranking Member, respectively, of the Subcommittee on Communications, Media, and Broadband, today announced a bipartisan Senate working group to evaluate and propose potential reforms to the Universal Service Fund (USF). According to a press release, the goal of this working group is to “create a bipartisan forum to guide education, awareness, and policy-making on this topic.” Joining Senators Luján and Thune are U.S. Senators Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.), Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.), Gary Peters (D-Mich.), and Jerry Moran (R-Kan.).

Specifically, the working group will consider the current state of the universal service requirements at the FCC and consider possible reforms to ensure the FCC is able to achieve its mission to promote and preserve universal service to all people of the United States. Earlier this year, Senator Luján reintroduced the Funding Affordable Internet with Reliable (FAIR) Contributions Act. The legislation would direct the Federal FCC to conduct a study into the feasibility of collecting USF contributions from Internet edge providers.

“From New Mexico’s rural schools and hospitals, to low income individuals in underserved communities, the Universal Service Fund has been instrumental in expanding broadband access across the country,” said Luján, Chair of the Subcommittee on Communications, Media and Broadband. “I’m proud to lead this bipartisan working group that will help strengthen these critical programs and ensure they are well-equipped to close the digital divide. Every community deserves a pathway to an affordable, resilient, and secure Internet connection, and strengthening the Universal Service Fund is a key part of delivering our promise to connect every corner of America.”

“Universal service is a bipartisan principle that has been the bedrock of our nation’s communications policies for nearly 90 years, and programs that efficiently and effectively strengthen its underlying goal have contributed to advancements in health care, education, and economic development,” said Thune, Ranking Member of the Subcommittee on Communications, Media, and Broadband.

BloostonLaw Contacts: Ben Dickens and Sal Taillefer.

Rosenworcel Addresses Congressional Inquiry on Rip-and-Replace Program

On May 3, FCC Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel responded to inquiries from Sens. Cantwell (D-WA), Cruz (R-TX), Van Hollen (D-MD), Hagerty (R-TN), and Reps. McMorris Rodgers (R-WA), Womack (R-AR), Hoyer (D-MD), and Pallone (D-NJ) regarding the implementation of the Secure and Trusted Communications Networks Reimbursement Program. Also known as the Rip-and-Replace Program, the Reimbursement Program helps fund the removal, replacement, and disposal of communications equipment and services produced or provided by Huawei Technologies Company, ZTE Corporation and any other company that lands on the FCC’s prohibited source list.

According to the Chairwoman’s response, funding all of the supported cost estimates in the approved applications would require approximately $4.98 billion, reflecting a $3.08 billion shortfall from the current appropriation of $1.9 billion. Because the demand for support exceeds the current appropriation, the Chairwoman wrote, only applicants with the greatest priority for funding (i.e., those that have two million or fewer customers, or Priority 1) will be funded. And, because the demand within this Priority group exceeded the current appropriation on its own, allocations of funding to Priority 1 applicants will be prorated on an equal basis. The pro-rata factor applied was approximately 39.5 percent.

Chairwoman Rosenworcel also indicated that, as of April 24, 2023, reimbursement claim requests have been submitted for 52 of the 126 applications approved for the Reimbursement Program. The FCC has approved distributions of reimbursement funds for 38 of those applications, which now have deadlines to remove all Huawei and ZTE communications equipment and services ranging from September 29, 2023 to April 21, 2024, based on the initial distribution of funds to the recipients.

Carriers with questions about the Reimbursement Program may contact the firm for more information.

BloostonLaw Contacts: Ben Dickens and Sal Taillefer.


NTIA Releases New Dashboard, Two Reports on Federal Broadband Investments

On May 8, National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) released a new dashboard and two reports today highlighting federal investments in high-speed Internet programs.

The dashboard, which can be seen here, acts as a benchmark of recent federal investments into high-speed Internet funding programs, beginning in Fiscal Year 21 (October 2020-September 2021). Federal broadband spending from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and other federal initiatives passed after FY21 will be included in future iterations of the dashboard. The dashboard includes spending data from 13 agencies across 98 federal high-speed Internet programs; reports Tribal broadband funding for the first time; includes data by federal program at the state level; and breaks out funding by appropriated (budgeted by Congress), obligated (awarded for spending by the program) and outlayed (spent by the program).

