Miscellaneous Topics

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A Note to hackers: Comments about disrupting paging systems. Sometimes I get on the soapbox—this is one of those times. These are my views on the "Bad Hackers."
My favorite Spanish poem: CANCION DE OTOÑO EN PRIMAVERA by Rubén Darío
Dare to be different: Dare to "think out of the box." This is really good! See what the so-called “experts” predicted.
Fairfield, Illinois Homecoming: One of my two home towns: Fairfield, Illinois Homecoming Parade October 10, 2003.
Fairfield, Illinois—Bluegrass music 24 photos of the Bluegrass & Barbecue Fest—Saturday, June 18, 2005—around the Wayne County courthouse in Fairfield, Illinois.
Beautiful Photographs: My favorite photographer, Jim Brickett, sends me copies of his work frequently. I picked out my favorite, and 100 runner-ups. If you enjoy beautiful scenery as much as I do, please click here. If you would like to use any of these photos commercially, please contact Jim Brickett directly by e-mail. jimbrickett@cox.net
My Photographs: Here is a photo shoot trip to Smithfield, Virginia in September of 2003.
New Apple Store in Richmond: I was standing in line at the new Apple Store in Richmond, Virginia the day of their grand opening to get my new G-5 Macintosh. See it all here.


Dye and Hanks family tree information for family history researchers and genealogists:

Twelve generations of the Dye family in the new world:

Our first ancestor came to America in 1639 aboard the ship "De Brant van Troyen" or "Fire of Troy" from Holstein, Denmark — now a part of Germany. He paid for his passage by working for a Mr. Jonas Bronck, clearing land near New Amsterdam, which is now known as the Bronx in NYC.

On June 13, 2015 I attended my aunt Gen Dye's 100th birthday party at an assisted-living home in St. Louis, Missouri.

Here are some photos from the birthday party, and some brief obituaries of my grandparents Fred and Clara Dye that I found in a family bible that someone brought to the party. The bible had belonged to my great-grandfather Thomas H. Dye. —click here

Lincoln, Illinois
Lincoln Community
High School—LCHS

Fairfield, Illinois
Fairfield Community
High School—FCHS

Photographs and notes from my second "hometown" where I attended High School from 1957 to graduation in 1960. LCHS
LCHS various class reunion photos.

FCHS 45th class reunion photos.
A brief essay on moving back to Fairfield, Illinois in 2005.

Brad Dye meets his favorite recording artist, Rhonda Vincent — The Queen of Bluegrass Music.

At the Ernest Tubb Record Shop and Museum in Nashville, Tennessee.

After the Midnight Jamboree — about 2:00 AM. May 28, 2006.

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