The reports, “The 2022 Office of Internet Connectivity and Growth Annual Report” and “The 2022 Federal Broadband Funding Report,” can be found here. According to NTIA, they were developed in accordance with the ACCESS BROADBAND Act, which requires NTIA to submit an annual report to Congress. The reports highlight how government agencies are coordinating to align on policy and implementation of the various high-speed Internet programs. Together these reports include: a description of the activities of NTIA’s Office of Internet Connectivity and Growth; a description of how many households were provided broadband by universal service program or federal broadband support; and a framework to guide future estimates of the economic impact of broadband deployment efforts.

GCI Settles Rural Healthcare Investigations for $42 Million

On May 11, the FCC announced that it has reached a settlement with GCI Communication Corp. to resolve its investigation into the company’s Rural Health Care Program practices, including rate determination and competitive bidding violations. To resolve this matter, GCI agreed to a settlement amount of over $42 million that includes a repayment to the Universal Service Fund (USF) of more than $26 million and a credit of $16 million for withdrawal of applications and various appeals. GCI has also agreed to enhanced compliance measures in connection with its participation in the RHC Program.

Simultaneously, the Department of Justice also reached a settlement with GCI over a parallel investigation for alleged violations of the False Claims Act. GCI has agreed to pay to the United States over $40 million that will be offset by GCI’s payment of over $26 million to the USF.

The FCC’s Fraud Division investigation found that GCI charged certain rural rates that were not in compliance with the rate-setting methods established by FCC rules during funding years 2015-2016. In instances where GCI’s rural rates did not accord with permitted methodologies, GCI did not seek and receive cost-based rate approval from the FCC as required by RHC Program rules. In addition, GCI violated rules governing the competitive bidding process in connection with five contracts signed with health care providers in 2015 and 2016. Lastly, during the FCC’s investigation, GCI disclosed that the urban rate it had charged to certain health care providers was too low and that this resulted in excessive rural rate reimbursement amounts being requested and received by GCI from the USF.

For these violations, in addition to the financial settlement, GCI will develop and implement a compliance plan to include a robust training program, compliance hotline, and reporting and audit requirements, among other provisions.


MAY 31: FCC FORM 395, EMPLOYMENT REPORT. Common carriers, including wireless carriers, with 16 or more full-time employees must file their annual Common Carrier Employment Reports (FCC Form 395) by May 31. This report tracks carrier compliance with rules requiring recruitment of minority employees. Further, the FCC requires all common carriers to report any employment discrimination complaints they received during the past year. That information is also due on May 31. The FCC encourages carriers to complete the discrimination report requirement by filling out Section V of Form 395, rather than submitting a separate report. BloostonLaw attorneys are available to assist.

BloostonLaw Contact: Richard Rubino.

JULY 1: FCC FORM 481 (CARRIER ANNUAL REPORTING DATA COLLECTION FORM). All eligible telecommunications carriers (ETCs) must report the information required by Section 54.313, which includes information on the ETC’s holding company, operating companies, ETC affiliates and any branding in response to section 54.313(a)(8); its CAF-ICC certification, if applicable; its financial information, if a privately held rate-of-return carrier; and its satellite backhaul certification, if applicable.

BloostonLaw Contacts: Ben Dickens and Sal Taillefer.

JULY 1: MOBILITY FUND PHASE I ANNUAL REPORT. Winning bidders in Auction 901 that are authorized to receive Mobility Fund Phase I support are required to submit to the FCC an annual report each year on July 1 for the five years following authorization. Each annual report must be submitted to the Office of the Secretary of the FCC, clearly referencing WT Docket No. 10-208; the Universal Service Administrator; and the relevant state commissions, relevant authority in a U.S. Territory, or Tribal governments, as appropriate. The information and certifications required to be included in the annual report are described in Section 54.1009 of the FCC’s rules.

BloostonLaw Contacts: John Prendergast and Sal Taillefer.

JULY 31: FCC FORM 507, LINE COUNT DATA (A-CAM AND ALASKA PLAN RECPIENTS). Sections 54.313(f)(5) and 54.903(a)(1) of the FCC’s rules requires all rate-of-return telecommunications carriers to provide line count information on FCC Form 507 to USAC, the universal service Administrator. Carriers receiving Connect America Fund Broadband Loop Support (CAF BLS) must submit this information annually on March 31st of each year, and may update the data on a quarterly basis. Carriers that receive Alternative Connect America Model (A-CAM) I, A-CAM II, or Alaska Plan support are required to file by July 1st of each year. For 2020, the FCC has extended the A-CAM filing deadline until July 31.

BloostonLaw Contact: Sal Taillefer.

JULY 31: CARRIER IDENTIFICATION CODE (CIC) REPORTS. Carrier Identification Code (CIC) Reports must be filed by the last business day of July (this year, July 31). These reports are required of all carriers who have been assigned a CIC code by NANPA. Failure to file could result in an effort by NANPA to reclaim it, although according to the Guidelines this process is initiated with a letter from NANPA regarding the apparent non-use of the CIC code. The assignee can then respond with an explanation. (Guidelines Section 6.2). The CIC Reporting Requirement is included in the CIC Assignment Guidelines, produced by ATIS. According to section 1.4 of that document: At the direction of the NANPA, the access providers and the entities who are assigned CICs will be requested to provide access and usage information to the NANPA, on a semi-annual basis to ensure effective management of the CIC resource. (Holders of codes may respond to the request at their own election). Access provider and entity reports shall be submitted to NANPA no later than January 31 for the period ending December 31, and no later than July 31 for the period ending June 30. It is also referenced in the NANPA Technical Requirements Document, which states at 7.18.6: CIC holders shall provide a usage report to the NANPA per the industry CIC guidelines … The NAS shall be capable of accepting CIC usage reports per guideline requirements on January 31 for the period ending December 31 and no later than July 31 for the period ending June 30. These reports may also be mailed and accepted by the NANPA in paper form. Finally, according to the NANPA website, if no local exchange carrier reports access or usage for a given CIC, NANPA is obliged to reclaim it. The semi-annual utilization and access reporting mechanism is described at length in the guidelines.

BloostonLaw contact: Ben Dickens.

Law Offices Of
Blooston, Mordkofsky, Dickens,
& Prendergast, LLP

2120 L St. NW, Suite 825
Washington, D.C. 20037
(202) 659-0830
(202) 828-5568 (fax)


Benjamin H. Dickens, Jr., 202-828-5510,
John A. Prendergast, 202-828-5540,
Richard D. Rubino, 202-828-5519,
D. Cary Mitchell, 202-828-5538,
Salvatore Taillefer, Jr., 202-828-5562,

This newsletter is not intended to provide legal advice. Those interested in more information should contact the firm.

Calendar At-a-Glance

May 15 – Comments are due on ACP Transparency Data Collection data fields.
May 18 – Oppositions to SpaceX/T-Mobile Supplemental Coverage from Space Applications are due.
May 29 – Responses to Oppositions to SpaceX/T-Mobile SCS Applications are due.
May 31 – FCC Form 395 (Annual Employment Report) is due.

Jun. 2 – Replies to Responses to Oppositions to SpaceX/T-Mobile SCS Applications are due.
Jun. 5 – Comments on STIR/SHAKEN Sixth FNPRM are due.
Jun. 6 – Reply comments are due on 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline NPRM.
Jun. 6 – Reply comments are due on Implementation of the Martha Wright-Reed Act NPRM.
Jun. 6 – Reply comments are due on Scam Text Message Blocking NPRM.
Jun. 8 – Comments are due on Broadband Benchmark Calculations PN.
Jun. 10 – Deadline for voice service providers to begin blocking traffic from One Eye, LLC.
Jun. 12 – Reply comments on Sat-to-Cell NPRM are due.
Jun. 16 – 15-Day Access Tariff Filings are due.
Jun. 20 – Applications for Community Connect Program are due.
Jun. 20 – Applications for Broadband Technical Assistance Program are due.
Jun. 23 – Petitions to suspend 15-Day Access Tariff Filings are due (by 7 p.m. ET).
Jun. 23 – Reply comments are due on Broadband Benchmark Calculations PN.
Jun. 26 – 7-Day Tariff Filings are due.
Jun. 27 – Replies to Petitions to Suspend 15-Day Access Tariff Filings are due (7 p.m. ET).
Jun. 29 – Petitions to Suspend 7-Day Tariff Filings are due (NOON ET).
Jun. 30 – Replies to Petitions to Suspend 7-Day Tariff Filings are due (NOON ET).
Jun. 30 – Deadline for small voice service providers to fully implement STIR/SHAKEN.

Jul. 1 – FCC Form 690 (Mobility Fund Phase I Auction Winner Annual Report) is due.
Jul. 1 – FCC Form 481 is due. Jul. 5 – Reply comments on STIR/SHAKEN Sixth FNPRM are due.
Jul. 31 – Carrier Identification Code (CIC) Report is due.
Jul. 31 – FCC Form 507 A-CAM/Alaska Plan Line Count Data is due.

Blooston, Mordkofsky, Dickens, & Prendergast, LLP is a telecommunications law firm representing rural telecommunications companies, wireless carriers, private radio licensees, cable TV companies, equipment manufacturers and industry associations before the FCC and the courts, as well as state and local government agencies. Our clients range from Fortune 500 companies to small and medium-sized enterprises whose vitality and efficiency depend on the effective deployment of communications.

Meet our Partners (This week, Mr. Duffy)

Gerard J. Duffy, Partner
gjd at bloostonlaw dot com

Gerard J. Duffy has been a BloostonLaw partner since January 1, 1992. His areas of practice have focused upon rural telephone companies, commercial mobile radio, cable television and Internet issues.

Mr. Duffy was born and raised in Rochester, New York. He has a Bachelor of Arts degree from Villanova University and a Juris Doctor (with honors) degree from the George Washington University LawSchool. He also holds graduate degrees in economics from the University of Illinois, and in accounting from Virginia Tech.

Mr. Duffy is counsel for the Public Policy Committee of the Western Telecommunications Alliance, and a member of OPASTCO's Separations and Access Committee. He has spoken on local competition, universal service, CALEA, CPNI, numbering and related telecommunications issues at Western Telecommunications Association, OPASTCO, National Telecommunications Cooperative Association (NTCA) and state telephone association meetings and seminars.

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DIY antenna, corner reflector


by: Al Williams

Sometimes antennas can seem like black magic. However, when you see things like a dish antenna, it sort of makes sense, right? Just like a mirror focuses light, the parabola of a dish focuses RF energy. But [IMSAI Guy] shows another common-sense antenna arrangement: a corner reflector dipole. He had built one years ago and decided to do a bit of research and make another one.

In a clever use of copper-clad board, he was able to make a reasonable reflector by soldering together three boards and an RF connector. A single wire makes the “driven element,” and by bending it to just the right position, you can change the characteristic impedance for matching.

The antenna, in this case, is essentially a quarter-wave antenna with a ground plane and reflector arrangement. After the obligatory chalk talk, he breaks out the vector network analyzer and shows how well it matches. He didn’t, however, measure the gain or directional selectivity due to the reflector.

Intuitively, you’d think this kind of antenna would be good for direction finding purposes. In fact, hams that use handy talkies for direction finding often use their bodies to block signals, much like these reflectors should.

The [IMSAI Guy] reflector is pretty small, but you can easily make bigger ones. Using PCB material for antennas isn’t anything new, either, but we still enjoyed this simple corner reflector build.

Source: Hack A Day  


“5th Annual Arhoolie Awards winner — Tuba Skinny”

Feb 20, 2023
The Arhoolie Awards honor musicians, organizations, and individuals who carry on and uplift tradition-based music. Meet 5th Annual Arhoolie Award winner Tuba Skinny, the New Orleans-based group stands out as one of the most exciting traditional jazz groups playing today. Mixing well-known standards with original compositions and outstanding interpretations of rhythm and blues, Tuba Skinny has crowds moving wherever they play. For a look at all of the award recipients, visit:

Source: YouTube  

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  • Licensed FCC Amateur Radio operator since 1957
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